Pursue Your Spark



Where active women meet to pursue their spark in fitness, lifestyle and business.


  • #136 Reclaiming Your Inner Priestess/ft. Dr. Sarah Coxon

    03/06/2021 Duración: 56min

    As older women, we often feel pressured to look and act much younger than we actually are. In society’s eyes, we must all try to be young, thin, and wrinkle-free. Cosmetic and diet companies capitalize on this and market to us to make us feel self-conscious of our perfectly normal and natural “flaws.” I started letting my hair go grey two years ago, and I have never felt freer since. I feel I am being true to myself, and therefore more confident and vibrant naturally. My guest on this week’s podcast, Dr. Sarah Coxon, is all about true authenticity. To Sarah, this means a “deep exploration of who we are at the core of our being, and who we’re not.” Sarah talks about this message in her book, “The Way of the Priestess: A Reclamation of Feminine Power & Divine Purpose,” which is both a personal memoir and a call to arms for any woman that feels trapped in a social cage that stifles her truest expression and longs to live an unapologetically fulfilled life.  Sarah is an archaeologist turned yoga teacher, acti

  • #135 Intermittent Fasting and Answers To The Top 10 Questions

    27/05/2021 Duración: 36min

    Whenever people hear that I do intermittent fasting, they either don’t understand it or have tons of questions ready to ask me. Intermittent Fasting is commonly mistaken for being just another “diet,” but it is a lifestyle in reality. I want to educate you on what I’ve learned about Intermittent Fasting so that you don’t feel too overwhelmed with the idea of it all. Intermittent Fasting has helped me transform my life. From being more energized to my metabolism picking up again, to overall just feeling more vibrant and clear-headed! I could not rave about my positive experience with Intermittent Fasting more. And I encourage you to try it out for yourself if you are interested! You may find that you experience some of the same positive results that I have. To better help dispel the myths or misconceptions you may have heard about intermittent fasting, I’ll answer the 10 questions I get asked the most often in this week's podcast!  Click here to listen! Rating, Review & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts “Heike’s

  • #134 THE HIDDEN POWER OF SLEEP/ Ft. Stella Loichot

    20/05/2021 Duración: 57min

    In our society, we are so used to being on the go constantly. We are encouraged to pack each hour of our day with work, activities, and anything else that is productive. This can cause us to neglect aspects of our health integral to our overall well-being, including getting consistently restful sleep! You may have heard it a million times, but the quality of your sleep matters much more than you know. If you are not sleeping well or getting enough sleep regularly, you can completely de-rail other areas of your health. My guess on this week’s episode, Stella Loichot, noticed that no matter how hard she was working out and eating well while training for an upcoming Triathalon, she continued to gain weight – and it was not muscle! She couldn’t figure out what she was missing or doing wrong. That’s when she learned about the importance of high-quality sleep and realized she needed to adjust her bad sleeping habits. Stella Loichot (Lua-show) created a new sleeping pattern for herself and broke free from the viciou

  • #133 How to Start Meal Prepping in 5 Easy Steps

    13/05/2021 Duración: 26min

    Have you ever felt overwhelmed with cooking for yourself (let alone a family) for three meals each day? Do you usually end up ordering take-out, or putting together something quick and unhealthy, only to feel disappointed that you fell off your nutrition plan again? If you can relate, this week’s podcast episode is for you! Meal prepping – a.k.a. making your meals ahead of time – gives you control over what goes in your food, which is perfect for anyone who wants to stay on track with their health goals.  I want to share the magic of meal prepping with you and how much it’s helped me keep on track with my nutrition and daily schedule. I no longer have to spend hours in the kitchen every day since I took the time to plan and prep ahead of time! The strategies I share are ideal for the empty nester lifestyle as well. Tune in to the Pursue Your Spark podcast this week to hear the 5 steps I recommend you take so you can start meal prepping ASAP and stop getting off track with your diet and spending endless hours


    06/05/2021 Duración: 55min

    Did you know that stroke is the No. 4 cause of death in women? The lifetime risk of stroke for women between 55 and 75 in the United States is 1 in 5. Stroke is the third leading cause of death for women. Stroke is also the leading cause of serious, long-term disability in the United States. These facts astonished me when I heard them. Stroke is not a commonly talked subject, and I believe we need to have more education on this topic, especially if you are a woman over the age of 50! So when I got a chance to speak with Tsgoyna Tanzman, I knew she would be a very valuable guest to have on the podcast. Tsgoyna is a holistic Speech-Language Pathologist, Life Coach, author, and speaker who’s helped thousands of stroke survivors and their caregivers recover meaningful lives after stroke and brain injury. Tsgonya’s book is called “Hope After Stroke for Caregivers & Survivors.” In this episode, Tsgonya educates us on the types of strokes, helps identify signs of a stroke, and gives helpful advice on lowering ou

