Bring Your Whole Self To Work



On Bring Your Whole Self to Work, author Mike Robbins interviews interesting and influential business leaders and thought leaders. Over the past 16 years, Mike has spoken at thousands of events throughout the world and has partnered with top organizations like Google, Wells Fargo, Airbnb, Gap, Microsoft, Schwab, the NBA, Twitter, the San Francisco Giants, and many others. Mike gets real with his guests, so that you can learn the truth behind their stories and their success, as well as how theyve been able to overcome challenges and bring all of who they are to the work that they do. These conversations are designed to give you specific ideas, insights, and techniques for creating greater authenticity, success, and fulfillment in your career, as well as how you can create an environment around you at work where people get real, have each others backs, and bring all of who they are. For more information on Mike Robbins and his work, visit


  • Let it Go

    12/07/2023 Duración: 27min

    There are really only two ways to resolve any conflict or issue we face - deal with it directly, all the way through until it gets worked out…or simply let it go.  Letting things go is such an important and liberating thing to do, yet it can be challenging for us to do so authentically.  On this episode, I talk about some of the reasons it can be difficult to let things go.  I also share some specific ways we can do this consciously and effectively.   Description: Resources: We’re All in This Together (book), by Mike Robbins Mike Robbins Website Mike Robbins Blog Mike Robbins Podcast Mike Robbins on Facebook Mike Robbins on Twitter Mike Robbins on Instagram  

  • What Do You Want?

    20/06/2023 Duración: 27min

    Tapping into our desires is one of the best things we can do to create our desired reality.  However, for a number of reasons, it can actually be hard to identify and share what we want - both individually and collectively.  On this episode, I address some of what makes desire challenging.  I also share some specific things we can do to tap into the power of our desires to help us create the types of outcomes and experiences we truly want.   Resources: We’re All in This Together (book), by Mike Robbins Mike Robbins Website Mike Robbins Blog Mike Robbins Podcast Mike Robbins on Facebook Mike Robbins on Twitter Mike Robbins on Instagram  

  • You’ll Never Regret Being Kind

    14/06/2023 Duración: 31min

    Being kind to others and to ourselves is one of the best things we can do.  However, for a number of reasons, especially these days, it can be challenging to be kind in an authentic way.  On this episode I talk about some of the things that get in our way of being kind to others and particularly ourselves, and I share some specific ways to utilize the power of kindness in how we lead, parent, and operate at work and in life.   Resources: We’re All in This Together (book), by Mike Robbins Mike Robbins Website Mike Robbins Blog Mike Robbins Podcast Mike Robbins on Facebook Mike Robbins on Twitter Mike Robbins on Instagram Let’s Be Kind to Ourselves (podcast episode) The Power of Kindness (podcast episode)  

  • The Importance of Accountability

    07/06/2023 Duración: 24min

    Accountability is essential for success and performance - both personally and collectively.  However, many of us have a complicated relationship with it since it can be uncomfortable to hold others accountable and to be held accountable by those around us.  On this episode I talk about some of the challenges we face with this dynamic.  I also share some specific things we can do to hold ourselves and others accountable in the most effective and empathetic way possible.   Resources: We’re All in This Together (book), by Mike Robbins Mike Robbins Website Mike Robbins Blog Mike Robbins Podcast Mike Robbins on Facebook Mike Robbins on Twitter Mike Robbins on Instagram The Difficulty and Necessity of Accountability (podcast episode)  

  • Being Creative Together with Steven Kowalski

    22/05/2023 Duración: 50min

    The world of work continues to change in significant ways.  Our ability to be creative, individually and collectively, is essential to our success.  My guest today, Steven Kowalski, knows this and has been teaching it for decades.  He’s the author of Creative Together: Sparking Innovation in the New World of Work. In our conversation we talk about how to embrace our personal creativity and create the conditions for our teams to be creative with one another…leading to enhanced collaboration and increased performance.   Resources: We’re All in This Together (book), by Mike Robbins Mike Robbins Website Mike Robbins Blog Mike Robbins Podcast Mike Robbins on Facebook Mike Robbins on Twitter Mike Robbins on Instagram Steven Kowalski Website Creative Together (book), by Steven Kowalski

  • From Emotional Intelligence to Emotional Freedom

    16/05/2023 Duración: 29min

    Emotional intelligence is so important to our success and fulfillment in business, relationships, and life.  It’s also essential for strong leadership and healthy teams.  However, beyond emotional intelligence is emotional freedom - where we can deeply and freely feel all our emotions with courage, and we give other people permission to do the same.  On this episode, I talk about why this is so important, how it can be challenging, and some specific ways to experience emotional freedom.   Resources: We’re All in This Together (book), by Mike Robbins Mike Robbins Website Mike Robbins Blog Mike Robbins Podcast Mike Robbins on Facebook Mike Robbins on Twitter Mike Robbins on Instagram  

