Voices Of Courage

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 304:02:49
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Ken D Fosters Voices of Courage Show is more than just another radio program! It will take you on a journey to find your courage, breakthrough your limits, and master your destiny. No kidding! Ken has brought together the most Courageous People on our Planet who will inspire greatness with you and change your life for the better. In fact, if you are a regular listener, you will soon see the unseeable, know the unknowable, and do the impossible. You Will: * Be Inspired * Be Courageous * Become Unstoppable * Create New Habits * Let Go of Disempowering Thinking * Live Fearlessly * Embrace Uncertainty * Be a Comeback Story


  • 079: The Courage to Rejuvenate Your Brain & Transform Your Consciousness

    27/10/2019 Duración: 59min

    In today's episode, we discuss the courage to rejuvenate our brains and transform our consciousness. We explore:     - Becoming aware of our own thoughts and how they're actually impacting our lives - Quantum physics and some of the techniques being used in the quantum field - Cellular Neo-Genesis and creating an environment for the brain to regenerate cells in - Regenerating brain cells to enhance memory, mental outlook, sleep, energy, and more - Rapid, non-surgical improvement and recovery for those suffering from traumatic brain injuries - Clearing the mind with high vibrational meditation, proper hydration, and uplifting activities - Being more effective in businesses and organizations by having a clear "people strategy" - Helping leaders become self-aware in order to create a safe and authentic work environment - Taking care of matters within ourselves to make the greatest impact on the outside world - Helping leaders and organizations face challenges with humility and transform misperceptions - Identify

  • 078: The Courage to Create Positive Environments

    20/10/2019 Duración: 01h03min

    In today's episode, we discuss creating positive environments in all areas of our lives so that we can thrive in ways we may have never thought possible. We explore:     - The two primary factors that hold us back from feeling good and being happy in life - Why millennials are leaving companies and how to retain millennial employees - How to secure growth with millennial employees, customers, and members of society - Giving millennials a voice to increase retention rates and establish a millennial customer base - How the efforts of true activists are being eclipsed by eco-corporations and financial gain - What realistic environmentalism is and how we can all play our part to create positive change     Visit: https://voicesofcourage.us/

  • 077: The Courage to Become a Hero

    13/10/2019 Duración: 58min

    In today's episode, we discuss the courage to become a hero. We explore:     - Letting go of what holds us back in life and changing how we show up in the world - The importance of being open and receptive to change in order to evolve and grow - Five common (and essential) qualities of someone that's a changemaker or 'hero' - What Happy Science is, what it's major teachings are, and why it's growing rapidly - Master Okawa's near-death experience in the Happy Science movie, "Immortal Hero" - Finding true happiness inside ourselves and connecting to a higher consciousness     Visit: https://voicesofcourage.us/

  • 076: The Courage to Rethink Your Business and Life

    07/10/2019 Duración: 57min

    In today's episode, we discuss doing business with purpose and changing our habits from the inside out. We explore:     - Acknowledging our fears and what could possibly stop us from living our lives to the fullest - Rethinking how and why we do business the way we do and thriving from a place of purpose - How we can come to understand and live out our true purpose that God created for us - Some of the common characteristics that people need in order to transform their lives - Changing habits from the inside out and not relying on the typical one-size-fits-all approach - Customizing a long-term eating plan to address health, weight loss, and food sensitivities - Health issues and weight loss challenges that mature women face as they age - Two things that hold most people back from sticking with dieting and other health goals - How women can rev up their midlife metabolism and create a sustainable lifestyle - Avoiding stop-start patterns and changing our mindset and belief system to live our best life     Vis

  • 075: The Courage to Reinvent Your Life

    02/10/2019 Duración: 58min

    In today's episode, we discuss reinventing our lives and creating happiness from within. We explore:     - The three most important steps to take when setting a goal and how they all relate to courage - How to reprogram our brains in order to awaken to the changes we need to make in our lives - Why hypnosis can be very effective in bringing consciousness to our unconscious thoughts - Finding our spiritual identity and purpose to help us understand who we truly are at our core - How we can maximize our superpowers, bring out our inner genius, and reach our full potential - Why resilience, perseverance, and vulnerability help us to live our lives better instead of bitter - The importance of recognizing, confronting, and embracing our pain in order to heal successfully - What we need to do in order to shift our energy, move forward in life, and create joy from within     Visit: https://voicesofcourage.us/

