Forbidden Doctor: Revealing Forbidden Health Secrets!



This podcast is for all the forbidden information kept from you by various agencies and organizations obligated, paid, forced, intimidated, and coerced to keep you on the path of drugs for anything and drugs for everything. Its our intention to deliver up to date research and analysis of all alternatives for the restoring and restructuring of a healthy, viable, and active lifestyle. Youll learn forbidden health secrets you aren't allowed to know, forbidden protocols and lost knowledge, how you can become your own forbidden doctor, and learn to heal yourself! You will not hear these things anywhere else!


  • 73: The Invisible Plague

    17/06/2016 Duración: 49min

    We are given health advice based on a business model in the US health care system. Antibiotics and vaccinations both have their place in normal health care, but to maximize profits, why not come up with a vaccination for every conceivable malady? Why not, indeed. This week, Dr. Jack and Mary evaluate pediatrics, and the assembly-line approach to drugs and vaccinations that ignores the case by case variations in need. Future generations depend on an honest accounting of our health care system. Let's begin that process!

  • 72: Do You Really Have To Take Those Antibiotics?

    10/06/2016 Duración: 33min

    This week, we learn what happens when a strong advocate in the case against antibiotic overuse faces a major infection and multiple medical practitioners prescribing strong antibiotics as treatment. Antibiotics and their over-prescribing have led us to a precarious situation, both inside and outside of our bodies. Outside, of course, we have super bugs, unnaturally selected to flourish after we killed off the weaker members of these bacterial strains. And inside your own body, when you've killed off the infection, you've killed off essential flora throughout the digestive system, leading to cascading health problems outlined here at Forbidden Doctor for years now. Using antibiotics for every sniffle is obviously a bad idea. But what about refusing to ever use antibiotics? Dr. Jack and Mary tell us a personal story on the front lines of this debate, from this very week. Is it an irresistible force meeting an immovable object?

  • 71: A Most Butcherous Story

    03/06/2016 Duración: 57min

    This week, Dr. Jack and Mary talk about a tragic story of breast cancer, and shed light on the state of the American health care system's current take. Poison and knives...and exercise? They discuss the reasons for our existing treatment options, look globally for treatments found in other countries, and most importantly, explain why you aren't getting the full picture or all of the options you have for fighting your disease. The nutrition complement is chronically ignored in our medical industry. Nutritional wellness just isn't profitable.

  • 70: 10 Terrible Health Food Myths

    27/05/2016 Duración: 51min

    This week, Dr. Jack and Mary review Patrick Earvolino's marvelous guide, The Terrible Ten, Health Foods That Ain't, available at Selene River Press, right on the home page. PODCAST CORRECTION: Selene River Press is giving this booklet away for free when you sign up for their newsletter. It is not for sale as stated. This guide pokes holes in some of the ridiculously labelled "health foods" in our lives. Jack and Mary discuss some of the science behind the Terrible Ten, and a bit of history that lead us to the nonsense we see in the health food industry today. If you have one of these ten foods in your mouth, spit it out right now!

  • 69: Autism Revisited, Plus The 3rd Leading Cause of Death in America

    20/05/2016 Duración: 53min

    This week, the Stockwells take some time to review research and case studies related to Autism Spectrum Disorder. Then Dr. Jack and Mary discuss some stunning statistics that no one seems to want to talk about, despite their publication in some of the most reputable medical resources in the U.S. As a population, we nearly fixate on the top two causes of death: cancer and heart disease, but ignore the implications of our third largest killer in America. As Dr. Jack and Mary have pointed out numerous times, we do so at our peril. Tune in this week to learn the shocking truth about the 3rd leading cause of death.

  • 68: Just What Is...Cancer? Pt 2

    13/05/2016 Duración: 01h03min

    Last week Dr. Jack and Mary discussed the historical events that led to insightful discoveries around the correlation between cancer and stem cells, first identified by Dr. James Beard in the 1890's. Because we lacked a thorough understanding of genetic variations and the unique treatment requirements researchers are starting to now regard so highly, Dr. Beard's findings and early successes were dismissed. But this week's podcast focuses on the "accidental" rediscovery of enzyme therapy several times throughout the twentieth century, and why the evidence is impossible to dismiss. Dr. Jack and Mary take us on a tour of some of the more astonishing cancer treatment successes in the twentieth century, the conclusions of which point again and again to a new type of theory of cancer, and new approaches and protocols that can work side by side with traditional oncology treatments to nourish the whole body fighting cancer, which in turn can unleash the Forbidden Doctor within.

