Diversity Stories



De podcast Diversity Stories biedt een caleidoscopische blik op het thema diversiteit vanuit studentenperspectief. Met heel persoonlijke verhalen over gender en identiteit, een heuse Menstruatieopera, waarin diverse perspectieven op vrouwelijkheid worden blootgelegd, een pittige kritiek op het modesysteem, übergeestige dialogen tussen twee expats die zich beklagen over de eetcultuur, taal en bureaucratie, en meer!


  • Moral Shame Talks 1: Disconnecting Clothes

    15/06/2021 Duración: 34min

    Moral Shame Talks is a podcast series of three episodes that explores the complexities of consumers’ moral shame in the context of the sustainability debate within the fashion industry. By tackling moral shame –a form of shame that consumers experience in their consumer behaviour while knowing they are not making sustainable choices – stories can be told about the complexity and systemics of the fashion industry and the sustainability debate in it. In the podcast series Lindy Boerman, finals student of the ArtEZ Master Fashion Strategy, collects different ideas, critical perspectives and personal thoughts. By including personal stories consumers have about moral shame and reflecting on this together with people from various professional background and with various perspectives she gives meaning to, and places moral shame in the contemporary context. In this episode, Chloe (Chen, (BA psychology National Cheng Kung University Taiwan and first-year student ArtEZ MA Fashion Strategy)) and Lindy explore the discon

  • S03E18: Introducing Moral Shame Talks

    15/06/2021 Duración: 08min

    Yes, another miniseries! In this introductory episode, Dennis talks to master student Lindy Boerman, who made the three part series Moral Shame Talks for Radio ArtEZ.  Moral Shame Talks is a podcast series of three episodes that explores the complexities of consumers’ moral shame in the context of the sustainability debate within the fashion industry. By tackling moral shame –a form of shame that consumers experience in their consumer behaviour while knowing they are not making sustainable choices – stories can be told about the complexity and systemics of the fashion industry and the sustainability debate in it. In the podcast series Lindy Boerman, finals student of the ArtEZ Master Fashion Strategy, collects different ideas, critical perspectives and personal thoughts. By including personal stories consumers have about moral shame and reflecting on this together with people from various professional background and with various perspectives she gives meaning to, and places moral shame in the contemporary co

  • SPLP Deep Listening 3: Deep Listening performance scores with Lisa E. Harris

    25/05/2021 Duración: 32min

    This three-part miniseries centers around Deep Listening®, the lifework of composer, musician, writer and humanitarian Pauline Oliveros. Aspects of this creative and meditative practice are shared from the perspectives of Sharon Stewart, Tina Pearson and Lisa E. Harris, Deep Listening certificate-holders.   In the third and final mini-episode Sharon Stewart asks Deep Listening practitioner, interdisciplinary artist, creative soprano, and composer Lisa E. Harris from Houston Texas to tell us about her connection to Deep Listening and share with us some scores she has written. For those of you who love participatory vocalising, this one is for you!   Shownotes: Sharon Stewart, ‘Listening to Deep Listening. Reflection on the 1988 Recording and the Lifework of Pauline Oliveros’ Journal of Sonic Studies, 02 (2012) LI(SA((E.))HARRIS website Undocu meant it. A psychic declaration by lisa e harris, In support of immigration rights and human rights for all of humanity. Sounding Places - Listening Places was commiss

  • SPLP 3: Land, Listening, and Leaving: Talking to Ame Kanngieser and Lisa E. Harris

    20/05/2021 Duración: 01h02min

    In contemporary Western culture we seem to have lost an intimate connection with the land. More often than not we consider our surroundings as a passive backdrop in which humankind can take center stage: controlling the landscape, developing infrastructures, and extracting resources at will. This rather anthropocentric position has become unviable, however, as recent human-driven ecological crises – like climate change, the dramatic loss of biodiversity and large-scale destruction of habitats – are clearly indicating. If we wish to develop a more sustainable future, we urgently need to reconnect to our environment and restore a more reciprocal relationship with the earth.  In the context of the project Land, studium generale commissioned the Radio ArtEZ series Sounding Places / Listening Places in which writer and music journalist Joep Christenhusz and creator of sound works, musician, writer, poet, and Deep Listener Sharon Stewart enquire how sound and listening can help us to do so.   In this third episode

  • SPLP Deep Listening 2: Deep Listening and Reciprocal Listening with Tina Pearson

