Sbc Podcast



SBC podcast is created for business owners, Entrepreneurs and Human Resource Professionals to present the best and most effective practices for Selection and Hiring, Training and Retention and overall leverage of employees and human resources for the success of businesses and organizations and ensuring a happy and engaged workforce and Team members.


  • Breaking Free from Mental Chains: Mastering Obsessive Thoughts

    27/06/2024 Duración: 12min

    Taming the Mind: Practical Tips to Combat Obsessive Thought Loops This episode discusses strategies for dealing with relentless, obsessive, and undesired thoughts, also known as thought loops. The host, Rachid Zahidi, provides practical tips on cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness meditation, acceptance and commitment therapy, journaling, physical exercise, and limiting stressors to help manage obsessive thoughts. He emphasizes seeking professional help if thoughts become unmanageable. The goal is to help listeners regain control over their minds and reduce the impact of relentless thoughts through patience and practice of these techniques. More About Topics Covered: Managing relentless obsessive thoughts using CBT, mindfulness, and acceptance Strategies to manage obsessive thoughts.  Techniques, journaling, and physical exercise Strategies like limiting stressors and seeking professional help Key points and encouragement to practice strategies You can find blog posts and new episodes here: 

  • Embracing Change in Yourself and Others: How to Evolve and Thrive Together

    13/06/2024 Duración: 13min

    Unlocking Personal and Interpersonal Transformation: Transforming Yourself and Your Relationships Through Honest Communication This episode discusses strategies for embracing change in oneself and others through self-reflection, goal-setting, effective communication, and decision-making based on personal values.  Rachid provides practical tips for journaling, setting SMART goals, using I-statements, active listening, observing responses from others over time, and reflecting on alignment with one's expectations, values, and long-term goals to make informed decisions. The key message is that embracing change requires continuous self-reflection, communication, and evaluation to align with personal growth and healthy relationships. More About Topics Covered: Embracing change in oneself and others, with strategies for self-reflection, goal-setting, and communication.  Keeping a journal to record daily thoughts, emotions, and actions, and reviewing it regularly to identify patterns and areas for growth. Setti

  • Affirm Your Way to Success: The Power of Positive Statements

    06/06/2024 Duración: 08min

    Practical Tips and Examples for Creating Affirmations That Stick In this episode of the Resilience Across Borders podcast, Rachid discusses the significance of affirmations for personal growth and transformation. He explains how affirmations can reprogram the subconscious mind, enhance focus and clarity, and promote positive behaviors. Rashid provides practical tips for crafting effective affirmations, emphasizing the importance of being positive, and specific and using present tense. Rachid highlights the role of consistency and emotion in making affirmations more impactful. Listeners are encouraged to incorporate affirmations into their daily routines and witness the positive changes they bring. More About Topics Covered: Introduction to timeless life principles: empathy, self-care, and perseverance. The Importance of Affirmations How to Write Effective Affirmations Practical Tips for Using Affirmations Conclusion and Additional Resource You can find blog posts and new episodes here:  https://atresilien

  • Rewiring Your Brain: Strategies to Transform Habits from Within

    23/05/2024 Duración: 11min

    The Power of Your Subconscious: Transforming Habits with Science In this episode, we delve into the transformative power of the subconscious mind and how it can be harnessed to change habits and behaviors. We explore three potent methods: affirmations, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Discover how positive affirmations can challenge and overcome negative thoughts, and learn the importance of repeating them consistently, especially at peak emotional states, for maximum impact. We also discuss NLP and CBT—two effective approaches for altering negative thought patterns. NLP utilizes visualization techniques to reprogram the subconscious mind, while CBT focuses on challenging irrational beliefs and replacing them with healthier ones. Join us as we emphasize the significance of focusing on your goals rather than what you're trying to avoid and the critical role of repetition and consistency in changing habits. Finally, we highlight the value of seeking professional help

  • Navigating Choppy Waters: Mastering the Art of Delivering Bad News and Unpopular Decisions

    15/05/2024 Duración: 13min

    Effective Communication in Challenging Times: Strategies for Delivering Difficult Messages This episode discusses strategies for navigating difficult conversations when delivering bad news or making unpopular decisions.  Rachid provides tips for communicating with transparency, empathy, and professionalism. He emphasizes maintaining composure, listening to others, offering solutions, and validating emotions.  The episode also covers delivering personal bad news with care, consideration, and boundaries. Self-care is highlighted as important for one's well-being after difficult conversations. More About Topics Covered: Strategies for delivering bad news with empathy and professionalism.  Communicate with transparency, empathy, and context to deliver bad news effectively. Offer solutions and alternatives when delivering bad news, and encourage collaboration to find creative solutions. Maintain professionalism and respect when delivering personal bad news, and use I statements to take ownership of your fe

