Ecological Human Services Management



An Organic Model For Practice


  • Worse Than a Box of Chips

    01/09/2023 Duración: 04min

    This report was generated by AI. I point that out to emphasize that reducing employment inequity and discrimination is not rocket science. Obviously, the recommendations will help an infuriatingly persistent issue in many if not most organizations. I’m sure you can, with little effort, suggest a few more steps that can and should be taken. Someone very wise once observed that we know better than we do. As we see, even a box of computer chips knows better than we do. If we already know what to do, and we do, why do those who are in a position to fix things don’t? It’s a damn shame and we should all be ashamed, but we aren’t. Maybe one day our computer overlords will show us what morality is really about. Report: Fostering Gender Equality and Work-Life Balance To: Senior Management Team From: Sarah, Alex, and Jordan - Managers Date: [Yesterday] Subject: Addressing Concerns about Gender Equality and Work-Life Balance We, the undersigned managers, have conducted a comprehensive review of employee feedback a

  • No, I Don’t Want to Play Today

    25/08/2023 Duración: 08min

    Once Upon a Time A charming café named "Tranquil Brews" welcomed patrons seeking comfort in solitude. At a corner table with a view of the cobblestone streets, Mia, Alex, and Riley gathered as they had for years. Their warm beverages offered not only comfort against the slight chill in the air, but also a sense of camaraderie among kindred spirits. With a gentle sigh, Mia reluctantly spoke up, her voice a soft melody that blended with the café's soothing ambiance. "You know, there are days when I wish we could have just one day to ourselves, without those extroverts barging into our peace." Alex nodded in agreement, his gaze drifting to the window as if to emphasize the point. "Exactly, a day where they'd just mind their own business and let us introverts thrive in our own solitude." Riley, ever the thoughtful one, leaned in closer, a contemplative expression on her face. "I've been pondering that too. What if we decided to declare our own day, a day of quiet where we can indulge in our own worlds without

  • American Greatness — y or n

    21/08/2023 Duración: 07min

    Thanks for joining me. We hear presidential candidates talking about the greatness of America. They seem to reflect a range of beliefs from America is great to America used to be great but is not great anymore; they will make America great to they will make America great again. I thought it might be interesting to ask ourselves what action we think might lead to a great America or to sustaining America's greatness. To that end, I have collected seven reasons to believe America is as great or greater than it ever was and seven reasons to believe that America is not great and in need of action to make it great. There are thus fourteen aspects of American life that need attention. Of course there are others but Let's limit ourselves to these fourteen for purposes of this exercise. For each of the fourteen, answer two questions. First, what needs to happen to keep the element great; or if it is currently deficient, what needs to happen to make the element great? Second, what action will the President have to

  • Alien Alert

    17/08/2023 Duración: 12min

    The Surface Story In a world teeming with mysteries, the possibility of extraterrestrial life has long fascinated and captivated the human imagination. Recently, a group of individuals, including both humans and two undercover aliens, gathered to engage in a thought-provoking focus group discussion. The primary objective was to gauge human awareness of the presence of aliens among us and explore their potential intentions. The ensuing dialogue was marked by diverse opinions and varying levels of concern, ultimately yielding inconclusive results. Within the focus group, differing levels of concern emerged regarding the potential intentions of these supposed alien beings. Some participants harbored fears of malicious intent, envisioning scenarios of invasion or domination. They highlighted historical accounts of alleged abductions and unexplained disappearances as cautionary tales. In contrast, a faction of individuals maintained a more optimistic outlook, postulating that extraterrestrial life might be benevo

  • Who Drives You Up the Wall?

