Real Estate Investing Mastery Podcast



Real Estate Investing - Money Making Content, Minus The Hype! On the Real Estate Investing Mastery Podcast, Joe McCall & Alex Joungblood will share with you the real world secrets on how to make a full-time income through investing in real estate - with a special emphasis on fast cash strategies like Wholesaling and Lease Options. You will learn how to escape the 9-5 through hearing the stories of other successful investors, and discovering strategies that both Joe and Alex have implemented in their businesses to make them boatloads of money and obtain the freedom many only dream of. Join Joe & Alex on the Real Estate Investing Mastery journey. See for more information and to claim your "Fast Cash Survival Kit" - 5 hours of awesome free video content.


  • Small Workshop in My Home Office

    24/05/2024 Duración: 09min

    It's a beautiful day after some night thunderstorms, and I'm excited to share my journey with you. Today, I'm heading to breakfast with my friend Jeremy, a long-time partner in real estate deals. Over the past seven years, we've refined a system that allows me to travel the world with my family while still closing deals. From automating processes to partnering with local experts, I'll walk you through the steps that made this possible. Plus, I've got some exciting news about upcoming workshops where I’ll be helping a select few to master these techniques and even start their own coaching businesses.If you’re interested in taking your real estate business to the next level or starting your own coaching business, join me for a hands-on workshop at my home office! We'll dive deep into creating marketing plans, setting up systems, and launching your business. Email me at and let me know if you want to be part of Group 1 or Group 2. Spaces are limited, so act fast!What’s Inside:—How I automa

  • The Shockingly Profitable Real Estate Niche You're Overlooking » 1330

    22/05/2024 Duración: 42min

    Wouldn't it be cool if you bought some vacant land for a few thousand bucks, stuck a mobile home on it, and then maybe tripled the value on that? I've been talking a lot about how to wholesale vacant land, but now there’s a new twist. You could now add some value to that vacant land and make up to $10,000 in profit by just adding a mobile home. Mitzi Dyane is a master of this process, and here she shares all about how she’s making a ton of money through this technique. She’s absolutely crushing it. You’re going to really get a lot of value out of this one. Get ready and grab a pen and paper. You’re definitely going to want to take notes! Don’t forget, every Saturday, I host a $7 workshop where I share everything I’d do if I had to start my real estate business all over again from scratch. Get more information at’s Inside:—How Mitzi makes huge profits off adding mobile homes to vacant land—How Mitzi gets good leads and finds the best deals—How you can get started if you want to

  • The 6 Pillars Every Dad Must Master to Avoid Catastrophic Failure in Life and Relationship with Dustin Hoog » 1329

    20/05/2024 Duración: 55min

    My friend Dustin Hoog joins me here to talk about what it’s like to be both a dad and a business owner. We get into some of the challenges, the things to watch out for, and how to maintain balance in a very busy lifestyle. First and foremost, it’s important to be a good dad. You could have an amazing business, but a horrible family life if your priorities are all mixed up. Dustin shares his story, and I think we can all learn a ton from his experiences. I was really intrigued and fascinated by Dustin’s angle on things, and he shares how he got into real estate and why. It’s so tempting to dive right into business first, but it takes up most of our time and can cause a lot of problems when you make it your number one. Dustin covers the six pillars every dad must master: faith, health, marriage, parenthood, brotherhood, and business. On the Balanced Business Dad Podcast, Dustin dives further into all these topics and much more. Check him out and connect with him through the links below.  What’s I

  • And the fastest path to cash is....

    17/05/2024 Duración: 11min

    What’s the number one rule in real estate? Well, it’s also the fastest path to cash. It’s not location, location, location. It’s making a ton of offers. I can’t emphasize the importance of this enough. If you want to make serious money in real estate, you have to learn how to make offers. That’s the number one skill you must master to close more deals and grow your business. If you haven’t made anyone mad by noon, you’re not making enough offers.My new Offer Challenge starts next week and it’s the perfect way to boost your offer making skills. For 30 days, you’re going to make one offer per day. Within the first week, I’ll teach you how to talk to sellers and make offers without any fancy software. In the following four weeks, we’ll hold live accountability sessions where we’ll talk through your deals and troubleshoot. Head to to sign up!What’s Inside:—Why making offers is the fastest path to cash—Why being brilliant at the basics is all you need to succeed—Info on my brand new Offer Challe

  • Realtor Secrets Revealed: How to Make 20% Commissions Flipping Deals with David Ounanian » 1328

