New Music By Karlheinz Essl



Born 1960 in Vienna. Austrian composer, improviser and performer. He studied composition with Friedrich Cerha and musicology in Vienna. Besides writing experimental instrumental music, he performs on his own electronic instrument m@ze°2, develops software environments for computer-aided composition and creates generative sound and video environments. Since 2007 professor of composition for electro-acoustic and experimental music at the University of Music in Vienna.Karlheinz Essl performs on a laptop computer that he has transformed into a live electronic musical instrument. The result is exciting and musical. You just won't hear these sounds anywhere else. He performs solo and in duets and trios, responding with sensitivity to fellow musicians, producing fascinating sound transformations, creating spontaneous surprises, and moving quickly from loops to cacophony to tiny clips of vocal sounds to all kinds of textures and ideas. He does all this with his m@ze°2(Modular Algorithmic Zound Environment) performance software. (Joel Chadabe, CDeMusic, Januar 2002)


  • OMNIA IN OMNIBUS: Soundscape "Present Time"

    09/03/2016 Duración: 02min

    Sound scape "present time" from Karlheinz Essl's sound/video/performance OMNIA IN OMNIBUS (2015)

  • OMNIA IN OMNIBUS: Aura Innsbrucklied

    09/03/2016 Duración: 03min

    Granular synthesis processing of Heinrich Isaac's "Innsbrucklied" (15th century). Excerpt from Karlheinz Essl's sound/video/performance OMNIA IN OMNIBUS (2015).

  • OMNIA IN OMNIBUS: Aura Kühhorn

    09/03/2016 Duración: 02min

    Granular synthesis processing of Mönch von Salzburg's "Das Kühhorn" (14th century). Excerpt from Karlheinz Essl's sound/video/performance OMNIA IN OMNIBUS (2015).

  • Amazing Maze (1993 ff.) - algorithmic realtime composition

    21/01/2016 Duración: 03min

    Amazing Maze is a computer program written by Karlheinz Essl in 1993 ff. It automatically generates music by manipulating sampled instrumental sounds according to certain compositional strategies that are carried out in different structure generators. Each generator synthesizes its own characteristic sonic world. The compositional algorithms have been programmed in MaxMSP by taking advantage of my Real Time Composition Library (RTC-lib). This collection of software modules offers the possibility to experiment with a number of compositional techniques, such as serial procedures, permutations and controlled randomness. Free download of the software (Mac/PC)from

  • Sequitur VIII (2008)- for electric guitar and live-electronics

    12/11/2015 Duración: 08min

    Performed and recorded by Karlheinz Essl on 14 Jan 2009 at Studio kHz. Having played the electric guitar as a rock-obsessed teenager, I re-discovered it 25 years later. In the meantime, I have studied composition and musicology and became heavily involved with electronic and computer music. Working as a composer writing complex musical scores I felt more and more the desire to re-connect to those ecstatic times when I was performing on stage with my electric guitar. But first I developed my own idiosyncratic electronic instrument called m@ze°2 (1998 ff.) which I am still using for free improvisation and live performances. In 2007, I was ready for another change when the handling with MIDI controllers, graphic tablets, keyboards, computer mouses and pedals became more and more insufficient. I was seeking for an instantaneous, tactile input device to be included into my live-electronic setup. First I was thinking of a custom-made wooden resonance box equipped with strings, contact microphones and pickups that

  • 2 Herbecks Gesang (2014)

    23/10/2015 Duración: 06min

    Ausschnitt aus dem 2014 entstandenen KUNSTRADIO-Hörstück "Herbeck extended" - eine Hommage an den Lyriker Ernst Herbeck. Als Ausgangsmaterial diente eine Tonbandaufnahme mit der Stimme des schizophrenen Dichters, der aufgrund einer Gaumenspalte sich sprachlich kaum artikulieren konnte. Info:

  • WebernUhrWerk: Recording (5 hours)

    25/08/2015 Duración: 05h01s

    This is a 5 hour recording of Karlheinz Essl's sound installation WebernUhrWerk. Every 15 minutes, a short Carillon phrase based on the twelve-tone row of Anton Webern is played. Be aware that most of the time this piece is silent! The original composition, however, is based on a generative computer program which you can download from here: It was created for commemorating the 70th anniversary of Webern's death on 15 September 2015 in a global event called "World-Wide Webern". In order to join in, you can use this recording. Start it exactly at the beginning of a full hour and let it run for 5 hours. When finished, you can repeat the piece as long as you like.

