Sbc Podcast



SBC podcast is created for business owners, Entrepreneurs and Human Resource Professionals to present the best and most effective practices for Selection and Hiring, Training and Retention and overall leverage of employees and human resources for the success of businesses and organizations and ensuring a happy and engaged workforce and Team members.


  • Beyond Resolutions: Mastering the Art of Lasting Change

    17/01/2024 Duración: 09min

    Daily Rituals, Lasting Impact: A Guide to Habits That Endure In this episode, we explore the pivotal role of consistency in success, encouraging small, manageable changes for goal achievement. Rachid emphasizes patience, self-awareness, and gradual change as essential components in this journey. From accountability and mindful reflection to the importance of variety and adaptability in preventing monotony, join us for an insightful discussion that will empower you to transform your lifestyle.  Discover the keys to identifying areas for improvement, focusing on one habit at a time, and embracing lasting change. This podcast is guiding you on the path to a healthier and more fulfilling life. More About Topics Covered: Building healthy habits for long-term well-being.  Setting and achieving goals through small, manageable changes.  Building healthy habits through accountability and mindful reflection. Maintaining habits and goals through variety and adaptability.  Building healthy habits for long-term

  • Tick-Tock Triumph: The Time Whisperer's Guide

    10/01/2024 Duración: 09min

    Building Success in the Sands of Time and Harmonizing Your Life with Effective Time Management. In this episode, we dissect the wisdom shared in a recording brimming with practical advice on reclaiming control of your schedule, enhancing productivity, and achieving a harmonious work-life balance.  From the crucial art of prioritization to effective goal-setting and innovative time management techniques, join us as we unravel the secrets to thriving in a fast-paced environment.  Whether you're looking to conquer procrastination, set firm boundaries, or optimize your daily routine with methods like the Pomodoro Technique, this episode promises a journey into the heart of time mastery.  Tune in and empower yourself with the tools to navigate the challenges of a busy life successfully. More About Topics Covered: Time management strategies for a busy world.  Prioritizing tasks and managing time effectively.  Time management techniques for productivity.  Managing time and setting boundaries. Time manageme

  • Switch Off, Live On: Embracing a Digital Detox Revolution

    03/01/2024 Duración: 07min

    Ctrl+Alt+Detox:1. Rediscovering Joy in a Screen-Saturated World This podcast episode discusses the importance of digital detoxes and reclaiming one's life from constant connectivity in today's hyperconnected world.  Rachid explores the significance of digital detoxes and provides strategies to help regain control, such as assessing digital habits, establishing boundaries, decluttering the digital space, and developing sustainable habits. More About Topics Covered: Digital detox in a hyper-connected world.  Digital habits and setting boundaries for a successful digital detox.  Digital detox techniques for reducing screen time Digital detox for well-being and mindfulness.  

  • The Art of Easy Holidays

    28/12/2023 Duración: 06min

    Holiday Harmony: Minimizing Stress, Maximizing Joy   This episode is about navigating the holidays with ease. Rachid discusses several strategies and best practices for minimizing stress during the holiday season, including setting realistic expectations and schedules, sharing responsibilities, prioritizing self-care, embracing imperfections, mindful eating, and focusing on quality time with loved ones.  The overall message is that taking a mindful approach can help one enjoy the holidays without feeling overwhelmed. Key Takeaways: Navigating holidays with ease and minimizing stress.  Managing holiday stress through realistic expectations and mindful planning.  Managing holiday stress and enjoying the season.  

  • Nurturing Love by Building and Sustaining a Fulfilling Relationship

    19/12/2023 Duración: 09min

    Beyond the Honeymoon: Crafting a Relationship that Grows and Flourishes   This episode is about maintaining a healthy and thriving relationship once a life partner has been chosen.  Rachid discusses the importance of open, honest, and respectful communication, navigating challenges together as opportunities for growth, supporting each other's personal growth and celebrating milestones together, managing finances collaboratively, balancing independence and togetherness, navigating major life transitions as a team, fostering emotional intimacy, and committing ongoing effort to build and sustain a fulfilling relationship More About Topics Covered: Maintaining a healthy relationship through communication.  Building strong, resilient relationships through communication and growth.  Maintaining a healthy relationship through financial harmony and personal independence.  Building and sustaining a fulfilling relationship.  

  • Building a Lasting Connection Beyond Chemistry

    14/12/2023 Duración: 11min

    Essential Considerations and Questions for Lasting Love   This episode discusses important considerations for choosing a romantic or life partner. Rachid recommends engaging in self-reflection to understand one's values and goals before assessing a potential partner.  Key factors discussed include shared values and goals, communication styles, emotional and financial compatibility, and navigating family relationships.  Rachid emphasizes that partner selection is a significant decision requiring careful thought and open communication. More About Topics Covered:   Choosing a perfect romantic or life partner. Self-reflection before finding a partner.  Compatibility in relationships. Balancing shared and separate interests in a relationship.  Financial habits, family dynamics, and relationship compatibility.  