  • 67: Just What Is...Cancer?

    04/05/2016 Duración: 54min

    As the prevailing theory of cancer continues to be discarded more and more by researchers, Dr. Jack and Mary discuss the historical turning points that put us on this path, and where we might have gotten things wrong. The "mature cell failing to die theory" (apoptosis) of cancer has been with us for several decades now, and may be having it's last moments as accepted theory. It implies that cells can become immortal, which we don't actually see even when evaluating the cancers cells themselves. A better theory comes from stem cells. As undifferentiated cells within the body, they carry a degree of "immortality" until they differentiate into specific tissue cell types. They are also analogous with what we understand about the very early development of the mammalian embryo. Ironically, researcher Dr. James Beard in the late 1800's had identified what he called vagrant trophoblasts, or essentially wandering egg cells, and developed his own interpretation about their role in cancer tissues without ever calling th

  • 66: Trust Your Body. Believe Your Heart. Your Life Depends On It.

    29/04/2016 Duración: 50min

    � Jennifer…came to see me three months ago. She was suffering from severe abdominal pain and nausea. She was extremely jaundiced; even the whites of her eyes were yellow. She came asking me about her pancreatic cancer and what I could do about it. As she looked half dead sitting in my office, there was little I could suggest. First of all, I do not treat cancer. I explained that to her, then I tried to review everything she had done up to the present, what doctors she had seen, imaging performed, therapies undertaken, etc. It was hard to sit there and talk to her and not be alarmed at her appearance. The word cachexia comes to mind (emaciation, wasting away). She said she was through with all medical intervention and they had sent her home to die. All I could do was to offer some nutritional support to help ease her pain and suffering. I explained when stem cell mutate they produce an enzyme called malignanin which eats healthy tissue. Her own pancreas produces an enzyme called trypsin that STOPS malignin an

  • 65: Menopause - Magnificence or Madness

    22/04/2016 Duración: 56min

      According to Dr. Susan Love… “ Making eggs isn’t the ovaries only function any more than reproduction is a whole woman’s function.  The ovary is more than just an egg sac.  It’s an endocrine organ – an organ that produces hormones. And it produces hormones before, during, and after menopause.  With menopause the ovary goes through a shift from a follicle rich producer of estrogen and progesterone into a producer of estrogen and androgen.  In the post menopausal woman the ovary responds with increased production of testosterone as well as continued lower levels of the oestrogens (estrogen), oestrone, oestradiol, and the oestrogen precurser, androstenedione”. How marvelous are your ovaries!  What mysteries they embody!  What secrets they contain and what astounding transformational powers they deliver! From a little androgenous princess dreaming of her Disney-like prince, to an emerging teen wrestling with the volcanic forces up-and-coming through her constantly changing endocrine balances and emerging female

  • 64: PMS - A Hurricane of Symptoms - For Every Cycling Woman and the Man who Loves Her

    15/04/2016 Duración: 54min

    PMS symptoms don't just appear - they are derived from your body's state, and it is in your hands to change that and live a happier life - all month long. You know by now, that the most important thing you can do for your health is to eat good food. Heal and seal your gut, and your body - the forbidden doctor inside you - will take it from there. The sad reality is that you simply can't get everything you need from food anymore. Even organic food might have chemicals and all sorts of bad things in it - so human kind no longer has a choice but to supplement. In today's episode we discuss the 5 types of PMS, the symptoms that come with them and what you can do to make it all better. ...And by the way - if you think that PMS is strictly for women - have we got a surprise for you! What You Will Hear: [00:02:00] Forbidden secrets of the week [00:07:00] How to know if you have Magnesium deficiency [00:11:30] Symptoms of PMS [00:13:20] 5 Types of PMS [00:14:00] PMS A: Anxiety and what causes that [00:21:15] Extern

  • 63: How to Withstand Nuclear Fallout, GMO Foods and Your Aunt Beth

    08/04/2016 Duración: 42min

    How to handle the things we know are bad for us, but we can't avoid? GMO foods, annoying relatives and the possibility of a nuclear fallout are just a few examples of such things, but the real question is - how to withstand them? The only answer is to stay healthy from the inside out - physically and mentally. This is possible through healing and sealing your gut, eating for that is good for you and supplementing the rest. Tune in to today's episode to find out how to do just that. What You Will Hear: [00:03:00] Nuclear fallout and how it affects you [00:13:00] How to protect yourself from nuclear danger [00:16:45] GMO foods and their damage [00:26:00] Damage to your thyroid and how to avoid it [00:35:25] ...Your aunt Beth! [00:37:25] How stress harms your body [00:39:00] How to be healthy from the inside out Mentioned resources: Learn more about Ageless Thyroid and LongLife Energy Enzymes To get access to our personalized symptom survey that will allow you to get a personalized list of supplements suited

