Sales Reinvented



We at Sales Reinvented are on a mission to change the negative perception of sales people. Each week we will be interviewing experts in the field of sales and sharing their knowledge, ideas and expertise with our listeners. They share with us in our vision of a world where selling is profession to be proud of. The aim of our formatted show is to provide snackable episodes that are short enough to listen to in one sitting but long enough to provide real value that will help you in your sales career. Welcome to the Sales Reinvented Podcast.


  • Personalize Stories Whenever Possible According to AnnaMarie Platt-Miller, Ep #328

    14/12/2022 Duración: 13min

    Every salesperson needs to be relatable. Stories are the best way to be relatable. A great narrative helps connect people and drive sales. Learning how to become a good storyteller takes experience, which only comes with practice.  AnnaMarie Platt-Miller emphasizes that the best stories are personal. But if you don’t have those, borrow others’ stories. Read stories. Read books. Listen to podcasts. Watch TedTalks. Do whatever you can to become a better storyteller. Outline of This Episode [1:03] Why storytelling is an important skill to have [1:48] Can anyone learn to be a good storyteller? [2:32] The ingredients of a great story that sells [3:59] The attributes of a great sales storyteller [5:00] Resources to improve your storytelling [7:16] AnnaMarie’s top 3 storytelling dos and don’ts [9:26] Why you should personalize stories when possible The ingredients of a great story that sells You have to ask your customer open-ended questions so they can share their story. Because until you know their story, you ca

  • Stories Make You Memorable with Philipp Humm, Ep #327

    07/12/2022 Duración: 13min

    People pitching their company often say things like “We are the market leader in…We operate in 200 branches…We spend 10% of our money on R&D.” Philipp Humm notes that while these are interesting facts that should be included, they aren’t very memorable. The moment you walk out the door, your potential buyer won’t remember those facts. To be remembered, you need to appeal to their emotions. The easiest way to do that? Tell a story.  Outline of This Episode [0:54] Why is storytelling an important skill to possess in sales?  [1:53] Is storytelling something that can be learned?  [2:50] The ingredients of a great story that sells [4:07] The attributes and characteristics of a great storyteller [5:13] Resources listeners can use to improve their storytelling [6:10] Philipp’s top three storytelling dos and top three don’ts [9:34] Anyone can share a mesmerizing story with the right techniques Is storytelling something that can be learned? Philip recently attended his undergrad reunion. Someone walked up to him

  • The Right Words are Key to Stories that Sell per Caryn Kopp, Ep #326

    30/11/2022 Duración: 18min

    People are more likely to listen and emotionally connect to a story versus facts. That’s why when you have a chance to tell a story, you’re more likely to make that emotional connection. It’s even better when they can see themselves in the story. But how do you tell stories that land? According to Caryn Kopp, it’s all about using the right words. Outline of This Episode [0:59] Why is storytelling an important skill to possess in sales [2:03] Can you become a gifted storyteller?  [3:17] The ingredients of a great story that sells [6:32] The characteristics of a good storyteller [8:11] Resources to improve your storytelling abilities  [9:35] Caryn’s top three storytelling dos and don’ts [12:09] How the right words are influential Can you become a gifted storyteller?  Caryn’s company is built of senior business developers—that they call door openers—representing their clients and landing them meetings. Caryn is constantly asked if she can train sales teams to be better. The short answer is yes.  However, she c

  • Problem-Focused Storytelling with Dave Butler, Ep #325

    23/11/2022 Duración: 23min

    Storytelling is an important skill for salespeople and companies to possess because story is the way humans remember everything. If you give someone a list of facts that aren’t connected in a meaningful way, people will shut you down.  A good story focuses on a problem that someone has. If you can hone in on a problem so much so that the person recognizes the problem in themselves, they get hooked. Dave Butler shares why problem-focused storytelling is so effective in this episode of Sales Reinvented!  Outline of This Episode [0:59] Why storytelling is an important skill for salespeople to have [2:47] Why storytelling is something that can be learned [4:21] A formula for problem-focused storytelling  [8:38] The attributes of a great sales storyteller [12:05] Resources to improve your storytelling abilities [13:23] Dave’s top 3 storytelling dos and don’ts [16:23] Why you need to focus on the problem first Why storytelling is something that can be learned Dave notes that you don’t need to be an expert to tell

