Cody Builds A Business



The Cody Builds a Business Podcast is your front row seat (with backstage passes) to watching Cody Burch build a business from scratch (no followers, no subscribers, no shine, no list...). Will he succeed or will he fail? Stay tuned to find out for yourself....Hey my name is Cody Burch and in February 2017 I left my corporate job of 11 years and set sail to start my own marketing agency. In the Summer of 2017 I had the idea to create an online product to serve more people. Trouble is, I only have a handful of customers and no list...Thanks for joining me on my journey...


  • Ep. 062 - Give It Away Now (+ August Influence & Income)

    05/09/2018 Duración: 12min

    What's the most powerful word in the English language? Ok, at least in marketing? F R E E We've all heard it, "give away your best stuff for free" but what does that look like in practice? I gave away a bunch of stuff last month for free and today we talk about it... Get the new book! Go to to grab a free copy now* The Cody Builds a Business Podcast is the best business podcast. It's your front row seat to watching me build a 7-figure online business from scratch (or die trying). Like what you hear? Have any comments or ideas for episodes? Connect with me at and while you're there, join my free Facebook Group. Thanks - Cody

  • Ep. 061 - Overcoming Entrepreneurial Fear

    03/09/2018 Duración: 11min

    Ever have trouble sleeping? Today we talk about how fear keeps us awake and from our dreams. I also include a simple 3 step framework that will help you overcome any emotion (but we'll stick with Fear on this episode). **Get the new book! Go to to grab a free copy now*** The Cody Builds a Business Podcast is the best business podcast. It's your front row seat to watching me build a 7-figure online business from scratch (or die trying). Like what you hear? Have any comments or ideas for episodes? Connect with me at and while you're there, join my free Facebook Group. Thanks - Cody

  • Ep. 060 - "Pay Attention To Me!" (

    31/08/2018 Duración: 14min

    Let's talk about how to get people to pay attention, whether you're trying to save people from hell or drag them into it? What the heck does that mean? Wow... haha (got dark there for a minute). To get people to actually pay attention and do something, you have to have these 3 things... (listen now). **Get the new book! Go to to grab a free copy now*** The Cody Builds a Business Podcast is the best business podcast. It's your front row seat to watching me build a 7-figure online business from scratch (or die trying). Like what you hear? Have any comments or ideas for episodes? Connect with me at and while you're there, join my free Facebook Group. Thanks - Cody

  • Ep. 059 - This Is Not a Zero Sum Game

    29/08/2018 Duración: 06min

    The coffee shops in town all love each other (and they all probably share a mutual dislike for chain coffee shops). They brew each others coffee, they refer each other business, the are in LOVE with the solution they provide (awesome, local coffee), and are not in a vicious competition with each other. Same in business... regardless of your skill set or expertise, it's a BIG world out there. You can help a ton of people. If you operate your business with a selfish, closed fist it will lead to destruction (and no one will want to refer you business anyways). *** RECORDED IN THE BUNKER OF MY BASEMENT HOME OFFICE *** The Cody Builds a Business Podcast is the best business podcast. It's your front row seat to watching me build a 7-figure online business from scratch (or die trying). Like what you hear? Have any comments or ideas for episodes? Connect with me at and while you're there, join my free Facebook Group. Thanks - Cody

  • Ep. 058 - You Need Bigger Vision (And How to Get it)

    27/08/2018 Duración: 15min

    When we were in San Diego with our kids (for their first time seeing the beach) we joked with them that a little mound of sand by the inland hotel was "the beach." They knew we were joking... but a few hours later were in true awe when they experience the ocean for the first time. In our business (or life) how content are we to just play in a little sandbox when there's a big ocean out there? That's why we need bigger vision in our lives. And while we can sometimes conjure that up on our own, it's helpful to have someone that has done it before us... This episode is brought to you by my NEW FREE BOOK - The Cody Builds a Business Podcast is the best business podcast. It's your front row seat to watching me build a 7-figure online business from scratch (or die trying). Like what you hear? Have any comments or ideas for episodes? Connect with me at and while you're there, join my free Facebook Group. -Cody

