Attack The System Radio Attack The System



Pan-Anarchism Against the State, Pan-Secessionism Against the Empire


  • Towards a Third World Class System


    A fan created a montage of audio clips from Kick the Puppy Season One showing how we are moving towards a third world model class system. Right click to download

  • Beyond Social Justice


    A discussion with Ian Mayes, Nexus X Humectress, and Keith Preston about how social justice activism has led anarchist movements astray and lots of other stuff. Topics include: Anarcho-pacifism Intentional communities Beyond Social Justice: how historical opposition to valid injustices has now evolved into something absurd. How totalitarian […]

  • Roundtable on Religion and the State: Can Pagans, Christians, and Atheists Get Along?


    Attack the System Roundtable on Religion and the State: Can Pagans, Christians, and Atheists Get Along? August 3, 2014 ATS contributors discuss their spiritual and theological perspectives, and the relationship of these to history, ethics, and politics. Features conservative Christians Brock Bellerive and Todd Lewis, pagan Rodney Huber, […]

  • The State of the Resistance: Five Years Into the Age of Obama


    Attack the System The State of the Resistance: Five Years Into the Age of Obama April 7, 2014 Keith Preston critiques the growing libertarian movement within the context of current political trends in the United States. Topics include: Topics include: How libertarianism has grown in popularity since 2007. […]

  • Anarchism and Spirituality


    Attack the System Anarchism and Spirituality: An Interview with Jay Cypher February 22, 2014 Keith Preston interviews Jay Cypher, anarchist anthropologist and scholar of the relationship between spirituality, religion, and social movements. Topics include: Topics include: Her recent lecture “Anarchy and Spiritual Practice.” Libertarian tendencies within various religious […]

  • Women Against The State


    Attack the System Women Against the State February 1, 2014 A panel discussion with M.K. Lords, Becky Belding, Trista Rundatz, and Keith Preston about gender issues in the libertarian milieu, and wider issues facing the libertarian and anarchist movements. Topics include: Topics include: Why anti-state movements attract more […]

  • Bitcoin Against the System: An Interview with M.K. Lords


    Attack the System Bitcoin Against the System: An Interview with M.K. Lords January 29, 2014 Keith Preston interviews Bitcoin and counter-economics activist M. K. Lords. Topics include: How Bitcoins can be used to bypass the warfare state and assist with social justice issues such as homelessness. The Ron […]

  • Beyond Partisanship: The Fundamentals of Pan-Secessionist Activism


    Attack the System Beyond Partisanship: The Fundamentals of Pan-Secessionist Activism January 5, 2014 Keith Preston gives a comprehensive overview of the ARV-ATS strategic outlook and clarifies certain misconceptions. Topics include: Why the philosophy of self-determination transcends ordinary partisan boundaries. The need to distinguish the meta-political and meta-strategic concepts […]

  • Attack the System: Who Are the Power Elite?


    Attack the System Who Are the Power Elite? December 29, 2013 Keith Preston dissects the American ruling class. Topics include: The difference between power elite analysis and conspiracy theories. Power elite analysis versus theories of democratic pluralism. Classical elite theory as developed during the interwar period of the […]

  • Attack the System: The Intersection of Drug Prohibition, Totalitarian Humanism, and the Police State


    Attack the System The Intersection of Drug Prohibition, Totalitarian Humanism, and the Police State December 8, 2013 Keith Preston discusses the power elite’s system of ideological and legal control. Topics include: How international drug prohibition is largely an American creation. How the war on drugs was instigated to […]

  • Attack the System: An Interview with Todd Lewis


    Attack the System An Interview with Todd Lewis November 24, 2013 Keith Preston interviews Christian philosopher Todd Lewis. Topics include: Anti-state traditions within historic Christianity. The essence of the Christian faith and the nature of an organic Christian community. The Christian pacifist tradition of thinkers such as Leo […]

  • Moving to the Left of the Left of the Left, Part Two: Why the Progressive Left is Now Conservative


    Keith Preston continues his discussion of the decline of American progressives as an effective opposition force, and outlines an agenda for a new radicalism.

  • Moving to the Left of the Left of the Left: The Case for Pan-Anarchism


    Attack the System Moving to the Left of the Left of the Left: The Case for Pan-Anarchism October 20, 2013 Keith Preston continues his discussion of the likely political future of the United States. Topics include: Peter Beinart’s recent article, “The Rise of New New Left,” and how […]

  • The Next 30 Years of American Politics


    Attack the System The Next 30 Years of American Politics October 13, 2013 Keith Preston discusses how American political culture will likely develop over the next few decades. Topics include: Why the American Empire will continue to implode due to loss of legitimacy and fiscal constraints. Why American […]

  • Libertarian Populism vs Totalitarian Humanism: The Battle for the 21st Century


    Attack the System Libertarian Populism vs Totalitarian Humanism: The Battle for the 21st Century October 7, 2013 Keith Preston discusses the dynamics of political conflict as it will unfold over the coming century. Topics include: Pareto’s insight that political history involves perpetual struggles between elites and counter-elites. The […]

  • The World According to ARV-ATS


    Attack the System The World According to ARV-ATS September 29, 2013 Keith Preston discusses contemporary events from the perspective of the ARV-ATS philosophy and strategy. Topics include: How Putin’s upstaging of Obama over Syria indicates the American state’s loss of legitimacy. The possibility of a bloc of “rogue […]

  • Grand Alliance Theory and Fourth Generation Warfare, Part Two: In Defense of Revolutionary Struggle


    Attack the System Grand Alliance Theory and Fourth Generation Warfare, Part Two: In Defense of Revolutionary Struggle September 22, 2013 Keith Preston continues the discussion of revolutionary action within the context of contemporary political and military circumstances. Topics include: The unfortunate tendency of many contemporary radicals towards lifestyle […]

  • The Life and Times of Jerry Rubin


    Biographical Podcast The Life and Times of Jerry Rubin September 21, 2013 Keith Preston examines the career of a 1960s radical leader and how it symbolizes the history of American society over the past 50 years. Topics include: Rubin’s role as an early anti-Vietnam War protest organizer, founder […]

  • Grand Alliance Theory and Fourth Generation Warfare


    Attack the System Grand Alliance Theory and Fourth Generation Warfare September 15, 2013 Keith Preston discusses the definitive elements of the revolutionary struggle. Topics include: Common criticisms directed at ARV-ATS including accusations of reformism, crypto-statism, egalitarian populism, and reactionary nationalism. The need to strike a healthy balance between […]

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