Mental Health Talk With Wayne Kent



Father, husband, and teaching professional living with severe depression and obsessive compulsive disorder. I am hoping to create a platform to share my battles and triumphs in regards to my mental illness. In addition I would like to talk about others ideas on treatment and share their stories and have conversations on various topics about mental illness.


  • Impermanence

    24/04/2018 Duración: 17min

    The Buddhist concept of impermanence and how it has helped me with my thoughts.

  • 3 M's

    04/04/2018 Duración: 15min

    Wayne Kent talks about 3 M's-mental illness, medication, and mindfulness.

  • Here we go!

    21/03/2018 Duración: 16min

    Wayne Kent starts his first official podcast. He goes into his background and history with mental illness and talks about his current situation, in regards to yhe disease. In addition, Wayne talks aboout some future podcast plans.

  • Beginnings

    07/03/2018 Duración: 02min

    I am Wayne Kent. I am a husband, father, and teaching professional. I am a person living with mental illness. I have been diagnosed with severe depression and OCD. I am starting this podcast to bring awareness to mental illness. I also want to share my battles and triumphs over the disease and provide a platform for others to share their experiences.