The Baxters Take One

Two unknown producers struggle to fulfill their dream to change lives with the power of film. With millions of dollars on the line, everything starts to fall apart, and they...

The Baxters Take Two

The second book in the Above the Line series finds independent filmmakers Chase Ryan and Keith Ellison at the center of Hollywood wheeling and dealing. The two friends discover...

Unlocked: A Love Story

Before You Take a Stand … You Got to Take a Chance.Holden Harris is an eighteen-year-old locked in a prison of autism. Despite his quiet ways and quirky behaviors, Holden is...

If You Were Here

Magazine journalist McKenna Jordan is chasing the latest urban folktale—the story of an unidentified woman who heroically pulled a teenage boy from the subway tracks seconds...

Vivian Divine Is Dead

Teen celebrity Vivian Divine's movie-star mom has been murdered, her famous-director dad tried to kill himself, and her boyfriend is cheating on her. She can practically hear...