Deb And Friends: Quest For Connection



Deb Bowen, spiritual educator and psychic, discusses the intersection of spirituality, metaphysics, and science with revolving expert co-hosts each week.


  • 5-20-2020 A Phoenix, a Selkie, and a Minotaur Join a Podcast... Episode 64

    21/05/2020 Duración: 18min

    For as long as I can remember, Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and Celtic tales have fascinated me. I've studied the symbolism that they bring to the world, and to me personally. In this episode I touch on three of my favorite myths, and am happy to continue to add more over the next few episodes.  

  • 5-6-2020 Sacred Geometry and You! Episode 63

    07/05/2020 Duración: 37min

    The Divine Ratio works in your life every day, and you may not even know it.  Join anchor host and spiritual educator Deb Bowen as we explore the magical world of sacred geometry - from pyramids to pine cones to your own body!  FInd out how you can connect to this amazing world that bridges science, math, and spirit! 

  • 4-0-2020 Dispatches from the Magdalene Episode 60

    10/04/2020 Duración: 12min

    Join anchor host Deb Bowen as she discusses the most recent missives she's received from the being who presents as Mary Magdalene.  We all have work to do during this pandemic - but there is hope and a shining ray of light that is the Holy Grail of connection among us all!  

  • 3-4-2020 Spiritual Tools To Honor Spring Episode 57

    05/03/2020 Duración: 36min

    Join anchor host and spiritual educator Deb Bowen as we discuss ways to celebrate the coming of Spring.  Build an altar, sing, celebrate spring traditions from many lands.  Find the child within you - and more!

  • 2-19-2020 Symbols and Why I Believe What I Believe Episode 55

    20/02/2020 Duración: 29min

    Join anchor host and spiritual educator Deb Bowen this week.  We discuss the meaning of symbols and signs in our lives, and how they impact our beliefs.  Why do we believe what we believe? What cultural, spiritual, and personal events and people influence our beliefs? How have they changed - or not - over time? What do you see as the reason for beliefs? The list of questions - and answers - is endless!

  • 2-5-2020 Mystical You Episode 53

    06/02/2020 Duración: 31min

    Join anchor host and spiriual educator Deb Bowen this week as we explore the many faces of being a mystic, and learn seven ways to help you know your own mystical qualities.

  • Kneeling at the Sacred Well: Vesica Pisces and the Feminine Divine Episode 50

    04/09/2019 Duración: 29min

    Vesica Pisces, the "vessel of the fish," is the basic building block of sacred geometry.  The symbol also adorns the cover of the well at Chalice Well Gardens, said by many to be where the mundane world crosses into the holy isle of Avalon and where the spirit of the Goddess dwells. Join me in this exciting episode to learn more about what Vesica Pisces can mean in your life.  

  • 4-9-19 New Missives from the Magdalene with Deb and Roger Episode 45

    10/04/2019 Duración: 52min

    For months now Deb has continued to receive information and guidance from an entity that presents as "Mary Magdalene."  Deb updates you in this episode with recent material, and discusses with Shamanic practitioner ways in which we can follow the directives the Magdalene lays out for us, if we are to save ourselves and the planet.  Many people around the globe are receiving the same messages, and Deb is honored to bring concrete ways to us in which our connections to each other can grow.

  • Interview with Phyllis Curott from PsychicTeachers Podcast

    07/03/2019 Duración: 23min

    As you probably know, Deb also hosts the internationally reknown PsychicTeachers podcast.  This broadcast is an interview that Deb and cohost Samantha Fey did with Phyllis Curott, best-selling author and Wiccan priestess.  She has a new book out with Hay House.  In addition to being excited about airing this episode on Quest for Connection, we're attempting to determine what the current issues are with PsychicTeachers, its host platform Spreaker, and iTunes that preclude episodes from airing properly.  Therefore, your feedback concerning how well this episode played on your device, sent to our email address, would be greatly appreciated.  Blessings!  

  • 11-29-18 The Gift of the Darkness Episode 40

    30/11/2018 Duración: 51min

    During this darkening time of the year in the northern hemisphere, when there are more hours of darkness than of light each day, is something with which we struggle.  Culturally, we light up the world earlier and earlier each year with holiday lights, and individually we fill our time with clutter and noise.  It's hard to go within, to sit with the darkness and the stillness.  Join anchor host spiritual educator Deb Bowen and shamanic practitioner Roger Lockshier as we look for ways in which we can slow down and honor the dark time.  

