Video My Nonprofit With Jay Carter



Ideas & inspiration for creating nonprofit video stories and other media content


  • VMNP 005 - My (Slightly Embarrassing) Podcast Interview


    Thanks to Dr. Rob Harter and the Nonprofit Leadership Podcast for having me on as a guest, but gosh I sounded kinda obnoxious | Bloviating Firehose and it was all my fault: Too much coffee and lots of overly-prepared canned answers -- oh well, it was a valuable learning experience | The weirdness of being on the other side of the interview table | Beyond Measure Media's origin story -- How Michele and I started telling video stories | Capturing real, vulnerable moments of emotion on camera vs.

  • VMNP 004 - Hire a Videographer or Shoot It Yourself?


    We're deep in the heart of Texas this week, preparing to speak to the Houston Association of Hispanic Media Professionals about smart phone video branding | Check out all the awesome chickens in my in-laws' backyard | When to hire the big video guns and when to shoot your own material | Even if your org has the budget to hire a videographer, should you ever shoot video yourself in-house? | We ask our listeners to leave a review of this show on iTunes | Smart phone video is a great idea because

  • VNMP 003 - Lessons from Oprah On Nonprofit Video


    Michele returns for another guest host session, which is pretty awesome | Michele's kinda-sorta-obsession with everything Oprah | Are Michele and I stalking TV talk show hosts? | Nuggets of video wisdom found within the new "Making Oprah" podcast | That time I covered Oprah's beef trial in Texas as a news reporter | The one and only (lame) question I got to ask her | The one big, flashing-light, OMG, we-all-need-to-listen-to-this sound bite from the entire "Making Oprah" podcast series | Oprah's

  • VMNP 002 - Turning Big News Events Into Your Next Video


    We reveal our very latest nonprofit video | Meet my wife and co-conspirator, Michele | Michele really hates being in the limelight (but I think she's pretty amazing) | Making a nonprofit video that ties into current (big) news events | Idea: Send a press release when you publish video | How did we make the video? | Video making tools and tips for every budget, even if you just have a smart phone | How to tell whether you might have a great video idea | Our dog Tater makes a cameo (it was just a

  • VMNP 001 - Biggest Misconceptions About Nonprofit Video


    What is Video My Nonprofit? | Video mistakes by both big and small nonprofits | Treating your YouTube page like a fine china cabinet | Nonprofit founders who hide behind their logo | The end of the media gatekeepers | Media is now all of us; we're all video storytellers now | The types of nonprofit videos you should be making right now | Practicing what I preach | I'm balancing my smart phone camera on a giant soy sauce can | Is it okay for nonprofits to make their videos with smart