All Nations Church Bedford

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 83:40:07
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Preaches from our Sunday sermon series, events and training.


  • Give Thanks

    13/09/2020 Duración: 27min

    In this talk we set our focus on giving thanks to God. We get to see how over the last few months God has enabled us to do some amazing things, and perhaps, more than ever, we need to do this as we walk through this disorientating and in many ways disruptive days. Giving thanks to God is an invitation for us to come back Him and to centre our life once more on His goodness and mercy. It's not just thanking Him for the stuff we get; it's celebrating who He is and honouring Him as the Creator and Lord of all things. As is says in Psalm 100: 4-5, "Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name. For the Lord is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations." ***PRAYER REQUESTS*** If you have a prayer request please fill out this form and we'll do our best to get back to you. Alternatively, email us ***FIND OUT MORE ABOUT US HERE*** http://www.allnationsbedfor

  • FOF008: Rise Up In Faith

    06/09/2020 Duración: 29min

    The times and seasons are in God’s hands, the skies and waters obey Him; we do not look at the mess that the world is in as those with no hope or those with no faith; our faith is in an all-knowing, all-wise God and we are called to rise up. John Ortberg says ‘ when human beings shrink God they pray without faith, worship without awe, serve without joy, suffer without hope and the result is a very bad life of stagnation and fear. Different people will identify with different characters in the story of David and Goliath, like the brother Eliab who puts David down to make himself feel better, Goliath who intimidates and hurts, like the fearful Israelites in lockdown but maybe who we should identify with most are the Army who recognise their desperate need of a saviour, a champion to save the day. We are not called to defeat death, overcome our fears, fix our sin we can’t no matter how hard we try but Jesus did and because of this we can rise up for the glory of God and play our part in what He has called us to.

  • FOF007: Triumph In The Fire

    30/08/2020 Duración: 27min

    This passage we're looking at this week was written by Peter, the same Peter who in His fear denied Jesus 3 times. At that time he had become a broken man, having lost faith in himself and in Jesus and yet when he wrote this he was a man transformed, living on the margins of society, facing the possibility of persecution, and even eventually he would be crucified upside down. So what transformed Peter? What helped him to triumph in the fire? The resurrection of Jesus – this is where his hope came from, this is what allowed Him to triumph in the fire. ***PRAYER REQUESTS*** If you have a prayer request please fill out this form and we'll do our best to get back to you. Alternatively, email us ***FIND OUT MORE ABOUT US HERE*** ***GET IN TOUCH***

  • FOF006: Speak To Him In The Storm

    23/08/2020 Duración: 24min

    Prayer should be a massive part of how we react when we are fearful, even Jesus made time alone with His Father in prayer a priority in His life. He knew that when you are completely alone with God you can speak to Him honestly and from the depths of your heart. In these verses of Matthew 14:22-32, it is His closeness to God that allows Him to walk on water and encourage Peter to do the same, but Peter allows His fear to take over and things start to go wrong, he panics, but even in this place as he cries out ‘Lord save me’ Jesus reaches out His hand to him. No matter how we feel, no matter what state we have got ourselves into, even in our fear, doubt and mess as we reach out in prayer, Jesus hears the cries of our heart and responds. ***PRAYER REQUESTS*** If you have a prayer request please fill out this form and we'll do our best to get back to you. Alternatively, email us ***CHAPTERS*** 00:22 Welcome 01:14 Worship 104:23 Welcome & Notices

  • FOF005: Stand Firm

    16/08/2020 Duración: 26min

    People who know their God are a people of love, they resist evil, they stand firm and remain courageously loyal to God. God has made promises over His church, our church family and individuals. We are living in testing times, financial instability, fear of sickness, fear of division and fear of an uncertain and unknown future. Times like this refine us, they help to cleanse those who stand firm and true to His purposes. Our desire as a church is to stand firm in Him, we have heard in previous weeks that we need to be real, have a thankful heart, understand His love for us when we position ourselves in this way we are helped to stand firm in the storms. ***PRAYER REQUESTS*** If you have a prayer request please fill out this form and we'll do our best to get back to you. Alternatively, email us ***FIND OUT MORE ABOUT US HERE*** ***GET IN TOUCH***