  • 11-20-18 "And Learn To Winter-Appreciate" Episode 39

    21/11/2018 Duración: 42min

    Join anchor host and spiritual educator Deb Bowen as she discusses the depth of meaning of this dark time of the year, and why being thankful isn't enough.  We must feed our souls with a sense of who we are, where we truly live, and where we are going as the Wheel of the Year spins deeper into darkness before the returning of the light.

  • 11-8-18 Ley Lines, Vortices, and Earth Chakras Episode 38

    09/11/2018 Duración: 54min

    Ley lines - those spiritual energy lines that grid Mother Earth, the swirling vortices of energy that are found in mystical places, and the chakras that guide Earth's energy flow are fascinating.  Learn how they - and the polar shifts - affect us all.  Join anchor host and spiritual education Deb Bowen, and psychic medium and past life regressionist Dale Rutman for this exciting Quest for Connection episode!  

  • Quest for Connection Samhain Ritual Episode 37

    31/10/2018 Duración: 23min

    Samhain is the Celtic word for "Summer's end," and this week we celebrate this harvest holiday and honor our ancestors in a special ritual presentation.  Join anchor host and spiritual educator Deb Bowen, shamanic practitioner Roger Lockshier, and special guest Rachel Wurz as we bring to you our connection to our ancestors, the spirit world, and our community through this ritual.

  • 10-17-18 What Your Past and Parallel Lives Teach You Episode 36

    18/10/2018 Duración: 01h00s

    Anchor host Deb Bowen is joined by psychic mediums Dale Rutman and Sheri Perbeck as we resume broadcasting after the hurricanes!  What can you learn about you PRESENT life from your PAST LIVES?  Are those lives really in the past, or are you living parallel existences?  Join us for this fascinating topic as we discuss the spirituality and science related to it.

  • In the Eye: Connection Lessons We're Learning from Hurricane Florence

    27/09/2018 Duración: 39min

    Anchor host Deb Bowen, a lifetime beach gal, has lost everything she owned to hurricanes twice. She was fortunate during Hurricane Florence, but some of the Quest for Connection team members have lost so much.  The storm isn't over just because it's no longer the focus of national media attention, and Deb explains why.  Join Deb as she explores the need now, more than ever, for us to be connected to each other and Mother Earth, and ways we can do that through lessons learned in this storm.

  • The Holy Grail and You Episode 34

    22/08/2018 Duración: 43min

    NOTE: The very end of this episode was cut off, but you're only missing Deb wishing you a good week and good Questing! Join anchor host Deb Bowen as she discusses how the Holy Grail has been a lifelong symbol for her personal search for truth, and how she channels information from a entity who presents as Mary Magdalene.  Deb offers ways in which this symbol and information can aid you on your quest!  

  • 8-14-18 Holding Sacred Spaces with Deb Bowen Episode 33

    15/08/2018 Duración: 01h02min

    Join spiritual educator Deb Bowen in this episode hosted by Dale Rutman, psychic, medium, and past life regressionist.  For months, Deb has introduced you to her cohosts and their work - now it's her turn (said Dale!).  Hear about Deb's journey from traditional Christian to paganism, and learn about her work, her writing, her teaching, her beliefs - and so much more!  

  • 8-7-18 Silent Rituals Episode 32

    08/08/2018 Duración: 59min

    Join anchor host and spiritual educator Deb Bowen, spirtual seeker Susan Bollinger, and psychic medium and past life regressionist Dale Rutman in this enlightening episode.  We discuss those small things we do every day that are more than routine and habit, and that enhance our connection to Spirit.  Find out how you can work with these rituals too!  

  • 7-17-18 Spirit in the Mundane World Episode 29

    18/07/2018 Duración: 01h01min

    Join anchor host Deb Bowen, spiritual educator, and her co-hosts Dale Rutman, psychic medium and past life regressionist, and Kimberley "Fox" Coffman, spirit animal reader, as we discuss the challenges of staying connected to our spiritual path while doing the laundry and going to work and and and!!!!  

  • 6-5-18 Coming To Our Belief Episode 22

    06/06/2018 Duración: 01h01min

    Anchor host Deb Bowen is joined by Shaman Roger Lockshier and Psychic Medium Anita Self in this exciting episode that takes us far back to our childhood beliefs and travels with us to who we are today - and may become tomorrow!  You'll find yourself in this discussion!

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