  • Ep. 057 - Next Stop: Collaboration

    24/08/2018 Duración: 08min

    What to do when you're "full" and can't help any more people? Sounds like a good problem to have but I'm assuming you're in business to help people get a result. And if you're turning away customers, you're not helping as many people as you can. Today we talk about a new direction I'm taking in the agency where I can effectively DOUBLE my client load without adding any more work to my plate. If you think this sounds like something you'd be interested in and to see if we have any spots available, click here: The Cody Builds a Business Podcast is the best business podcast. It's your front row seat to watching me build a 7-figure online business from scratch (or die trying). Like what you hear? Have any comments or ideas for episodes? Connect with me at and while you're there, join my free Facebook Group. Thanks - Cody

  • Ep. 056 - There is No Such Thing As Balance

    22/08/2018 Duración: 18min

    The Balance Fallacy - have you ever said to yourself that you feel out of balance? Or you want more balance in your life/work/career? Well, rest easy, because there is no such thing as balance. This episode unpacks the 5 areas of your life you can focus on and explores why balance is a myth... and most importantly what you can do about it. The Cody Builds a Business Podcast is the best business podcast. It's your front row seat to watching me build a 7-figure online business from scratch (or die trying). Like what you hear? Have any comments or ideas for episodes? Connect with me at and while you're there, join my free Facebook Group. Thanks - Cody

  • Ep. 055 - Are You A Helicopter or a Tank?

    20/08/2018 Duración: 09min

    With the proliferation of online personality tests and profiles (DISC, Myers-Briggs, BOLT, COLBY) - I made up my own... Tanks, Helicopters, and Planes There's a reason and a season for each - which one are you? The Cody Builds a Business Podcast is the best business podcast. It's your front row seat to watching me build a 7-figure online business from scratch (or die trying). Like what you hear? Have any comments or ideas for episodes? Connect with me at and while you're there, join my free Facebook Group. Thanks - Cody

  • Ep. 054 - Why You Need To Offer More Speed & Comfort

    17/08/2018 Duración: 09min

    Maui is my favorite place on the planet... the sun, surf, beaches, forests, winding roads and perfect climate... My wife and I went to Maui to celebrate our 10 year anniversary (which was 5 years ago) and we were blown away. Now, when it comes to our business, we're selling the destination (Maui in this example). We can point you in the direction of the result ("go that way"), take your hand and show you how to get a result ("come with me") or just do it for them ("just sit there and watch me do this for you")... All that changes is the speed and comfort with which you help them get the result. The Cody Builds a Business Podcast is the best business podcast. It's your front row seat to watching me build a 7-figure online business from scratch (or die trying). Like what you hear? Have any comments or ideas for episodes? Connect with me at and while you're there, join my free Facebook group. -Cody Burch

  • Ep. 053 - How Much Pain Can You Endure?

    15/08/2018 Duración: 07min

    Life is not about trying to run from pain - it's about the type of pain you're facing, and if it's worth it to you in the end. Thanks for checking out this quick-tips episode of the Cody Builds and Business Podcast. The Cody Builds a Business Podcast is the best business podcast. It's your front row seat to watching me build a 7-figure online business from scratch (or die trying). Like what you hear? Have any comments or ideas for episodes? Connect with me at and while you're there, join my free Facebook Group. Thanks - Cody

  • Ep. 052 - Contextual Congruence and the End of Techno Speak

    13/08/2018 Duración: 11min

    Ha - ok what does THAT even mean? Every tribe around the world (retired Air Force pilots, hobby shop enthusiasts, fitness trainers, online marketers... etc) has their own jargon. And it's so tempting to spout that knowledge, jargon, and vocabulary with EVERYONE that comes into our universe. Yeah, don't do that. People are at different parts of their buyer journey. Some are brand new and are afraid to even say "hi"... so why would you talk to them like someone who is a repeat buyer? Understand the context of each buyer persona, and speak to them where they're at and you'll be just fine. The Cody Builds a Business Podcast is the best business podcast. It's your front row seat to watching me build a 7-figure online business from scratch (or die trying). Like what you hear? Have any comments or ideas for episodes? Connect with me at and while you're there, join my free Facebook Group. Thanks - Cody

  • Ep. 051 - The Marshmallow Eaters

    10/08/2018 Duración: 10min

    There is much joy and celebration among the Burch men today... we also talk about why backing into your parking spot may help you make more money, and what the heck does ANY of this have to do with marshmallows?!?! Link to Stanford Study: The Cody Builds a Business Podcast is the best business podcast. It's your front row seat to watching me build a 7-figure online business from scratch (or die trying). Like what you hear? Have any comments or ideas for episodes? Connect with me at and while you're there, join my free Facebook Group. Thanks - Cody

  • Ep. 050 - Birthday

    08/08/2018 Duración: 16min

    It's my birthday!

