Voices Of Courage



Ken D Fosters Voices of Courage Show is more than just another radio program! It will take you on a journey to find your courage, breakthrough your limits, and master your destiny. No kidding! Ken has brought together the most Courageous People on our Planet who will inspire greatness with you and change your life for the better. In fact, if you are a regular listener, you will soon see the unseeable, know the unknowable, and do the impossible. You Will: * Be Inspired * Be Courageous * Become Unstoppable * Create New Habits * Let Go of Disempowering Thinking * Live Fearlessly * Embrace Uncertainty * Be a Comeback Story


  • 059: The Courage to Overcome Great Challenges

    31/05/2019 Duración: 55min

    Today we discuss the courage to overcome great challenges and change what's not working.   We're all here learning, growing, evolving, and trying to understand who we are. Within all of us is a force that can heal the mind, body, and spirit if we start to acknowledge and understand what needs to change in our lives. As we start to look at these things, we start to make room for healing to occur. If you want to heal whatever ails you, then approach healing as a quest. Think about the multitude of solutions and possibilities that you have at your fingertips. It takes commitment, determination, and consistent efforts to recover from whatever you're dealing with, whether it's mentally, emotionally, physically, or spiritually. My guest, Dr. David Epstein, is the co-founder and medical director of MVP Pediatric and Urgent Care in Tarzana, CA. He joins us today to share his insight on misinformation about vaccines and why patient-physician relationships and treatment in the pediatric ICU should be approached differe

  • 058: The Courage to Generate Fearless Success

    26/05/2019 Duración: 54min

    Today we discuss generating the courage to have fearless success and connections.   How do you get beyond your current circumstances and generate success uncommon to most? How do you step into your life's purpose and generate unending success and bring forth your greatness? You have to change the way you've been thinking about change! Your greatest thinking has got you right where you are right now. But, if you open up your mind and acknowledge the beliefs, choices, and actions that are holding you back from success, you can begin to uncover your greatness. My guest, John Foley, is a former lead solo pilot of the Blue Angels, a Sloan Fellow at Stanford Graduate School of Business, an entrepreneur, venture capitalist, leadership expert, speaker, and gratitude guru. He joins us today to share the secrets and techniques that elite performers know and practice on a daily basis. John provides tip and strategies to lead through change, build high-performance teams, and help individuals and organizations reach their

  • 057: The Courage to Attain Your Highest Achievements

    18/05/2019 Duración: 54min

    Today we discuss mindfulness, mysticism, and how to live a happy, more purposeful life.   What's your purpose for your life? Are you here to simply go through the challenges of growing up, going to school, getting married, having children, earning money, and then, after many years of trying to find happiness through altering states of pain and pleasure, be buried and gone? Sounds dismal, doesn't it? Well, this show is all about helping you to attain your highest level of passion, purpose, and achievement in this lifetime. Is there something more for you out there? I'm hoping you're saying yes! My first guest, Julie Potiker, is a mindfulness expert, author, and attorney who shares mindfulness techniques with the world through her Mindful Methods for Life trainings. She joins me today to discuss mindful methods for staying calm in the midst of chaos and how mindfulness rewires our brains for happiness. My second guest, Rabbi Daniel Bortz, is an author, speaker, and millennial rabbi who embarked on a 6-year jour

  • 056: The Courage to Explore Altered States of Consciousness

    12/05/2019 Duración: 54min

    Today we discuss opening our minds to new ways of thinking and exploring altered states of consciousness.   When you can alter your consciousness you can increase your happiness and open up to new channels of wealth, health, and have generally better success in all areas of your life. It does take courage to explore consciousness though because to get out of your current thinking and thus your current circumstances, you must be willing to explore new ideas, concepts, and principles. My first guest, Lynne McTaggart, is an international best-selling author that's spent many years exploring the nature of human thought and intention and their relationship to health and wellness. She joins me today to discuss the miraculous effects of small groups of people sharing an intention and the healing power of altruism. My second guest, Reverend Christian Sorensen, is the eminent spiritual leader of the Seaside Center for Spiritual Living and a past president and community spiritual leader of the United Church of Religiou