  • The Power of Our Energy

    09/05/2023 Duración: 32min

    The energy, attitude, and perspective we bring to things often has a big impact on the outcome of whatever we’re doing, as well as everyone else involved.  However, this can sometimes be hard to quantify and manage for a number of reasons.  On this episode, I talk about the power of our energy and how we can tap into intention and even magic to create what we truly want at work and in life.   Resources: We’re All in This Together (book), by Mike Robbins Mike Robbins Website Mike Robbins Blog Mike Robbins Podcast Mike Robbins on Facebook Mike Robbins on Twitter Mike Robbins on Instagram Synchronicity  

  • Operating with Joy and Perspective

    02/05/2023 Duración: 25min

    Inspired by NBA star Steph Curry’s brilliant performance against Sacramento, I’ve been thinking about the importance of operating with joy and perspective.  While it often seems like the circumstances of our work and our life dictate our level of joy and the perspective we take, we actually have much more of a choice than we often realize.  On this episode, I talk about ways for us to operate with true joy and a healthy perspective, regardless of what’s going on around us.   Resources: We’re All in This Together (book), by Mike Robbins Mike Robbins Website Mike Robbins Blog Mike Robbins Podcast Mike Robbins on Facebook Mike Robbins on Twitter Mike Robbins on Instagram Steph Curry Drops 50 in Sacramento  

  • The Importance of Holding Space

    25/04/2023 Duración: 26min

    In our desire to support those around us, we often offer suggestions, advice, and feedback.  And while this can be helpful and necessary at times, what’s usually most important, especially these days, is our ability to hold space.  On this episode, I talk about what it means to hold space, why it can be challenging, and some specific ways we can do it effectively for others, as well as for ourselves.   Resources: We’re All in This Together (book), by Mike Robbins Mike Robbins Website Mike Robbins Blog Mike Robbins Podcast Mike Robbins on Facebook Mike Robbins on Twitter Mike Robbins on Instagram Esther Perel Cy Wakeman The Importance of Showing Up (podcast episode)  

  • Sensitivity is Not Fragility

    19/04/2023 Duración: 28min

    We’re encouraged in our society to be strong and confident, and not to be fragile.  While this makes sense, especially in our professional lives, we have someho bought into the erroneous notion that being sensitive is problematic and even weak.  On this episode, I talk about the important distinction between sensitivity and fragility.  I also talk about how important it is for us to embrace our sensitivity and tap into it as the superpower that it can be.   Resources: We’re All in This Together (book), by Mike Robbins Mike Robbins Website Mike Robbins Blog Mike Robbins Podcast Mike Robbins on Facebook Mike Robbins on Twitter Mike Robbins on Instagram Antifragile, by Nassim Nicholas Taleb  

  • The Paradox of Winning

    12/04/2023 Duración: 31min

    We live in a culture that is obsessed with winning - in business, sports, school, and life.  And while I definitely prefer to win than to lose, there is often a real paradox in our pursuit of success.  When we get so obsessed with the outcome, we can lose perspective and forget what we’re truly wanting to accomplish and experience in the process.  On this episode I talk about some of the things that make our desire to win challenging.  I also share some ways we can alter our relationship to winning that can actually lead to more authentic success and ultimately to a real sense of contentment.   Resources: We’re All in This Together (book), by Mike Robbins Mike Robbins Website Mike Robbins Blog Mike Robbins Podcast Mike Robbins on Facebook Mike Robbins on Twitter Mike Robbins on Instagram The Enneagram Will You Still Love Me if I Don’t Win, by Christopher Andersonn  

  • Our Most Important Relationship

    28/03/2023 Duración: 29min

    Our relationship with ourselves is the most important human relationship we have, yet it tends to be filled with self-criticism, neglect, and lack of kindness.  Being compassionate and loving towards ourselves, while challenging, is foundational in our ability to support, care for, and empower others.  On this episode, I talk about some of the reasons our relationship with ourselves can be difficult.  I also share some specific things we can do to love and appreciate ourselves, thus allowing us to have the kind of fulfillment, relationships, and success we truly want.   Resources: We’re All in This Together (book), by Mike Robbins Mike Robbins Website Mike Robbins Blog Mike Robbins Podcast Mike Robbins on Facebook Mike Robbins on Twitter Mike Robbins on Instagram

  • Creating the Space for Inspiration

    21/03/2023 Duración: 30min

    Inspiration is so important, but it can be elusive, especially with the frenetic pace of work and life these days.  For us to tap into the creativity necessary for our own success and fulfillment and that of our teams, it’s essential for us to create the space for inspiration.  On this episode, I talk about why this can be challenging, particularly right now, and some specific ways we can do it, both individually and collectively. Resources: We’re All in This Together (book), by Mike Robbins Mike Robbins Website Mike Robbins Blog Mike Robbins Podcast Mike Robbins on Facebook Mike Robbins on Twitter Mike Robbins on Instagram Glennon Doyle Elizabeth Gilbert’s TED Talk  