  • Successful Storytelling Hinges on Tension and Release (Steve Benson), Ep #324

    16/11/2022 Duración: 17min

    Storytelling is how you help prospects and customers remember you and understand your product (and why it’s valuable to them). Humans interpret things through stories. If you can tell a story that makes sense, you’ll be more successful. But if you can tell a story interweaved with tension and release, you’ll hook your listener and they’ll be more invested in what you have to say. Steve Benson shares why this is his favorite storytelling strategy in this episode of Sales Reinvented!  Outline of This Episode [0:54] Why storytelling skills are important in sales [1:32] Is storytelling a skill that can be learned? [2:18] Tension and release are key to a great story [3:28] The attributes of a great storyteller [7:34] Resources to improve storytelling abilities [9:04] Steve’s top 3 storytelling dos and don’ts [12:59] Stories have the power to win new business Tension and release are key to a great story Some people are better speakers than others—but is it because they’re born that way or learned those skills as

  • Park Howell’s ABT Framework for Storytelling, Ep #323

    09/11/2022 Duración: 21min

    Park Howell knows that if you’re a leading sales professional, you want to communicate and resonate on a deep level to convert prospects to life-long evangelists for your brand. But you may not connect as well as you could because you lead with logic and reason. Your audience wants the emotional pull of an irresistible story.  That’s why Park coaches salespeople with his ABT framework to escalate and accelerate the sales process. Storytelling is the fundamental agile communication tool to get everyone on board as quickly as possible—especially prospects. He shares more about his storytelling framework in this episode of Sales Reinvented!  Outline of This Episode [1:02] Why storytelling is an important skill to possess [3:05] Is storytelling a gift that can be learned? [4:08] Park’s ABT framework for storytelling [5:58] The attributes of a great storyteller [8:13] Resources to improve storytelling [10:15] Park’s top 3 storytelling dos and don’ts [13:34] How do you employ brevity in storytelling? [15:10] Why s

  • Listening is the Key to Telling Stories that Sell per Kendra Lee, Ep #322

    02/11/2022 Duración: 15min

    A prospect needs to see themself in a solution to believe it’s possible for them. Storytelling is what helps your prospects put themselves in whatever situation that you’re talking about. When they can relate to the story and hear what the moral is, they’re more likely to move forward. But you have to tell the right story. And according to Kendra Lee, the key to choosing the right story is listening. Learn how she utilizes this simple tool to realize extraordinary results in this episode of Sales Reinvented!  Outline of This Episode [0:43] Why storytelling is an important skill for salespeople [1:26] Can you become a gifted storyteller?  [2:20] The ingredients of a great story that sells [3:28] The characteristics of a good storyteller [6:11] Resources to improve your storytelling [8:28] Kendra’s storytelling dos and don’ts [11:00] Maintain control of your narrative  The ingredients of a great story that sells According to Kendra, you have to begin with the problem that the prospect or client has. Start wit

  • Immerse Yourself in Stories to Become a Great Storyteller per Steve Hall, Ep #321

    26/10/2022 Duración: 16min

    Steve Hall emphasizes that storytelling is an important skill to possess in both life and business. Stories are an essential part of life. Stories move people to go to war, make peace, and fall in love. And stories can help salespeople stir emotion and create action in their customers.  Steve believes that the more you immerse yourself in the world of good storytelling, the better you will become at the craft. He shares some tips and strategies to become a better storyteller in this episode of Sales Reinvented!  Outline of This Episode [1:01] Why storytelling is an important skill to possess [1:58] Can anyone become a great storyteller? [3:13] The ingredients of a great story  [4:38] The attributes of a great storyteller [6:55] Resources to improve storytelling [8:27] Steve’s 3 storytelling dos and don’ts [10:38] Stories are the best way to illustrate a point Become a great storyteller by immersing yourself in stories Steve believes that anyone can learn how to tell a story. Those that are naturally gifted