  • 055: The Courage To Plan and Navigate Your Future

    11/05/2019 Duración: 55min

    Today we discuss navigating your future and living a life filled with intention and purpose.   Think about the end of your life and where you’re going to be. What’s the legacy that you’re going to leave? Are you writing that story in your life right now, or are you running some other story in your head? If we want to make a difference in the world and leave a legacy, we have to be willing to transform and educate ourselves. If you’re a person that’s stuck somewhere - in relationships, in your business, in your health - or maybe you’ve plateaued, it doesn’t mean that things can’t change. They can change as soon as you’re willing to change. Today's guest, Whitney Vosburgh, is co-founder of Work The Future! Today, a social venture that offers vision, leadership, and solutions for maximizing personal, organizational, and societal potential. He joins me today to discuss the importance of a shift from profit first to purpose first, and how by being more intentional we can individually and collectively co-create a b

  • 054: The Courage to Be a Hero and Transcend Your Limitations

    28/04/2019 Duración: 57min

     Today we discuss bringing forth the courage and vulnerability to understand our strengths while transcending our fears, failures, and limitations.   Do you think that everybody possesses courage, or is it only in a few brave hearts? I've found that only those that can be vulnerable can express courage. Courage is not merely an act of will, it's a robust presence that dwells within all of us - it's a powerful force. In fact, it's a force that if applied in your life will take you to levels that you never even thought were possible. My first guest, Tracy Sundlun, is best known as one of the founders of the Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon Series in 1998. He joins me today to discuss the mindset and core traits that set Olympians apart from others, and how we can all reach our full potential and excel in life. My second guest, Rabbi Joshua Hammerman, is the spiritual leader of Temple Beth El in Stamford, CT. He joins me today to provide insight on how we can transcend our limitations, grow from failure, and have the cour

  • 053: The Courage to Free Yourself From Your Personal Prisons

    22/04/2019 Duración: 58min

    Today we discuss how to free yourself from the personal prisons that are disempowering you.   Freedom - we all want it, right? In fact, we live in a nation that prides itself on being free. But are you really free, or are you a prisoner of your own thoughts, fears, and doubts? The mind is either the cause of our bondage or the cause of our liberation. So, if you're thinking in ways that are disempowering to you, then you're actually releasing chemicals in your body that are supporting those thoughts time and time again. The good news is, you have control over your thoughts, and by acknowledging them you can learn to shift your focus and remove yourself from any kind of a prison that you’ve put yourself in. My first guest, Lee McCormick, has been a creative force in the Mental Health and Recovery scene for over 20 years. He joins me today to discuss taking responsibility for how we respond to our thoughts and why identifying ourselves by our thoughts can create conflict in our lives. Lee also shares the distin

  • 052: The Courage and Neuroscience of Finding True Love

    15/04/2019 Duración: 54min

    Today we discuss doing inner work in order to break down the barriers within ourselves and master the secrets of manifesting true love.   I submit that if you don’t have a deep connection with love, you’re probably not going to be very successful in your relationships or even your business. Chances are that you’ll struggle often and deal with lots of stress, disharmony, and misunderstanding in your life. But, wait… you mean there’s this one tiny concept that can really transcend all of this? I say yes! There is this force – this power – that we have in our lives behind our words, and this force is called love. It brings with it peace of mind, harmony, balance, health, and joyfully connected relationships. Love has the potential to create everlasting happiness in our lives, so why doesn’t everybody seek it all of the time? Is there anybody on the planet that could not use some more love in their life? I think that everybody needs a little more love, but too often we just get stuck knowing how/where to actually

  • 051: The Courage to be Fearless in Business and in Life

    12/04/2019 Duración: 56min

    Today we discuss letting go of our old programming and disempowering beliefs to become fearless in business and in life.   Almost every person I know has been brought up in a fearful environment, yet most of them don’t even realize it. Let me explain… Our parents, teachers, friends, and other family members have all given us instructions for how to live life based on their own perceptions, beliefs, and experiences. Though these people meant well, they did give us some fear-based instructions along the way. These instructions become our programmed beliefs, and we tend to subconsciously cling to these beliefs as our own. The truth is, we’re able to overcome any fear and disempowering thought if we are willing to acknowledge it. We all have the ability to decide if we want to continue to embrace fear or become fearless – the choice is ours. But, we have to step into our courage first before we can step into our power and live the life of our dreams with no fear-based limitations. My guest, Jim Britt, is an inter