  • #131 Microscopic Colitis -  My Life With A Chronic Illness

    29/04/2021 Duración: 33min

    Two years ago, my life changed drastically. It all happened so fast. One day I was fine, and the next, I was curling over in excruciating pain in the emergency room. I had tried cutting out certain foods for months and trying to track if anything changed, but nothing was giving me relief. After visiting with my doctor, I was diagnosed with Microscopic Colitis. I did not know what it was but was relieved to know what was causing me such pain. I was looking forward to finally knowing what would relieve my pain. Unfortunately, the doctor told me that my best bet was to take copious amounts of Pepto Bismol, and this was all that could be done. I was flabbergasted that this was the only treatment offered to me. I took it upon myself to figure out what changes I could make regarding my diet and exercise to help me feel better. Listen to this week's episode to learn how to mitigate my Microscopic Colitis symptoms and how I’m doing now!  Click here to listen! Rating, Review & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts “Heike’s

  • #130 Changing Your Alcohol Habits/ Ft. Molly Watts

    22/04/2021 Duración: 45min

    You get home from a long, stressful day at work and all you want to do is relax. You turn on the TV, grab a snack and cuddle up on the couch with a glass of wine. You finish your episode and go to pour another glass. Before you know it, you’ve watched 4 episodes in a row, and the whole bottle is gone! Drinking can be okay in moderation, but alcohol use can damage your health when it becomes excessive. Molly Watts has experienced the addictive nature of alcohol on both sides of the spectrum. When she was young, her mother had an alcohol abuse problem that affected her entire family. Now, as a grown woman, she realized she too had a problem with excessive alcohol consumption. Molly started hosting her own podcast, created a Facebook group to connect with her audience, and has a book on the subject coming out this summer. Her mission is to educate people about the effects of alcohol consumption and helps them change their relationship with alcohol. Molly and I talk about how to recognize the signs of alcohol abu

  • #129 3 Ways to Relieve Belly Bloat and Pilates is One of Them

    15/04/2021 Duración: 28min

    Have you ever had the feeling where your stomach feels so stuffed that you’re almost uncomfortable? You start to wonder if that meal you just ate full of fat and sugar was worth it or not because now you’re in so much pain! Being bloated can feel awkward and painful. Luckily, I have reduced my belly bloat symptoms by using a combination of diet changes, breathing practices, and exercise. In this week’s episode, I even address a somewhat unmentionable topic – farting! Yes, I said it. But it’s necessary to understand that this is normal and a part of our body’s digestion system. I will go over exactly what bloating is, what causes it, and 3 natural ways that you can relieve your belly bloat symptoms. I get real on this episode, so make sure to tune in!  Click here to listen! Rating, Review & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts “Heike’s insights are so helpful in creating a well-rounded, healthy lifestyle! Loving every episode of the Pursue Your Spark podcast!” ← if that sounds like you, consider rating and reviewi


    08/04/2021 Duración: 01h21s

    I always emphasize how important it is to stay active as we get older. Being active as a part of your lifestyle is good for your body, mind, and overall well-being and happiness! Doing an activity you enjoy is also key to staying consistent in your fitness practice. I always recommend trying new types of activities to keep yourself engaged in movement and find what type of activity truly motivates you. There are so many ways to incorporate different types of movement in your life, and with the internet, you can always access classes for something new! My next guest, Geri NcNiece, is an avid “hooper” and wants to spread the joy of hooping to women over 50 everywhere! She teaches hooping in-person as well as online for her long-distance clients. Geri even created her own custom-made hoops to be the perfect tool for her practice! In my interview with her, Geri shares how hooping can give the JOY of youthful play, plus help you stay flexible, toned, and fit. Click here to listen! Rating, Review & Subscribe o

