Fbc Magdalena's Sermons



The Sunday sermons of First Baptist Church of Magdalena, New Mexico as preached by Pastor Paul Holt.


  • The Begining and a Matter of Faith

    30/10/2017 Duración: 29min

    Christians believe that the Lord created the heavens and the earth in 6 days, resting on the 7th. Although science is being used by both the creationist and the evolutionist neither position can be proved by science because the beginning cannot be observed. This makes the origins of all things a matter of faith for both sides.

  • The Fundamentals and Rejoicing in God's Words

    28/10/2017 Duración: 21min

    It is always important to re-establish the fundamentals of our faith and rejoicing in God's word is a good starting point.

  • Pentecost 2017

    12/06/2017 Duración: 37min

    Pentecost is the fulfillment of the promise Jesus made to His disciples to send a helper, but Pentecost is also a promise made with a deposit for the age to come.  

  • Peace in the Midst of Chaos

    01/06/2017 Duración: 31min

    Jesus came that Jews and gentiles alike might have peace with God. We might consider ourselves to be outsiders who are not good enough for a variety of reasons but like Ruth we could be outlawed from being a part of Israel by scripture and change who we are by the grace of God to be used by Him for mighty things. Transcript: [00:00:00] In the Book of Ephesians in Chapter 2. (Thank you dear.)   [00:00:05] And verse 11 like Facio, I need these things. (glasses)   [00:00:13] So Ephesians Chapter 2 Verse 11, it says; Therefore remember that you once Gentiles in the flesh who are called uncircumcision by what is called the circumcision made in the flesh by hands that at that time you were without Christ mean aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise having no hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he himself is our peace who has made both one and has broken down the middle wall

  • Was Jesus Showing Off?

    27/05/2017 Duración: 33min

    Jesus performed many miracles while He was here on earth, so much so that the bible states that to list them all would be a great task indeed. Did the Lord perform these miracles to show off? There is a more practical reason, He did them that we might believe. Transcript: [00:00:00] Gospel of John Chapter 11.   [00:00:06] John Chapter 11 verse 1.   [00:00:13] Where it says. Now a certain man was sick Lazarus of Bethany. The town of Mary and her sister Martha. It was that Mary who anointed the Lord with fragrant oil and wipe his feet with her hair. His brother Lazarus was sick. Therefore the sisters said to him saying Lord behold he whom you love is sick. When Jesus heard that he said this sickness is not until death but for the glory of God that the Son of God may be glorified through him. Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. So when he heard that he was sick he stayed two more days in the place where he was. Then. After this he said to the disciples Let us go to Judea again. The disciples said

  • Mothers Day 2017.mp3

    15/05/2017 Duración: 30min

    None of us have perfect mothers and none of us are perfect parents but does that mean we shouldn't try? We also probably don't honor our moms the way we should but what does it mean to honor our parents?

  • The Love of God and Learning How to Love

    22/08/2016 Duración: 29min

    The greatest commandment is to love the Lord with all that we are but we cannot keep the second greatest commandment until we keep the first. Pastor Paul Holt looks at loving God to learn how to even love.

  • What is God's Plan for My Life

    06/01/2016 Duración: 33min

    As 2016 begins we look back at our lives and then look forward. When we look forward and we think we know God's plan for our lives are we taking the lead and choosing our own way to fulfill God's vision or are we going were He leads? Pastor Paul Holt of First Baptist Church of Magdalena uses the example of Moses who may have known what his destiny was to be, but was perhaps looking for his own way to fulfill it.

  • Who Do You Turn to for Life's Questions?

    23/08/2015 Duración: 20min

    We are often searching for guidance in life. Should we marry this person or should we buy or sell? It is all too easy to ask the wrong people for those answers. But the Lord tell us not to look to those who claim to have the spiritual answers, but to look to Him. For those nations, which you shall dispossess, listen to those who practice witchcraft and to diviners, but as for you, the LORD your God has not allowed you to do so. -Deuteronomy 18:14 Before we start turning to palm readers, horoscopes or even life coaches we should understand that the Lord is very serious about where we get our advice. The bible states in Deuteronomy 18:12 that whoever practices the occult arts is “detestable to the Lord”. This sermon by Pastor Paul Holt looks at where we should look for the answers to life's questions and why we should not be looking for easy answers even in the bible.

  • In The Twinkling of An Eye

    23/08/2015 Duración: 23min

    The bible tells us that the Lord will return suddenly, in the twinkling of an eye. That is what happened to Israel and why they had to make their bread in a hurry, because when it was time, the time was now.   In the same way, when we are presented with the choice of the Lord's way vs. our way, the change must happen so suddenly that it is in the twinkling of an eye.   Pastor Paul Holt looks at what it means to come face to face with the choice when presented with the truth of God and how we are to be ready for the return of Jesus, because when He comes, He will come quickly.  

  • Why Good Things Happen to Bad People

    18/08/2015 Duración: 17min

    We often assume that we have it good because we deserve it, right? But is that the truth? Pastor Paul Holt looks at another option, God's glory. We think because things are going well, we deserve it or if things are going poorly, we must have done something wrong. But the truth is that the world does not revolve around us. There are other factors at work that we may not have considered.

  • FBC Sermons- The Doctrine of Jesus vs The Doctrine of Balaam

    10/07/2015 Duración: 34min

    There was a teaching that brought destruction to Israel, the doctrine of Balaam. It was and is a simple thing to destroy a Godly people. Because to attack them directly will fail due to the Lord's protection, just appeal to their flesh.   There is also a doctrine, a sound doctrine of Jesus that teaches obedience to God's word. This doctrine brings blessings and the goodness of the Lord to His people.   In this sermon, Pastor Paul Holt of First Baptist Church of Magdalena contrasts the doctrine of Balaam against the doctrine of Jesus and how the enemy is still using it to remove God's protection from His people and cause judgment on the house of God.  

  • FBC Sermons- We Stand, We are Not Ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

    30/06/2015 Duración: 34min

    The mystery of the red heifer of Numbers 19 is that what makes you unclean makes you clean. In the same way Jesus became sin for us. It is in this way that our Lord identifies with us. He makes all things new by taking our sin upon Himself. We identify with Jesus Christ in baptism. In these times of evil being called good and darkness being called light we must stop playing church and make a all too real choice. Do we stand with Jesus Christ proclaiming that we are not ashamed of His gospel or do we cower to the enemy.

  • FBC Sermons- The World Needs Dads

    28/06/2015 Duración: 27min

    Korah rebelled against the way the Lord created him and faced off against Moses. We too are being fitted by the design of God into His living temple. Are we rebelling against the Lord and what He created us to be in Him? Dads are needed to bring strength to their family, not physical strength but the strength of conviction on how we are to live according to God's word.

  • The Return of the King

    30/03/2015 Duración: 45min

    Facio Gomez and Pastor Paul Holt preach on Palm Sunday regarding the arrival of the King, King Jesus that is. When He comes to visit us are we reading to receive Him or will we cry "Crucify Him". This service included a baptism, a time to commit ourselves to the Lord as we consider how we live our daily lives. Recorded 03/29/15

  • Living Sacrifice

    27/03/2015 Duración: 30min

    Pastor Paul Holt looks at what it truly means to a living sacrifice and how to draw near to God. Hint: It is not what you think.