  • The Importance of Context in Storytelling per Lisa Dennis, Ep #320

    19/10/2022 Duración: 12min

    Humans are hardwired for stories. We were fed stories as children. We can relate to them quickly. Because of this, stories are the best way to engage with the people you’re trying to get to. Many tools and approaches can help anyone learn how to tell stories. If you can do your homework and practice your stories, you can be a good storyteller. But the importance of telling stories in your buyer’s context cannot be underestimated. Learn more from Lissa Dennis in this episode of Sales Reinvented!  Outline of This Episode [1:04] Why storytelling is important in sales [1:40] Can everyone learn how to tell stories?  [2:15] The ingredients of a story that sells [2:50] The attributes of a great storyteller [3:44] Make your stories like TED Talks [4:35] Top storytelling dos and don’ts [6:53] The importance of context in sales storytelling The ingredients of a story that sells Good storytelling is about context. You need to answer four questions:  How will this story affect others? How does it affect the buyer?  Wh

  • Applying Theater to Sales Storytelling with Charles McFarland, Ep #319

    12/10/2022 Duración: 15min

    Charles McFarland has a background in theater and has produced and directed over 60 shows. He points out that if you want to pitch to Pixar, it starts with the hero’s journey. You share the hero’s challenges, goals, desires, and obstacles, and get to the inciting incident. How do you as the guide or coach come to the rescue and lead to an outcome, i.e. their “happily ever after?” You have to remove tension from the sales relationship and move to an emotional plane. The best way to do that is through storytelling. Charles shares his process in this episode of Sales Reinvented! Outline of This Episode [0:55] Why storytelling is an important skill to possess [1:40] Can the craft of storytelling be learned? [2:41] The key to a great story that sells [4:36] The attributes of a good storyteller [6:10] Resources to improve storytelling [7:06] Top storytelling dos and don'ts [10:37] Use StoryBrand to transform your sales pitches The key to a great story that sells What is key to great storytelling? Three simple thi

  • Why Imaginative Storytelling Sells with Janice B Gordon, Ep #318

    05/10/2022 Duración: 18min

    Buyers can read the features and benefits of products and services. They don’t need salespeople to tell them that. What do they need? Someone to help them imagine what the solution will feel like on the other side of the buying process. Storytelling helps the buyer relate the proposed solution to the buyer’s problem. It helps them believe that there is a solution and they gain confidence in you. When you tell stories, it activates oxytocin and makes people feel good. Storytelling fits the way humans are wired and that’s how you should communicate. Learn more about Janice’s imaginative storytelling process in this episode of Sales Reinvented! Outline of This Episode [0:52] Why storytelling is an important skill to possess [2:27] Why anyone can become a great storyteller [4:25] The ingredients of a story that sells [6:16] Attributes of a great storyteller [8:09] Ways to improve your storytelling abilities [9:30] Top 3 storytelling dos and top 3 don’ts [13:26] Change the way you engage with your audience The i

  • Bob Apollo’s Mantra: Resist the Itch to Pitch, Ep #317

    28/09/2022 Duración: 19min

    Human beings persuade others—and ourselves—with stories. Successful salespeople communicate using stories and it differentiates them from the rest. It’s important in any interaction. So Bob Apollo implores salespeople to “resist the itch to pitch” and instead, tell a story.  Outline of This Episode [0:50] Why storytelling is an important skill to possess [1:37] Can you become a gifted storyteller? [2:41] The ingredients of a great story that sells [4:00] Characteristics and attributes of a great storyteller [5:45] How to improve your storytelling capabilities [9:24] Top storytelling dos and don’ts [13:27] Resist the itch to pitch The ingredients of a great story that sells Bob is convinced anyone can improve their storytelling skills. If you’ve ever participated in debate or theater, it can develop your confidence. It can make a powerful group exercise with other salespeople. To become a better storyteller, all you need is a simple structure and consistent practice.  Bob points out that the essence of a gre

