Get Gutsy With Jenny Fenig | Business | Spirituality | Leadership | Tribe Building



A cutting-edge show blending business, spirituality + leadership, Get Gutsy serves up a potent blend of stories, lessons, and actionable tips to help you make a massive impact in the world through your souls work and gutsy life. No more going it alone. No more excuses. The world needs more brave women saying YES to leadership. Join spiritual entrepreneur Jenny Fenig each week for interviews and messages that will shift you into inspired action. Lets GET GUTSY now.


  • What Would You Tell Your Younger Self?

    28/05/2024 Duración: 20min

    I turned 47 last week! I honestly feel I’m just getting started in many areas of my life yet I also know I have traveled far distances and have learned a ton. I’m still hungry yet I also feel super content. If I could go back and tell my younger self a few things, here’s what I’d say to her: :: It gets better. :: Don’t dim your light for anyone, ever. :: Doing what most people do won’t get you to where you want to be. :: You’ll need to do hard things. And you’ll rise to the occasion, beautifully. :: You are magic. Look to the cycles of the moon + the seasons + nature + your own body to help you create what’s in your soul. :: Treat your body like a temple. :: Put your money to work for you instead of you always needing to work for it. Money is energy. Take good care of it and it will take care of you. :: You’ll be the exact wife and partner your husband needs (and he will show up for you + your family, consistently). You’ll be the exact kind of mother your children need. Never doubt this for a moment. :: Let g

  • The Best Shape of Your Life

    21/05/2024 Duración: 19min

    For as far back as I can remember, I’ve been obsessed with getting big things accomplished in the most efficient way possible. I think this is because I have so many things I love and I want time to do them well — and enjoy myself.  In my early career, I didn’t prioritize taking care of myself. Eventually, that led to extreme burnout and a need to redesign the way I worked. I left one job and moved to another with better hours and better money … but I still wasn’t prioritizing ME the way I needed to. Enter more burnout …  When I started my own business, I had more time to myself, but was hustling my butt off to get the business off the ground. Then I started having babies and doing my best to “balance” motherhood with work. It was not easy. The truth I finally realized: “The better I take care of myself, the more wealth I create.” I turn 47 years old this week (May 23!) and can honestly say I’m in the best shape of my life. When I say this, I’m not just talking about my health, I’m talking about my work, my r

  • The Benefits of Being (9 Years!) Sober

    09/05/2024 Duración: 37min

    I’m 9 years sober today! What a ride getting to this point. Hardest part was when alcohol was still in my life. Once I decided I was done, life got a lot easier and more fun. Sobriety has taught me that taking exquisite care of me is my biggest responsibility. When I do this, I’m able to pour into others from a place of fullness vs depletion. Sobriety = living a life beyond your wildest dreams. Is it always easy? No. The world is going to world and you’ll need to deal with that — but you can and you will. Is it worth it? 100% Yes. This is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Will you need to let go of people, places and things that aren’t a fit for you? Yes - and this is a good thing. Promise. To celebrate this milestone, I’m sharing some benefits and lessons I’ve learned on this sobriety journey. I’m excited to go on this Coach Magic ride with you. Buckle up and let’s go.

  • How to Plan Your Week

    30/04/2024 Duración: 16min

    I do one thing at the start of each week to set me up for the week ahead. It has nothing to do with business yet it absolutely impacts my work. Doing this will change your life. So I’m dedicating an entire COACH MAGIC episode to this concept. The theme of this episode is HOW TO PLAN YOUR WEEK. Tune in to: Learn my favorite organizational tool Strengthen your mind, boost your stamina, elevate your energy Run an experiment worth running I’m excited to go on this Coach Magic ride with you. Buckle up and let’s go.

  • The Life-Changing Magic of Letting Go

    23/04/2024 Duración: 26min

    She let go. How good does it feel to say that? You become liberated when you release what no longer serves you – in business and beyond. And it’s not easy. You may spend a long time settling, tolerating, ignoring. When do you know it’s time to let go? When is it wise to hold on? Let’s talk about it. The theme of this episode is THE LIFE-CHANGING MAGIC OF LETTING GO. Tune in to: Learn how spring break, my sister’s birthday, Frozen Jr. and a canceled retreat inspired the message of this episode Embrace change as a catalyst for growth and transformation Discover the ultimate highlight reel you are creating as we speak Hear one of my favorite poems (it’s so good!) Recognize the power of surrender and timing Live the question -- "What is the highest + best use of you to leave your mark on the world?" I’m excited to go on this Coach Magic ride with you. Buckle up and let’s go.