  • Autism and Adolescence

    05/12/2023 Duración: 11min

    Nurturing Emotional Well-being in Autistic Teens and Building Bridges to Emotional Resilience In this episode, Rachid discusses strategies for parents to help autistic teenagers navigate adolescence. Some key points include establishing open communication, teaching emotional literacy through visual tools, roleplaying social situations, creating predictable routines, addressing sensory needs, explaining puberty changes, building independence through life skills, and encouraging hobbies.  It also provides tips for dealing with meltdowns by remaining calm and using a designated safe space or visual calming kit. The overall message is that patience, empathy and understanding an autistic teen's unique needs can help create a supportive environment for them to thrive during this developmental period. Key Takeaways: Supporting autistic teens through adolescence. Communication and emotional literacy for teens with disabilities.  Supporting autistic teens in adolescence.  Supporting teenagers with autism throu

  • Relationship Ambivalence and Love Limbo

    23/11/2023 Duración: 12min

    Should I Stay or Should I Go - Conquering Indecision in Matters of the Heart This episode discusses relationship ambivalence and navigating the decision to stay in or leave a romantic relationship.  Rachid defines relationship ambivalence as having conflicting emotions about the relationship. He lists some common factors that can contribute to ambivalence, such as fear of the unknown, investment in the relationship, idealizing the past and external pressures.  He provides strategies for coping with ambivalence, such as self-reflection, communication, seeking support, and asking reflective questions about one's values, needs, concerns, fears, and vision for an ideal relationship.  The goal is to make a decision that aligns with one's values and supports personal growth. Key Takeaways: Relationship ambivalence and decision-making.  Factors contributing to ambivalence in relationships.  Self-reflection and communication in relationships.  Evaluating relationships through self-reflection.  Relationship

  • Mastering Focus: How to Teach Yourself to Get and Stay Focused

    14/11/2023 Duración: 12min

    Cracking the Focus Code: Stay on Target and Win the Day This episode was about teaching oneself and others how to get and stay focused. It provided tips and strategies like creating a distraction-free environment, setting clear goals, practicing mindfulness, prioritizing health through sleep, diet, and exercise, practicing gratitude, and more.  Rachid emphasized that learning focus is an ongoing process that requires experimenting to find what works best for the individual. More About Topics Covered: Improving focus and concentration in a distracted world  Prioritizing tasks and staying focused.  Time management techniques for focus and productivity Prioritizing health and focusing on productivity  

  • Unlocking the Healing Power Within: The Vagus Nerve's Role in Wellness

    31/10/2023 Duración: 11min

    Harnessing the 'Wandering Nerve' for Stress Relief, Emotional Balance, and Optimal Health This podcast episode provided an overview of the vagus nerve, which is the longest cranial nerve that extends from the base of the brain down through the neck and into the abdomen.  Rachid discussed how the vagus nerve plays a vital role in regulating stress response, emotional well-being, digestion, and other bodily functions.  Some exercises mentioned to stimulate the vagus nerve included deep breathing, meditation, cold exposure, social engagement, maintaining gut health, yoga/tai-chi, and specific techniques like neck tilting and hand pressing.  The goal is to understand and leverage the vagus nerve's role in maintaining balance and health through various exercises and strategies. More About Topics Covered: Vagus nerve's role in body & mind regulation The vagus nerve and its applications for relaxation and parasympathetic response Vagus nerve's role in stress reduction, emotional well-being, and digestion

  • Mirror, Mirror: Redefining Beauty and Self-Worth

    24/10/2023 Duración: 09min

    Top Reasons People Struggle with Body Image and the Keys to a Confident You In this episode, Rachid explores the common causes of body dissatisfaction and provides strategies like self-compassion, limiting comparisons, setting realistic goals, and redefining beauty standards. He provides strategies for cultivating a more positive relationship with one's body, such as shifting one's focus to abilities rather than flaws, practicing self-compassion, limiting negative influences, setting realistic goals, educating oneself, seeking support, surrounding oneself with positivity, practicing mindfulness, dressing for confidence, redefining beauty, and embracing diversity. Developing a healthy body image is a lifelong journey that requires self-love and compassion. More About Topics Covered: Embracing healthy body image and self-love Body image struggles and media influence Body image and self-esteem Body image and self-love strategies Body image, self-love, and self-acceptance  

  • Detaching from Toxic Influences: Recognizing and Letting Go of Harmful Relationships and Habits

    13/10/2023 Duración: 10min

    Detaching from Toxic Influences: Recognizing and Letting Go of Harmful Relationships and Habits This episode discusses detaching from toxic influences and people that are harmful to one's well-being or personal growth. It explores recognizing toxic influences like negative relationships, unhealthy habits, limiting beliefs, and social media comparisons.  It provides strategies for detaching such as setting boundaries, seeking support, practicing self-care, and surrounding oneself with positive influences and uplifting content through activities like exercise, meditation, and hobbies. The key message is that detaching from what doesn't serve you promotes self-preservation, self-love, and a more fulfilling life. More About Topics Covered: Detaching from toxic influences for personal growth. Self-destructive habits and limiting beliefs. Detaching from toxic influences in personal relationships.  Overcoming addiction and limiting social media use.  Detaching from toxic relationships and behaviors.  

