Straw Into Gold



The Art and Business of Transformation: discussions to move you forward in your art career, your small business, your creative journey and your personal evolution.


  • What's it worth? The potential of bartering and re-use in the business of art.

    16/12/2009 Duración: 45min

    What if the value of your artwork, goods or services was basedentirely on what someone was willing to trade for it? How would thatchange the materials you chose or the way you do business? How wouldthat change your relationship with your community? What might theripple effects of a barter-based system be in the art world? Today we are joined by artistsKathryn Kenworth and Sasha Petrenko who have created Non*Mart,a temporary design studio and shop in San Francisco to explorealternatives to consumerism and develop more relational, lesscommercial means of economic exchange. As always, wewelcome call-in questions at(347) 855-8744. As mentioned on the show: • Non*Mart's Holiday Stop & Swap isthis Saturday 12/19/09 from 2-7pm. • The San Francisco Dump has an amazing Artist-in-Residencyprogram. The last orientation of the year for artistsinterested in applying in this Saturday morning. Note:You must RSVP! • Leave a message on God's AnsweringMachine: 800-871-9012 x 3176632#. Say what you willand pass it on. :: Ph

  • A Little Goes a Long Way: Micro-finance comes to Art

    09/12/2009 Duración: 44min

    How can an artist get funded when they are not producing acommercial product? And what if they are a student or or are doingsmall scale projects? What can the arts world learn from microgranters?Have we underestimated the power of putting a small amount of money inhighly-creative hands? Today we are joined by Marissa Neave, an emerging writerand curator studying Criticism and Curatorial Practice at the OntarioCollege of Art and Design whosethesis project tinygrants is an experiment inmicrofunding for the arts — specifically artist performing creativeinterventions in Toronto, Ontario. As always, wewelcome call-in questions at(347) 855-8744. Also mentioned on the show: • East Bay writer, artist andteacher elizaBethBenson-Udom is offering "writing your way,"group and one-to-one support for writers and wannabes. 510-809-5210. • Leave a message on God's AnsweringMachine: 800-871-9012 x 3176632#. Say what you willand pass it on. :: Photo "The Meaning of Love isWritten on a Business Card" above by ThePocketology Col

  • Going Public as an Artist: what you need to know to work with a pro

    18/11/2009 Duración: 44min

    We've said it time and time again: if you are a working artist, you must attend to the business of art. But how do you get your foot in the door? You can work with a professional representative or publicist, but how do you know what to expect? What will they do and not do? What kind of financial arrangement is fair? Today we are joined by painter/artist representative Francine Kohn and writer/publicist Dana Litoff who will demystify some of the ins and out of the art world for artists nterested in furthering their careers through publicity or representation. As always, we welcome call-in questions at (347) 855-8744. Also mentioned on the show: • Performer and teacher Bethany Trombly's next BodyMindFull workshop has been postponed to a later date. • East Bay writer, artist and teacher elizaBeth Benson-Udom is offering "writing your way," group and one-to-one support for writers and wannabes. 510-809-5210. • Free workshop "Grantseeking Basics for Individuals in the Arts", Friday, Dec 11, 12-1:30 pm at The Foun

  • Creative Intervention in the Community

    11/11/2009 Duración: 46min

    What can we do to stay human and stay compassionate in the face of the myriad of social problems facing us everyday? Some would say that using our creativity to stayempathetic is a prime use of the artists' mind. Today we are joined by artist Veronica Van Goghwhose creative and collaborative"Sock Project" is making a difference, a little bit at a time in the lives the homeless in San Francisco. Also mentioned on the show: • Performer and teacher Bethany Trombly's next BodyMindFull workshop: Gratitude,12/05/09, $10, at JFKY Berkeley Annex • For writers and wannabe writers: East Bay writer, artist and teacher elizaBeth Benson-Udom is offering an ongoing group for development,support and exploration called "writing your way" as well as one-to-one support. Call her at 510-809-5210. • Independent Arts & Media are offering this panel discussion on 11/17/09 in San Francisco: Smalland Surviving Project Essentials. The price is right for struggling artists! • Leave a message on God's Answering Machine: 800-871-901