  • It’s Raining Money

    09/04/2024 Duración: 21min

    We need more money in the hands of women. This is good for us personally. This is good for our families. This is good for society. But how do you get past your money blocks? How do you get past your fears? Through changing the narrative and changing the game. It’s time to make it rain money through our energy, ideas, business, and smart money moves. The theme of this episode is IT’S RAINING MONEY. Tune in to: Discover the secret ingredient to transforming your relationship with money Learn how wealth flows Unleash the power of aligning your energy with your financial goals Experience the magic of visualizing your abundant future Embrace a transformative framework that will forever change your approach to money I’m excited to go on this Coach Magic ride with you. Buckle up and let’s go.

  • From Sales Shame to Reclaiming Your Power

    02/04/2024 Duración: 23min

    Today we're diving into a topic that many women entrepreneurs struggle with: sales shame. Know this: shame doesn’t serve anyone here. Selling is a gift we offer our clients, not something we do to them. When you sell with integrity and joy, you reclaim your power and set yourself up for extraordinary success. Remember, the more fun we have, the bigger impact and money we make.  The theme of this episode is FROM SALES SHAME TO RECLAIMING YOUR POWER. Tune in to learn: The importance of delighting in the sales process Recognizing and overcoming sales shame Creating premium packages and positioning yourself in the market Making intentional and bold outreach to your audience Embracing rejection as a part of the process that leads to incredible yeses I’m excited to go on this Coach Magic ride with you. Buckle up and let’s go.

  • Rising Above Imposter Syndrome

    19/03/2024 Duración: 24min

    One of the biggest blocks standing in your way of the next level of success is the idea that you’re not good enough to truly “make it.” This fear of being labeled a fraud is primal. It holds you back from truly shining bright and making power moves in your business – often causing you to get stuck at an income and impact level that you’ve outgrown. To compensate for this fear, you may overwork to prove your worthiness or blow up your business instead of doubling down on your zone of genius. Succumbing to this false belief that you’re not good enough is a choice. By focusing on what truly fuels you and your business, you can rise above imposter syndrome and achieve your goals with confidence, commitment and gratitude. The theme of this episode is RISING ABOVE IMPOSTER SYNDROME. Tune in to learn: Fascinating data that shows the percentage of people impacted by imposter syndrome and a fun fact about who does not experience this The importance of controlling what you can, focusing on your strengths, and trust

  • Have You Outgrown Your Image?

    12/03/2024 Duración: 24min

    Let’s talk about something that's been on my mind: your image. Have you outgrown it? Think about the photos you use online, the energy you project, the message you convey. As we evolve, so should our image. Your online presence is often the first impression people have of you. What is your brand essence saying? Is it on point or missing the mark?  It's time to ensure that the image you're putting out there is aligned with who you are today and who you're becoming. It's time to celebrate your brilliance, own your light, and be unapologetically you. Dive into this episode as we explore how to step into the vibrant, colorful, and confident next-level version of YOU. The theme of this episode is HAVE YOU OUTGROWN YOUR IMAGE? Tune in to learn: What it means to outgrow your image  How new photos or branding can usher in a new era The impact of your self-image on your income and success Who to surround yourself with as you grow The importance of celebrating your brilliance and being unapologetically yourse

  • Staying Focused When Distractions are Bright + Shiny

    05/03/2024 Duración: 26min

    When you have a project, an idea, a calling, a mission, something you want to bring through you, into the world, you'll never be able to do it if you're not willing to stay focused. In this episode of Coach Magic, I'm excited to share with you my tips for staying focused and not letting bright, shiny objects (AKA distractions) derail you. This is one of my greatest gifts and favorite topics to discuss. I’ll share an acronym that a mentor taught me that changed my life. We’ll also explore how to identify what truly fuels you in 5 key areas. This will amp up your focus in ways that will blow you away. The theme of this episode is STAYING FOCUSED WHEN DISTRACTIONS ARE BRIGHT + SHINY. Tune in to learn: What truly fuels you and prioritizing those aspects of your world - without apology The critical importance of saying no and how to celebrate discomfort that comes with that 2-letter word How to break down your goals so they motivate vs overwhelm you Why you should stop avoiding hard things A key question