  • FOF004: Understand He Loves You

    09/08/2020 Duración: 29min

    Love is an antidote to fear, John tells us that perfect love drives out fear. Fear entered the world when Adam and Eve sinned and then feared God’s condemnation, but this is not how God wants us to live our lives. God is love and when we understand the enormity of His love for us fear cannot dwell. The Jewish people did not speak the name Jehovah as they considered it too sacred and yet we know that God calls us into a deeper relationship with Him, He calls us to open our hearts to Him, to learn about His character and make His identity our identity. In these times of uncertainty, it is so important to understand God as our loving father, the person in whose household we get to dwell. ***PRAYER REQUESTS*** If you have a prayer request please fill out this form and we'll do our best to get back to you. Alternatively, email us ***FIND OUT MORE ABOUT US HERE*** ***GET IN TOUCH***

  • FOF003: Be Thankful

    02/08/2020 Duración: 28min

    We know that in this life we will have troubles as Christians we are not immune to the struggles of life, in fact, the bible warns us to expect troubles. We will face sickness, opposition, fear, exhaustion, temptation and much more but the Psalmists teach us that even in the midst of trials we should praise and thank God for His faithfulness, His love, His provision. Even during lockdown we have much to be thankful for; we have seen an increase in church giving meaning that we have been able to continue the work of the kingdom, we have seen such generosity of provision of food & meals to help the vulnerable and we have seen a renewed boldness in sharing the gospel and a deepening of relationships in our church family. No matter where we are, let us be a thankful people. ***PRAYER REQUESTS*** If you have a prayer request please fill out this form and we'll do our best to get back to you. Alternatively, email us ***FIND OUT MORE ABOUT US HERE***

  • FOF002: Standing In The Hurricane, Declaring The Goodness Of God

    26/07/2020 Duración: 31min

    All around us, there are seemingly good reasons for us to be afraid, not least things like viruses and sickness; worry about work and jobs and therefore money; issues of racism and prejudice that can make us afraid to walk our streets or step out in confidence in education and business. The constant pressure to perform and not fail. We fear not being good enough, not being able to cope with the stress. Maybe we realise our mental health is not great and we are afraid of burning out and never recovering. Maybe we are afraid for our families, our children, what's happening to them, who they are with and what they are doing with their lives. The list seems endless doesn't it? But as Christians, those who have been ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven by the blood of Jesus Christ shed on the cross, we longer have to be slaves to fear. We get to walk by faith in the strength of our God. That does not mean fear is no longer there. It means in spite of fear we get to live free from its power to paralyse us and rob u

  • FOF001: Socially Connected But Physically Apart

    19/07/2020 Duración: 21min

    This is time to focus our faith, God shows up in times of trouble in ways that we may never have seen before, it is times like this that we see not just Christians, but many across the Nation and the Nations move towards Him. In the midst of crisis, we are reminded that He is faithful to the promises that He has made. As Christians, He is the answer to our fears and anxieties. ***PRAYER REQUESTS*** If you have a prayer request please fill out this form and we'll do our best to get back to you. Alternatively, email us ***FIND OUT MORE ABOUT US HERE*** ***GET IN TOUCH***

  • TGOE010: The Call

    12/07/2020 Duración: 31min

    This Sunday we are finishing our series, the God of Encounter. A true encounter with Jesus always results in us being changed, and sends us as a witness to what He has done. It also places His call upon us to catch people for His glory. As we read Luke 5:1-11, we get to see what an incredible day it must have been for Peter and his companions. They started the day exhausted, discouraged fishermen after a fruitless night's fishing, and ended the day followers of Jesus and commissioned as fishers of men. ***PRAYER REQUESTS*** If you have a prayer request please fill out this form and we'll do our best to get back to you. Alternatively, email us ***FIND OUT MORE ABOUT US HERE*** ***GET IN TOUCH***

