Book » Podcast



A bible podcast for everybody


  • Supplement 39a – BOOK Wrap Up


    Hello! This is a BOOK Podcast supplement, and I am Josh Way. Well, we did it! We’ve completed our tour through the writings of the Hebrew and Greek Bibles! I’m sad and relieved and exhausted and excited for whatever’s next. Together we’ve looked at dozens (maybe hundreds?) of stories and songs and legends and genealogies […]

  • Episode 39 – Revelation


    [TRANSCRIPT] In my left hand is a sense of bittersweet emotion. In my right hand is the satisfaction of finishing something I started. This must be the final (official) episode of BOOK. [INTRO MUSIC] Hello, this is BOOK, a bible podcast for everybody, and I am Josh Way. For two years we have been exploring […]

  • Episode 38 – The Non-Pauline Epistles


    [TRANSCRIPT:] [clears throat] BOOOOOOOK. [INTRO MUSIC] Hello, and this is BOOK, a bible podcast for everybody, and I am Josh Way. We are rapidly approaching the end of our endeavor, but there is still much work to be done so let’s get to it. Today we’ll look at the seven remaining epistles, short letters written […]

  • Episode 37 – (Not) Paul’s (Not) Letter to the (Not) Hebrews


    [TRANSCRIPT] It’s episode 37 and we’ve just a handful of bible texts left to explore. Today we’re looking at the Letter to the Hebrews, which is not really a letter nor is it really “to the Hebrews.” We’re off to a great start, today on BOOK… [INTRO MUSIC] This is BOOK, a bible podcast for […]

  • Episode 36 – Paul Part 3: And the Rest


    [TRANSCRIPT:] In my left hand, I’m holding a bottle of water. In my right hand, I’m using a mouse as I conduct this recording of my podcast. But there’s also a bible around here somewhere, so let’s do a show about some of that stuff in that book. [INTRO MUSIC] Welcome to BOOK, a bible […]

  • Episode 35 – Paul Part 2: 1 & 2 Corinthians


    [TRANSCRIPT] In my left hand is a Lego spaceship which I purchased disguised as a shopping dad, but which I actually purchased for my own therapeutic enjoyment… Oh and in my right hand is a bible, and that’s what we’re gonna do a show about, because it’s a book… [INTRO MUSIC] Hello, and welcome to […]

  • Episode 34 – Paul Part 1: Romans


    [TRANSCRIPT] Warning: I get a little more personal and critical in this episode than I typically do. I’ll try to explain why along the way. Oh and, uh, BOOK… [INTRO MUSIC] Hello, and welcome to BOOK: a bible podcast for everybody, I am Josh Way. We’re exploring the content of the Jewish and Christian bibles […]

  • Episode 33 – The Acts of the Apostles


    [TRANSCRIPT] OK, gang, get ready for the longest podcast yet, and one of the busiest. Here comes a big old BOOK… [INTRO MUSIC] Hello, and welcome to BOOK, a bible podcast for everybody, I’m Josh Way. Here on BOOK we’re exploring the texts of the Jewish and Christian bibles, trying our best to understand their […]

  • Episode 32 – Gospel of John


    [TRANSCRIPT] Very excited, can’t wait to get things going! Music! [INTRO MUSIC] Welcome to BOOK, a bible podcast for everybody, I am Josh Way. This is a podcast for people who long for a fun and intellectually honest exploration of the history and literature of the bible, without all the doctrine and hairspray and spaceships. This […]

  • Episode 31 – Gospel of Luke


    [TRANSCRIPT] In my left hand is a small sliver from the tall mirror that broke today in the hall outside our bathroom. Ouch! In my right hand is a bible. Let’s do a podcast abouuuuuuuuut…. THE BIBLE! [INTRO MUSIC] Hello, and welcome to BOOK, a bible podcast for everybody. I’m Josh Way. On this show […]

  • Episode 30 – Gospel of Mark


    In my left hand is a weird thing that I found in my filing cabinet that I don’t remember what it is and it has a headphone jack and what looks like maybe a USB port but it might be some proprietary kind of port. In my right hand, is a– yeah, OK, play the […]

  • Supplement – What the Hell?


    Hello, and welcome to a BOOK podcast supplement. I’m Josh Way. We’re going to talk about hell today, and we begin with a simple observation: We’ve done thirty-ish podcast episodes about the history and literature of the bible, and we’ve barely mentioned hell until now. I hope that’s enough right there to prompt us to […]

  • Episode 29 – Gospel of Matthew Part 2


    [TRANSCRIPT:] Hey, welcome back to BOOK! [INTRO MUSIC] This is BOOK, a bible podcast for everybody, and I am Josh Way. This is the podcast that explores the content of the Judeo-Christian Bible with an emphasis on history and literature, and today’s show is Part 2 of our look at the Gospel of Matthew, the […]

  • Episode 28 – Gospel of Matthew Part 1


    [TRANSCRIPT] Oh hi how are you so much to talk about today so let’s get right to it and now is the part where I say BOOK. [INTRO MUSIC] Hello, this is BOOK, a bible podcast for everybody, and I am Josh Way. On this show we look at the content of the Judeo-Christian Bible […]

  • Episode 27 – Minor Prophets


    This is BOOK, a bible podcast for everybody, and I am Josh Way. Today’s show is a landmark – this is our last podcast in the Hebrew Bible! And it’s going to be a doozy. We’re going to look at TWELVE whole scrolls today, the most material we’ve ever covered in a single show. These […]

  • Voicemail Supplement – “Fallen Angels”


    [TRANSCRIPT:] Hello, I’m Josh Way and this is BOOK, a bible podcast for everybody. Welcome to another voicemail supplement. Here’s today’s question: “Hi Josh, this is Andre Jackson from Memphis. I just finished going through the Genesis one, about the… I think the topic was about ‘Breathe, Eat and Love’? Episode 3. I was wondering […]

  • Episode 26 – Ezra/Nehemiah


    [TRANSCRIPT:] Hello and welcome to the show that explores the history and literature of the bible. This is not your father’s bible podcast! Unless you’re my daughter, in which case you can completely disregard the previous statement. This is going great so far! Anyway, welcome to BOOK. [INTRO MUSIC] This is BOOK, a bible podcast […]

  • Episode 25 – Daniel


    [TRANSCRIPT:] In my left hand is a complex system of nerves, blood vessels and muscles. In my right hand is a bible. Let’s do a show abooooooout… THE BIBLE. [INTRO MUSIC] Hello, and welcome to BOOK, a bible podcast for everybody. I am Josh Way. This is the podcast where science meets the bible, where […]

  • Episode 24 – Esther


    [TRANSCRIPT:] In my right hand is an ice cold bottle of Fentiman’s Cherrytree Cola. In my left hand is a bible. Let’s do a show about… boy, this is a tough one… mmm… OK, the bible. [INTRO MUSIC] Hello, and welcome to BOOK, a bible podcast for everybody. I’m Josh Way. Today we continue our […]

  • Episode 23 – Jonah and the Fish and the Plant and the Worm


    [TRANSCRIPT:] A few months back I said the following during our podcast about wisdom literature: Read properly, the bible can be quite funny. We’ve picked out a few funny bits along the way, but before too long we’ll look at an entire book that I believe is intended as a dark comedy. You probably won’t […]

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