Tete & Espresso

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 4:45:49
  • Mas informaciones



TeTe & Espresso is a 2 minutes podcast, 3 days a week, that will get your day started the perfect way, with a positive jolt. With weekly themes, 1 minute is spent talking about the daily topic, and 1 minute is spent on energetic affirmations...The best way to start your day.Orphanage work inspired this podcast. I have a working plan in motion to install surround sound in orphanages, where I currently go to in Mexico, where I will be programing their brains for success and happiness. While building this dream, I decided to make a version for the general population, and use the proceeds to build my brain programing and mentorship program with the kids without families.. I currently visit 3 homes, with 60 kids in each home, ranging from 1 month to 22 years old...In this dream, your messages of hope and love are linked directly to them. Our success is their success. This Podcast was created realizing the precious time we have in our busy lives. A 1 hour podcast, and even a 20 minute podcast, can seem too long in our daily lives. That was the intention for having a 2 minute podcast. You could even listen to it back to back and not spend more then 5 minutes of your time. And that time is filled with the best brain programing humans can experience. After spending the last 15 years immersed in affirmations, psychology of success, coaching programs, spiritual books, courses, philanthropy, mastermind groups, psychology, philosophy, and wanting to live fully every day, I put that all together in a package that can help my brother and sister (you) to the maximum, knowing your busy life.All of the acoustic guitar is originally done in the booth, and is the back track for each podcast. Every week there is a new guitar progression. I write, record, and produce everything you hear. Keeping it fresh 52 throughout the year. Spread this with as many people as you love, it will help the ones who need and want our love the most... The children and young adults of this world, with no one there for them.


  • Friends - Wednesday - Beware of Drama Friends - 031

    01/08/2018 Duración: 02min

    Papiiiiii I hate chew, you don’t even love meeeez ...Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox Original, I’m TeTe. Let’s talk 1 minute about avoiding the friends with drama for yo mama, and give a fun 1 minute espresso shot hehe ...This week’s theme are Friends. Today’s topic, beware of bad friends. Notice and pay attention to your drama filled, complaining, angry, poor me, aloof, hypochondriac, depressing, “I am too hurt to mend our relationship” type of friends. As you choose to be the best you, and raise your average, these other friends, bow to them, give them a blast of love energy (pashoooow energy sound) and surrender to truth, let them go... and now select the new friends you want...You notice the energy you feel in your stomach and chest when they are around you, don’t you? And sucks for you, because I have faith in you. I know how capable and intelligent you are, and I know you know how they are not serving you..And I know something about you. You know the best kind of friends you would want to ha

  • Friends - Monday - Top 5, Choose Carefully - 030

    30/07/2018 Duración: 02min

    Oh won’t you beeee, my amigo... Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. Let’s talk 1 minute about friends, and take a 1 minute espresso shot of affirming to start your day. This week’s theme are friends, Today’s topic, Choose your Top 5 friends carefully. We, I, and you are the average of the top 5 people we hang out around the most. Your money, your peace of mind, your self belief, your ability to travel, how you party, everything....Think about it...Take the 5 people you hang out with the most, and average their income. What is yours? Now think how important it is for adults who are around kids all day to be around adults. Their stellar conversation of life brain stimulation average, is low. Who you hang around, how they think, what they say, what they do, all form who you are..And the best part, it is easy to add new friends, and maintain what you have with old friends... You get it...If you want to be in shape, hang out with 5 personal trainers, to be wealthy 5 investors, to go o

  • Self Forgiveness - Friday -Brain Music Programming Singing Session - 029

    27/07/2018 Duración: 01min

    (Echo) I (1) forgive(3) myself (5) .... Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. Let’s take our 2 -3 minute espresso shot today and program your brain to forgive yourself. Enjoy the listening experience. 1 I (1) forgive (2) myself (3) (Sing the triad) 2 (Whisper) I forgive myself Affirmation I, I, I, I, I, I, I (1)(Fast) Forgive, Forgive, Forgive, (3)(Fast) Myself, myself, myself (5) (Fast) Program your brain to forgive yourself. Say it 10 times a day, 3,650 times a year, feel it, program your brain to allow yourself forgiveness. This is the key to what you wanted in your life. Everything. It all starts here. Your treasure map. Once you forgive yourself, the whole map unfolds. I forgive myself, you forgive yourself, we forgive ourselves. I forgive myself (as many times fast as will fit, all on 1 breath)... You can not say it, and feel it enough.. Continue this journey with me, and subscribe to this CastBox Podcast.