  • Decide to Begin Again

    27/02/2024 Duración: 28min

    I’m thrilled to welcome you BACK to Coach Magic. We took a hiatus for about 2 years. I missed you! Backstory … up until 2022, I had been podcasting for about 7 years. My first show was called Get Gutsy. You may have been one of our listeners?! When I felt that show was complete, we launched Coach Magic, put out about 20 episodes, and then I decided I need to focus on other things. I was creating another revenue stream in my business that required a great deal of bandwidth … and my family needed me a lot. Amidst all of that, I didn’t know if I wanted to have a podcast anymore. There were so many changes happening in the coaching industry and I needed some time to feel into the highest and best use of me. So I paused the podcast. Didn’t make a grand announcement. Just paused. And I learned a lot in the pause. On this episode, I’m going to share some lessons learned and why I decided to bring back this show. The theme of this episode is DECIDE TO BEGIN AGAIN. Tune in to learn: The intention of Coach Magic and

  • It’s Safe to Be Seen

    29/03/2022 Duración: 11min

    Being visible tends to bring up a lot of feelings – and often fear. But when you tap into the FUN you’re having instead of letting the fear derail you, that’s when things get really interesting. Your job is to trust and believe that you have something to contribute and that no one will say it or do it exactly the way you do. This is your gift and this is what you need to be known for. Need help here? I’m sharing a clip from a training about VISIBILITY. Tune in now and recommit to showing up and speaking up for your people.

  • Make Decisions That Excite You

    29/11/2021 Duración: 07min

    Do you ever feel lonely in your work? Nervous about what your next step is going to be -- especially in the midst of so much change? The key to unlocking your next level of growth and connection is to follow the breadcrumbs, look to see where the universe is showing you the way, and make intelligent decisions as quickly as you can. Need help here? Tune in now and hear how to use the power of intuitive decision making to your advantage.

  • Hold Space Featuring Eliza Sloane

    22/10/2021 Duración: 29min

    Meet our final guest on our livestream speaker series: ELIZA SLOANE! Creative artist, chef, yoga teacher, and intuitive coach, Eliza loves using creative self-expression and the evolutionary journey of the soul in her work with clients. She is passionate about self-growth, healing, and being self-led. In addition to discussing why she chose the path of a coach (or perhaps why it chose her), Eliza shares insights on the power of holding sacred space for clients. Eliza is a graduate of Magic Makers Coach Certification, a powerhouse program dedicated to helping you master the craft AND business of intuitive coaching online. We are now accepting applications for our next class. This is our 7th year offering this program with live coaching and support, and the upcoming class is the FINAL live round of the program. I'm so excited to see who joins us for this game-changing experience! Details + application > Tune in to this episode of COACH MAGIC and get inspired to take the next right s

  • Step Into Your Purpose Featuring Morgan Connell-Hall

    20/10/2021 Duración: 33min

    Meet our next guest on our livestream speaker series: MORGAN CONNELL-HALL! Morgan is an intuitive life coach, yoga + meditation teacher and Reiki Master who helps busy moms reconnect with themselves, their purpose and their power. She helps find their authentic voice and embrace their divine feminine to craft the life of their dreams and shine their light in the world. In addition to discussing why she chose to harness her experience in the nonprofit world to claim her calling as a coach, Morgan offers potent tips on powerfully stepping into your purpose - even if you’re scared of the unknown.  Morgan is a graduate of Magic Makers Coach Certification, a powerhouse program dedicated to helping you master the craft AND business of intuitive coaching online. We are now accepting applications for our next class. This is our 7th year offering this program with live coaching and support, and the upcoming class is the FINAL live round of the program. I'm so excited to see who joins us for this game-changing experien

