Arden First Baptist Church



Arden First Baptist Church


  • The Adventures of a Wet Water Walker - Audio

    24/07/2022 Duración: 41min

    The Adventures of a Wet Water Walker Matthew 14:22-33 5 Confessions of a wet water walker: The adventure is fueled by private prayer (v. 22-23). The adventure is launched by the storms of life (v. 24). The adventure is tested in the dark of night (v. 25-26). The adventure is experienced by those who take a step of crazy faith (v. 27-29). The adventure is kept alive by keeping our eyes on Jesus in the midst of the storm (v. 30-33). Today’s Big Idea: You become a wet water walker when you take a step of crazy faith when Jesus calls your name. Action Steps (Applications): Develop a daily private prayer life. See storms as an opportunity in disguise. When Jesus is calling you to do something extraordinary, take a crazy step of faith. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, even when life hits you hard! Let worship be your response every time God rescues you!

  • Why you need a church family - Audio

    17/07/2022 Duración: 37min

    Why You Need a Church Family Romans 12:3-13 What is it like to be part of a church family? A church family stays united as we walk in humility (v. 3). A church family grows stronger as we use our spiritual gifts (v. 4-8). A church family shines brighter as we walk in authentic love (v. 9-13). Practice the Golden Rule: Treat others how you would like to be treated. Seek to serve others before you seek to be served. Discover your spiritual gift(s) and get to work in the Lord’s Work in the world, starting in the local church. Today’s Big Idea: Embrace your place in your forever family where you are loved, you are needed, and you are making an eternal difference in the lives of others!

  • You shall do greater things! - Audio

    10/07/2022 Duración: 40min

    You Shall Do Greater Things Philippians 4:13 & John 14:12-21 Today’s Question: Is it possible to do greater things than Jesus did? How can you do greater things than Jesus? You can do greater things because believing in Jesus opens the door for doing greater things for Jesus (v. 12). You can do greater things through believing prayer (v. 13-14). You can do greater things by living for Jesus out of love (v. 15, 20-21). You can do greater things through the power of the Holy Spirit living inside of you (v. 16-18). You can do greater things when you allow Jesus to live His life through you (v. 19). Action Steps (Applications): Expect Jesus to do greater things through your life. Pray for greater things; live for greater things; abide in the presence of the Holy Spirit. Love Jesus by living for Jesus: Show your love for Jesus by obeying His commandments. One of the greatest miracles you can experience: Leading someone to Christ. Each 1 Reach 1 in 2022. Let us know about your Gospel Conver

  • What are you waiting for? Acts 24:22-27 - Audio

    04/07/2022 Duración: 37min

    Let’s Change the World, Part 6 What are you waiting for? Acts 24:22-27 “What are you waiting for?” The story of the Procrastinating Prosecutor: Felix knew what to do but delayed making a decision about Paul’s case (v. 22-23). Felix knew the truth but didn’t want to give up his pet sins (v. 24-26). Felix waited until it was too late (v. 27). Today’s Take-Away (The Big Idea): Don’t put off tomorrow what God is telling you to do today! Action Steps (Applications): Get right with God today…don’t wait until tomorrow. Don’t sacrifice the eternal for the sake of a temporary pleasure. Live with a tension of responsibility and expectancy—knowing that you will have to stand before God to give an account of your life and you will be rewarded for your works. Preview for next week: A surprise…you don’t want to miss next Sunday!

  • What to do when everything's going wrong! - Audio

    26/06/2022 Duración: 49min

    Let’s Change the World, Part 5: What to do when everything’s going wrong! Acts 23:23-24:21 What happened to Paul? Paul was taken under the cover of night to Caesarea to stand trial before Governor Felix (23:23-24). Paul was innocent and had done nothing deserving of criminal punishment (v. 25-30). Paul was protected by God for his mission of testifying about Jesus: All the way from Jerusalem to Rome (v. 31-35). The Jewish religious leaders continued their disinformation campaign against Paul as they sought to silence the Christian movement (24:1-9). How did Paul respond? Paul was respectful even when he was being disrespected (v. 10). Power Principle: Respect the position even if you don’t respect the person in the position. Paul was truthful even when others were lying about him (v. 11-13, 17-20). Paul stayed true to his faith even when it seemed like everything, and everyone was against him (v. 14-16, 21). How should I respond when everything’s going wrong? Speak the trut