  • #127 6 Ways to Optimize Your Health and Reduce Inflammation

    01/04/2021 Duración: 36min

    We’ve all been there. You open your eyes in the morning, and the first thing you notice is how stiff and achy your body feels. It’s more pronounced than it ever has been at any time in your life, and you wonder if this is how it’s always going to be. Inflammation is an essential part of the body’s immune response, but it can be painful and irritating! Yes, as we get older, we are more prone to having inflammation. But, there are indeed ways to mitigate these effects and start feeling some relief. There are many different facets of our lives that affect how inflamed our bodies become. Your eating habits, sleep routine, and even stress can trigger inflammation in the body! In my podcast this week, I let you in on the 6 most helpful strategies that have helped me and my clients reduce inflammation and start feeling more rejuvenated overall if you want to learn how to start feeling less achy by applying techniques that can benefit you in all areas of your life, check out the episode! Click here to listen! Rating


    25/03/2021 Duración: 54min

    Ahh, retirement. Most people look forward to the day they retire as the time where they finally get to kick back, relax, and enjoy life. You don’t need to be a busy body every day; you can go with the flow provided that you’ve set yourself up to live comfortably. However, this can also be when many feel stagnant, even lost, without their prior occupations taking all their time up. Many people don’t know what to do with all the new time on their hands! There is never a better time than retirement to get involved in a new hobby, try new things, and meet new people! My guest this week, Heidi Herman, encourages us to continue to keep expanding our horizons, even as we enter retirement. She was inspired by her mother, who decided to try 93 new things before turning 94 years old! She wrote a book called “On with the Butter! Spread More Living onto Everyday Life” to show readers ways they can reclaim their vitality and keep living active, vibrant lives. Heidi talks about her deep love for her Icelandic heritage, her

  • #125 10 Things To Do If You Are Struggling To Lose Weight

    18/03/2021 Duración: 37min

    During quarantine, many of us have had major changes in our lifestyle, sometimes leading to changes in our body. Many people have gained what they call the “COVID-19” (pounds, that is) from the lack of exercise we aren’t getting as much now that we are indoors most of the time. Maybe you’ve experienced some weight gain too, and you’ve tried to get in shape again, but your old strategies seem not to be working like they used to. This can be extremely frustrating and dumbfounding! Alas, as we age, menopause can make it even more difficult for us as women to lose weight.  What you can do, however, is identify any other habits in your lifestyle that you could modify to have optimal results instead of continuing to struggle to lose weight. That’s exactly what I will help you do in this week’s episode! I’ll talk about the 10 most overlooked ways you could be hindering your weight loss progress and speak from my personal experience on how to resolve them. If you’d like to stop plateauing and get results in a healthy


    11/03/2021 Duración: 01h06min

    There are times in all of our lives where we may feel a particular calling laid upon our hearts. Maybe it’s to go back to school, challenge yourself to grow in your athletic ability, go on a grand adventure, and immerse yourself in a new culture. Just the thought of pursuing the calling sets your heart on fire! My guest this week, Patti Shales Lefkos, actually wanted to achieve all three of the goals I mentioned above, And even more impressive, she successfully completed all of them – at age 68! Patti decided she wanted to be a freelance travel writer and went to journalism school in her 60’s. She then set off on a 3 month-long solo volunteering and trekking trip to Nepal and has since written a book about her experiences. You may feel that your goal is too out of reach or difficult to accomplish, but when you are truly called to do something, your soul will not let you ignore it. Patti’s story reminds me that we can always continue growing and pushing ourselves more than we ever thought was possible for our

  • #123 5 Ways To Stop Cravings that Actually Work

    04/03/2021 Duración: 32min

    There you are again, sitting on the couch watching TV when a commercial for your favorite pizza restaurant comes on. You see how ooey-gooey the cheese looks, and your mouth starts watering. You think, “It can’t be all that bad, right? I’ll just give in and order this pizza one time and not make a habit out of it.” You order yourself a pizza, and next thing you know, you always have the urge to have pizza late at night now, and the craving is even stronger! You end up feeling even more insatiable for salty, cheesy foods than ever! Did you know that when you have cravings, your body may be lacking in certain nutrients? You could actually eat something healthy to stop yourself from craving the sugary or salty snack you wanted in the first place! In this week's episode, I talk about real ways that have helped me and my clients curb cravings for unhealthy foods, how not all cravings are bad, and that (occasionally) it actually is okay to indulge in your craving!   Click here to listen! Rating, Review & Subscri