  • 62: How You Can Tell If Cancer Has Already Started

    01/04/2016 Duración: 52min

    We got used measuring our health by the absence of disease. But what if we could predict the disease and treat it before it manifested? What if you could just stay healthy? In today's episode we're giving you a list of "red flags" that will allow you to know if a disease is lurking around the corner. If you can honestly say that none of the flags we mention today is familiar, then you're completely healthy! Tune in to find out now. What You Will Hear: [00:05:15] How we evaluate health in modern society [00:13:30] If you're exhausted - here's what it means [00:06:10] Heartburns, smelly gas and bloating... are they a sign of danger? [00:20:15] Yellow eyes?! [00:21:55] Being too thin isn't good for you [00:24:25] What does dry, flaky skin really mean [00:26:00] Thinning hair and your thyroid [00:26:35] Infertility and menstrual irregularities [00:27:35] Insomnia [00:29:45] Bleeding gums mean more than what you think [00:32:00] Depression and emotional instability [00:32:40] Loss of appetite [00:33:50] Fungus o

  • Ageless Thyroid, Better Sex, Weight Loss and Mental Clarity

    25/03/2016 Duración: 38min

    For the past months we've been working hard to create the best Thyroid supporting supplement. We know that Thyroid problems are so common, that if none of your friends have them - you probably do yourself. Stabilizing your Thyroid will help you get a leaner, cleaner machine which will help you lose weight, get your sex drive back and achieve mental clarity.The Ageless Thyroid - our newest supplement - will help you achieve all these.The endocrine system is so complex and supports such great parts of our body's ability to maintain health that we simply had to create this. Tune in to find out exactly what we put inside, and how this will help you. What You Will Hear: [00:04:45] Ageless Thyroid supplement and it's need [00:07:50] The ingredients we put in the Ageless Thyroid supplement, how your body will use them and what change they will promote in your health [00:22:30] The four supporting herbs and why we put them in [00:34:03] If you have these symptoms you need the Ageless Thyroid [optin_box title="Down

  • 60: Grains, Celiac disease and leaky gut - 3rd strike and you're out!

    18/03/2016 Duración: 46min

    Today we discuss the controversy of grains. For years we were taught that grains are the base of every healthy nutrition, but the grains we are familiar with today are far from healthy. As a result of playing around with the genetic structure of grains, our body is subjective to this source of food that is far removed from the grains our ancestors used to have and is cooked in a very different way that affects it's influence on our body. In this episode we break down the modern grain and how it affects our body, as well as some helpful tricks to lead a much healthier life. What You Will Hear: [00:02:00] How Grains got to have such a big role in the food pyramid in the first place [00:05:10] The real reason behind our love to white bread [00:16:00] Grains are dangerous for us - here's why [00:21:03] The old way of preparing grains and the benefits it brings [00:31:21] Is whole grain a better choice than non-whole one? [00:35:45] How Celiac disease and other auto-immune conditions are formed [00:36:39] The gr

  • 59: The answer to 97% of all Cancers

    11/03/2016 Duración: 45min

    'Cancer'  is one of the scariest words we know. One of the most terrifying diseases we can ever combat. And yet, we all fight Cancer 6-7 times in our lifetime without even knowing. Modern medicine is looking for a magical cure to Cancer for decades now. Something miraculous that will hunt the Cancerous cells one by one, without harming healthy tissue around it. Sounds like magic, doesn't it? In today's episode we share with you the answer to Cancer that does just that - hunts it down, while leaving everything else untouched. It doesn't cost a fortune, it's accessible to everyone, and in fact - it's already in you, just waiting to be activated. What You Will Hear: [00:03:00] The Biomeridian test: What it is and how it works [00:18:15] The Biomeridian case study [00:16:10] LongLife Energy Enzymes affecting your health in real time [00:18:40] How tumors grow [00:25:03] The substance that liquifies tumors [00:27:45] The true purpose of coffee enemas [00:30:00] How cancer begins [00:37:54] The solution is inside

