Tomcast From



Supported by the TomDispatch Fund


  • Obama Against the World


    TomDispatch founding editor, and author most recently of Terminator Planet and The United States of Fear, Tom Engelhardt shares his predictions for a possible October Surprise, which, in his opinion, will more likely come from abroad than at home.Download mp3 at

  • The Myth of Never Again


    Peter Van Buren, a 24-year State Department employee, TomDispatch regular, and author of We Meant Well: How I Helped to Lose the Battle For the Hearts and Minds of the Iraqi People, talks about some issues that are currently on his mind, as well as the content of his upcoming book. Download mp3 at

  • Confessions of a Former Republican


    Jeremiah Goulka, a political and cultural writer for American Prospect, Salon, and former DOJ attorney discusses his background as a moderate Republican and his later political shift.Download mp3 at

  • Hard, Soft, Smart or Dumb


    John Feffer, the co-director of Foreign Policy in Focus at the Institute for Policy Studies, Open Society fellow, and author most recently of Crusade 2.0: The West's Resurgent War on Islam talks about the different manifestations of American power.Download mp3 at

  • Death By Ally


    Tom Engelhardt, the founding editor of TomDispatch and author most recently of Terminator Planet, talks about green-on-blue violence in Afghanistan and how it is in fact an unprecedented facet of the new American Way of War.Download mp3 version at

  • The West in Flames


    William deBuys, an environmental activist and author most recently of A Great Aridness: Climate Change and the Future of the American Southwest, talks about the recent heat waves and droughts across the country and where we stand along the predicted path of climate change. Download mp3 at

  • Carte Blanche


    Noam Chomsky, the renowned linguist, MIT professor, and foreign policy critic, talks about the Magna Carta and the lesser known companion charter titled the 'Charter of the Forest' and how the current administration is straying from the ideals outlined in these two documents.Download mp3 at

  • Gilding the Lily Pad


    David Vine, an assistant professor of anthropology at American University and author of Island of Shame: The Secret History of the US Military Base on Diego Garcia, talks about his research into the ever-expanding network of US military bases around the world.Download mp3 at

  • And the Beat Drones On


    Nick Turse, an award-winning journalist, historian, and co-author of Terminator Planet: The First History of Drone Warfare, 2001-2050, talks about the growing US military presence in Africa, including the training of local armies and militia, and the use of both surveillance and armed drones.Download mp3 at

  • 'Shrooming


    William Hartung, the director of the Arms and Security Project the the Center for International Policy and author of Prophets of War: Lockheed Martin and the Making of the Military-Industrial Complex, talks about the history and current state of nuclear arms development around the world.Download mp3 at

  • The More Presidents Change...


    Michael Klare, a professor of peace and world security studies at Hampshire College, a TomDispatch regular, and author most recently of The Race for What's Left: The Global Scramble for the World's Last Resources, talks about the current administration's foreign policy objectives as they relate to the control of global energy resources and how little difference there is between Obama's energy policies and those of his predecessors.Download mp3 at

  • Leaking War


    Peter Van Buren, a long-time State Department employee, blogger, and author most recently of We Meant Well: How I Helped Lose the Battle for the Hearts and Minds of the Iraqi People, talks about how the political game has changed when it comes to both leaking and stifling information.Download mp3 at

  • Do You Recall?


    Andy Kroll, the Washington DC correspondent for Mother Jones magazine and an associate editor for TomDispatch, talks about the recent gubernatorial recall election in Wisconsin and what Scott Walker's win means for the future.Download mp3 at

  • Staying Ahead of the Times


    TomDispatch founder Tom Engelhardt talks about the history and future of drone warfare. It is the subject of his latest book, along with co-author and TomDispatch regular Nick Turse, titled Terminator Planet: The First History of Drone Warfare.Download mp3 at

  • Today's Special


    Andrew Bacevich, a retired Army Colonel, Boston University professor, author of Washington Rules, and editor most recently of The Short American Century, talks about the changing face of the so-called global war on terror.Download mp3 at

  • In Memoriam


    TomDispatch founder and author most recently of The United States of Fear Tom Engelhardt talks about the upcoming Memorial Day weekend and what Americans should really be remembering this holiday.Download mp3 at

  • Preying on the Poor


    Barbara Ehrenreich, author of the acclaimed Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America, talks about her latest project to fund investigative journalism focused on poverty in the United States and the financial reality of being part of our nation's working poor.Download mp3 at

  • Defense 2012!


    William J Astore, a US Air Force Lieutenant Colonel, history professor and TomDispatch regular, discusses who he believes will be the true victor in the 2012 election: the US military and the national security state.Download mp3 at

  • Let's Stay out of the Kitchen


    Michael Klare, a professor of peace and world security studies at Hampshire College, a TomDispatch regular, and author most recently of The Race for What's Left: The Global Scramble for the World's Last Resources, talked about how diminishing energy resources are on the brink of igniting conflict around the world.Download mp3 at

  • The Passion of Bradley Manning: Part One


    In part one of our two-part podcast, civil rights attorney Chase Madar talks about his book The Passion of Bradley Manning and debunks three commonly held misconceptions about the case of Private First Class Manning.Download mp3 at

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