    14/08/2023 Duración: 13min

    Thanks for joining me. I’m pretty sure that you are not driving anyone up the wall but you likely have at least one coworker who has you pulling out your hair. I have a few suggestions but no good solutions to getting other people to behave more to your liking. With that disclaimer, let’s first take a look at a work area where people are definitely driving each other nuts. Following that, I have a set of actions and behaviors that I think we can all agree are deal brakers if our goal is workplace harmony. None of us wants to be guilty of these interpersonal blunders. Finally, I do have some suggestions for managing those coworkers who are far less fun to be around than us. Chaos at Work Jared was the first to arrive at the office. Every day, he would come in early and get right to work. He had a lot of enthusiasm, and he was eager to make his mark on the company. However, many of his coworkers had taken a disliking to him. They called Jared a jerk, claiming that he was too competitive and wouldn’t settle f

  • The Amazing Purple Basketball

    07/08/2023 Duración: 09min

    The Discovery It was a warm spring day and our playground was bustling with activity. My friends and I were running around the playground, shouting and playing at recess. Madison was chacing her friends, her pig tail braids bouncing behind her when suddenly, Madison spotted something unusual under a bush by the fence. "Hey, what's that?" she shouted, pointing. Everyone stopped and stared at what she had found. Under the bush was a big box. It was painted dark blue and decorated with multicolored shapes and swirls. Madison cautiously approached the box, but before she could touch it, Tate blurted out, "Let's open it!" Everyone agreed and they eagerly gathered around the box. Everyone was excited at once, anxiously trying to guess what could be inside the mysterious box. Mason was the first to reach out and touch the box. He grasped it firmly but carefully and lifted it up only to find a tiny piece of paper stuck to its side. Madison quickly pulled it off the box and everyone gathered around her as she slowl

  • More Than Driving Lessons

    05/08/2023 Duración: 16min

    On The Road -- Finally It was a balmy summer night, and after a long day of work, Cindy's dad had finally decided to give his daughter the driving lesson she had been asking for. It was so nice outside, and the sun had just started to set over the horizon. She had been so excited for this day, and now it was finally here. Cindy gripped the steering wheel firmly, excited to finally put those classes she'd taken to the test. She slowly backed the car out of the driveway and onto the street, being careful to make sure all the lights were on and that she kept to the speed limit. Dad felt a bit apprehensive in the passenger seat. He kept peeking over to her every so often, making sure she was keeping a close eye on the road. Unfortunately, it seemed every time he looked, she was getting distracted and drifting off the lane. He knew he had to jump in and take control, but that made him feel guilty. He didn't want to make her feel like he didn't have faith in her. On top of all that, Dad felt like he was stepping

  • You Can’t Tell a Dog by It’s Collar

    31/07/2023 Duración: 14min

    A Gift Few Can Comprehend Who is the nicest? The story begins with Jack and Jill arguing over a young rescue Labrador that they have just adopted. They both assumed that the pup had not been named yet and it was up to them to name him. For days, the couple had been debating the right name for their pup. Jack was keen on bestowing upon him a brave name such as Max while Jill preferred something softer, such as Angel. The arguments seemed pointless as neither of them seemed to be willing to compromise. Finally, on a rainy Saturday afternoon, Jack and Jill were surprised to find the active pup snoozing in a chair in the sitting room. It was then that they noticed the small ID tattoo from which, with a little additional research, they learned that the pup had already been given a name: Quincy. The couple looked at each other and sighed. Of course, neither of them had known ahead of time that such a beautiful name had already been bestowed upon the pup. Quincy was the perfect name - a balance of strength and

  • Alien Cat and Mouse

    26/07/2023 Duración: 18min

    Alien Discovery Roger Applegate had always been a skeptic. He thought that aliens were a myth pushed by conspiracy theorists, and that anything extra terrestrial was impossible. Until one day when he was walking home from work. As he took his usual shortcut, he noticed someone watching him. He peered up the alley, and discovered that it was an alien. The alien was an imposing figure, standing tall with a slight green hue to its skin; it had an alien nature to its features that Roger simply couldn't deny. Roger had to take a second look when he noticed that the alien was speaking in English. The alien addressed him and asked how he was doing. Roger was stunned. He couldn't believe what was happening. He couldn't find his words, giving the alien time to start a conversation. The alien introduced itself as Jeff, and told Roger that he had been sent from planet Babidi to colonize earth. Jeff told him that he was one of many aliens on earth that looked and talked like humans, and that their mission had been goin