    15/05/2024 Duración: 01h01min

    You don’t need a real estate license to do deals, but it certainly does help. Things are a lot easier when you’re a realtor yourself, especially when it comes to connecting with other realtors. It helps get your foot in the door and helps boost your credibility. My friend David joins me here to talk about this whole topic. David’s an investor and a realtor in the St. Louis market and we’ve known each other for a long time. He shares all the details on how to do deals and make money. Right now, there are a lot of rules and laws being passed to prevent folks from doing wholesale deals without a license. Luckily, there are a couple of ways around that. Number one, just go ahead and get your license, no big deal. Number two, just buy the property and work with realtors who can then help you buy and sell your deals. I love working with realtors, and I think it's a great way to get started in the business. What’s Inside:—How David got started in real estate and investing—How David does deals as both an in

  • The Leadership Competency You're Neglecting That's Costing You Millions with Mike McCloskey » 1327

    13/05/2024 Duración: 43min

    Here, Mike McCloskey joins me to talk about leadership. We're going to be talking about the importance of leadership, the challenges that a lot of folks have, and how to become better leaders in our businesses, families, society, and the community around us. What Mike has to share is really powerful and he’s been a leader in the corporate world for a long time. I always like getting perspective and feedback from people outside of the real estate world who work with bigger companies. A big company in our real estate world is maybe a company that makes $1 million a year, right? But guys like Mike work with companies that do 50 to 100 million dollars a year. If you’re new to real estate, this is going to be super important for you to understand. Even if you don’t want to run a massive company, leadership skills are still relevant. What’s Inside:—The six core competencies of great leaders—Tips on how to lead through conflict—How to lead and coach employees to peak performance

  • PROMO: Brilliant at the Basics Marketing Challenge

    10/05/2024 Duración: 14min

    We're not in the real estate investing business. We're in the marketing business. If I've said that a million times, I will say it again. And you know I’ve been around the block, right? I’ve done a lot of deals, coached and helped a lot of people to do deals and I love to hang out with people who DO A LOT OF DEALS. And do you know what we all have in common? WE’RE BRILLIANT AT THE BASICS.We're brilliant at the basics, simple things like marketing, getting your marketing done every day, every week. It’s all about the basics. Even in a competitive and expensive market, if you’re consistent at the basics—marketing, following up, answering phone calls and talking to people—you will do a lot of deals.So I’m doing this new 5 Leads in 5 Days challenge, and I’m going to teach you five different marketing strategies that don't cost hardly any money, if anything at all. All of them are plug-and-play really simple marketing strategies to get you leads in 5 days.This stuff works, and it will only cost you A DOLLAR! So go

  • PROMO: 5 Leads in 5 Days

    09/05/2024 Duración: 09min

    Hey there, it's Joe McCall, coming to you live from the road. Today's podcast is all about the journey from marketing to profits in real estate investing. Here, I share my recent success flipping vacant land and how you can replicate it!It’s a numbers game and I say this all the time, guys, we're not in the real estate investing business. We're in the marketing business, right?So I’m doing this new 5 Leads in 5 Days challenge and I’ve done this maybe 3-4 times and it’s been awesome every single time. This challenge normally costs 5 bucks but this time, it’s only gonna be $1. In this challenge, we’ll be doing really simple marketing strategies to get you leads in 5 days.Get more information and sign up NOW at’s Inside:—How I turned a $1,700 investment into a $22,000 net profit flipping three acres of land in Missouri.—What to expect in the 5 Leads in 5 Days challenge

  • Watch Me Find A Vacant Land Deal in 5 Minutes or Less » 1326

    08/05/2024 Duración: 13min

    This is part one of a four-part video series on how to do deals in five minutes or less. In this first segment, I'm going to show you how to find a deal in five minutes or less, and we’re keeping it simple. Even though I’ll be going through this lightning fast, it takes practice on your part to get to where I am today. If you’re new to the real estate business, you’ve come to the right place. You can get more information on the things I'm going to be sharing with you here in two different places. Check out both my Simple Land Kit and Simple Land Class by clicking the links below. You’ll get access to the checklist, calculators, software, scripts, contracts and more. What’s Inside:—How to do deals in five minutes or less—A live walkthrough of my exact strategy—How to get access to everything I discuss in these trainings

  • Avoid These 4 Rookie Mistakes in Real Estate Investing! » 1325

    06/05/2024 Duración: 15min

    Are you new to this business? Are you new to real estate investing and want to start making a lot of money, but you're worried about what to do? You're in the right place. Here, I'm going to show you the top four biggest mistakes that rookie investors make, and I’ve done them all myself. I went full time in this business in 2008 and 2009, right in the middle of all kinds of economic uncertainty. Even though things were a mess, I saw a huge opportunity. The first mistake I cover is investors cutting back on marketing during uncertain times. You have to keep the marketing machine churning to keep bringing in those leads. Mistake number two is being inconsistent with marketing. In addition to keeping your marketing going, you have to have a solid process. Mistake number three is giving up too easily when times get tough. You have to stick with this business in order for it to work. The last mistake is not delegating. Outsource the little things so you can bring in more deals.What’s Inside:—Top four rookie m