  • Seeing Clearly: Unmasking Red Flags in Relationships

    08/05/2024 Duración: 08min

    Red Flags Revealed: Your Guide to Healthy Relationships Entering into any relationship, whether romantic or professional, requires keen observation and discernment. In this episode, we delve into the crucial skills of recognizing warning signs that could potentially save us from future conflicts or disappointments. More About Topics Covered: Deciphering Communication Patterns: Effective communication is the cornerstone of any relationship. We explore how consistent communication fosters trust, and how patterns such as frequent cancellations or avoidance of important topics can signal underlying issues. Trusting Your Instincts: Our intuition often serves as an invaluable guide in uncovering hidden red flags. By honoring our gut feelings, we can navigate through situations where something feels amiss, whether it's secretive behavior in a romantic partner or evasiveness in a job candidate. Navigating Conflict and Challenges: How individuals handle adversity reveals much about their character. We examine ho

  • Disappointment Prevention 101: Declaring Expectations and Setting Boundaries

    02/05/2024 Duración: 08min

    Strategies for Setting Realistic Expectations and Boundaries in Relationships and Life This episode provides strategies like communicating expectations openly, setting realistic expectations, defining boundaries, remaining flexible, and learning from past experiences. Examples are given for how to do this in situations like a new job, planning a vacation, relationships, friend cancellations, and team projects.  The goal is to manage expectations and relationships effectively to reduce disappointments. More About Topics Covered: Avoiding disappointment by declaring expectations and setting boundaries Clearly articulate expectations and boundaries to ensure understanding  Set realistic expectations based on the situation to avoid unrealistic expectations Clearly define personal/professional boundaries to prevent unwanted crossings Remain flexible and open to adjusting expectations/boundaries when needed Reflect on past experiences to adjust expectations and approaches in similar future situations

  • Decide and Conquer: Strategies to Make Better Choices and Break Free from Stagnation

    25/04/2024 Duración: 09min

    Practical Advice and Strategies to Overcome Decision Paralysis and Overcome Feeling Stuck This episode provided strategies for making better decisions and getting unstuck when facing difficult choices. It discussed seven tips: clarifying values and priorities, seeking others' input, breaking decisions into smaller steps, using visualization, considering consequences, practicing mindfulness, and setting deadlines.  Rachid emphasized that clarifying what's most important helps make decisions with greater confidence and ease. More About Topics Covered: Clarify your values and priorities to make better decisions. Seek input from others to gain new perspectives and avoid blind spots. Asking experts for advice, visualizing outcomes, and considering consequences when making decisions. Mindfulness practices, setting deadlines, and practicing deep breathing can help make more rational decisions. Considers reversibility and future perspective when making decisions. Practicing mindfulness and setting deadlin

  • Wealth Beyond Measure: Mastering the Art of Abundance

    17/04/2024 Duración: 07min

    Practical Strategies to Transform Your Relationship with Money and Embrace Abundance This episode discusses cultivating a wise and abundant mentality around money to achieve financial well-being and fulfillment.  Rachid shares eight tips for developing a mindset of abundance, including practicing gratitude, setting financial goals, living below your means, educating yourself on personal finance, mindful spending, embracing a long-term perspective, seeking non-material wealth, and practicing generosity.  Cultivating a wise approach to money promotes both financial security and overall happiness. More About Topics Covered: Cultivating a Wise and Abundant Mentality Around Money. Practicing Gratitude. Setting clear financial goals. Living Below Your Means. Educating yourself about Personal Finance. Practicing mindful spending. Embracing a Long-Term Perspective. Seeking Abundance in Non-Material Wealth. Practicing Generosity. Cultivating a wise Approach To Money Promotes Well-Being And happines