  • The Path to Discerning Truth: A Family Discussion

    25/07/2023 Duración: 21min

      Thanks for joining me. I am reluctantly considering the conclusion that much of what I have believed for as long as I have believed anything may represent far more hope than truth. Sure, I admit to taking it for granted that things actually are the way I have always thought they are, that my reality is valid and based on the true and factual, and that my sense of what's real is correct and axiomatic. Naive? Simple-minded? Perhaps dangerous? Indeed. But nonetheless, I believed. I take some comfort in knowing that a preference for belief over thoughtful consideration didn't just start with me. The Roman philosopher Seneca observed that "Every man prefers belief to the exercise of judgment." It's likely that the "exercise" part of exercising judgment is the showstopper for many, if not most of us. For me at least, it has been easier to relax and believe. Let me share a story that struggles with knowing truth from opinion, fact from belief. It gets at something important, I think. 1: A Discussion of Ideas G

  • The Battle of Respect: Who Treats Who Best?

    22/07/2023 Duración: 11min

      Thanks for joining me. I’ll bet you were expecting Gary but he asked me to share a story I was sharing with him yesterday. I hope that works for you since I think this story has a message we can all take to heart. Let me just tell you the story. 1: Who Treats Who Best? Hannah was thirty-years-old and yet it felt as if she was a million miles away from her dreams and desires. She had a college degree but was stuck in a dead-end job that didn't challenge or stimulate her. She wanted more, and yet she couldn't seem to make it happen. The one relationship that did make her feel alive and hopeful was her relationship with Jeff – the man she considered to be her soulmate. They met in college, and had been together for the five years since. Hannah believed that she treated Jeff better than he treated her. She made sure to always show her love and appreciation for him, always putting his needs before her own. She was certain that Jeff knew how much she cared for him and treasured her. Jeff on the other hand, t

  • Zeke’s Parenting Journey (One Size Fits All?)

    21/07/2023 Duración: 07min

      Thanks for joining me. I thought today that I would share a short story about Zeke and his way of relating to his children and then take a closer look. I think we discover that some things don’t just apply to our children. Let’s hear the story and then dig in a little. Finding Balance: Zeke had been a father for years, and he felt he had done some things right, but he was starting to struggle now that his children had grown into teenagers. His friend listened intently as Zeke shared stories of his many parenting experiences. Zeke told of the times his children had pushed the boundaries and how it had mostly resulted in negative outcomes. Of course, he also shared stories of how he had attempted to address their behavior in the moment. He recalled times he had allowed natural consequences to play out, and also times when he had taken a more punitive approach. As he continued to talk, Zeke realized that most of the discipline he had used in the past had been ineffective. His friend agreed that a differen

  • Leading Through Change: Gus’s Journey to Success

    20/07/2023 Duración: 19min

      Chapter I: The Change at Work   Gus was a forty-year-old manager in a large enterprise. He had worked at the company for twelve years and had just been promoted to manager. With the new title, however, came new responsibilities and expectations. The company had recently gone through some changes, and Gus was charged with helping the employees adjust and succeed in their new roles. At first, Gus wasn't sure how to approach this. He was a task- oriented manager, and he was used to sticking to the strategies he had employed in the past. But he could see that the same methods weren't working here. He observed the team around him and noticed that they seemed to be operating in a very different style than before. The team was more empowered, and everyone was more willing to take initiative and try out new ideas. It seemed like the company had begun to trust the employees more and give them more control. That's when Gus had a revelation. Perhaps if he gave the staff more control and autonomy, while still hold

  • When is Enough Enough


    Thanks for joining me.   I usually conclude episode posts with "For now, be well, do well and do something nice for someone. He or she will appreciate it and you both will have a better day."   Although this is usually true, now and then it isn't. Let's think about that today. What happens if both of you are not having a better day?   There are a lot of ways to make the point but a story will work as well as any of the others.   One:   Julio had been living in a small suburban neighborhood for the past five years. Not too long after college, he decided to settle down and start a family with Teresa, the woman he’d been in love with for more than a decade. She is a teacher and he as an accountant for a local small business. Things were going as expected until Julio got a call from his childhood friend Max who asked to stay with them for a little while.   Max told Julio that he had been looking for work and trying to make enough money to get by. He seemed desperate to get himself straightened out. Being