  • Growth, Resilience, and Moving Forward

    14/03/2023 Duración: 30min

    This week marks the third anniversary of when the pandemic took over life as we know it here in the United States.  So much has happened over the past three years…lots of pain, challenge, loss, and disruption.  And at the same time, there has been so much growth and resilience.  On this episode, I talk a bit about what we’ve been through, where we are now, and how we can move forward in a healthy, authentic, and successful way, especially given all that we’ve been through. Resources: We’re All in This Together (book), by Mike Robbins Mike Robbins Website Mike Robbins Blog Mike Robbins Podcast Mike Robbins on Facebook Mike Robbins on Twitter Mike Robbins on Instagram

  • Synchronicity

    07/03/2023 Duración: 29min

    Albert Einstein famously said, “There are only two ways to live your life.  One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”  I had an experience last week that reminded me of the power of synchronicity.  On this episode, I talk about how prevalent synchronicities are and how important it is for us to tap into them, especially these days. Resources: We’re All in This Together (book), by Mike Robbins Mike Robbins Website Mike Robbins Blog Mike Robbins Podcast Mike Robbins on Facebook Mike Robbins on Twitter Mike Robbins on Instagram Steve Jobs’ Commencement Speech at Stanford  

  • The Only Way Out is Through

    28/02/2023 Duración: 30min

    I went to see a powerful one-man show this week in New York called Without You, by Anthony Rapp, the actor who originated the role of Mark in the musical Rent on Broadway.  Anthony shared a moving story in the show about dealing with the loss of his mother and being told that “the only way out is through,” regarding his grief journey.  This phrase and concept, while challenging at times, is so important for us to remember as we navigate various aspects of work, family, and life, especially these days.  On this episode, I talk about why it’s essential for us to lean into discomfort, even when it’s painful or scary.  I also share some specific things we can do individually and collectively to make our way effectively through hard things. Resources: We’re All in This Together (book), by Mike Robbins Mike Robbins Website Mike Robbins Blog Mike Robbins Podcast Mike Robbins on Facebook Mike Robbins on Twitter Mike Robbins on Instagram Mel Robbins website Mel Robbins podcast Without You (book), by Anthony Rapp Witho

  • Operating with a Beginner’s Mind

    21/02/2023 Duración: 28min

    Having a beginner's mind means we look at every situation we're placed in as if it's the first time we’re seeing it.  On this episode talk about how this concept is easier said than done, and why it’s so important to our growth, wellbeing, and success.  I also share some specific things we can do to cultivate this powerful approach at work and in life. Resources: We’re All in This Together (book), by Mike Robbins Mike Robbins Website Mike Robbins Blog Mike Robbins Podcast Mike Robbins on Facebook Mike Robbins on Twitter Mike Robbins on Instagram Mel Robbins website Mel Robbins podcast  

  • How to Roll with the Punches

    14/02/2023 Duración: 26min

    Work and life are filled with constant changes and challenges, especially these days.  Our ability to navigate through uncertainty and difficulty has a lot to do with our level of success and fulfillment, both personally and collectively.  On this episode, I talk about some of the ways life can throw punches at us, particularly right now.  I also share some specific things we can do to more effectively roll with the punches and not just survive, but actually thrive, regardless of the circumstances. Resources: We’re All in This Together (book), by Mike Robbins Mike Robbins Website Mike Robbins Blog Mike Robbins Podcast Mike Robbins on Facebook Mike Robbins on Twitter Mike Robbins on Instagram  

  • Making Peace with Yourself and Your Age

    07/02/2023 Duración: 27min

    As I turn 49 years old this week, I’m thinking a lot about my age and age in general.  While age is just a number, it is a pretty significant one for most of us.  On this episode, I talk about some of the things that can make our relationship to our age complicated and challenging, especially in our society.  I also share some things we can do to make peace with ourselves and our age wherever we are in our journey of life. Resources: We’re All in This Together (book), by Mike Robbins Mike Robbins Website Mike Robbins Blog Mike Robbins Podcast Mike Robbins on Facebook Mike Robbins on Twitter Mike Robbins on Instagram Appreciate Your Age (video blog)  

  • Navigating Uncertainty

    31/01/2023 Duración: 30min

    There seems to be quite a bit of uncertainty and fear in the air these days, economically and otherwise. Even though we’ve been through so much uncertainty over the past few years (and throughout our lives), whenever it gets significant, it can cause quite a bit of stress and challenge.  On this episode, I talk about some of the things that make uncertainty difficult and scary. I also share some specific things we can do to more effectively navigate it ourselves and support those around us. Resources: We’re All in This Together (book), by Mike Robbins Mike Robbins Website Mike Robbins Blog Mike Robbins Podcast Mike Robbins on Facebook Mike Robbins on Twitter Mike Robbins on Instagram Don’t Freak Out (podcast episode)

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