  • How Personal Stories can Be Relevant in Sales per Kristie Jones, Ep #316

    21/09/2022 Duración: 18min

    Storytelling helps the listener connect emotionally to the message you’re trying to convey. It’s also helpful for the listener (prospect, customer, etc.) to remember concepts, pain points, and more. You can use stories to demonstrate that other people are facing the same challenges and how you helped them with your product or service. Most salespeople avoid personal stories in the sales context, but not Kristie Jones. Find out why in this episode of Sales Reinvented! Outline of This Episode [0:55] Why storytelling is important  [1:59] Can you become a better storyteller? [3:33] What makes a great story that sells?  [5:06] Attributes and characteristics you need [6:56] Resources to improve your storytelling [8:55] Top 3 storytelling dos and don’ts [10:48] How do you make a story concise? [12:13] Why personal stories have a place in sales [16:15] Learn more about Kristie’s book  Anyone can become a better storyteller Kristie points out that storytelling comes easier to some people than others. In fact, she ne

  • Storytelling Drives Connections that Result in Sales with Justin Zappulla, Ep #315

    14/09/2022 Duración: 11min

    Justin Zappulla believes storytelling enables salespeople to deliver a deeper, more emotional connection with their customers. It’s a fundamental human experience that everyone can relate to. It drives a deeper connection. When you’re communicating, you want that conversation to be as effective as possible. Storytelling is a critical skill to master in this process.  Outline of This Episode [0:49] Storytelling drives connections [1:39] Can you learn to become a better storyteller? [2:50] What makes a great story that sells?  [3:45] Attributes and characteristics of a great storyteller [4:23] Resources to improve storytelling abilities  [5:12] Top 3 storytelling dos and don’ts [7:40] A story that demonstrates the power of story Can you learn to become a better storyteller? Some people are naturally gifted storytellers. For some, it’s how they prefer to communicate or they’ve simply told stories their whole lives. But if you aren’t one of those people, storytelling is a skill that can be learned.  You just ne

  • Humans Communicate with Story with Melissa Madian, Ep #314

    07/09/2022 Duración: 14min

    Anyone can learn to incorporate storytelling into their day-to-day activities. Some people are more comfortable telling stories than others—but we’re all human. As humans, we tend to communicate via story, whether we actively recognize it or not. Even if you feel like you aren’t a natural storyteller, you likely are, you just aren’t aware that you can tell an effective story. Melissa Madian shares how to communicate with story in this episode of Sales Reinvented.  Outline of This Episode [1:13] What storytelling is an important skill to possess [1:58] Why Melissa believes storytelling can be learned [3:11] The ingredients of a story that sells [5:42] The attributes and characteristics of a great storyteller [7:16] Resources to improve storytelling abilities [8:18] Melissa’s top 3 storytelling dos and don’ts [10:27] How humans communicate with story The ingredients of a story that sells Melissa’s husband is a screenwriter. His whole job is to tell great stories. According to him, a great story consists of a

  • How to Combat Anti-Stories with Story with Indranil Chakroborty, Ep #313

    31/08/2022 Duración: 19min

    “Story is a fact, wrapped in context, delivered with emotion.” – Indranil Chakroborty What triggers the decision for someone to buy something? Emotions. Then we use the rational brain to justify decisions we’ve already made. When you’re selling features and benefits, you talk to the rational part of the brain. But storytelling is a beautiful way of connecting with the emotional part of the brain. When you can do that, you’ve engaged their sense of emotion (what drives the purchase) and sense of logic (which justifies the purchase). Objections are simply anti-stories that you must learn to combat. In this episode of Sales Reinvented, Indranil Chakroborty shares how to combat anti-stories with story.  Outline of This Episode [0:57] Why storytelling is an important skill to possess in sales [1:56] Can you learn to become a gifted storyteller?  [4:30] The 4 critical pieces of a story that sells [6:58] What makes a salesperson great at storytelling?  [8:28] Resources to improve your storytelling abilities  [10:11