  • How I Made $31,500 on a Vacant Land Deal Without Spending a Dime! » 1324

    01/05/2024 Duración: 17min

    Here, I'm going to show you how we made $31,406 on a vacant land deal that we didn’t even own. We didn't buy it and we didn't use any of our own money. We did a simple assignment and I'm going to walk through all the details of how we did this deal from beginning to end. This was the biggest profit I’ve ever made on a vacant land deal. It’s not typical for everyone but it is possible, and I’ll show you exactly how I did it, step by step.To get into the right position, we made a ton of offers. If you take away anything from this episode, it’s that making offers is the key to making money in this business. We also get a ton of leads because we do a ton of marketing. The principles I’ll share with you here are the same for a $300 deal and a $31,000 one. Remember, the real estate business is a marketing business. Get leads, talk to a lot of sellers, and make those offers. What’s Inside:—How I made over $30K in profit in a land deal that we didn’t own—My step-by-step process for vacant land deals—Why marketin

  • This Seller's Script DOUBLED Our Wholesale Close Rate! STEAL IT! » 1323

    29/04/2024 Duración: 19min

    Once you start getting some great leads coming in, it’s time to take things to the next level by talking to sellers and making offers. You can do this through postcards, cold calls, texts, or even blind offers. If you get a seller on the phone, it’s important to know what to say. Here, I’m sharing a seller script that works like a charm. And you don’t need to do anything fancy. Just be yourself and ask the right questions.In this walkthrough, I share a call between myself and a seller I recently talked to, so you can get a feel for how a real conversation would go. I talk about how to uncover all the information you need to make a good offer and what to do when it’s unclear where the title is. In real calls, you might not get to every single question you plan on asking. The important thing is that you reach out to those leads coming in and make lots of offers.What’s Inside:—How to talk to sellers when leads start coming in—How to ask the right questions so you can put together an offer—What to do when it’s un

  • STOP Being a Landlord! Hands-Off Real Estate Investing with Antonio Edwards » 1322

    24/04/2024 Duración: 01h05min

    We're talking about cash flow with my special guest, the one and only Antonio Edwards. I've known Antonio for a long time, and he's a very active investor and influencer. Here, he shares his story and how he got started in real estate. Antonio has done it all. He's done all kinds of deals, from fix and flip, to rehabs to wholesaling to creative financing. He's a veteran in the business, and we talk about some old war stories and all about what’s working today in this market.I have a special workshop that I do every Saturday called the Land Fast Start Masterclass. I basically start with the premise. If I had to start all over again from scratch and go into a brand new market, what would I do? In this workshop, we’re going to pull a list of buyers and sellers, do a marketing campaign, and make offers. It's a full, comprehensive A to Z class on how to start a brand new land flipping business. Head to It's just seven bucks. What’s Inside:—All about Antonio’s real estate business journey—An

  • Get Started in Real Estate Investing in 2024! [Beginners START HERE!] » 1321

    22/04/2024 Duración: 24min

    How would you get started in real estate investing in 2024? Here, I show you exactly what I would do. Whether you’re a realtor or an investor, whether you're doing residential or commercial real estate, pay attention. You need to learn how to become a deal finder. You have to learn how to figure out where the money is, then get on the phone and start talking to people. I’ll show you how to get laser-focused so you don’t waste any time with the old spray and pray method.I do a three-hour workshop every Saturday where I go into a brand-new market, pull back the curtain, and show you my strategy. I let the audience pick a state, a county, and some zip codes and dive deep into those areas. I also show you how to find buyers and sellers, what to say to them, and then we go and make offers live. If you want to join me in my next Saturday workshop, go to Joe What’s Inside:—How to get started in real estate this year—How to become a deal finder and start making money—How to join my live work

  • PROMO: Do Deals with Us - LIVE - in St. Louis

    17/04/2024 Duración: 09min

    Joe here from the REI In Your Car Podcast, and today's episode is a bit different—it's an exciting announcement! We're hosting the Do Deals Workshop in St. Louis on May 17-18, and trust me, you won't want to miss it.This two-day workshop is limited to just 30 participants, where you'll learn from seasoned pros Brent Bowers and Ray Zhang, alongside yours truly. We are gonna dive deep into real estate strategies, marketing techniques, and negotiation skills as we guide you through making offers on real deals. And get this—if you land a deal during the workshop, we'll fund it and partner with you! Talk about a win-win opportunity.Head over to to secure your spot today. Remember, spots are limited, so don't delay! Or you’ll miss out! If you have any questions, shoot us an email at Can't wait to see you there! Cheers!What’s Inside:—Info about an upcoming workshop I’m hosting with Brent Bowers and Ray Zhang—What to expect in this workshop