  • Be Who You Are Featuring Jennifer Goodman

    15/10/2021 Duración: 37min

    Meet our next guest on our livestream speaker series: JENNIFER GOODMAN! Jennifer Goodman is a transformative counselor who promotes living authentically. She weaves together traditional and holistic therapeutic approaches with life coaching and parent coaching, serving anyone who wants to figure out what they came here to do and how to transform whatever’s in the way of that! Her background includes Soul Types Transformation, Social Inclusion and mediation, therapeutic arts, Biographical Counseling, meditation and Eastern philosophy, and a connection with Rudolf Steiner’s work and the Waldorf world. She has her M.Ed. in anthroposophical counseling, is a certified Waldorf Collaborative Counselor, a Simplicity Parenting Coach, a Social Inclusion Coach, and soon to be a Magic Makers Certified Coach! In addition to discussing why she chose to add intuitive coaching skills to her already robust toolkit, Jennifer offers tips to encourage you to be who you truly are. Jennifer is a graduate of Magic Makers Coach Cert

  • Your Inner Child Wants to Play with Melissa Killeleagh

    13/10/2021 Duración: 33min

    Meet our next guest on our livestream speaker series: MELISSA KILLELEAGH! Melissa is a mama bear, nature lover, yoga teacher, spiritual warrior, entrepreneur and podcaster. I met Melissa many moons ago when she joined our coach certification and we’ve stayed connected ever since. She’s super committed to doing the work and sharing the message that is hers to spread: specifically, loving up on your inner child and letting yourself play! Melissa is a graduate of Magic Makers Coach Certification, a powerhouse program dedicated to helping you master the craft AND business of intuitive coaching online. We are now accepting applications for our next class. This is our 7th year offering this program with live coaching and support, and the upcoming class is the FINAL live round of the program. I'm so excited to see who joins us for this game-changing experience! Details + application > Tune in to this episode of COACH MAGIC and get inspired to take the next right step in your work.

  • Make Progress + Peace Featuring Vivian Lin

    08/10/2021 Duración: 38min

    Meet our next guest on our livestream speaker series: VIVIAN LIN! Vivian is a corporate marketer turned entrepreneur and “lady lash boss”, owning multiple Deka Lash studios in Boston.  She grew up Asian-American in one of the most historic colonial towns in America and has walked life in Washington DC, New York City and Asia, where she became American-Asian. With a BA in Psychology and Women’s Studies from Williams College and an MBA from Columbia University, her passion in coaching comes from helping women managers and entrepreneurs find their true personal and professional poise, especially when navigating transitional and emotional times. When she has free time, she loves exploring the world with her three kids, running marathons, and nurturing her flower garden. In addition to sharing insights into her journey as a coach, Vivian offers tips on making progress and peace when you have a full plate and are navigating change. Vivian is a graduate of Magic Makers Coach Certification, a powerhouse program dedic

  • Create Your Next Chapter Featuring Rishawn White

    06/10/2021 Duración: 32min

    Who is Rishawn White? She is spiritual, creative, and most of all, a conqueror. Rishawn is the owner and founder of Infinity Life Coaching where her mission is to assist others with transitioning from a life of existence to a life of living in peace and prosperity. Rishawn is a mother of seven and a grandmother of ten. Her family is her lifeline. In addition to sharing insights into her journey as a coach, Rishawn offers tips on creating your next chapter or - as she calls it - ushering in a season of forgiveness. Rishawn is a graduate of Magic Makers Coach Certification, a powerhouse program dedicated to helping you master the craft AND business of intuitive coaching online. We are accepting applications for our November class. This is our 7th year offering this program with live coaching and support, and the upcoming class is the FINAL live round of the program. I'm so excited to see who joins us for this game-changing experience! Details + application > Tune in to this episode o

  • How to Figure Out Your Path as a Coach

    28/09/2021 Duración: 05min

    The journey as a coach is not linear. When I started my business in 2008, I had NO IDEA it would look the way it looks now. I just kept taking the next right step and following what lit me up. I kept looking for opportunities to serve and jumping in with both feet. And I always had full faith that it would work out because this is what I was made for. Are you at a crossroads in your coaching journey? Feel like something is pulling you forward, but not quite sure what that is? You'll love this episode. I reveal some of the moves I’ve made to take my business to where it is today and why I believe it’s still an incredible time to do this work - even though the market is more crowded than ever.

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