  • Relevant Examples are Key to Good Storytelling Amy Franko, Ep #312

    24/08/2022 Duración: 14min

    Storytelling is the first thing you can use to bring a situation to life and help someone connect with your product or service. Stories also give you credibility. That’s why stories should consist of genuine and relevant examples that help you better connect with your client. Even someone naturally skilled as a storyteller would benefit from learning skills to stay relevant. If it doesn’t come naturally to you, it’s a skill you can build and find success with. Amy Franko shares more of her thoughts on the topic in this episode of Sales Reinvented!  Outline of This Episode [0:55] Why storytelling is incredibly important [1:55] Can you learn how to tell stories well?  [2:45] The 3 ingredients of a story that sells [3:59] Attributes of a great storyteller [5:18] Resources to improve your storytelling [6:13] Top 3 storytelling dos and don’ts [10:09] Involve your clients in your stories Relevant Examples are key to stories that sell Amy notes that relevant examples are a key ingredient to great storytelling. So

  • The Three Forces of Story with Mark Smyth, Ep #311

    17/08/2022 Duración: 15min

    Human beings are intuitive storytellers. We look up to certain storytellers and clam up and think “Maybe I can’t do that.” But through practice and utilizing narrative frameworks, we can transform from being intuitive to intentional storytellers. Anyone can be just as compelling as someone they seek to emulate. But in this episode of Sales Reinvented, Mark Smyth points out that it helps if you use the “Three Forces of Story.” Learn more about his framework in this episode!  Outline of This Episode [0:51] Why storytelling is an important skill [2:11] Can you learn to be a great storyteller?  [3:17] The three forces of story [5:03] Great storytellers are insatiably curious [6:37] Resources to improve storytelling abilities [8:10] Top 3 storytelling dos and don’ts [10:14] Why a compelling story is impactful The three forces of story Mark notes that every story contains a familiar structure: A setup, a problem, and a resolution. Act I, II, and III, a beginning, middle, and end. What makes a great story work? Yo

  • How Stories Make You Stand Out per Bernadette McClelland, Ep #310

    10/08/2022 Duración: 14min

    Stories are the earliest form of communication. They’re also the most effective way to connect with someone else. When we tell a good story, the buyer can see themselves in that story. As a result, it cuts through the logical part of the brain and goes straight to the emotional part of the brain. Decisions are made on emotion and backed up with logic. You can leverage a story to connect with your buyer, demonstrate an outcome, and make a sale. Stories make you stand out. Learn how Bernadette McClelland crafts stories in this episode of Sales Reinvented! Outline of This Episode [0:49] Stories make you stand out from the crowd [1:44] Can you become a gifted storyteller?  [2:55] The ingredients of a great story that sells [4:09] Attributes + characteristics of a great storyteller [6:14] Resources to improve storytelling abilities [6:56] Top 3 storytelling dos and don’ts [10:13] How telling stories helped Bernadette get her green card Can you become a gifted storyteller?  Bernadette works with technical CTOs an

  • Choosing Your Perfect Story with Kyle Gray, Ep #309

    03/08/2022 Duración: 18min

    Storytelling is the fundamental method of communication that reaches the deepest part of humans. You can share an experience from your life to demonstrate why you understand someone, that you understand the problems they’re experiencing through the lens of your own story. This creates trust.  People want to know that the person on the other side of the email, phone call, or presentation understands them and cares. Storytelling introduces you, helps you overcome objections, and shares how your products and services have helped other people. What does choosing the right story look like? Kyle Gray fills in the details in this episode of Sales Reinvented!  Outline of This Episode [0:59] Why storytelling is an important skill to possess [2:14] Can storytelling be learned? [3:42] Meet your audience where they are [5:15] The attributes of a great storyteller [7:07] Choosing Your Perfect Story [8:56] The purpose of a framework  [10:32] Top storytelling dos and don’ts [13:38] Choosing your perfect story from your exp

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