  • A Full Tank of Cheer! Acts 23:11-22 - Audio

    20/06/2022 Duración: 42min

    Let’s Change the World, Part 4 A Full Tank of Cheer! Acts 23:11-22 How to stay positive in a negative world: You can be of good cheer knowing that God is for you when others are against you (v. 11). You can be of good cheer knowing that nobody can take you out of this world before God’s timing (v. 12-15). You can be of good cheer knowing that God is presently working behind the scenes even when you can’t see it (v. 16-22). Be of good cheer because Jesus is near! Don’t quit until God tells you otherwise! Live your life with purpose and for a greater purpose. Get more Gospel Gritty.

  • Could a jury convict you of being a Christian? - Audio

    12/06/2022 Duración: 45min

    Acts 22:30-23:10 Paul was on trial for his faith in Jesus Christ. Paul did his best to walk the talk with a clear conscience before God. Paul was mistreated by a top spiritual leader. Paul didn’t respond well in this weak moment in his life. Paul used his intellectually savvy to turn the table on his enemies. ⎫ Know thy audience: Before you communicate, understand who your audience is. “Men and brethren” (v. 1); “When Paul perceived that part were Sadducees and the other Pharisees” (v. 6). ⎫ Connect with thy audience: Capture their hearts before you try to change their minds. I am a Pharisee, the son of a Pharisee; concerning the hope and resurrection of the dead I am being judged” (v. 6). Reframe thy situation so that it’s seen from a different perspective. “And the scribes of the Pharisees’ party arose and protested, saying, “We find no evil in this man; but if a spirit or an angel has spoken to him, let us not fight agai

  • Born Free: Acts 22:17-29 - Audio

    06/06/2022 Duración: 47min

    Born Free! 4 Truths that we can learn from Paul’s life: Paul had to learn to how follow God’s call even when it didn’t always make sense. God’s call on Paul’s life often got him into trouble with those who didn’t like changes to their fixed way of thinking. Following God often got Paul into troubling situations. Paul used his natural assets to advance the Gospel. Realize that God’s plan for your life is bigger than your present reality. Don’t drift from your calling when others come against you—because the enemy will send others to distract, discourage, and derail you from your destiny. Don’t be surprised when you suffer as a Christian for doing good. Live like you’re born free—because you are free in Christ. Use your God-given gifts, talents, and abilities to advance the Gospel in the world. Don’t allow the crowd to confuse you in your calling. Your calling comes from God, not from the critics in the crowd. Get you

  • The Power of a Changed Life Acts 21:37-22:16 - Audio

    30/05/2022 Duración: 41min

    Let's Change The World, part 1: The Power of a Changed Life Acts 21:37-22:16 3 Transformative Truths concerning a Changed Life: 1. Get ready to share your testimony because an opportunity will come at often inopportune times (21:37-22:2). Are you ready to share Jesus with others when the opportunity presents itself? Paul did his best to always make the most of every opportunity to share the Gospel with others. 2. Use Paul’s testimony as a template to share your testimony (22:1-16).The New Testament believer is one who has accepted Jesus into his or her life and has decided to go public with this decision with the ordinance of baptism. With the exception of the thief on the cross who accepted Christ just before his death, the New Testament speaks of all believers as those who have followed through with Baptism after their salvation experience. If you are a believer and have never been baptized, today is a call for you to do the next right step and go public with your decision. There will always be

  • Be Bold! How to Overcome Being Misunderstood - Audio

    22/05/2022 Duración: 39min

    Acts 21:15-36 How to overcome being misunderstood: Don't let discouragement derail you from your destiny. Stay connected to Christian community even when you don't always fit in. Keep on declaring God's goodness even when you know trials and trouble await you. Don't be surprised when your good news is challenged with bad news. Be willing to meet people where they are so you can lead them where God wants them to be. Expect the unexpected when you are doing God's work in a fallen world. Seek to understand before seeking to be understood. Seek to become better in more clearly communicating your thoughts with others. Seek to have better relational skills. Knowing that God fully understands me gives me peace in a world that often misunderstands me.