  • 074: The Courage to be Beautiful

    02/10/2019 Duración: 57min

    In today's episode, we discuss finding the courage to reinvent ourselves, live intentionally, and have more beauty and confidence in our lives. We explore:     - How to find the courage to manifest our dreams and create a beautiful life for ourselves - The critical difference between visiting an Esthetician and a “Master Esthetician” - Understanding our skin-type, what affects it, and how to overcome various skin challenges - What absolute necessities we should have in our home regimen for beautiful, healthy skin - What someone can expect out of getting a facial and how they can help achieve skin goals - The biggest mistakes that people make with their skin and tips and tricks to stay on track - Clearing mindset blocks and limiting beliefs that can stop us from reaching our full potential - Acknowledging pain from our past that’s brought into the present and creating our reality - Why so many people are unhappy and the first steps to making a positive change in our lives - How we can use the power of intentio

  • 073: The Courage to Overcome Your Money Issues

    01/10/2019 Duración: 56min

    In today's episode, we discuss overcoming money issues and welcoming abundance into our lives. We explore:       - What true success looks like for different people and if money and happiness go hand in hand - How to change our thinking and shift our energy on the abundance that surrounds us - Happy money vs. unhappy money and the significance of our personal relationship with money - How we can have more happy money, attract abundance, and cultivate gratitude for what we have - The trouble that comes with having a scarcity mindset and how we can erase financial worries - Why consciousness principles and proven business tools and strategies are the keys to success - The importance of staying up-to-date with the latest technologies coming online in the world - Why it’s essential to get involved in more income-generating activities and leverage ourselves - Embracing our learning experiences and mistakes and then transforming them into success - What we need to know to overcome our money issues and transition fr

  • 072: The Courage to Embrace Inner Power and Beauty

    01/10/2019 Duración: 59min

    In today's episode, we discuss the courage to uncover our personal power and tap into our inner beauty. We explore:     - How all areas of our lives can change dramatically when we have more courage - The willingness to transcend the fears that hold us back and be more courageous - The importance of expressing our truth and learning how to light our personal fire - Learning how to have compassion and love for ourselves first and foremost - Tuning into our inner guidance and applying the universal principles of success - Embracing our inner beauty and learning how to step into our personal power - How courage is the bridge to change and why discomfort is part of that journey     Visit: https://voicesofcourage.us/

  • 071: The Courage to Write a Book

    27/08/2019 Duración: 55min

    In today's episode, we discuss what it takes to translate your unique message into a book that impacts others. We explore:     - How a person can know if they have a book inside them waiting to be written and shared - Learning how to find your voice and individual writing style as a brand new author - The first step to developing a professional book and the process for writing a nonfiction book - Preventing writer's block by creating and following a comprehensive and organized BookMAP - How long a book should be and the amount of time it should take for an individual to write it - Developing strategies for balanced goals and life plans and using perspective in daily life - Why what you pour into your "glass" matters and how you can choose to manage your glass - The importance of having a plan in place for how to take your book out to market as an author     Visit: https://voicesofcourage.us/

  • 070: The Courage to Create Wealth

    19/08/2019 Duración: 55min

    In today's episode, we discuss what it takes to create a wealth mindset and multiple streams of income. We explore:     - The impact of building our lives on truth and wisdom versus information and fact - Taking full responsibility for our decisions and practicing honest introspection - How people get into the wealth mindset to start generating wealth for themselves - Having the courage and dedication to create both internal and external wealth - The importance of having a vision and a dream to build our wealth around - Determining if we have what it truly takes to be wealthy regardless of circumstance - The three fundamental pieces of knowledge everyone needs in order to succeed - Why creating wealth is still possible even when starting from zero with no money - The biggest obstacle that stands in the way of people creating wealth for themselves     Visit: https://voicesofcourage.us/