  • Are The Microbes In Your Gut Affecting Your Mental Health? - Part 2

    04/03/2016 Duración: 54min

      In our previous episode we talked about the bacteria in your body, and how it affects everything. The connection between gut flora and health is being researched all across the world, and not without a good reason. In today's episode we dive deeper into mental health conditions, such as Dementia, Alzheimers, Autism and even severe Depression that leads to mass-murder. We discuss the latest scientific studies int he area of the brain-gut connection, and how you can protect yourself and your family from these severe conditions. What You Will Hear: [00:05:00] Drugs that cause your stomach to stop producing acid and the correlation is has with dementia [00:12:00] Meditation benefits your brain, but if you can't meditate the problem may be in your gut [00:17:00] "Gut feeling" and the science behind it [00:22:17] Does the way you give birth affect your baby? [00:24:03] Exposure to infections is good for you! [00:31:30] Breastfeeding is the main source of healthy bacteria for a child [00:37:45] Parkinson's may b

  • 57: Are The Microbes In Your Gut Affecting Your Mental Health? - Part 1

    26/02/2016 Duración: 54min

    There are billions of bacteria in your body. It's in your gut, your eyes, your ears, on your skin - it's everywhere. It affects the way your body functions, the way your DNA presents itself, how your nervous system works and even how you feel. Depression, anxiety and even schizophrenia can be reversed, and today we discuss the newest study that proves what GAPS has been doing for years. In today's episode we explain how the bacteria you have works, how to know if you have good or bad bacteria and how you can improve your mental state. What You Will Hear: [00:04:50] The microbes inside us [00:08:40] The brain-gut connection [00:21:18] Changing how we treat mental health disorders [00:23:30] Good and bad bacteria in our gut [00:27:03] Bacteria influences how our body behaves and which genes get expressed [00:31:30] The true purpose of inflammation in our body [00:32:45] The role of neurotransmitters in your body [00:36:00] Pregnancy, mental state and stress [00:45:10] Motherhood and anxiety [00:48:25] How to

  • 56: Animal-based protein vs. plant-based protein

    19/02/2016 Duración: 53min

    Proteins are the building blocks of our body. We need them to build, repair and restore anything and everything. In fact, each cell in our body is designed to build different proteins, all in correlation with our body's needs. Our body is designed to take a protein and tear it apart to it's smallest ingredients, and then rebuild the proteins we need from those ingredients. However, not all proteins were created alike. Not all proteins have the same ingredients. When we decide to get our proteins from a plant-based diet, we don't provide our body all the building blocks it needs to build, repair and restore. Over time, this can be dangerous. Even life threatening. In today's episode Dr. Jack and Mary break down the science behind proteins, the differences between animal-based and plant-based proteins and what it means to your daily protein intake. If you wonder what's the best thing you can do to your body, how to boost your energy and what to do if you hate meat - this episode is for you. What You Will Hear:

  • The One Thing You Need To Recover After A Heart Attack

    12/02/2016 Duración: 30min

    Heart attacks get more and more common int he past few years. It's almost as if everyone knows someone who had it. But do we understand how they happen? What affects your heart and brings it to fail? Even more important - what can you do after you or a loved one survived a heart attack to recover better, faster and help your heart. What goes into the recovery process? What nutrition and supplementation does your body need? What activities will aid your heart to recover? This is what Dr. Jack is talking about in today's episode, so if you want to get a better understanding of your heart and what goes into the recovery process - tune in right now. What You Will Hear: [00:02:33] Two main causes of heart attacks: How does this mechanism work? [00:13:18] Calcium's part in your body function and how it relates to the heart [00:16:40] Activities that help the heart [00:17:09] Nutrition that helps the heart [00:19:50] What you need to pay attention to after a heart attack [00:22:15] Elevated Cholesterol and what it

  • 3 Things You Should Stop Compromising On

    05/02/2016 Duración: 29min

    What if substitutes that are supposed to prevent us from having harmful food, causes us more trouble than the original? In today's episode Dr. Jack explains the differences between 3 foods and their considered-to-be-healthy substitutes. He covers what's in each substitute, why it's so popular and what you should be eating instead to keep healthy. Tune in now to find out! What You Will Hear: [00:02:22] Dairy vs. non dairy milk substitutes [00:04:18] Why babies need raw milk in the first months of life [00:08:40] Sugar is bad for our cognitive development, mood, weight and even heart [00:11:49] Artificial sugar substitutes and why they are even more dangerous than sugar [00:18:00] What sugar substitutes are healthy for you [00:23:15] Regular soda vs diet soda [00:26:00] What to drink, if all sodas are bad? [optin_box title="Download Our Ultimate Food Cheat Sheet Now!"] [optin_box_text]Take the smallest, easiest first step towards becoming healthier! [/optin_box_text] [optin_box_link] Grab It Now[/optin_box_l

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