Tete & Espresso



TeTe & Espresso is a 2 minutes podcast, 3 days a week, that will get your day started the perfect way, with a positive jolt. With weekly themes, 1 minute is spent talking about the daily topic, and 1 minute is spent on energetic affirmations...The best way to start your day.Orphanage work inspired this podcast. I have a working plan in motion to install surround sound in orphanages, where I currently go to in Mexico, where I will be programing their brains for success and happiness. While building this dream, I decided to make a version for the general population, and use the proceeds to build my brain programing and mentorship program with the kids without families.. I currently visit 3 homes, with 60 kids in each home, ranging from 1 month to 22 years old...In this dream, your messages of hope and love are linked directly to them. Our success is their success. This Podcast was created realizing the precious time we have in our busy lives. A 1 hour podcast, and even a 20 minute podcast, can seem too long in our daily lives. That was the intention for having a 2 minute podcast. You could even listen to it back to back and not spend more then 5 minutes of your time. And that time is filled with the best brain programing humans can experience. After spending the last 15 years immersed in affirmations, psychology of success, coaching programs, spiritual books, courses, philanthropy, mastermind groups, psychology, philosophy, and wanting to live fully every day, I put that all together in a package that can help my brother and sister (you) to the maximum, knowing your busy life.All of the acoustic guitar is originally done in the booth, and is the back track for each podcast. Every week there is a new guitar progression. I write, record, and produce everything you hear. Keeping it fresh 52 throughout the year. Spread this with as many people as you love, it will help the ones who need and want our love the most... The children and young adults of this world, with no one there for them.


  • Fear - Friday Funday - Confronting the pain - 009

    08/06/2018 Duración: 02min

    Fear - Friday Funday - Confronting the Pain Good Morning...Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, I’m TeTe. Let’s talk 1 minute about life, and take a 1 minute high energy espresso shot of affirmations. This weeks theme is Fear, today’s topic, confronting the pain. The secret is out, extra extra read all about it! Our fear comes from either what people have warned us to be fearful of, or from events in our past that hurt us, and we don’t want to experience that kind of pain again. And wow, there are so many areas of life we have been hurt in, that can create a real overlaying cloud of pain, and protection from pain in your life. Come on, who here has not been hurt in a relationship, burned their hand on the frying pan, seen a air plain crash on TV, watched shark week for God sake, been made fun of for our physical appearances, had insufficient funds to cover a bill in your account, close person to you has died, and..most of us know what it’s like to live a life we don’t want, and to fear of living a similar way i

  • Fear - Wednesday - Growling at Fear - 008

    06/06/2018 Duración: 02min

    Growl .... Good Morning welcome to TeTe & Espresso, I’m TeTe. Let’s talk 1 minute about life, and take a 1 minute morning espresso shot of high energy affirmations. This weeks theme is Fear, today’s topic, growling at fear. Seeing a bear in nature when you are alone is a real trip. Allll your senses are heightened and that 400 pound furry stalker won’t leave you mind ... Now think of not wanting to pick up the phone and call someone you know you should, but have not because of the general fear of having to convo. (Laugh) these are not the same dangers of fear buuuuut we must acknowledge that our fear is relevant to our surroundings. So avoiding that call for 2 weeks creates an enormous amount of stress for the body, probably equal or more to the bear...buuuut its not as easily defined as the bear.. ggggrrrowl... My brothers and sisters, our sweet mind is trying to protect us from hurt and pain..But the hurt we feel is one we experienced form the past, and we are relating it to this current feeling of fe

  • Fear - Monday - Action Eliminates Fear - 007

    04/06/2018 Duración: 02min

    Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, I’m TeTe. Lets talk 1 minute about life, and take a 1 minute shot of high energy espresso affirmations. This week’s theme is Fear, today’s topic, action eliminates fear. $1000 a month for 12 months, was the fee I paid to learn this lesson. When I was in real estate my coach Bill Hampton, Said “TeTe repeat this over and over....action eliminates fear.” And you better believe it took me a while to start putting that in action. I was stuck in mud...

  • Gratitude - Friday Funday - Goal Achievement - 006

    25/05/2018 Duración: 02min

    et’s get down! And show you how you can take action to achieve your goals…What do you want most in life? Make a list of your top 3 desires, selecting one at a time, and showering that area of your life with silent, and out loud, gratitude lists...If your goal was to get more healthy, and lose 50 pounds. Be grateful that you get to buy all new cloths, be grateful that you had you last cheat meal last night, and how good it tasted. Because it allowed you to focus on this weeks healthy meals mmmhmmm..

  • Gratitude - Wednesday - Linked to Everything - 005

    25/05/2018 Duración: 02min

    Gratitude is linked to pretty much every area in your life you want to improve upon... If you want to lose weight, start being grateful for the current shape your body is in. To break depression, be grateful for the little bit of happy we are. If you want to be more self discipline, be grateful for all the things in the day you did right. If you want to earn more money, be grateful for the money you already have.

  • Gratitude - Monday - Finding Peace - 004

    25/05/2018 Duración: 02min

    The fastest way to leave a depressed mind and enter into  peace is through gratitude. Not only are we able to focus on one thing at a time, we also are focusing on things that ground us to our current reality. And in this reality we can make that new choice to take action on the thing that is causing the depression. Or towards the thing we most desire, and what we knowingly, deep inside, want.

  • Self Belief - Friday Funday - Small Wins - 003

    25/05/2018 Duración: 02min

    After you take action on small opportunities, notice when you did! Call it out and be proud of yourself. And you see that there was no negative feedback from making the choice towards what you want. You find that everyone around you is more satisfied now that you took action..And that will feel good. Build on those actions with the age old momentum. Self belief can be trained through the stacking up of wins that you can constantly look at...

  • Self Belief - Wednesday - All We Want - 002

    25/05/2018 Duración: 02min

    Everything we want in life is already available to us. Every education needed to achieve our dreams, every dream life we want already has an outline for what to do to accomplish it, and you can google it in 5 seconds and download in 2 seconds.. You can have everything now!

  • Self Belief - Monday - Being Worthy - 001

    23/05/2018 Duración: 02min

    Good morning..Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, I’m TeTe..Lets talk 1 minute about life & take a 1 minute morning energy shot of high energy affirmations. This weeks theme is self belief, Today’s topic, being Worthy. Being worthy is something that we were all born with..From a young age our surroundings and influences started setting boundries on our self worth. My friend.. we all know... That 90% of people do not feel confident that they are living a full and happy life...It’s ok that the world, or your influences tried to teach you what they thought was best...But there is a better way.... You being worthy for everything in your life. And there is so much to be worthy about... Being worthy of being worthy. being worthy of being happy, worthy of a confident mind, worthy of romantic passion, worthy of being a great communicator. Worthy of forgiving yourself. Worthy of doubling your income and Being worthy for having everything in life....Let’s keep this energy going with an energy Espresso shot s

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