Great Big Yes



Encouraging and inspiring stories from people who have said YES! to living with passion and purpose!


  • What do you want?

    08/03/2021 Duración: 29min

    In order to get what we want, we have to know what we want. Ask yourself, "What do I want?" And then take it one step further and imagine yourself after you get that thing you want. Are you more joyful? Do you have more freedom? How do you feel? Take time today to dream about what you want and don't yet think about how you will get it. This is the vision stage. What is your vision for the future? What do you want?

  • How do you define success?

    01/03/2021 Duración: 39min

    How do you define success? Thomas Merton said, "Many people spend their whole lives climbing the ladder of success only to find, once they reach the top, that the ladder is leaning against the wrong wall." Is that you? What wall is your ladder leaning on? What are your values? What really matters to you? Let's talk about success! Don't listen to the world, what is YOUR definition of success for YOU?

  • Katie Pearson

    22/02/2021 Duración: 44min

    Katie is a good friend and an amazing coach! She is the founder of Be New: Coaching for Leadership and Life. Katie has written and taught leadership development curriculum for 10 years! We talk about what may be keeping women stuck, internally and externally, and how to move past those things and take action in your own life! Katie is full of wisdom and encouragement! I know this conversation will inspire you!

  • Sue chats with Sharon Bolt about getting more publicity

    08/02/2021 Duración: 43min

    Sue chats with Sharon Bolt, the founder of She shares her experience running a dog training company, what she learned through that and how it led her to start a publicity company! Sharon gives us tips we can use to get publicity for our own businesses! Tune in to be learn and be encouraged and inspired to take action!

  • REAL TALK with sue,davis,cynthia,megan -Where has common sense gone?

    01/02/2021 Duración: 49min

    Funny, lively, real talk discussion on "How to have common sense in a world that's gone mad!" Four friends talking about life these days - Where has common sense gone? The importance of asking questions! The need for everyone to accept personal responsibility! It's time for some real talk! If you find yourself saying, "Wait...What?" about the news of the day, then you will love this conversation!

  • Sue chats with Dawn Sadler

    25/01/2021 Duración: 54min

    Sue chats with Dawn Sadler, a Christian Productivity Coach. They tackle the question, "is Ambition a dirty word?" and describe what it means to feel "Holy discontent". This is a rich conversation that explores what it means to be obedient to God and the hunger we feel to see God's hand in our work which is our offering. What is our heart posture? How will we serve and have a greater impact? So much good stuff in here! Enjoy!

  • Venus Monique -Personal Powerhouse

    11/01/2021 Duración: 47min

    Sue talks with Venus Monique! Venus is an actor and the star of the show, "Vindication". She is the founder of Personal Powerhouse which offers online courses for young women to learn life skills. She also founded the Sisterhood which is a membership group for young women to learn and grow and share in authentic community. Venus shares how all this came about and what God has taught her through all of it! I can't wait for you to hear from Venus!

  • 5 questions to ask in the new year -Episode #121

    04/01/2021 Duración: 24min

    HAPPY NEW YEAR! It can be exciting and overwhelming when you think about launching and growing your own business. Sue understands this from her own experience! She has come up with 5 questions to help you focus and to bring clarity to your work. This will help you take inspired action!

  • The "I am amazing" list

    21/12/2020 Duración: 23min

    Only 2 more weeks left in the year! Before we can get to a list of goals for the new year, let's spend some time looking back. We are going to make a list of all of your accomplishments! Let's celebrate all of the times you said "YES!" and proved what an amazing person you are! Listen in for the why and the how. Sue will explain the importance of recognizing our wins. This will help you set the foundation so you can move forward with confidence!

  • 5 simple steps to launch your marketing

    14/12/2020 Duración: 33min

    GET UNSTUCK! Many entrepreneurs get stuck because they don't know how to move forward with their marketing. They have no idea where to start! On this episode, Sue walks you through a SIMPLE 5 step plan to launch your marketing! You can do this! Action will bring clarity. Listen in so you can take action today!

