Week Bits



Information about the Web scene, summarized in small Bits.


  • 01 #01 WeekBits


    Foreword I'm starting the project to serve you the WeekBits as a podcast, so I' starting to renumber, and starting now with the number 01. Transcription Welcome to the first issue of the WeekBits podcast. Maybe you know that I used to write the weekbits weekly on my blog chrisdo.org, so I thought it would be interesting to serve you the weekbits in audible format as a podcast, but also with a transcription. I'm going to tell you some inetersting news about the last week, it should be published every sunday or monday morning mid european time, so have fun! The todays subjects are the two new versions of the web framework Ruby on Rails, Tom S. Webers first year blogging on tomsw.org and the Apples WWDC (world wide developer conference). Two new versions of the web framework Ruby on Rails Last Wednesday, August 9th, David Heinemeier Hansson, the creator of Ruby on Rails, released a new version, called "Rails 1.1.5 - Mandatory security patch (and more)". The developers don't wanted to tell the specific reason