Motivational spiritual talk
The day of the Lord
24/10/2020The Phrase "The Day of the Lord" means the Day of Judgement. We examine the prophecy in the Book of Daniel about the Day of the Lord and related events. Some events predicted for last seven-year period are yet to be fulfilled. Those events should culminate in the Day of the Lord. #Foundationalteaching #ThedayoftheLord #Rapture #ComingofChrist
Rapture (प्रभु यीशु का पुनरागमन)
24/10/2020What does the New Testament teac us about Rapture? The NT provides complete and clear teaching on rapture. James K Sebastian helps you understand this subject by taking you through the various passages in the NT. Enjoy. Language Hindi #Rapture #JesusReignsForever #Godwithus #Wearegoinghome #Amazingrace #GloriousLord
Rapture and the day of the Lord (प्रभु यीशु का पुनरागमन और न्याय का दिन)
24/10/2020What does the New Testament teach about the Day of the Lord or the Day of Judgement? James Sebastian explains the difference between the rapture and the Day of the Lord based on clear scriptures. Language-Hindi. #raptureandJudgement #theDayoftheLord #theDayofJudgement
Compassion can lead to teaching
14/10/2020An act of charity such as feeding the hungry, clothing the naked or helping someone or a group people with money or any material things is always understood as an act of compassion. Have you ever thought of teaching as an act of compassion. What does the Bible say about it? Listen and Enjoy. #actsofCompassion #TeachingcauseofCompassion # importanceofTeaching # teachwithcompassion #Compassion #Teaching #Jesushadcompassion
Be Filled with the Spirit
14/10/2020What does it mean when the Bible commands us to be filled with the Spirit instead of being drunk with wine? Does that mean when you are filled with the Spirit of God you will speak and act like a drunk? James Sebastian explains the correct meaning in the context of the discussion in the book of Ephesians. Enjoy!
Hear Jesus and be healed (यीशु की सुनो और चंगे हो जाओ)
23/08/2020Lord Jesus always speaks words that has the power to transform our lives. When people pay attention to His words and receive His words, they receive spiritual, mental and physical healing and experience deliverance in every area of their lives! Language - Hindi.
Trusting God-the hidden dimension.
11/08/2020What does trusting God really means? Do we trust or believe God just to get things from him? Trust or faith is much bigger than that. In this study, James Sebastian explains a more important aspect of faith that is often overlooked. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego invested or directed their trust or faith to obey God's commandment during their fiery trial. Watch/ listen for more revelation on this...
Are you growing in your spirit? (क्या आप अपनी आत्मा में बढ़ रहे हैं?)
04/08/2020Are you really growing in your spirit. We eat nutrious food and exercise regularly in order for the growth and maintenance of our body. Through education, thinking, discussion and practice we ensure proper growth of our mind. Are we doing anything for the growth of our spirit? in this video, James Sebastian teaches about the two important things one must do in order to grow in the spirit.Enjoy. This teaching is in Hindi.
Lord Jesus knows our faith, sin and thoughts
04/08/2020Lord Jesus knows your faith, sins and thoughts when you approach Him. He is willing to receive you and answer your prayers in spite of all your sins, unbelief, or thoughts against Him. He is going wrap His arm around you and deliver you if you would simply believe he loves you unconditionally. Language- Hindi
मुक्ति का एक ही रास्ता है (Salvation-only one way)
06/04/2020There is only one way to salvation. Langauge- Hindi
तेरा नाम पवित्र माना जाए! (May Your name be kept holy!)
05/02/2020God wants us to accept that He is holy. What does that mean?
Love God and love people-1
05/02/2020What kind of love is God talking about when He asks us to love Him and others?
पवित्र आत्मा - हमारा शिक्षक-Holy Spirit, our Teacher
28/01/2020Holy Spirit always teaches sound doctrines