  • Self Forgiveness - Wednesday - Childhood Trauma - 028

    25/07/2018 Duración: 03min

    Get your freaking hands off me, a child’s first memory, oh Mommy, help me… Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. Let’s talk 1 minute life, and take a 1 minute morning espresso shot to start your day. This weeks theme is self forgiveness. Today’s topic, childhood trauma. Scarring from the pain and hurt from the past is a constant pain, and a burden. A lot of times something happened that was out of our control, especially when we were young kids. It hurt us so much that we play it over and over, in disbelief that someone could hurt us so much! Why!!? Why me? How dare they, I was so young! How could you hurt of child like that?.. Didn’t know it would hurt me later in life? How could you say that to me? How could you put your hands on me like that? … I couldn’t even stick up for myself, and you took advantage of me! Why? I was so innocent! … We end up holding onto the responsibility that was never ours. By forgiving ourselves, and reminding us that it was not our fault. ..We are innoce

  • TEDx Talks Guest Speaker Chris Tompkins - Self Forgiveness - Monday - We Forgive Ourselves - 027

    23/07/2018 Duración: 03min

    I forgive myself (With Chris) ...Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. And welcome TedX Talk speaker, on messages from the Playground. With his company “A Road Trip to Love, Chris Tompkins ..Chris is going to take the main body of today’s podcast, and I’ll end with our 1 minute espresso shot. This Week’s theme is Self Forgiveness. Today’s topic, We forgive ourselves.  (Chris Tompkins part is here, which is available by listening to the track) The Bible broken down into psychology, The Crucifixion was your inner best you forgiving you every time, forever. The resurrection is your job in the process. You must forgive yourself, before you can move onto your dreams, or as the bible would call it..Heaven...That’s why the only good prayer is asking for self forgiveness. Through your forgiveness of the surrounding areas you failed, or were hurt,  and then choosing to be the best version of you from that point forward, you are now in alignment with your highest light. I forgive myself, I f

  • Who Am I Friday - Who Are You? - -026

    20/07/2018 Duración: 02min

    We are we are, One love, one heart ... Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. Let’s talk 1 minute about life and take a 1 minute espresso shot of high energy affirmations. This weeks theme is Who am I? Today’s topic, Who are we. We are the world, we are the children..Who are we supposed to be, is the best question. And our answer?...The best “US” possible. How do we gage being the best us possible? Fortunately we have had many Christ beings as an example in the history of the world. Fortunately we have the psychological answers to alleviate what we must, to be the best us possible. (Yuck sound like you ate a bad food) If words like pure love, happiness, confidence, peace are not palatable to you, it’s time to cleans your palate with some TeTe & Espresso affirmations! I realize that the bad taste in my mouth from the best spiritual foods, is not the food, or the chef, or the seasoning of life. It is my decision to be a food critic vs. a food connoisseur, a lover of every single ta

  • Who am I - Wednesday - Who Are You? - 025

    18/07/2018 Duración: 02min

    Oh my god, tell me about you (Ron Burgandy)…. Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. Let’s talk 1 about..You..and take a 1 minute shot to acknowledge who you are. This weeks theme is, getting to know each other. Who are you? Well..You are perfect, as is, w hole and complete, with nothing to change. All you have to do is surrender to all the good stuff that you are…Now..Are you are lover, a happy person, have you forgiven your past? Where are you from? And what cultural uniqueness do you hold onto and love? What was your favorite time about childhood? What are your happiest memories? Who are your best friends? Your mentors?..All of these make up who you are..And here was is going to blow your mind..Alllll the GOOD things we just mentioned are you…allll the bad stuff is not you. The best in you exists…You made up the rest. I choose to be the best of me. I choose to show people the best of me. I am proud of the best of me. By focusing on the best of me, I always give the best of me, and