  • Be Bold, pt. 7: What is God's will for my life? - Audio

    08/05/2022 Duración: 35min

    Acts 21:1-14 The will of God for my life is probed through trusted Christian community. The will of God for my life is pursued through the prayers of the disciples. The will of God for my life is purified through the prophetic word. The will of God for my life is personified through the surrendered. God’s will for my life is to live more like Jesus today than I did yesterday. Get connected and stay connected to a local church, surrender your life daily and get into God’s Word daily and seek out 2-3 godly friends.

  • Be Bold, pt. 6 - The Generous Life - Audio

    01/05/2022 Duración: 39min

    The generous life is a godly example to those God places in your path. The generous life is a loving heart with an open hand. The generous life is shining light that points others towards faith in Jesus. The generous life is devoted to the wellbeing of those you love. The generous life is all about adding value to others. The generous life is someone who is dearly loved and missed by many. More blessings come from giving that from receiving!

  • Be Bold, pt. 5: Keep On Keeping On - Audio

    24/04/2022 Duración: 46min

    Acts 20:1-12 Encourage others when you are the one who needs it the most. Build others up even when you feel torn down. Make the most of every opportunity because this may be your last one. Expect the unexpected to happen when you are making Gospel ground. Seek to remain calm in every storm because you know the Master of the storm. No matter what happens to you, keep on keeping on!

  • Easter Sunday 2022 - Audio

    17/04/2022 Duración: 38min

    He is Risen!!! But what if Easter never happened? Guess what... JESUS IS ALIVE! EASTER DID HAPPEN! JESUS DID RISE FROM THE DEAD. AND BECAUSE OF THIS… THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING! You have hope for the future; You have life for today; You can look forward to a perfect place; You don’t have to fear death anymore; You are now on the winning side; You will be given a new glorified body that is forever young; You can live in victory as a follower of Jesus Christ; You now have something to live for—a greater purpose than you can imagine! Jesus is ALIVE so that you no longer have to live half-dead! Embrace the Grace to live fully alive in Jesus today—This Changes Everything!

  • Good Friday Service - Audio

    15/04/2022 Duración: 53min

    Arden First Baptist Church Good Friday Service

  • The King's Royal Entrance - Audio

    10/04/2022 Duración: 43min

    Jesus was determined to accomplish the mission for His 1st Coming. Jesus sent two of His disciples on a unique mission. Lessons from the back of a donkey. Realize that when you raise praise others are raising criticism. Don’t let the stones steal your song. When the Royal King shows up, let your praise rise up—Hosanna to the King of Kings! Action Steps (Applications): 1. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus and don’t get distracted by the critics in the crowd. 2. Surrender your “donkey” to Jesus for the mission of the Kingdom. 3. Proclaim praise to Jesus even when you don’t feel like it.

  • This Changes Everything, pt. 2: Distracted in your Devotion? - Audio

    03/04/2022 Duración: 39min

    When your output exceeds your intake, you are heading towards burnout. Distraction can lead to disillusionment and disillusionment leads to discouragement, and discouragement leads to dropout because you are burned-out! Choose to be WITH Jesus before you attempt to doing anything FOR Jesus. WHO you are in Jesus is far more important than what you DO for Jesus: So, focus on the WHO before getting to the DO!

  • This Changes Everything! Pt. 1; Lazarus: Is there life after death? - Audio

    27/03/2022 Duración: 41min

    This Changes Everything! And… Because this Changes Everything - Everything Changes when you give your life to Jesus. Jesus’ Resurrection serves as a preview of our resurrection. Lazarus’ resurrection was a small taste of Jesus’ power of death. John 11:1-44 Jesus speaks life and light into death’s darkness - This Changes Everything!

  • Be Bold: Satan's Hit List, pt. 2 - Audio

    20/03/2022 Duración: 49min

    Be Bold: Satan's Hit List, pt. 2. Acts 19:21-40 What does it look like to be led by the Holy Spirit? You might be on Satan’s hit list if you are making an eternal difference in the lives of many! Seek to keep in step with the Holy Spirt by daily connecting with God as part of your holy habits. E3-Encourage, Equip, and Empower others to reach their full redemptive potential. Don’t just blend in with the world, stand out, and share the Good News with others.

  • Dr. David Bruce, Guest Speaker - Audio

    13/03/2022 Duración: 39min

    Dr. Bruce guides us on how to become an "Acts" church. This great message comes at a crucial time in the Church's relevance in the world. We are so thankful to have him guide us today!

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