  • 050: The Courage to Bring Forth the Depth of Your Greatness

    01/04/2019 Duración: 55min

    Today we discuss tuning into our intuitive wisdom, awakening our true magnificence, and mastering the quantum being that we are.   If you're solving a calculus problem or sitting down to do your taxes, chances are you subconsciously rely on your mind to get you from point A to point B. There's a time and place for analyzing and strategizing, but it's just as important to get outside of your head and awaken to different levels of consciousness. The mind isn't the end all be all. When we start living from the intuitive self, or the "wise self," there is a whole part of us that is able to receive miracles, magic, and synchronicity in our lives time and time again. My guest, Dr. Sue Morter, is an International Speaker, Quantum Field Visionary, and Author of the national bestseller, The Energy Codes: The 7-Step System to Awaken Your Spirit, Heal Your Body, and Live Your Best Life. She joins me today to share how to incorporate the principles and practices of The Energy Codes, move beyond the mind in order to heal,

  • 049: The Courage to Tame the Monkey Mind

    25/03/2019 Duración: 56min

    Today we discuss taming our monkey mind in order to have a healthy relationship with ourselves and others and live a joyful life.   Our mind is the source of our problems, but it is also the doorway to our freedom. If we want to change anything, we first have to get to the cause of what’s creating different problems in our lives. The issue is, we rarely ever look hard enough to discover that our thinking is generally the root of our problems. My first guest, JF Benoist, is the co-founder of The Exclusive Hawaii, a holistic addiction treatment center and the author of the skills-based book, Addicted to the Monkey Mind. He joins me today to discuss changing the programming that sabotages our lives and how to develop a powerful new mindset in order to create change. My second guest, Kristine Jackson, is the clinical director of Villa Kali Ma, a residential treatment center for women’s addiction treatment and holistic recovery. She joins me today to share the relationship between disconnection and addiction and h

  • 048: The Courage to Never Diet Again

    17/03/2019 Duración: 56min

    Today we discuss obesity, weight loss without dieting, and seeing beyond the scale.   The adult obesity rate in the U.S. is at or above 35% in seven different states, and at least 30% in 29 states. Are we digging our graves with our mouths? What’s happening here? Just as we have laws that regulate traffic on the streets, there are laws that we need to follow with our health as well. If we don't follow the appropriate health laws, we experience fatigue, pain, misery, unhealthiness, and even disease. If you're serious about improving your health, having great energy, and maybe shedding some weight, then it's really important to have the right information so that you can make sure you do so in a way that's best for you long term. My guest today, Robert Ferguson, is a well-known nutrition and fitness expert, author, host, and producer, who is recognized as one of "America’s leading voices on wellness and weight loss." He joins me today to talk about the significance of measuring our BFI (Body Fact Index) versus t

  • 047: The Courage to Live the Life of Your Dreams

    09/03/2019 Duración: 57min

    Today we discuss creating the life of your dreams.   Is it possible that you might be preventing yourself from achieving success through your limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging habits? Today we're going to help you move whatever it is that's standing in your way so that you can actually live the life you've been dreaming of. My first guest, Mark Romero, is an internationally renowned high-vibration music artist and energy healer that is recognized as a leader in the field of transformation through music and sound. He joins me today to share the revolutionary technology that he uses to help people remove the negative influences in their environment, dissipate disempowering limiting beliefs, and tap into all of the power and know-how needed to reveal the masterpiece within. My second guest, Nancy Solari, is the founder of Living Full Out - a company created to guide people in reaching their maximum potential - and she is a true example of how to persevere and live above adversity. She joins me today to share

  • 046: The Courage to Transform Your Life

    04/03/2019 Duración: 56min

    Today we discuss breaking free from fears, reclaiming our power, and transforming our lives for the better.   Simply put, our consciousness is what has placed us into our current situation, for better or for worse. Since we are programmed most of our lives by society, our parents, our peers, and our teachers, our greatest thinking is simply a reflection of that programming over time. The good news is that we have the ability to break free from all of this and live the life of our dreams. In today's show, we explore the courage required to transform our lives, and what we can do to turn our wants and into our reality.   We Discuss: Breaking free of our current programming and fears in order to change our lives How personal development work contributes to less stress and a more fulfilled life Acknowledging what we want in life and also understanding what's holding us back Reclaiming our power and tuning into a higher consciousness within ourselves Using the power of wonder and awe to help us manifest our great

  • 045: The Courage to Have Connected Conversations

    23/02/2019 Duración: 54min

    Today we discuss the courage and strategies needed to have connected conversations and effective communication.   We tend to often build stories around what we've felt or experienced in our lives, but they don't always serve or support us in a positive way. What if we were to change these stories into ones that are more empowering?  When we shift our focus and change our inner dialogue, we are able to connect and communicate in new ways and open up so many new possibilities in our lives.  My first guest, Arthur Schwartz, is Founder of Accelerant Coaching & Training and has coached and trained hundreds of professionals in corporate environments as well as entrepreneurs, seasoned leaders, and ascending millennials in the U.S. and globally. He joins me today to share what stops people from effectively communicating with others and how we can all communicate with charisma and have more connected conversations. My second guest, Claudette Rowley, is the CEO of Cultural Brilliance, and over the past twenty years