  • Mastering Your Mind: How to Banish Unwanted Thoughts and "Could Have Should Have" Scenarios

    05/10/2023 Duración: 09min

    Mastering Your Mind: How to Banish Unwanted Thoughts and "Could Have Should Have" Scenarios   This podcast episode discusses strategies to banish unwanted thoughts, especially "could have, should have" scenarios that involve replaying past mistakes.  Rachid talks about mindfulness meditation, cognitive behavioral therapy, journaling, and visualization as effective ways to gain control over intrusive thoughts and reduce their negative impact.  He emphasizes practicing these techniques regularly and seeking professional help if unwanted thoughts are severely affecting one's mental well-being and daily life. More About Topics Covered: Banishing unwanted thoughts and living a peaceful life.  Mindfulness meditation for emotional well-being.  Recognizing and challenging negative thought patterns.  Using CBT techniques to challenge negative thoughts Managing intrusive thoughts and regaining control.   

  • Fit for Resilience: Unlock Your Resilience Potential with Everyday Physical Activity

    23/09/2023 Duración: 07min

    Fit for Resilience: Unlock Your Resilience Potential with Everyday Physical Activity   This podcast episode discusses the connection between physical activity and resilience.  We talk about how exercise can help reduce stress, improve mental health, boost confidence, and enhance cognitive function, all of which contribute to greater resilience.  Some practical tips provided for incorporating physical activity into daily life include starting small, choosing enjoyable activities, creating a routine, exercising with others, mixing up types of workouts, and setting realistic goals. The overall message is that regular physical movement can help strengthen both mental and physical well-being to better cope with challenges. Key Takeaway: Physical activity's role in building resilience.  Physical activity's benefits for resilience. Starting small with exercise and finding enjoyable activities.  Building resilience through physical activity.  

  • The Green Path to Resilience:How Nature Inspires and Supports Your Inner Strength

    15/09/2023 Duración: 08min

    The Green Path to Resilience: How Nature Inspires and Supports Your Inner Strength In this episode, we discuss the link between nature and resilience. Rachid talks about how spending time in nature can reduce stress and anxiety, boost mood, and aid in developing a balanced emotional response to challenges.  Some tips for incorporating nature into daily life include going on walks, gardening, engaging in outdoor activities mindfully, taking nature retreats, and bringing nature indoors.  Examples of nature used to build resilience include forest bathing, healing gardens in healthcare facilities, and outdoor therapy programs. Key Takeaway: Connecting with nature.  How nature can lower stress?  Grow your own garden.  The power of forest bathing in Japan.  Outdoor therapy programs.  

  • Anchoring the Soul: The Role of Faith and Spirituality in Building Resilience

    05/09/2023 Duración: 11min

    Anchoring the Soul: The Role of Faith and Spirituality in Building Resilience  In this episode, we discuss the relationship between faith/spirituality and resilience.   Rachid talks about how faith can provide a sense of purpose, emotional regulation, social support, and coping skills to build resilience.   Small daily practices like meditation, gratitude, nature, kindness, reflection, and community are recommended to integrate faith.   Putting your faith or spirituality into useful practices can make you more resilient by helping you deal with problems with strength and calm.  Key Takeaway:  How can incorporating faith into daily life can foster resilience?   Small, consistent practices can have a profound impact.   Make connections with nature.   Prayer for strength.  

  • Building Resilience Through Community: Uniting Hearts, Uplifting Spirits

    25/08/2023 Duración: 08min

    "The significance of community and social support in fostering resilience."   Harness the power of connection.   Provides emotional support. Shared learning and growth. Reduced isolation. Diverse perspectives.   Listen to Resilience Across Borders Podcast for more on this topic.  Subscribe and follow us to see all future ones!

  • Rising Stronger: Navigating the Path to Healing After a Breakup

    14/08/2023 Duración: 13min

    "Exploring Strategies, Stories, and Self-Care for Moving On" Acknowledge and validate emotions, Seek support, Practice self-compassion, and Establish healthy boundaries. Listen here....for more details and other steps towards healing and moving forward from a heartbreak.

  • Overwhelm Busters

    02/08/2023 Duración: 10min

    Bite-Sized Success and How to Take Charge and Reclaim Your Sanity! Recognize and Acknowledge Overwhelm. Identify the Sources of Overwhelm. Delete, Prioritize, and Delegate. Set Boundaries.   Listen to Resilience Across Borders Podcast for more on this topic.  Subscribe and follows us to see all future ones!

  • The Art of Bouncing Back

    24/07/2023 Duración: 09min

    Unveiling the Hidden Connection between Creativity and Inner Strength   Embrace Playfulness and allow yourself the freedom to play, experiment, and explore. Establish Rituals and set aside dedicated time for creative endeavors. Ideas for surrounding yourself with inspiration to keep your creative fire burning. Engage in collaborative creative endeavors to foster connections and build resilience with others.

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