  • Hi, I'm TeTe - Monday - Who am I? - 024

    16/07/2018 Duración: 02min

    Hi, nice to meet you.... Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original podcast, I’m TeTe. Yes this is a 2 minute podcast, and today I’ll take the 2 minutes to creatively tell you who I am, and what this podcast is about. “Good night my darling, I love you so much, you can do anything you want to in life if you just work hard enough.” My Mama used to say that to me every night before I went to bed, until I moved out... (Southern Accent) I am a southern gentleman, from deep far in the south. From San Diego, California..... We grew up in a family with 4 of us kids, in a loving family, that parents were divorced when my youngest brother was 18. Having the loving Italian side of my Moms family taught me love and philanthropy. And my Dad bought me looong audio books on “winning in life” with 20 different teachers. And I was fortunate to be raised in an environment, where even though I was trained to go one path (I am the only sibling who did not graduate from San Diego State University) I somehow Had the ment

  • Romantic Relationships - Friday - Heartache and Hope - 023

    13/07/2018 Duración: 02min

    Damn babe, Ouch .... Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a Castbox original, I’m TeTe. Let’s talk 1 minute about breakup pain, and take a 1 minute espresso shot about how we keep hope. This week’s theme is Romantic Relationships. Today’s topic, Heartache and Hope. Check your phone to see if they texted you, stare at it, stare at the wall, what’s the difference? Their face..is all we want. That instant of them having the revelation that they want you fully... is reaching past the distant horizon, yet hope has never been so close... The belief in them, that they will see all the greatness in them, that you see, will flood their mind’s any second. I have seen the greatness too many times to know she, or he, does not posses it already, I’ll wait at the helm, alone, on a dark and stormy night, with my eyes for you as the only light. And I will hold steadfast against any storm, or creature looking to take my shinning eyes for you off the horizon, because they are your guide back to me my love . And I will keep shinn

  • Romantic Relationships - Wednesday - Keeping the Fire (Adult Version)

    11/07/2018 Duración: 02min

    Shho tell me pussy... Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a Castbox Original, I’m TeTe. Let’s talk one minute about life and take a 1 minute espresso shot to start your day. This week’s theme is romantic relationships. Today’s topic, keeping the fire. Pshh, you sschould probably be an adult to listen to this. Most of us have been in a long term relationship. And the fire had dwindled at times. We know, it sucks. There are emotional and sexual separations, that must be sparked. That’s why you are in a relationship. (Slap sound) Whshooopewhshooopew wake up, Romantic surprises, and sexual surprises work!! .. Drop those flowers off, write that note, buy that sex toy, give that massage, save for those concert tickets, and listen. Dig for the slightest clue they communicate what they would like, and go over and beyond!! If you are lacking in the bedroom, did you know there are instructional videos out there that can teach you to master what you lack? Isn’t that wild!!! You could watch one of those videos before you

  • Romantic Relationships - Monday - Being Ready Instantly - 021

    09/07/2018 Duración: 03min

    I can feel the breeze on my skin, and it feels like love...Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. Let’s talk 1 minute or so about life, and take a 1 minute espresso affirmation shot. This week’s theme is romantic relationships,.Today’s topic, Being ready instantly. Go after your love/Be willing to change on a dime, that is why this TeTe & Espresso podcast is so important in this process. We must all be at the level of our mental state, where we can adjust, and evolve, at an instants notice. To be so locked in and firm in your way of living an ethical way of dating several people, yes there is a way, and at an instants notice, be ready to change..And amigos when that blast takes over your body like a surprise you never thought would happen, in the way it happened, but you see clear as day how it’s everything deep down always wanted..and you are honest with yourself that you have buried this feeling of hope that there is actually someone out there...I mean..Getting lost in the day d

  • My Orphanage Week - Friday - What's Your Giving Dream? - 020

    06/07/2018 Duración: 04min

    What guitar chord do you like? .... Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. Let’s talk 1 minute about giving back, and do 1 minute of Espresso shot of a lot of possible ways to give back. G Major is the chord what I call my orphanage work in Mexico, its a open and bright sounding ring, it’s an obvious happy. But what is your chord? If you slide down another 2 guitar frets you have an A major, which could be cleaning up the ocean, orrr 3 frets down from that is the beloved C chord, and that could be helping the returning soldiers from war receive a super affectionate pit-bull, to ground them to this present moment. So heroes can live in peace, instead of dying in peace (power pause) ... There are even minor chords that sounds dark and mysterious like the shadow society likes to cast over them, like child abduction, the the mass raping of women going on of women around the world, or even the suppression of women’s rights. So weather you prefer the warm feeling of doing the happy giving b