  • 044: The Courage to Raise Your Radiance

    16/02/2019 Duración: 54min

    Today we discuss looking within ourselves to increase our level of radiance and take our lives to the next level.   Some people seem to have an attractive presence about them. They have an inner strength that radiates out into the world that you can feel just by being around them. They move with quiet confidence, a power that demands respect, and they exude charisma and radiance. Where does this come from, and how can we get some for ourselves? My first guest, Christine Howard, is a recognized and respected business leader dedicated to creating transformative products and coaching services, books, and talks that are instrumental for awakening the radiance and power of women’s true beauty and their ability to achieve their soul-centered calling. She joins me today to share her journey of hardship and transformation that led her to become the radiant woman and leader she is today. Christine provides insight into how we can all raise our radiance from within and shares the three key actions that changed her life

  • 043: The Courage to Transform Addictions into Power

    10/02/2019 Duración: 56min

    Today we discuss the impact of addiction and the many pieces of the addiction recovery process that are necessary for a successful transition into a substance-free life.   Did you know that drug and alcohol addictions affect people from all walks of life? Of course, you do! But, you may not know this... According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, more than 80,000 people die from alcohol-related deaths each year in the United States. On top of an already staggering alcohol problem, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration says that 1 in 10 Americans has a drug problem, with drug overdoses alone killing about 72,000 people in the United States just last year. I’m dedicating this episode of our show towards bringing more awareness of the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse and its impact on our society as a whole so that we can work together to change addiction in America. My first guest, Kay White, is a spiritual life coach, certified yoga instructor, and the executiv

  • 042: How to Embrace Power, Wisdom, and Courage

    02/02/2019 Duración: 54min

    Today we discuss how to embrace our personal power, wisdom, and courage to take our lives to the next level.   What does it take to step into our power? How do we embrace our inner wisdom and be the most courageous version of our selves? The truth is that there's something deeper inside all of us when we raise our frequency and can get still and listen to the voice within. My first guest, Patricia Diorio, is a transformational speaker committed to informing, inspiring, and motivating people to achieve their goals and dreams through an understanding of the science behind success. She joins me today to discuss raising our vibrational frequency and stepping into our personal power to manifest our own reality. My second guest, Dr. Anita Sanchez, is a best-selling author and transformational leader who has spent four decades sharing indigenous wisdom with executives and their teams all over the world. She joins me today to talk about how "The Four Sacred Gifts" can help us respond to fear and anger and be in right

  • 041: The Courage to Take Full Charge of Your Body

    26/01/2019 Duración: 57min

    Today we discuss how healing and empowerment become our reality when we take charge of our own bodies.   Right now, in this moment, you have the power to heal your mind and body by tapping into higher realms of consciousness and wisdom. Today, you can start on a journey that will lead you to freedom from mental, emotional, and physical disease by becoming receptive to some new possibilities for taking back your power and healing. Many people that I’ve worked with over the years have lost their brilliance and power by turning it over to others. Whether it be a friend, a spouse, a teacher, or a doctor - what they usually don’t understand is that by just taking on someone else’s point of view and allowing them to be the “expert” in their lives, they're disempowering themselves. My first guest, Glenn Livingston, Ph.D., is a veteran psychologist who spent several decades researching the nature of bingeing and overeating. He joins me today to share his personal journey out of obesity and emotional eating, and how w

  • 040: The Courage to Create Miracles in Your Life

    20/01/2019 Duración: 55min

    Today we discuss tapping into our own unique purpose and creating a life filled with miracles.   Right now, at this very moment, you have the power to change your life by tapping into a higher realm of consciousness. You can start on a journey that will lead you to freedom - mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually - by using the power of your mind. Let’s face it, miracles are happening around us every day. The problem is that most people aren't aware of this. So, what goes into creating a miracle and is there a way that we can open ourselves up to manifesting them regularly in our lives? My first guest, Nick Lowery, is an NFL legend and Hall of Famer who spent 18 years as a kicker for the Kansas City Chiefs. He joins me today to talk about the courage that comes from tapping into something bigger than ourselves, overcoming rejection, and living a life of purpose. Nick also shares how CTE (chronic traumatic encephalopathy), a degenerative brain disease found in athletes and others with a history of

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