  • 069: The Courage to Shift Into High Gear

    04/08/2019 Duración: 57min

    In today's episode, we discuss how to shift into the most authentic and powerful version of ourselves. We explore:     - How to shift into high gear and become the best possible version of ourselves - Going within to determine what we need to let go of and what needs to change - Learning to not blame ourselves for the cards we're dealt and how to move forward - Staying positive through pain, struggle, and both mental and physical challenges - The importance of having goals and putting all of our energy into accomplishing them - Changing our thinking about the challenges that we face and facing them objectively - The mere-exposure effect and how it can be used to gain confidence and overcome fears - Modulating between comfort and discomfort to convert fearful feelings into excitement - Why courage is about being fearful and still moving forward rather than trying to be fearless - 3 behavioral expressions of courage and how we can use them to become more courageous     Visit: https://voicesofcourage.us/

  • 068: The Courage of Changemakers

    04/08/2019 Duración: 56min

    In today's episode, we discuss the courage and core characteristics of successful changemakers. We explore:     - The core characteristics of changemakers and the secrets to becoming a changemaker yourself - Finding scientific solutions and alternatives for reducing plastic pollution on our planet - How large of a global issue plastic pollution is and what we can do to change the environment - Living outside of comfort zones and overcoming the struggles and obstacles of entrepreneurship - Learning how to have courage, stay positive, and keep moving forward when things get hard - A product that's helping people with Type 2 Diabetes safely and effectively lower glucose levels     Visit: https://voicesofcourage.us/

  • 067: The Courage to Re-Code Your Mind for Unlimited Success

    28/07/2019 Duración: 56min

    In today's episode, we discuss the courage to re-code your mind and create unlimited success in your life. We explore:   - How we can learn to acknowledge what needs to change in our lives and reprogram our minds - Flipping the scripts in our mind and coming back to the essence of who we really are - How we hypnotize ourselves every day with our self-talk and get stuck in an unhealthy trance - What subconscious strongholds are, how they hold us back, and how we can wake up from them - A three-step process that can be used to break the subconscious patterns of the mind - The importance of finding the true 'why' behind your goals and desires in order to achieve them - Believing in the power of your mind and how we can use this to step into living our best life  - Letting go of "shoulds, have-tos, and need-tos" to have empowered communication with your mind - Entering the circle of vulnerability and naming the fears behind what's keeping us stuck in our lives - Learning to release, surrender, and recode in order

  • 066: The Courage to Embrace Radical Kindness

    19/07/2019 Duración: 56min

    In today's episode, we discuss connecting with our compassion and stepping into our lives in a more caring way with radical kindness. We explore:   - A 7-day exercise for retraining our minds to not respond to negativity from others  - What radical kindness is all about and why we need it in order to change the world - How we can be radically kind or show radical kindness in our everyday lives - The benefits we see in our lives and the world around us from practicing kindness - How to use radical kindness with people that have unkind things to say to you - How parents can show radical kindness towards their kids and help shift behaviors - Breaking through our personal armor to uncover our purpose and true authentic selves - Why a lack of self-worth can lead people to addiction and other self-destructive habits - How our internal wounding often stems from rejection and/or a sense of inadequacy - Steps we can take to bring ourselves back to a place of kindness after experiencing rejection   Visit: https://voice

  • 065: The Courage to Fight for What is Right

    13/07/2019 Duración: 55min

    In today's episode, we discuss overcoming our limitations and fighting for what's truly right within ourselves. We explore:   - What stops people from achieving what's on their bucket list and living the life they want - The workaholic 'hustle culture' that's become increasingly prevalent all over the world - How to avoid this 'burn out culture' in modern living and live a more joyful and balanced life - Scaling a business and having the mental fortitude to overcome the struggles and obstacles - What our inner Emotional Age is, why it significantly impacts our life, and how to change it - Why triggers actually provide us with an opportunity to heal our own unfinished business - Acknowledging and understanding the difference between our wounded selves and real selves - Healing our wounded selves into the wholeness of the person we are actually meant to be - How to heal, learn to effectively communicate, and become our most empowered selves - Why healing emotional age can shift unhappy relationships into loving