  • Ep. 049 - The Rise of Micro Skills

    06/08/2018 Duración: 14min

    Good news - the easiest way to charge more for your products and services is by by adding micro skills. We also talk about how to become the best entertainer at Sea World, and why you should be like The Rock (Dwayne Johnson that is), and how to start upleveling your micro skills for FREE. My name is Cody Burch and THIS is the Cody Builds a Business Podcast! The Cody Builds a Business Podcast is the best business podcast. It's your front row seat to watching me build a 7-figure online business from scratch (or die trying). Like what you hear? Have any comments or ideas for episodes? Connect with me at and while you're there, join my free Facebook Group. Thanks - Cody

  • Ep. 048 - July Income & Influence Report

    03/08/2018 Duración: 10min

    it's that time of the month again - today we take a look at my July "Influence and Income" report... how has my network and influence grown, what did i spend on ads and marketing, and how much money did I make. We also talk about a little limiting belief that is holding me back, and how I'm working to overcome it. The Cody Builds a Business Podcast is the best business podcast. It's your front row seat to watching me build a 7-figure online business from scratch (or die trying). Like what you hear? Have any comments or ideas for episodes? Connect with me at and while you're there, join my free Facebook Group. Thanks - Cody

  • Ep. 047 - Cody Goes For a Ride

    01/08/2018 Duración: 15min

    What makes a great story? What is the difference between a remarkable business that people can't shut up about and a forgettable one that never takes root in the mind of your customer? And how the heck can we sell our same products/services for MORE than our competitors? Well today I'm going to show you the 3 main things that your business needs to have to draw people in, get them to buy, and get them to share. The Cody Builds a Business Podcast is the best business podcast. It's your front row seat to watching me build a 7-figure online business from scratch (or die trying). Like what you hear? Have any comments or ideas for episodes? Connect with me at and while you're there, join my free Facebook Group. Thanks - Cody

  • Ep. 045 - It's the Body of Work

    27/07/2018 Duración: 07min

    Did you catch lightning in a bottle? Have you ever severely let someone down? Well, if you're looking to serve your clients in the long term, I have great news for you. It's not the last project or the biggest success / flop - it's about the BODY of work. Listen to this short episode where I unpack my thoughts on this matter... The Cody Builds a Business Podcast is the best business podcast. It's your front row seat to watching me build a 7-figure online business from scratch (or die trying). Like what you hear? Have any comments or ideas for episodes? Connect with me at and while you're there, join my free Facebook Group. Thanks - Cody

  • Ep. 044 - Be Like Jim (From the Office)

    25/07/2018 Duración: 08min

    A so-called overnight success often comes after YEARS of hard work... Today we take a look at the career of John Krasinski and how he went from a goofy actor on the Office to writing/directing/producing and starring in one of the best movies of 2018... It only takes one big break (but years of toil and hard work) to be in the right place in the right time and then make it happen... The Cody Builds a Business Podcast is the best business podcast. It's your front row seat to watching me build a 7-figure online business from scratch (or die trying). Like what you hear? Have any comments or ideas for episodes? Connect with me at and while you're there, join my free Facebook Group. Thanks - Cody

  • Ep. 043 - The Case of the $239 Jeans

    23/07/2018 Duración: 12min

    What's the most expensive item of clothing you've ever purchased? Earlier this year I was in Miami and I got hustled into buying a $239 pair of [the best] jeans [that I've ever owned]. AND - we talk about what this has to do with your business and how you can craft experiences that will allow you to charge what you're actually worth. The Cody Builds a Business Podcast is the best business podcast. It's your front row seat to watching me build a 7-figure online business from scratch (or die trying). Like what you hear? Have any comments or ideas for episodes? Connect with me at and while you're there, join my free Facebook Group. Thanks - Cody

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