  • Feeling is Healing: Embracing Your Emotions for a Healthier You

    09/04/2024 Duración: 08min

    Empower Yourself by Processing Emotions, Not Avoiding Them In this episode of the Resilience Across Borders podcast,  Rachid discusses effective strategies for understanding, processing, and releasing emotions. He explores how practices like mindfulness, journaling, meditation, physical activity, creative expression, and seeking social support can help listeners cultivate emotional wellness and resilience.  Rachid also provides tips for developing emotional intelligence, such as bringing awareness to feelings without judgment and identifying underlying needs. He emphasizes the importance of self-compassion during challenging times.  Throughout the episode, listeners learn techniques to gain clarity and perspective on their emotions healthily.  Rachid also encourages seeking professional help if struggling to cope alone. This informative episode equips listeners with tools to navigate the complexities of the emotional world. More About Topics Covered: Emotional wellness and processing feelings.  Emotional

  • Navigating Grief: Understanding Its Impact on Body and Mind

    03/04/2024 Duración: 08min

    Beyond Heartbreak: Navigating the Physical and Emotional Effects of Grief In this episode, we explore strategies for coping with grief.  Rachid discuss acknowledging and expressing emotions, practicing self-compassion, and utilizing coping mechanisms like seeking support and engaging in self-care. Rachid also highlight the role of rituals in healing. Join us as we navigate the complex emotions of grief and discover ways to find peace and acceptance. More About Topics Covered: Grieving strategies and emotional processing. Grief and self-compassion.  Coping strategies for grief.  Grief, healing, and self-care.  You can find blog posts and new episodes here: Exciting news! The Emogym Journal is now available on Amazon. Don't miss out – grab yourself, your friends, and your loved ones a copy today. This journal is packed with insights and practices that have made a difference in my life and the lives of other joyful, grateful, and successful individuals. Start your journey to

  • The Subconscious Switch: How to Change Habits Effectively

    26/03/2024 Duración: 10min

    Harnessing Affirmations, NLP, CBT, and Hypnotherapy for a Better You In this episode, harnessing subconscious power for habit change. It discusses how the subconscious mind plays a significant role in shaping habits and influencing actions without realizing it, and that changing habits requires understanding and working with the subconscious. Using affirmations to change habits. It explains that affirmations can reprogram the subconscious mind to change habits for the better. NLP, CBT, and hypnotherapy for personal growth. It describes how NLP offers techniques to reprogram the subconscious mind, and how CBT helps identify and change negative thought patterns. It also mentions using hypnotherapy to change deeply rooted habits and focus on desired outcomes. Mindfulness, meditation, and habit change strategies. It discusses how mindfulness and meditation can help create mental space for healthier responses, and seeking professional guidance to address underlying issues contributing to destructive habits. More

  • Flipping the Script: Techniques to Challenge Negative Thinking

    19/03/2024 Duración: 10min

    Practical Tips for Letting Go of Bad Memories and Embracing the Good In this episode, we're unpacking the art of overcoming negativity bias. Discover how mindfulness can be your ally in recognizing, confronting, and ultimately triumphing over negative thinking.  With tips on gratitude practices, self-reflection, and seeking social support, we're here to guide you toward a brighter, more balanced mindset. More About Topics Covered: Mindful strategies to overcome negativity bias. Mindfulness and recognizing biases in thoughts and emotions. Cultivating positivity through self-reflection.  Managing negative thoughts and memories.  Overcoming negative thinking with mindfulness strategies.  You can find blog posts and new episodes here: Exciting news! The Emogym Journal is now available on Amazon. Don't miss out – grab yourself, your friends, and your loved ones a copy today. This journal is packed with insights and practices that have made a difference in my life and the liv

  • Embracing Solitude

    12/03/2024 Duración: 09min

    Strategies for Making the Most Out of Your Time Alone In this episode, we explore the profound impact of solitude on personal development and well-being. From cultivating mindfulness and meditation practices to engaging in solo activities and immersing ourselves in the world of literature, we uncover the transformative potential of embracing solitude. Join us as we navigate the pathways to self-improvement, discussing the importance of self-care for mental wellness and the role of solitude in realigning with our goals and values. Discover how solitude can be a sanctuary for introspection and creativity, providing the space needed to thrive and emerge refreshed. Get ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and renewal as we embrace solitude as a powerful tool for growth and fulfillment. More About Topics Covered: Embracing solitude for self-reflection and growth. Mindfulness and meditation practices for stress reduction and well-being. Solo activities for personal growth. Self-improvement through

