Mary English Astrologer Blog



Astrology for beginners. How to make a chart using FREE on-line resources. The Series starts with Chart Shape and what that means for you. Please start at Episode One and work your way forward through each Episode to find out all about your chart and what it means.Each week we will be discussing various parts of your Astrological birth chart, using real case examples helping you get to grips with this ancient Art.Please go to my page if you'd like to become a sponsor and be rewarded for your support:) xx


  • Episode 394 - The Rarity of Mercury Retrograde Conjunct Venus Retrograde

    30/06/2024 Duración: 42min

    This week we are covering the interesting cycle of Mercury retrograde conjunct Venus retrograde. Here are the years/months of the conjunctions from the 1900s Feb 1902 April/May 1905 Nov/Dec 1906 June/July 1908 Aug/Sept 1911   Feb 1942 April 1945 Nov 1946 June/July 1948 Aug/Sept 1951   March/April 1985 Nov 1986 June 1988 Aug 1991 FUTURE DATES: March 2025 May/June 2028 Dec 2029 July/Aug 2031 Nov 2034 Then the next time it will happen will be March 2065 Here is the Ephemeris for 2025 Chrissie Hynde Singer/songwriter Libra Asc, Sun Virgo in 11th Mercury in Virgo retro conjunct Venus in Virgo retrograde also in 11th house Moon in Scorpio in 2nd Seyi Akiwowo Author/CEO/Speaker One sided Indigo chart Scorpio Asc, Sun in Leo conjunct Jupiter retro in 10th Mercury retrograde in Virgo exactly conjunct Venus retrograde in Virgo also in 10th Moon in Libra in 12th    

  • Episode 393 - Finding Space: Empty House Rulers

    23/06/2024 Duración: 50min

    Where are the empty spaces in your chart?  Using house rulers we can discover their meaning. My Webinar on Empty Houses Anthony Louis’ Blog The House Connection How to Read the Houses in an Astrological Chart Karen Hamaker-Zondag Anthony Louis natal with Dad's birth time Libra Asc, Sun in Virgo in the 11th house, Moon in Leo in 10th conjunct Pluto The empty houses are 1-8 inclusive   Anthony Louis birth certificate data

  • Episode 392 - Life & Astrology of Françoise Hardy

    16/06/2024 Duración: 34min

    This week we are working with the Astro charts of Françoise Hardy, a French singer/songwriter, actor and Astrologer. Natal Chart Virgo Asc, Sun Capricorn in 5th, Moon Libra in 2nd Ruler to chart = Mercury located in 4th house and retrograde   Sister dies transits Chiron conjunct Sun, Jupiter near Asc, Sun conjunct Uranus, Pluto conjunct Venus in 4th Solar Arc sister dies Moon conjunct Venus in 4th   First Album  Transiting Pluto conjunct Asc, Trans Mars conjunct natal Pluto  Synastry Francoise vs Andre Andre's North Node conjunct Françoise's natal Moon Synastry Andre on inside   Francoise Death 11th June 2024 Transiting Moon conjunct natal Pluto    

  • Episode 391 - Introducing

    09/06/2024 Duración: 16min

    This week we are covering a labour of love created by a young lady programmer who is also very interested in, and competent in Astrology. Here is the website, check it out      

  • Episode 390 - Solar Arc with 'Kelly' and Trump

    02/06/2024 Duración: 26min

    Thank you to 'Kelly' for sending in her data for her Solar Arcs    Mother in hospital, car stolen in hospital car park, being stranded with Dad AGE 8   Birth of first child AGE 35   Trump found guilty AGE 74   Trump sentencing date AGE 74

  • Episode 389 - Solar Arcs with natal chart

    26/05/2024 Duración: 25min

    This week we are covering Solar Arcs Here are the books that cover them The Only Way to Learn About Tomorrow The Modern Text Book of Astrology These are Amazon links & you can also find copies on and and other second hand book sellers I'm demonstraing how the two most important events that happened to me show up as Solar Arcs  (remembering of course that Solar Arcs don't have to involve the Sun!)   Move ALL the planets forward by One Degree for each year of life   Impact of my youngest sister being born when I was age 7 My natal Asc has shifted 7 degrees and is now exactly conjunct my natal Pluto     Death of my father age 22 Saturn (Dad) has shifted 22 degrees and is now exactly conjunct my natal Mars in Aquarius in the 6th house of health

