Base Stories



In our bi-weekly Audio/Video Podcast BASE STORIES we touch base with developers and artists working in VR/AR. From exasperated outbursts to brainstorming sessions or just the latest Tips, Tricks and News from Everyday VR, AR and XR life - we got it covered.


  • 3: Julie Heyde from VRUnicorns

    10/10/2018 Duración: 29min

    This time we recorded right next to an abandoned amusement park at a lake in Berlin - the creepiest and at the same time most peaceful location. The perfect location to listen to our guest Julie Heyde from VRUnicorns and her very special story.

  • 2: DreamHack 2018 with Nicole Laux

    16/06/2018 Duración: 25min

    It’s time for the next story and this time our guest is Nicole Laux, Marketing Manager who is responsible for the entire range of Virtual Reality Projects at Schenker Technologies with their main brand XMG. Nicole is very well known among the XR Ecosystem and her passion and involvement helped many members of this Ecosystem, indeed. Tune in and listen to her very special story!

  • 1: Medium Game Jam with Razmig Mavlian

    06/05/2018 Duración: 17min

    We promised and we delivered: Next exiting BASE STORIES episode is out! This time it is an archive recording from the Medium Game Jam at Berlin Base with our special guest Razmig Mavlian. Before Razmig joined the Medium Team as Concept Artist, he worked for LucasArts and Double Fine Productions. During this episode we tried to capture the atmosphere around this Game Jam (spoiler - there will be snoring) and talked about Raz everyday job at the Medium team. Tune in to the wonderful conversation between Petr, Sara and Raz. Also, don't forget to share, like and of course enjoy!

  • 0: Let's do it all over again!

    05/01/2018 Duración: 47min

    Daan, Sara, Boo and Petr met right after VR Days Europe 2017 to kick-off the BASE STORIES Podcast! Unfortunately they had no clue it won't be called TOUCH BASE and used this name many, many times. To many times to be removed. The title "Let's do it all over again!" is not a coincidence. During the time of recording the world is still living through the second Renaissance of Virtual, Mixed and Augmented Reality. And the Guests are all involved in one or another way in this radical and disruptive happening. Tune in to touch base with XR BASE founders Daan Kip and Sara Lisa Vogland, the mighty Evangelist Boo Aguilar together with Petr Legkov, the humble!