  • Responsibilty - Friday - Freak Nasty Ben Franklin - 018

    29/06/2018 Duración: 02min

    Lighting struck my key! ... Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. Let’s talk 1 minute about life, and take a 1 minute morning espresso affirmation shot. This week’s theme is responsibility. Today’s topic, that “Freak nasty Ben Franklin.” That freak nasty for-father of ours, Benjamin Franklin said, “I never knew a man that was good at making excuses, that was good at doing anything else.” ...It’s amazing the shift in your life when you take full responsibility..Try this for me and notice something... When something has gone wrong, and someone confronts you about it say, “Yes, I want to take full responsibility for that, I am sorry, how can I make it better? I take full responsibility?” Please please please tell me feedback how it goes. Watch, you would have never had a lighter punishment in your life..all by accepting responsibility. Let’s TeTe Espresso it up! Let’s rock your day! Excuses no more, no more? no more! Responsibility some more, some more? some more! take a bite of this

  • Responsibility - Wednesday - Failure or Success - 017

    27/06/2018 Duración: 02min

    “A man may fail many times be he isn’t a failure until he begins to blame someone else.” John Burroughs ...If success is the constant progression towards a worthy ideal, what are you failing at by not taking responsibility? Your weight? your money? peace of mind? your lack of romance? yes you, you amazing person, think of all the areas that you could be winning, and succeeding in, by doing the most liberating thing possible. Accepting responsibility. I swear to you, these areas will improve. Tell yourself, “I am responsible for all of my failures.” Let’s go inside your brilliant mind... (layer one large paragraph with slight subtle affirmations at the right time) Who does he think he’s talking to? Do I really think I am responsible for everything in my life (Yes you are) hmmmmm ok damnit well what then? Am I suppose to go through every area in my life I’m not happy with and find all the things I am responsible for (Yes you are silly) psssshhhhhhh whatever I guess I’ll give this a shot because I want to b

  • Peace - Wednesday - Tap Your Elbow - 014

    20/06/2018 Duración: 02min

    Tap Tap taparooo ... Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. Let’s talk 1 minute about life, and take a 1 minute espresso affirmation shot. This week’s theme is peace. Today’s topic, tap your elbow. Reach your middle finger to your elbow and tap it once for me. You know what you just did (Excited like they just pressed the launch sequence)??? You just entered the space where peace is possible called, the present moment. Yes this is an actual technique called tapping.

  • Peace - Monday - The choice - 013

    18/06/2018 Duración: 02min

    Namaste... Welcome is TeTe & Espresso, I’m TeTe. Let’s talk 1 minute about life, and take a 1 minute shot of espresso affirmations. This week’s theme is peace, today’s topic, the choice. A peaceful mind is not a resting mind state, a peaceful mind is decided up 1000 times a day. Fortunately, the more you choose peace, the longer the periods of peace will remain before you must correct another thought and return to peace.

  • Taking Action - Friday - A Plea for Your Life - 012

    15/06/2018 Duración: 02min

    Good morning…Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, I’m TeTe. Let’s talk 1 minute about life & take a 1 minute morning espresso affirmation shot. This week’s theme is taking action, today’s topic, a plea for you life. Please! You and I are going to die, so close, to this date. We know it! Our grandpas grandpas grandpas grandpas grandpas have all died before us, and we will too. Start living life now, please! Just, anything, you want to do, live it up, now, now now.

  • Taking Action - Wednesday - How To - 011

    13/06/2018 Duración: 02min

    Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, I’m TeTe, let’s talk 1 minute about life and take a 1 minute shot a high energy espresso affirmations. This weeks theme is taking action. Today’s topic, how to take action. Transitions in life can be difficult, understand how to conceptualizing what you want to take action on, will help to alleviate that difficulty. The process is: Day dreaming about you taking action, mentally preparing to take action, taking the first action step, getting the strength for the 2nd, 3rd

  • Taking Action - Monday - The Process - 010

    11/06/2018 Duración: 02min

    Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, I’m TeTe. Let’s talk 1 minute about life and take a 1 minute morning shot of espresso affirmations. This week’s theme in taking action. Today’s topic, the process. Human beings have a 5 second attention span compared to 14 seconds of a gold fish. That means that once a thought enters our mind, to take action, we have 5 seconds to get off our nice butts and take action, or we will save it for another time, down the road, later, soon, tomorrow, but not now.

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