  • 064: The Courage to Live in Full Expression

    08/07/2019 Duración: 56min

    In today's episode, we discuss getting present with ourselves and living from a place of full expression. We explore:   - Taking the time to notice and reflect on what is and isn't working in our lives - Learning how to reveal the truth of who we are and live from a place of full expression - Getting truly present with our own thoughts, bodies, and experiences in life - Taking responsibility for everything that's happening in our lives in order to grow - What it means to live in full expression and how we can live in full expression of our truth - Why limiting beliefs stop us from making changes and taking full advantage of our lives - Tuning in to our own spirit and moving past what's blocking us from our true selves - Becoming intentional and making conscious decisions that are aligned with our truth - The identity crisis in America and how it's impacting success and joy in people's lives - How humans can connect with horses through non-verbal communication - The five social parameters that need to be prese

  • 063: The Courage to Supercharge Your Mind

    01/07/2019 Duración: 57min

    In today's episode, we discuss how to supercharge your mind and take your life to a completely new level. We explore:   Using our mind in a way that supports productivity, increases initiative, and inspires wisdom The three levels of the mind and how we can tap into our superconscious to change our lives Learning how to become receptive to change by refocusing, setting an intention, and taking action  Rewiring our brains by changing our thoughts and opening up for something new to drop in Accepting our stress, setbacks, hardships, and difficult situations as an inevitable part of life How to get out of a victim mentality when acknowledging the things we can and can't control Managing our inner pessimistic voice and negative inner dialogue that tends to hold us back Stress management and the correlation between our physical health and mental wellness Why incorporating consistency and a daily routine can be beneficial for decreasing stress The Morning Mind: Using our brain in a way that helps master our day an

  • 062: The Courage to Live the Life You Love

    20/06/2019 Duración: 57min

    In today's episode, we discuss the courage to live the life you love. We explore:   • Achieving a state of balance and joy in all of the essential areas of our lives • Shifting to a higher consciousness and creating fulfilling relationships and a more intentional life • Mastering Affluence - Six lessons to clear away longstanding patterns of struggle • What it takes to heal completely and how we can clear out our old stories and energy patterns • Cleaning our energy body and forming new neural pathways to operate in more states of joy   Visit:  VoicesofCourage.us

  • 061: The Courage to Break the Success Code

    16/06/2019 Duración: 56min

    Today we discuss clearing out the blocks in our lives and unlocking the best version of ourselves.   In order for us to access the greatest parts of ourselves, we first have to change our habits and become aware of what's blocking our brilliance, our greatness, and our success. What is it that's standing in our way? Most of the time what holds us back is our fears, and they can consume us if we don't acknowledge them. What we need to do is stop, tune into our bodies, and ask ourselves, "If I were courageous, what would I do?" and then take little steps forward every day in that direction. My guests today, Sandra and Daniel Biskind, are two best-selling authors and world-renowned visionary and transformational teachers that have dedicated their lives to empowering people to free themselves from pain, suffering, sadness, and self-limiting beliefs. They join me today to discuss what's sabotaging most people's happiness and success, and they share the password for unlocking the best version of ourselves.   We Dis

  • 060: The Courage to Love

    10/06/2019 Duración: 55min

    Today we discuss love and why it's essential for success.   Have you ever felt a little inadequate or less than other people? Do you find yourself always saying yes to the demands of others or allowing their opinions to affect your own happiness? When someone starts to feel this way, it's as if they've lost their voice and sight of what they actually stand for. Putting all of our focus onto what others think, do, and say can leave us feeling empty and forgetting who we are. What we need to do is start loving our own voice, our own message, our own values, and start to put trust back into our own wisdom. We need to start with learning to love ourselves. My co-host today, Julie Potiker, is a mindfulness expert, author, and attorney who shares mindfulness techniques with the world through her Mindful Methods for Life trainings. She joins me today to discuss the releasing wounds from the past, the vulnerability it takes to be courageous, and the importance of self-love. Our guest, Dr. Gary Salyer, is an author an

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