  • Everything is Relational: art that connects people

    04/11/2009 Duración: 45min

    What is Relational Art?How is it different from other forms of art and how is it different fromdaily life itself? Relational as a term applied to art indicates anendeavor where the artist provides a context for human interaction,where human interaction itself is the medium of the art piece. Somewould saythis kind of art is saving the human race. In this episode, a panel ofrelational artists will discuss why relational art is so important inour times.Invitations to participate in Relational Artprojects: Here is the number to God's AnsweringMachine: (800) 871-9012 x 3176632#. Call now and leave amessage. Say what you will and pass it on.Fifty-Cent Admissions: Pleasecall 646-462-4161ext. 43350 and answer the question: "Whatis something you don't like to admit about yourself?".Hear what others are saying here and here.First Childhood Memory Project: Whatis your earliest childhood memory? In your first language,please write your name, your age at the time of your first memory, thetown and country in which it took

  • The Mythic Imagination and Creativity

    07/10/2009 Duración: 45min

    How can myths andfairy tales guide our lives? What can the realm of legend do for ourown creative journey? Today we'll hear excerpts from talks andinterviews by Cat Meehan and JonathanYoung. Cat is an artist who teaches a course called"Personal Myth, Fairytale and Mythos" that uses myth and art to helpyou explore your interior. Jonathan Young, Ph.D. is a psychologist and storyteller who travelsaround giving great seminars on the mythic imagination. We'll hear ashort excerpt of one of them. Please call in to contribute to thediscussion.Mentioned in the show:  Cat'sPersonalMyth, Fairytale and Mythos distance group,and JonathanYoung'sTheCenter for Story and SymbolworkshopsJungianPodcast (look for episodes 14-20)SeenaFrost's SoulCollage™processSoulCollage gathering October 23in San FranciscoHeart of Stillness,career guidance fromwithin workshop October 17, San FranciscoSpecialinvitation: Please participate in the God's AnsweringMachine project. Here is the number to God's AnsweringMachine: (800) 871-9012 x 317663

  • The Future of the Profession of Art

    30/09/2009 Duración: 45min

    What does it meanto be an artist in these times when art means so much more than painting and sculpting? If you work in performance or installation, how do you fit into an art world built on the buying and selling of collectable works? This week we'll have a roundtable of artists who will discuss the balance between community and commodity, commerce and connection. Joining the discussion are Bethany Trombly, Kathy de Rosas and Elizabeth Benson-Udom, and hopefully you! Please call in to contribute to the discussion.Also mentioned in the show:  Personal Myth, Fairytale and Mythos distance group,and Stepping Forward: Art Career group coaching course starting 10/10 in Oakland, CASpecial invitation: Please participate in the God's Answering Machine project. Here is the number to God's Answering Machine: (800) 871-9012 x 3176632#. Call now and leave a message! Pass it on.Image: SEIZURE, 2008, by Roger Hiorns

  • Art That Moves: The Power of Art in Community

    23/09/2009 Duración: 44min

    LisaRasmussen & LaurenOdell Usherhave taken their trade to the streets. Their Artis Moving project is using the power of art as amedium to transform neighborhoods. We'll talk to them about how theirrecent project in Oakland, CA is bringing people together through theprocess of making art. Listen in and find out what's cooking atthe ARTcart!Also mentioned in the show: The BodyNever Lies works

  • What the Gallery Owner can Teach the Artist

    16/09/2009 Duración: 44min

    This week our guest is JasonHorejs, owner of XanaduGallery inScottsdale, AZ, who has written a book on artist career developmentcalled 'Starving'to Successful. We'll discuss his book, and howartists can avoid making serious mistakes in their careers.Also mentioned in the show: The BodyNever Lies workshop, Sept 26, in Berkeley, CA, and Personal Myth, Fairytale and Mythos distance group,and Stepping Forward: An Art Career Intensive,group coaching course starting 10/10/09 in Oakland, CA.

  • Stumbling Blocks on the Artist's Path

    09/09/2009 Duración: 43min

    Being an artist or creative professional is not the easiest path; thereare many stumbling blocks. Creative blocks may be the first to come tomind, but many artists who could have successful careers balk at thebusiness end of art and are blocked by isolation and fear. Amy talks with Cinthia Dennis, artist and NLPpractitioner, who is her colleague and co-facilitator in SteppingForward, an Art Career Intensive. Mentioned in the show: Kaleo and Elise Ching's Faces of the Soulclass and  BecomingYour Own Professional Coach with Monica Broecker andMariah Howard