Great Big Yes



Encouraging and inspiring stories from people who have said YES! to living with passion and purpose!


  • Lee Midlane - Helping business owners create video content!

    15/11/2021 Duración: 48min

    Lee Midlane is the owner of IT Central out of Scotland! She is passionate about helping business owners overcome their tech difficulties! She is also launching a Video Production Academy to help you create videos to use for your business! We've heard videos are all the rage but where do we start? Lee and her team are here to help!

  • Empty Nest - How did we get here?

    30/08/2021 Duración: 17min

    I'm beyond excited to have Jeff, my husband, with me on the podcast! It's our first week as empty nesters and we are reminiscing and processing here. Jeff has lots of good little dad sayings and bits of wisdom to share. There is something for everyone here! Listen in and laugh with us. It's all going to be okay.

  • Say YES to REST meditation

    24/08/2021 Duración: 12min

    This world is heavy. A lot of us are feeling confused, divided, chaotic, misunderstood, angry, isolated. We need rest. On this episode, I share one of my favorite definitions/explanations of "rest", written by David Whyte. What is rest? How can we get it? It's so much more than a bubble bath. We are talking about SOUL rest here. Listen in and get some.

  • Are your beliefs holding you back?

    26/07/2021 Duración: 17min

    You say you want to succeed in business but do you really? Many of us have limiting thoughts about business. We have bad feelings about money and success. Is this you? Listen in and reframe those thoughts. It's time for a new belief! God is doing a new thing. Do you not perceive it?

  • Sell without being cheesy or sleazy

    19/07/2021 Duración: 22min

    So many people hear sales and think, "Yuck!" but I want to help you reframe that thought. Sales doesn't have to be cheesy or sleazy. It should never be those things! It's actually a lot of fun when you love what you are selling! Consider this the shot of energy you need to embrace marketing and sales so you can start growing your business today!

  • Go headlong

    12/07/2021 Duración: 19min

    Are you limiting yourself? Have you set boundaries on your business that are based on fear? Do you hold yourself back and make excuses? It's time to throw caution to the wind and jump in headlong! Say YES to yourself! Inspiration and encouragement to break out of the box you've put yourself in! Anything is possible if you allow yourself to step outside of your comfort zone!


    28/06/2021 Duración: 18min

    On this episode, Sue talks about moving from fear to freedom in our personal lives and in our businesses. What does it look like to live free? Are you holding back and hiding? Are you trying to stay safe and avoid rejection? How can you embrace who you are and stand strong in your own identity and calling? It's time to get off the pool chair, to get off the bank of the river, to stop hesitating and say YES! GET IN THE WATER!

  • Sue Chats with Jonnie Goodmanson

    21/06/2021 Duración: 39min

    Sue chats with Jonnie Goodmanson, the founder of Live Free Trainings! As a massage therapist and yoga teacher trainer with 20 years experience in teaching anatomy and physiology, Jonnie is passionate about understanding our physical connection to our spirituality. She wants to help you live an integrated life, body, mind and soul. She offers anatomy trainings, Christ centered yoga classes, online Bible studies and an 8 week, "Body Intelligence" program. Listen in and be inspired!

  • Davis Ehrler, The 3 Day Sleep Solution

    14/06/2021 Duración: 51min

    Sleep is job #1! Train your baby to sleep & give a gift that lasts a lifetime! Sue chats with Davis Ehrler, founder of The 3 Day Sleep Solution! We talk about sleep training and parent education which means we also talk about anxiety and addiction and circadian rhythms and getting uncomfortable and brain food and healthy habits and so much more! This episode is full of good information for all of us! It will inspire you and educate you and make you think!

  • Sue chats with Ann Taylor McNiece, LMFT

    07/06/2021 Duración: 46min

    Sue chats with Ann Taylor McNiece, a licensed marriage and family therapist and the founder of Soul Grit Resources. Ann has a private therapy practice and teaches other therapists how to incorporate their Christian faith into their practice! She has just launched her own podcast which addresses many questions all of us have about therapy. Can Christians go to therapy? How can therapy help me? What is EMDR? We talk about all of this and so much more!