  • Episode 388 - Interview with Kristina Hristova

    19/05/2024 Duración: 56min

    Hello,  This week we are chatting with Kristina Hristova, mostly about Solar Arcs Please go here to watch/listen to this week's Interview Episode on YouTube   Here are the charts she shared using Placidus house system:   Tom Hanks Elton John   Brad Pitt Angelina Jolie

  • Episode 387 - MC Analysis of Mel's Astro Chart

    12/05/2024 Duración: 31min

    This week we are continuing with looking at the MC and learning a bit more about how it can affect our career choices. Thank you to these listeners for sharing their Astro charts:) xx

  • Natalie's Splay Chart & M.C. - Listener Astro Chart

    05/05/2024 Duración: 32min

    Hello, this week we are working with 'Natalie's' Astro Splay chart    Natalie Libra Asc, ruled by Venus in Aries in 7th house of relationships MC 11 degrees in Cancer, nearest degee planet is Sun 14 degrees in Gemini in 9th house of travel Moon is also in a travelling sign: Sagittarius, so work really needs to involve travel !!  

  • Episode 385 - Neonatal Ward Killer Lucy Letby

    28/04/2024 Duración: 24min

    This week I am covering the Astro chart of baby killer (ex) nurse Lucy Letby Website Connect with me YouTube Folk in the Front Room   Lucy Letby Natal chart, Sun Capricorn, Moon Aries Sun square Moon lots of squares from Moon to nearly other planet Date first baby killed Date arrested     References

  • Episode 384- Finding "Success" in the Horoscope

    21/04/2024 Duración: 40min

    This week we are working with the MC : the career part of the chart Not something that I talk about a lot  This is Jackie Slevin's Book Finding Success in the Horoscope (Amazon affliate link) The Principle Planet is the one forming a Sextile, Trine, Square or Opposition Aspects to the MC in an EXACT degree (or as near as exact)   This is what's happening in my chart at the moment: My MC is Taurus 15 degrees, My Sun is 15 degrees Pisces, so they form a sextile exact degree Transiting Uranus/Jupiter conjunction is on my MC and transiting Saturn is exactly conjunct my Sun also forming a sextile to the natal MC and the transiting Jupiter/Uranus transit!!! Pisces Person MC Cancer, Sun Pisces in 6th house = worked with 'sick' people Trainee Astrologer MC Taurus, Venus in Aqua in 6th house My Dad Noel MC Libra, Sun Sagi in first

  • Episode 383 - Living to be Older than 100 Years

    14/04/2024 Duración: 41min

    This week we are working with three Astro charts of people who lived (and are living) older than 100 years. Order, tranquility, good connection with family and friends, contact with nature, emotional stability, no worries, no regrets, lots of positivity and staying away from toxic people   Interview with Jeanne Interview with Henry Interview with Maria   Jeanne Calment Pisces Asc, Sun Pisces in 12th, Moon Virgo in 7th, Mercury retro in Pisces in 1st house Jeanne's Death Henry Allingham Virgo Asc, Sun Gemini in 9th, Moon Aries in 8th, Mercury retro in Gemini in 10th  Henry's Death Maria Branyas Sun Pisces conjunct Saturn, Moon Scorpio, Mercury Aries    

  • Episode 382 - Lucid Dreaming: Being Aware That You're Dreaming

    07/04/2024 Duración: 25min

    This week I am talking about the fascinating subject of Lucid Dreaming   This is a great book Lucid Dreaming Plain and Simple : Tips and Techniques for Insight, Creativity, and Personal Growth, by Robert Waggoner, Caroline McCready *   Lucid Dreaming Newsletter   Some of Paul Morley's Research   Marie-Jean-Léon Lecoq Sun Scorpio conj Uranus, Moon Aries Neptune and Pluto conj in Gemini Frederik van Eeden Sun Aries, Moon Virgo, Neptune Pisces   Paul Thorley Sun Pisces conj Saturn Moon Aries, Neptune retro in Virgo opposition Sun Date of death: Neptune enters Aqua, trans Jupiter conj Sun   *All amazon links are affliate and i may earn a small commission if you click on the link