  • TGOE009: Saul/Paul

    05/07/2020 Duración: 19min

    This week we're looking at Saul/Paul. Our final encounter involves the once chief persecutor of Christians, Saul, and his meeting with the risen Lord Jesus on the Damascus Road. Saul, who became the Apostle Paul, is transformed into the Holy Spirit’s mighty agent of reaching the Gentile world for Christ. Not only did he encounter the changing grace of God personally, but through his missions and many writings, got to lay the foundations of Christianity under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, for all eternity. This encounter is a mighty example of how nothing is impossible for the Holy Spirit. When we think that some of Paul’s greatest work was accomplished through his letters written when in prison, we see how no lockdown or confinement is a limit to the power of God. Let’s use this as an encouragement and inspiration to live for Christ and His mighty purposes in all we get to do. ***PRAYER REQUESTS*** If you have a prayer request please fill out this form and we'll do our best to get back to you. Alternat

  • TGOE008: Elijah, Pt2

    28/06/2020 Duración: 31min

    Our God is the God of encounter, and this week Richard felt encountered by the Holy Spirit to turn again to the life of Elijah. Just a few weeks ago Richard Eaton looked at the early part of Elijah's ministry as a prophet; this week we're looking at when Elijah felt like he had had enough - that he couldn't go on. But, how in that painful and dark place, God met him wand released him once more with fresh hope and purpose. ***PRAYER REQUESTS*** If you have a prayer request please fill out this form and we'll do our best to get back to you. Alternatively, email us ***FIND OUT MORE ABOUT US HERE*** ***GET IN TOUCH***

  • TGOE007: Bartimaeus

    21/06/2020 Duración: 27min

    This week we're looking at Bartimaeus. The account of Bartimaeus is a healing encounter. When following the life of Jesus in the Gospels, you cannot ignore that healing was a massive part of His ministry. The word for “save” is also the word for “heal” and in the Kingdom both are intimately linked. Healing encounters are part of the ministry we are called to in following Jesus. This account gives us opportunity to stir faith in the God who heals and who longs to encounter the sick, the hurting, the broken and oppressed. In this season where sickness is very prevalent, we must stir faith for healing encounters everywhere. ***PRAYER REQUESTS*** If you have a prayer request please fill out this form and we'll do our best to get back to you. Alternatively, email us ***FIND OUT MORE ABOUT US HERE*** ***GET IN TOUCH***

  • One New Family

    14/06/2020 Duración: 26min

    Following the tragic death of George Floyd there have been many conversations with so many people from different communities that have been filled with anguish, anger, distress, with tears and with great sadness. It has lead to many questions: where do we find answers? How do we deal with injustice? How do we bring change? Where do we get breakthrough and healing. In this talk we're looking at Ephesians 2: 14-20. The answers are found in Jesus Christ. He Himself is our peace and He is the hope and the healer, and in Him we find we are made one new family. ***PRAYER REQUESTS*** If you have a prayer request please fill out this form and we'll do our best to get back to you. Alternatively, email us ***FIND OUT MORE ABOUT US HERE*** ***GET IN TOUCH***

  • TGOE006: The Samaritan Woman

    07/06/2020 Duración: 27min

    This week we're looking at the Samaritan woman. We don’t even know this woman’s name, but in a moment of encounter with Jesus, she is taken from being an outsider in her community, ostracised because of her chequered past, and liberated into the family of God, becoming one of the most powerful evangelists in the Gospels. This passage as well as looking at how Jesus transformed this woman’s status and destiny, shows us how we can be used in the hands of the Holy Spirit, to encounter others with the Good News of Jesus and release His life and hope into their lives. We are encountered to encounter others for Jesus’s sake. ***PRAYER REQUESTS*** If you have a prayer request please fill out this form and we'll do our best to get back to you. Alternatively, email us Find out more about us here - Get in touch