  • Sue Chats with Cynthia Newton

    31/05/2021 Duración: 44min

    Sue chats with Cynthia Newton, yoga therapist and founder of Yoga in 3D! Cynthia has a wealth of knowledge and shares her wisdom and experience with us on this episode. She uses her life experience and her yoga education to help you find healing in your body, mind and soul! Through yoga, functional movement, mindful relaxation and breath work she will walk with you as you awaken and allow the body, mind and spirit to transform from within.

  • Sue chats with Erin Scheu of New Way Fitness

    24/05/2021 Duración: 46min

    I always have so much fun talking to Erin Scheu! She has taught me about health, fitness, nutrition and so much more! She is a certified health coach and fitness instructor and the founder of New Way Fitness. Her passion is to help you prioritize your health so you have more energy, confidence, and joy in your life! Sounds awesome right? Listen in to learn more!

  • Karen Stacy

    17/05/2021 Duración: 45min

    Sue chats with Karen Stacy, author and founder of Little Bird Press! She wrote, "Seeing Christmas", a beautiful book that you will love and want to give to everyone on your Christmas list! Karen is passionate about inspiring people to see, experience and practice the fruits of the spirit! You will love this conversation!

  • Megan Huff, Breathe.Flow.Grow

    10/05/2021 Duración: 35min

    Megan Huff is my guest on this episode and she is the founder of Breathe, Flow, Grow. Breathe.Flow.Grow yoga is all things yoga, meditation, and mindfulness for families and individuals. She is passionate about helping kids and giving them tools to handle anxiety or whatever challenges come up in their lives, with breath, movement and mindfulness. She leads us through an exercise that is so helpful for kids and parents!

  • Get up. Get out. Breathe.

    03/05/2021 Duración: 22min

    It has been a tough year. Just breathing fresh air has seemed like a radical act for some. It's time to get up, get out, and breathe. Listen in for some inspiration and encouragement to ground down into the earth and rise up with an open heart and open palms. You can connect with your source. All you have to do is breathe. Inhale and exhale a fresh start.

  • Breaking chains, changing the game

    26/04/2021 Duración: 24min

    It's time to say YES to you! No more hiding. No more pretending. No more believing lies. What is in the way of you living an abundant, joyful life? Join me in May for Mental Health Awareness month as we uncover and overcome limiting thoughts that may be holding us back! It's YOUR time!

  • The Battle for our Minds

    12/04/2021 Duración: 13min

    We are in a battle right now. For our thoughts. For our minds. It's time to take back our thoughts, fight the lies and base our future on Truth!

  • What can you quit?

    05/04/2021 Duración: 21min

    Is your schedule filled up with a bunch of stuff you don't want to do anymore? What can you quit? When you think of quitting, what comes up for you? Do you think you "have" to do certain things? This podcast episode is about recognizing what no longer serves you and saying NO to that thing so you can make room for your Great Big YES! Find freedom today!

  • There is no power in pretending

    29/03/2021 Duración: 26min

    There is no power in pretending! The magic happens when you are 100% yourself. If you want to build a business and a life you love, Be More YOU! Many of us have built up a lot of layers and we will need to shed them in order to get back to our true self, to our original design. It's time! The world needs your unique gifts and voice! Let's have fun being ourselves! What brings you joy? What brings you energy? Do more of that!

  • Where are you going?

    22/03/2021 Duración: 21min

    The way to more success is not to figure how to get everyone to like you. The way to more success is to be more you and the right people will come along with you. It's time to get vertical - connect with God - ask Him where to go and get moving. He will take care of your audience, your buyers, your clients. You just be you. Be more you. Be completely you. Be entirely yourself. That's your power.

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