  • Episode 381 - Astrologers with Mercury Retrograde

    31/03/2024 Duración: 44min

    As we are just about to have another Mercury retrograde, I am sharing the Astro charts on three different Astrologers.   Alain Stalder Leo Ascendant, Sun in Leo, Moon in Aries Mercury retro in Leo in the 12th house Paul Westran Virgo Ascendant, Sun in Scorpio in 3rd, Moon Virgo in 1st  Mercury retro in Sagttarius in 4th  Mecca Woods Leo Ascendant, Sun Sagittarius, Moon in Aquarius Mercury retro in Capricorn in 5th 

  • 380 - The Poet Rumi

    24/03/2024 Duración: 53min

    This week we are working with the Astro chart of the Sufi Poet Rumi Interesting Article: The Erasure of Islam from the Poetry of Rumi Astro Databank version of his chart using the Gregorian calendar (!why??)   Rumi's birth using Julian calendar Sun Libra, Moon Capricorn, Mercury Libra, Venus & Mars in Scorpio   First meeting with Shams-i-Tabriz Transiting Saturn conjunct natal Mercury   Journeys he made from birth to death   Picture of his life-work called Mathnavi for sale in London Death of Rumi in Türkiye Transiting Saturn in Libra conjunct natal Mercury, Transiting retrograde Mercury in Sagittarius opposition natal retrograde Saturn in Gemini Transiting Venus in Scorpio conjunct natal Venus in Scorpio

  • Episode 379 - Becoming a Grandmother

    17/03/2024 Duración: 47min

    This week I am answering an email from 'Helen' and the Syanstry between her child, & his partner,  now that they have had their first child, who is the grandchild to Helen. I've covered the Synastry both ways, as it's important to understand both sides of the Synastry.   Dad/Mum Mum/Dad Grandmother 'Helen'. 

  • Episode 378 - Multicultural Astrolabe Discovered

    10/03/2024 Duración: 15min

    This week I am covering the discovery of an Astrolabe in Verona in Italy Federica Gigante's original research Article in the Guardian One of the Astrolabe's in the History of Science Museum in Oxford Here is the link to the History of Science Museum in Oxford A piccie of one of their Astrolabe's rule/limb   This link will take you to the App Store and is the Astrolabe App that I use  

  • Episode 377 - Interview with Astrologer Teri Nudelman

    03/03/2024 Duración: 57min

    This week we are chatting with Teri Nudelman She's an Astrologer and Tarot reader living in Scotland  Here's her website Here's her Instagram If you'd like to join my next FREE Webinar on the Transit Rhythmogram do ping me an email  mary at maryenglish dot co dot uk

  • Episode 376 - Rebellious (?) Astrologer and Herbalist Nicholas Culpeper

    25/02/2024 Duración: 50min

    This week we are learning about Nicholas Culpeper the herbalist and Astrologer I am using brief quotes from Graeme Tobyn's book Culpeper's Medicine, A Practice of Western Holistic Medicine * Amazon USA Amazon U.K. Graeme Tobyn   Nicolas Culpeper natal (from Astrodatabank)   Capricorn Asc, Sun Scorpio in 10th, Moon Gemini in 6th   Note transiting OUTER planets : Uranus/Neptune and Pluto Approx Date he went to Cambridge University Approx Date his girlfriend died by being hit by lightening Takes over the Apothecary with Leadbeater when Drake dies Imprisoned but aquitted of witchcraft   * Amazon afflicate links, I may earn a small commission and no extra cost to you if you click on these links    

  • Episode 375 - Interview with Giorgia Pecora

    18/02/2024 Duración: 54min

    This week we are chatting with Giorgia Pecora and you can find her here:  Thank you to everyone who attended my webinar on Transits :) You can watch back the Transits Webinar here   Ping me an email if you'd like to attend the next one, which will be on the TransitRhythmogram 

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