  • WebernUhrWerk: Demo

    21/07/2015 Duración: 03min

    A computer program that automatically composes dodecaphonic Carillon music based on the twelve-tone row of Anton Webern's last composition - commemorating his sudden and unexpected death on 15 Sep 1945 as he was accidentally shot dead by an American GI. The program simulates a Carillon which plays a short musical phrase every 15 minutes which never repeats itself. More information and download link:

  • OMNIA IN OMNIBUS: Finale (2015) – sound & video performance

    24/06/2015 Duración: 15min

    Final part of Karlheinz Essl’s sound/video performance Omnia in omnibus, created for the 650th anniversary of the University of Vienna. Recorded live at Studio kHz on June 13th, 2015. Info:

  • VIRIBVS VNITIS (2014)- for harpsichord and toy piano

    28/05/2015 Duración: 08min

    Performed by Goska Isphording (harpsichord) and Anne Veinberg (toy pianos) during the Prix Annelie de Man on May 28th, 2015 at Het Orgelpark in Amsterdam (NL). In this piece, two toy pianos are combined with a two-manual harpsichord - an instrument with a long history and an impressive repertory, as opposed to the toy piano. Although both keyboards are so different in every respect, they are forming a unit where the differences are reconciled and their individual "weakness" is counter-balanced by the other instrument. With "united forces" (so the translation of the latin title), they are creating a new entity which results in a new sound, something that has never been heard before. Info:

  • 1 Herbeck Besprechen (2014)

    02/11/2014 Duración: 07min

    Erster Teil aus Karlheinz Essl KUNSTRADIO-Stück "Herbeck extended" über den Dichter Ernst Herbeck (1920-1991), der die meiste Zeit seines Lebens im psychiatrischen Krankenhaus Maria Gugging verbrachte. Was zunächst wie ein herkömmliches Literaturfeature beginnt entwickelt sich aber schon bald zu einem bedrohlichen Szenario, in dem die Stimmen, die Ernst Herbeck Zeit seines Lebens verfolgt haben, die Oberhand gewinnen. Info:

  • 5 Herbeck Befragen (2014)

    02/11/2014 Duración: 13min

    Letzter Teil aus Karlheinz Essl KUNSTRADIO-Stück "Herbeck extended" über den Dichter Ernst Herbeck (1920-1991), der die meiste Zeit seines Lebens im psychiatrischen Krankenhaus Maria Gugging verbrachte. Im Nachlass Ernst Herbeck wurde von der Literaturwissenschaftlerin Gisela Steinlechner einen Fragebogen gefunden, den der Psychiater Leo Navratil aufgesetzt hatte. Die Fragen waren mit Schreibmaschine getippt; darunter hat Herbeck seine Antworten hingekritzelt. - Dieses Frage-und-Antwort Spiel zwischen der Stimmen von Sandra Kreisler und einer Computerstimme namens Leopold ereignet sich vor dem Hintergrund einer sich äußerst langsam bewegenden hochexpressiven Orchestermusik, in der Mozart anklingt, der erklärte Lieblingskomponist Ernst Herbecks. Info:

  • 3 Herbeck Kommentar (2014)

    01/11/2014 Duración: 05min

    Dritter Teil aus Karlheinz Essl KUNSTRADIO-Stück "Herbeck extended" über den Dichter Ernst Herbeck (1920-1991), der die meiste Zeit seines Lebens im psychiatrischen Krankenhaus Maria Gugging verbrachte. Ein Kommentar über Karlheinz Essls persönlichen Zugang zu Ernst Herbeck, gelesen von Andreas Wolf. Im Hintergrund wird allmählich Herbecks Gedicht "Das Leben" erahnbar, das im Zentrum des nächsten Abschnitts steht. Info:

  • WalkürenWalk (excerpt)

    26/11/2013 Duración: 04min

    For WalkürenWalk, an electronic sound performance for computer and controllers, Essl has chosen a fragment of 30 seconds from Wagner’s “Ride of the Walkyries”, segmented into tiny sound grains which are overlapped and re-combined during the course of a live-performance. These “nano”-particles reveal certain substructures of the music like a view through a microscope. In his adaptation, the music dismisses has lost the monumentality and powerful image of Wagner’s Walkyries, the messengers of death, who retrieved the dead heroes from the battlefields and brought them to Walhall, where they were revitalized for the ultimate battle - the Twilight of the Gods. In the crackling impulse sequences, certain aspects of Wagner’s sound spectrum become evident, although in an alienated manner. But the rhythms skeletonize the energetic momentum and the magnificence of the heroines of death as if the music would rather depict Gustav Mahler’s ghost army in Revelge. It draws the listener’s attention away from the triumphant