  • Buy Land for CHEAP with No Down Payment!? » 1320

    15/04/2024 Duración: 23min

    Would you like to learn how to buy land for super cheap? In fact, how to buy land with nothing down? I'm going to show you how to do that right here, and it’s so easy. I’ll show you how I find vacant land and buy it, whether you’re using cash or owner financing. You can use these strategies if you're using land as an investment or if you're using land for your own personal reasons. These are my favorite ways to find these kinds of deals.The number one rule in real estate is not location, location, location. It's make offers, make offers, make offers, and make a lot of them. Make the cash offer, and if they say no, make the owner financing offer. Make them both at the same time. That’s how you get into the game and start making a lot of money. That’s how you’re going to find those amazing deals. What’s Inside:—My favorite ways to find cheap land deals—A software walkthrough of how I put everything together—How to make cash and owner financing offers.

  • Converting Dead Deals into Huge Profit in Vacant Land & Real Estate with Paul do Campo » 1319

    10/04/2024 Duración: 01h01min

    Paul do Campo joins me here to talk all about following up. If you get the right systems in place, you can convert 30 to 40% of your dead leads into deals. We’ve all heard that the money is in the follow up, but nobody really understands how to do it. Paul walks through the exact system he’s created for investors. Paul’s system is a whole different arsenal of tools that can save you from chasing those pesky manual tasks that can really drain your time.Paul demos how his system helps you draw in leads by using problems and solutions and how you can customize different sequences to fit unique situations. He talks about how to hit people from multiple angles through email, social media and direct mail. We also chat about the benefits of a direct mail strategy and how to incorporate this system into your business. Click here to get access to all 24 of the sequences Paul shared here!What’s Inside:—All about Paul’s system for optimizing follow up—How to customize sequences in Paul’s system—Tips for how to incorpora

  • Don't Buy & Wholesale THESE Land Properties! » 1318

    08/04/2024 Duración: 18min

    Jared and Foster are back here with another update, and they’re doing an amazing job. They’ve got a full pipeline, and their numbers are looking fantastic. So far, they’ve sent out almost 8,000 postcards and made 25 offers, not too shabby. Here, I go over some of the questions they have as they work on closing more deals. One of their issues was in dealing with a property in significant wetlands with poor access and I walked them through how to handle it. In our call, we also run through Jared and Foster’s numbers and stats. I share how I like to put together offers and handle objections that come up along the way. I also share some pro tips on how to stay on top of your follow-ups. We wrap up with a discussion on how to know which deals are good, which are bad, and how to tell the difference.What’s Inside:—An update on Jared and Foster’s land-flipping business—How to choose the best deals and avoid bad ones—How to put offers together and handle objections.

  • Stress Free Abundance » REI In Your Car » 1317

    03/04/2024 Duración: 10min

    My good friend Shaun McCloskey does a workshop once a year called the Business Vision Workshop. I've heard Shaun teach this stuff a million times, but it's always good to be reminded of these things and to really think about what kind of business do I want, what kind of life do I want, right? One of the coolest exercises they do in this workshop is sit down and think about what your dream day would look like. If you’re only doing what you love and money doesn't matter, what would your dream job look like?It’s an exercise in designing what you ultimately want your business and personal life to look like. Some people want to travel the world with their families; others want a fancy car and a nice house. Whatever it is, work backwards and figure out how many deals and how much money it would take to get there. You might be surprised to find out that you don’t need to hire a bunch of people or spend a lot of money on fancy software to get there. What’s Inside:—How to envision your dream life—Why your dream l

  • How I OUTSOURCE My Business To SAVE Time & Make More Money! » 1316

    01/04/2024 Duración: 23min

    Have you ever wondered how you could find, hire, and train really good virtual assistants to run your business for you? How do you outsource your business to someone else? Here, I’ll show you how to do it. When I was starting out, I was going through a vicious up and down roller coaster of not getting enough leads. The VA I hired not only helped me get more leads, but they also pointed out a better way to do it.Hiring VAs is pretty simple and there are three things your VA should be doing for you: all of your marketing, updating your CRM, and handling your follow up. I walk through all of these areas so you know how to train them properly. I also discuss how to find the best VAs, how to set up VA scorecards, and why your VAs should create your standard operating procedures (SOPs). What’s Inside:—How VAs can save you time and money—The three things your VAs should be doing for you—How to hire and train VAs

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