  • #122 ASK FOR MORE AND GET IT / Ft. Dia Bondi

    25/02/2021 Duración: 50min

    Oftentimes as women, we can shy away from asking for what we really need. We can sometimes compromise our true desires in exchange for the appearance of seeming more agreeable and polite. But is this habit really serving us in the long run?  Maybe we could radically change our lives by having the courage to ask for what we really deserve. Or – per the advice of my next guest Dia Bondi – you should ask for more than what you think you deserve to get what you really need and settle for no less. When she decided to attend auctioneering school for fun, Dia Bondi discovered some life-altering lessons that she now teaches to women all around the world today. She created a program called Ask Like an Auctioneer, where she guides women on clarifying their own ideal terms and prepares them to negotiate with confidence to get what they really need to go to the next level in their careers.  We talk about why the #ZOFO (Zone of freaking out) is where the best possible outcome comes from, how to feel secure stating what yo


    18/02/2021 Duración: 26min

    Over the past year, we’ve had to learn how to live most of our lives in our own homes. This includes turning your home into your office, relaxation hub, as well as your “gym.” It’s been hard for some, as their usual fitness activities require special equipment, a dedicated space, or a community. Nevertheless, we have learned to mitigate this short-term inconvenience, and more people are working out at home than ever before! Pilates' great thing for an at-home workout is that it does not require any fancy or expensive equipment to start. A yoga or pilates mat works just fine to start! However, maybe you’re dealing with more of a mental blockage. You may feel like it may be too late for you to learn a whole new way to workout at your age and are concerned about it being too hard or painful. Lucky for you, Pilates does wonders for the aging body, and it’s easy on the joints. In this episode, I walk you through just what Pilates is, the benefits, basic principles, and how you can get started. I have even include

  • #120 PELVIC FLOOR DYSFUNCTION/Ft. Dr. Michele Frey

    11/02/2021 Duración: 48min

    If you’ve ever had problems with pelvic floor dysfunction, you may have heard that doing Kegels is the best thing you can do to strengthen your pelvic muscles. However, doing Kegels is not the end-all-be-all solution to solve this issue. Many other types of practices can help you mitigate pelvic floor dysfunction issues, such as proper posture, breathwork, diet, and even acupuncture!  Today, my guest, Dr. Michelle Fry, is a physical therapist, licensed acupuncturist, and holistic health expert who works with women to help them alleviate their pelvic dysfunction issues. She emphasizes analyzing the bigger picture with all of her patients by taking a look at all the circumstances in their lives that may cause them to have too much pelvic floor tension – or not enough. In this episode, we identify the different types of pelvic floor dysfunction, if Kegels are really all that beneficial for this issue, and what you can do to feel and function better with a holistic approach to pelvic floor health. Click here to

  • #119 Why Can't I Stay Motivated to Lose Weight & Exercise?

    04/02/2021 Duración: 42min

    Do you struggle with staying consistent with your diet and exercise routine? Maybe you think you don’t have what it takes to make a big change in your lifestyle. Truthfully, it’s not always a breeze to be working out and eating healthy foods consistently. But it’s always going to be worth it. That’s what keeps me inspired to keep up with my healthy lifestyle and share it with all of you! You may not know the ways that your thoughts are keeping you from thinking you can achieve your health and fitness goals. In this week’s podcast, I share the 4 most common brain “traps” that keep you from feeling confident enough to achieve your health and fitness goals, as well as my best tips for how to keep yourself inspired to go after them!  Click here to listen! Rating, Review & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts "Heike's insights are so helpful in creating a well-rounded, healthy lifestyle. I love all the Pursue Your Spark episodes."


    28/01/2021 Duración: 40min

    Stepping out of your comfort zone is no easy feat. When we know we want to achieve something great; we can sometimes become paralyzed by fear and worry. In situations like this, we must be bold to truly grow. However, courage doesn’t always mean the absence of fear. And bravery does not always manifest itself the same way in everyone. Developing your ability to be courageous is a lifelong practice, and Sharon Preszler knows a thing or two about that. She was one of the first women to fly the F-16 fighter jet, in a time when women were not as warmly accepted in the role. Sharon overcame her self-doubt and finally stopped worrying about what others were thinking or saying about her and focused on what she could control. Today, we dive deep into what it means to be courageous – because it’s not a one-size-fits-all for everyone. Sharon’s experiences will inspire you to rise above the naysayers, truly focus on your calling, and feel confident in your ability. Tune into this week’s episode to hear what Sharon’s lif

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