  • Tristan's Lament (excerpt)

    26/11/2013 Duración: 05min

    Tristan’s Lament seems to allude Tristan’s complaint in the third act, when he is sick to death awaiting his beloved and “best doctor”, Isolde. However, Essl has chosen a sequence from the prelude, and by a program written in MaxMSP he moves through the sound in slow motion, back and forth, quicker and slower, until the time flow stops. In every performance, the live improvised reconstruction creates new variations – endless configurations of an endless melody. In Wagner’s prelude, the “awful yearning” implies the longing for love in every person of the play, and it is musicalized in chromatic shifts and the famous Tristan chord, that has broken the traditional tension patterns of tonality. Sighs and suspensions claim for solutions, which Essl denies, again and again turning back, as if the loops of increasing tension could prolong the bittersweet pain of expecting love in missing it. A sudden “forte” dies away, there is no increasing progression towards a climax, no breakthrough into bliss – not even the bl

  • WebernSpielWerk (2005) - toy piano and ringmodulator

    03/10/2013 Duración: 06min

    Composed 2005 for the 60th anniversary of Anton Webern's death, performed by Isabel Ettenauer and Karlheinz Essl. Info:

  • colorado (2005-2008) - for saxophone quartet and live-electronics

    09/03/2013 Duración: 13min

    Performed by students of Lars Mlekusch and Karlheinz Essl on March 9th, 2013 at the MUK Vienna. Auf einer USA-Reise im Jahr 2005 war der Colorado River für einige Tage unser Wegbegleiter. Sein unbeirrtes Weiterströmen, seine chamäleonartige Farbigkeit und sein ungeheure Kraft (von dem das Grand Canyon ein berührendes Zeugnis ablegt)erschienen mir als naturgewordene Metapher für eine Komposition, die zu jener Zeit in meinem Kopf herankeimte: ein Werk für Saxophonquartett und Live-Elektronik, dem ich den Namen "colorado" gab. Bei der Aufführung des Werkes sitzen die vier Musiker des Quartetts in der Mitte des Saales; vier Lautsprechern umgeben das Publikum. Die Instrumente (Sopran-, Alt-, Tenor- und Baritonsaxophon) werden von Mikrophonen abgenommen, in Echtzeit von einem interaktiv gesteuerten Computerprogramm verarbeitet und über die Lautsprecher ins Auditorium abgestrahlt, das wiederum als Resonanzkörper und Hallraum fungiert. Die Live-Elektronik basiert auf einer Art „Teilchenbeschleuniger“, der die live

  • OUT OF THE BLUE: Du bist mir fehl

    05/12/2012 Duración: 08min

    Agnes Heginger's (voice) and Karlheinz Essl's (live-electronics) spontaneous interpretation of a poem by Hermann Niklas. Performed live at the Essl Museum Klosterneuburg (5 Dec 2012). Info:

  • Suspended Suspense (2012) - sound environment for Xenia Hausner

    24/10/2012 Duración: 04min

    Sound environment of Xenia Hausner’s room installation „ÜberLeben”, shown at the Essl Museum in Klosterneuburg (A) in 2012. Info: Eigens für die Installation von Xenia Hauser in der Rotunde des Essl Museums hat der Komponist Karlheinz Essl sein Sound-Environment „Suspended Suspense” geschaffen, das mit minimalsten Mitteln eine Atmosphäre unerträglicher Spannung zu erzielen sucht. Ein schneidend hoher Ton und ein tiefes Rauschen schwellen unvorhersehbar an und ab und erzeugen dabei eine hypnotische Stimmung.

  • Si! (2012) - for tenor tuba and live-electronics

    26/09/2012 Duración: 16min

    Performed by Karlheinz Siessl (euphonium) and Karlheinz Essl (live-electronics) at festival Klangspuren (2012). Some years ago I received an e-mail by a tuba player named Karlheinz Siessl who found it funny that our names are so similar: they only differ in the syllable "si". He suggested a collaboration and asked me to write a piece for his instrument. Shortly thereafter I invited him into my studio where we improvised together in order to become acquainted with each other. The result was so enjoyable and promising that I agreed to compose a piece for him. Pondering over the piece, I suddenly found its title – Si! – which means "yes" in Italian and Spanish. By coincidence, this is also the solmization syllable for the note B, the fundamental tone of the tenor tuba I was using. Observing the syllable "si" from various perspectives I decided to emphasize the positive message of this word. A piece of literature came into my mind where the word "yes" is used in a highly musical way: the very end of James Joyce

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