  • TGOE005: Pentecost

    31/05/2020 Duración: 27min

    Today we celebrate Pentecost Sunday, the birthday of the church. Through Jesus life and death and obedience to the Father, we get the privilege of enjoying and celebrating again the reviving presence of the Holy Spirit in us and upon us. *** PRAYER REQUEST *** If you have a prayer request please fill out this form and we'll do our best to get back to you. Alternatively, email us Find out more about us here Get in touch

  • TGOE004: Mary

    24/05/2020 Duración: 20min

    This week we're looking at Mary. Mary’s encounter with the Holy Spirit as a young teenage girl remains one of the most powerful in Scripture. We learn so much about her response and submission to the will of God. She remains one of the most amazing examples of servanthood and worship in the New Testament. Her act of obedience and willingness to put herself into God’s hands gave her the unique privilege of serving first hand the Son of God. We learn again how to walk obediently in the ways of the Lord and yield our lives under the hand of God.   Find out more about us here -

  • TGOE003: Isaiah

    17/05/2020 Duración: 28min

    Our God is the God of encounter! Through the Holy Spirit, He is relentless in awakening us to who He truly is and opening our eyes to His great purposes throughout the earth. Wherever we are, whatever the circumstances we are walking through, God will meet us. Encountering the Living God should change us and transform us to be like Jesus Christ. It should make us stop for the one, and go to the ends of the earth, and everything in between. It is His love and grace to us that we get the privilege of saying “Yes!” to Him. In this preaching series, we are going to look at men and women who encountered God throughout the Bible and how they responded to His Presence. Ordinary people encountering an extraordinary God. Many we will look at become heroes of the faith and show us how the Holy Spirit makes us brave and strong in His purposes. Others, more challengingly, show us it is possible to encounter the Presence of the Living God and miss out. As people awakened, we want to be hungry for more of Him. We want to b

  • TGOE002: Elijah - The Extraordinary Ordinary Man

    10/05/2020 Duración: 25min

    Our God is the God of encounter! Through the Holy Spirit, He is relentless in awakening us to who He truly is and opening our eyes to His great purposes throughout the earth. Wherever we are, whatever the circumstances we are walking through, God will meet us. Encountering the Living God should change us and transform us to be like Jesus Christ. It should make us stop for the one, and go to the ends of the earth, and everything in between. It is His love and grace to us that we get the privilege of saying “Yes!” to Him. In this preaching series, we are going to look at men and women who encountered God throughout the Bible and how they responded to His Presence. Ordinary people encountering an extraordinary God. Many we will look at become heroes of the faith and show us how the Holy Spirit makes us brave and strong in His purposes. Others, more challengingly, show us it is possible to encounter the Presence of the Living God and miss out. As people awakened, we want to be hungry for more of Him. We want to b

  • TGOE001: Noah

    03/05/2020 Duración: 27min

    Our God is the God of encounter! Through the Holy Spirit, He is relentless in awakening us to who He truly is and opening our eyes to His great purposes throughout the earth. Wherever we are, whatever the circumstances we are walking through, God will meet us. Encountering the Living God should change us and transform us to be like Jesus Christ. It should make us stop for the one, and go to the ends of the earth, and everything in between. It is His love and grace to us that we get the privilege of saying “Yes!” to Him. In this preaching series, we are going to look at men and women who encountered God throughout the Bible and how they responded to His Presence. Ordinary people encountering an extraordinary God. Many we will look at become heroes of the faith and show us how the Holy Spirit makes us brave and strong in His purposes. Others, more challengingly, show us it is possible to encounter the Presence of the Living God and miss out. As people awakened, we want to be hungry for more of Him. We want to b

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