  • Speak up Sister! Jamie Dandar McKinney

    08/12/2020 Duración: 48min

    Join Sue as she chats with Jamie Dandar McKinney, the author of "Speak Up Sister! The Professional Woman's Guide to Confidence and Success". Jamie is full of wisdom and great advice for women based on her years of experience in male dominated industries! This is a fun conversation that will leave you feeling inspired and ready to use your voice!

  • Write it down!

    28/11/2020 Duración: 30min

    Let's be honest. We all have a lot of great ideas that never come to fruition because we don't plan them and make them happen. The first step to making something happen is to set a date. Write it down. Commit. On this episode, Sue challenges you to set a date for what you want to accomplish in 2020. Just start with one thing. And then, she shares what questions you can ask yourself to help you move forward. It's a coaching session that helps with your business and your personal life!

  • Gratitude comes from paying attention

    23/11/2020 Duración: 17min

    If we are not grateful, we are not paying attention. There is so much to be grateful for, even in 2020. Even when things don't go our way. How can we practice gratitude? Stay present. Pay attention. Be aware. Listen in for encouragement as we enter into the holiday season of a very unpredictable year!

  • Rebekah Lind, author

    16/11/2020 Duración: 30min

    On this episode, Sue interviews Rebekah Lind. Rebekah is the author of "A Precious Life: A Pregnancy Journal to Nurture the Spirit and Soul of You and Your Unborn Child". She talks about writing and what it's like to pursue your dream while raising young kids. She explains what prompted her to write this book and how God has met her in the process. If you have a dream you want to pursue, Rebekah's story of saying, "YES!" will inspire you!

  • Felisa Jack, Author of Pursued: A Testimony of God's Relentless Love

    09/11/2020 Duración: 45min

    You don't want to miss this! Felisa Jack is a survivor of domestic violence and author of "Pursued: A Testimony of God's Relentless Love". She shares her story and her strong faith in this conversation. She has started a facebook group for other survivors and has created a line of inspiring t-shirts too! Listen in and then find all of the links to reach her in the show notes at

  • Thanking God and Each Other - Election edition 2020

    02/11/2020 Duración: 28min

    Gratitude. It's the gateway to joy. It's November and an election year. Let's start the week and month giving thanks for all the good stuff. Let's thank God and each other. Open eyes. Open hearts. Open hands. While we can't control everything that happens outside of us, we can control our thoughts about it. We have to get our minds right. If we focus on what's right and give thanks, we can find peace in any circumstance. I believe in us and US.

  • kingdom publishing -tracy fagan

    26/10/2020 Duración: 36min

    Have you ever thought about writing a book? Are you wondering how to start? Do you want to learn more about how to get published? On this episode, Tracy Fagan shares her entrepreneurial story. She is the founder of Kingdom Publishing! We get to hear how she started and what she has learned along the way AND we get to learn more about writing and publishing a book!

  • The Extra Mile

    19/10/2020 Duración: 22min

    It's never crowded on the extra mile, right? Do you know? Have you been there? Or are you a line walker? Do you do the minimum amount you need to and then wonder why your business, your relationships and your life aren't thriving? Learn to go more than half way. This episode is encouragement for you to hold yourself, other people, your business, and your life in high regard and go the extra mile! Tune in and be inspired!

  • DECIDE to create the life you want

    12/10/2020 Duración: 22min

    We decide things every day. Where we are now is because of the decisions we have made in the past. But there is one decision that is the biggest decision of all...we must DECIDE to take ownership of our lives. This means we can no longer blame or complain. If you are feeling like you have no control, that's a lie. You can create a life you love. First decide to do it and then get to work. This decision changes everything! Listen in for motivation and inspiration from Sue to decide to take ownership of your life today!

  • What lessons have you learned that you can share?

    04/10/2020 Duración: 29min

    We have all learned many lessons in our life. What are the most important, lasting ones for you? When you are feeling shaky, where do you turn to get your feet on solid ground? On this episode, we take time to remember the people who were there for us, solid, steadfast, wise. We think about all the influences in our lives, all the things that make us strong. And then we ask, "How can I share what I know with others?" How can you offer wisdom and peace in this age of confusion?

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