  • Gratitude Unlocked

    05/03/2024 Duración: 07min

    Practical Strategies for Cultivating a Grateful Heart and a Happier Mindset In this episode, we delve into the profound impact of gratitude on our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. From acknowledging blessings to the transformative power of mindfulness, Rachid guides us through practical ways to cultivate gratitude in our daily lives. Join us as we explore how focusing on the positives, practicing mindfulness, and embracing sensory experiences can deepen our sense of gratitude. We uncover the path to greater happiness and resilience through heartfelt reflection and expressions of appreciation. Discover the secrets to fostering gratitude through daily rituals and the art of journaling, as Rachid introduces a new Amazon journal designed to support our journey toward a more fulfilling life.  Tune in to unlock the transformative potential of gratitude in "The Gratitude Effect. More About Topics Covered: Gratitude's impact on mental, emotional, and physical health.  Gratitude and mindfulness practice

  • Revitalizing Life Principles

    26/02/2024 Duración: 12min

    In this episode, we delve into the essence of timeless wisdom and core values, exploring how they serve as guiding lights in our journey toward personal growth and fulfillment. At the heart of our discussion lies the notion of rediscovering timeless wisdom. This journey not only enriches our lives but also propels us towards greater self-awareness and alignment with our goals and aspirations.  Through daily reflection and a steadfast commitment to a growth mindset, we illuminate the path toward aligning our actions with our core values, fostering a sense of purpose and fulfillment. But the exploration doesn't end there. We embark on a deeper dive into the transformative power of embracing a growth mindset—an outlook that champions effort, learning, resilience, and self-awareness as pillars of personal development. Through the practice of mindfulness and presence, we uncover strategies to reduce stress, enhance well-being, and cultivate meaningful connections with others. Join us as we navigate the intersectio

  • Balancing Act

    20/02/2024 Duración: 09min

    Juggling Work, Life, and Self-Care In this episode, Balancing Life and Work, we delve into the crucial aspects of maintaining equilibrium between professional commitments and personal well-being.  Rachid navigates us through essential reminders and actionable strategies aimed at harmonizing work-life dynamics and self-care practices. Tune in to this enriching episode as we embark on a journey towards sustainable balance and holistic well-being in both our professional and personal lives. More About Topics Covered: Balancing work and self-care. Prioritizing tasks and scheduling for productivity. Setting boundaries for work-life balance and self-care.  Preventing burnout through mindfulness and self-care.  Work-life balance strategies and self-care.  You can find blog posts and new episodes here:  

  • Unleashing Your Inner Confidence

    16/02/2024 Duración: 11min

    A Guide to Assertiveness, Overcoming Fears, and Taking Action This episode focused on strategies for building self-confidence, assertiveness, and overcoming fears through self-reflection, goal setting, challenging negative thoughts, embracing imperfection, action, and professional support if needed. More About Topics Covered: Self-confidence, assertiveness, and personal development.  Self-reflection and goal setting for personal growth.  Personal growth strategies.  Breaking cycle of overthinking through action and growth mindset.  Building confidence, assertiveness, and overcoming fears.   You can find blog posts and new episodes here:  

  • Unlocking Creativity

    06/02/2024 Duración: 10min

    Strategies for Inspiring and Sustaining Creative Expression In this episode, we delve into the profound connection between creativity and resilience, discovering how curiosity, risk-taking, and mindfulness serve as catalysts for innovation.  Join us as we explore practical strategies and insights to foster creativity, collaborate effectively, and overcome obstacles on the path to unlocking your creative genius. More About Topics Covered: Unlocking and sustaining creativity.  Cultivating creativity through curiosity and risk-taking.  Fostering creativity through mindfulness and sensory experiences.  Establishing creative rituals for consistent flow. Creativity, collaboration, and overcoming blocks.  You can find blog posts and new episodes here:  

  • The Art of Effective Communication: Enhancing Relationships and Connections

    02/02/2024 Duración: 09min

    Building Stronger Relationships through Clear and Compassionate Communication In this episode, Rachid discusses effective communication for meaningful relationships. It discussed how mastering communication is key to meaningful relationships and interactions in a diverse world. Active listening and nonverbal communication. It covered listening to understand, relate to, and reason with others to communicate effectively, as well as body language and context. Improving communication skills for personal and professional relationships. It discussed restating what you hear to ensure accuracy, especially in sensitive conversations, and how effective communication requires practice, patience, and a genuine desire to connect. More About Topics Covered: Effective communication for meaningful relationships.  Effective communication through active listening.  Active listening and nonverbal communication.  Body language and communication barriers.  Improving communication skills for personal and professional rel

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