  • A Brief Friend Tutorial

    17/07/2023 Duración: 07min

    Thanks for joining me.   In this episode, my associates and I are focusing on friendship. We hope the thoughts and ideas we share serve you well as you consider your friendships and whether they satisfy you along with satisfying your friends.   Let's start by considering the role of self-awareness in making and keeping friends.   Let me kick things off by asking,   "Why is it important for friends to be self-aware?"   Self-awareness is a key component of emotional intelligence, and emotional intelligence is essential for building and maintaining healthy relationships. When friends are self-aware, they are better able to understand their own feelings and behaviors, which can help them communicate more effectively with each other and can prevent misunderstandings and conflicts. Self-awareness also enables friends to be more empathetic and understanding towards each other, which is vital for developing strong and long-lasting friendships. Overall, friends who are self-aware are better equipped to navigate

  • It’s Only Your Bad Day

    15/07/2023 Duración: 11min

    Thanks for joining me.   I’m having a bad day. I know that you are likely not interested but a bad day it is. It’s time for my podcast and I don’t think I’m up to it. Can you relate?   What’s your notion of a bad day?   I’m not thinking here about big events that foretell major or lasting consequences. Rather I am thinking about those little annoyances and inconveniences that disrupt our otherwise comfortable and more or less predictable days.   You know the kinds of things I am talking about: not being able to find your car keys, dropping your iPhone and cracking the screen, dripping coffee on your clean shirt, getting a phone call that you have to take just as you are leaving the house when you’re already running ten minutes late, remembering as you head out for lunch that you were supposed to be at the dentist two hours ago, realizing that you still haven’t started that report your boss needs this afternoon and you had planned to finish yesterday.   It just so happens that I am having one of those b

  • A Brief Parent Tutorial

    15/07/2023 Duración: 15min

    Thanks for joining me.   In this episode, I will be sharing some thoughts and ideas about being a successful parent. At the heart of it, Parenting, like other interpersonal responsibilities, starts with self-awareness. Yes, it is important to focus on our children but it is equally important to focus on us. How we relate, behave and interact with our children is the essence of parenting and how successful we are as parents.   I have asked a few of my associates to join me to share their perspectives on being parents and the role of self-awareness.   So, let's get started by asking,   Why is self-awareness important for parents?   Self-awareness is important for parents because it helps them understand their own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, which in turn helps them better understand and respond to their children's needs. When parents are self-aware, they are able to regulate their own emotions and behavior, creating a more positive and supportive environment for their children. Additionally, self-

  • 5 Perspectives Worth a Look

    14/07/2023 Duración: 24min

    Thanks for joining me. My podcasting friends and I could not get together in-person so they just uploaded their clips for me to include in this episode. The downside is that I do not have text versions of their clips to share. Please enjoy the audio podcast; and I hope you don't miss the text too much.

  • A Brief Leadership Tutorial

    14/07/2023 Duración: 06min

    Thanks for joining me. For this episode, I have invited a few of my associates to share their perspectives on leadership.   of course, I have included the leader's perspective but have also asked for input from the follower's perspective. I think we too often limit our thoughts about leadership to the leader and leave the followers somewhere in the background. Here, I hope to bring the followers out so they can share what good leadership means from where they are in the leadership equation.   Let's start by asking,   Why is self-awareness important for leaders?   Self-awareness is important for leaders because it allows them to understand their own strengths, weaknesses, values, and biases. This knowledge helps leaders to better understand how they are perceived by others, which in turn allows them to interact more effectively with their team members and make better decisions. With self-awareness, leaders are able to recognize their limitations and seek help or delegate responsibilities to others who ma

  • Can – Did – Confirmation Bias

    13/07/2023 Duración: 11min

    Gary: Thanks for joining me. Let’s suppose that we are screening someone for an important role. It could be anything from fixing our computer to becoming a regular date. What all do we take into consideration? Sure, there are many factors that may be important but two stand out. Let’s explore can and did. It was Henry Wadsworth Longfellow who said, "We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by what we have already done." Although Longfellow’s pronouncement has superficial plausibility, it’s merely an example of polar logic. One pole is what you feel capable of doing and the other is what you have already done. The judgment reduces to can and did. You judge yourself based on “can” and others judge you based on “did” according to Longfellow. The reality is that such judgments rarely reduce to either can ... or ... did, for you or for others who judge you. Let’s look first at can. If this is a judgment you make about yourself, is it reasonable to make it without considering “

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