    18/05/2021 Duración: 32min

    This three-part miniseries centers around Deep Listening®, the lifework of composer, musician, writer and humanitarian Pauline Oliveros. Aspects of this creative and meditative practice are shared from the perspectives of Sharon Stewart, Tina Pearson and Lisa E. Harris, Deep Listening certificate-holders.    In the second mini-episode Sharon Stewart draws upon her own scores and the work of Canadian composer, multimedia artist and Deep Listener Tina Pearson, inviting you to contemplate some ways we can involve ourselves in a respectful, listening and playful dialogue with our sonic environment.    This interview forms part of Sharon Stewart's current area of inquiry for the ArtEZ Professorship Theory in the Arts, namely: ethics and ethical practices within artistic research and the creative arts.   Shownotes: Masterclass Pauline Oliveros at Sonic Acts 2021: ‘Introduction and Background of Deep Listening’ (Stories start around 15m30s) Oliveros’ 1976 article “On Sonic Meditation” in Software for People YouTube

  • SPLP2: Urban and Domestic Listenings: Peter Cusack and Elise ‘t Hart   

    16/05/2021 Duración: 47min

    In contemporary Western culture we seem to have lost an intimate connection with the land. More often than not we consider our surroundings as a passive backdrop in which humankind can take center stage: controlling the landscape, developing infrastructures, and extracting resources at will. This rather anthropocentric position has become unviable, however, as recent human-driven ecological crises – like climate change, the dramatic loss of biodiversity and large-scale destruction of habitats – are clearly indicating. If we wish to develop a more sustainable future, we urgently need to reconnect to our environment and restore a more reciprocal relationship with the earth. In the context of the project Land, studium generale commissioned the Radio ArtEZ series Sounding Places / Listening Places in which writer and music journalist Joep Christenhusz and creator of sound works, musician, writer, poet, and Deep Listener Sharon Stewart enquire how sound and listening can help us to do so. In this second episode

  • SPLP Deep Listening 1: Deep Listening: Pauline Oliveros and the Sonosphere

    13/05/2021 Duración: 30min

    This three-part miniseries centers around Deep Listening®, the lifework of composer, musician, writer and humanitarian Pauline Oliveros. Aspects of this creative and meditative practice are shared from the perspectives of Sharon Stewart, Tina Pearson and Lisa E. Harris, Deep Listening certificate-holders. In the first mini-episode Sharon Stewart offers facets of her connection to Deep Listening along with some of the history of the practice, as related to the sonic environment – or the sonosphere – with pertinent excerpts from Oliveros’ text scores. Together with Sharon Stewart you can perform a seminal Sonic Meditation, number VIII: Environmental Dialogue. Shownotes: “Listening to Deep Listening: Reflection on the 1988 Recording and the Lifework of Pauline Oliveros”, by Sharon Stewart, Journal of Sonic Studies, 2012 Excerpt from an essay from 2007 – entitled My “American Music”: Soundscape, Politics, Technology, Community. This essay can be found in the book Sounding the Margins by Pauline Oliveros. Exce

  • SPLP1: The Natural Soundscape: Listening to Bernie Krause, Evelien van den Broek and Barry Truax

    11/05/2021 Duración: 59min

    In contemporary Western culture we seem to have lost an intimate connection with the land. More often than not we consider our surroundings as a passive backdrop in which humankind can take center stage: controlling the landscape, developing infrastructures, and extracting resources at will. This rather anthropocentric position has become unviable, however, as recent human-driven ecological crises – like climate change, the dramatic loss of biodiversity and large-scale destruction of habitats – are clearly indicating. If we wish to develop a more sustainable future, we urgently need to reconnect to our environment and restore a more reciprocal relationship with the earth.  In the context of the project Land, studium generale commissioned the Radio ArtEZ series Sounding Places / Listening Places in which writer and music journalist Joep Christenhusz and creator of sound works, musician, writer, poet, and Deep Listener Sharon Stewart enquire how sound and listening can help us to do so. In this first episode

  • S03E17: Introducing 'Sounding Places - Listening Places'

    11/05/2021 Duración: 04min

    In contemporary Western culture we seem to have lost an intimate connection with the land. More often than not we consider our surroundings as a passive backdrop in which humankind can take center stage: controlling the landscape, developing infrastructures, and extracting resources at will. This rather anthropocentric position has become unviable, however, as recent human-driven ecological crises – like climate change, the dramatic loss of biodiversity and large-scale destruction of habitats – are clearly indicating. If we wish to develop a more sustainable future, we urgently need to reconnect to our environment and restore a more reciprocal relationship with the earth. In the context of the project Land, studium generale commissioned the Radio ArtEZ series Sounding Places / Listening Places in which writer and music journalist Joep Christenhusz and creator of sound works, musician, writer, poet, and Deep Listener Sharon Stewart enquire how sound and listening can help us to do so. This short announcement

  • S03E16:How to be with plants

    12/04/2021 Duración: 27min

    In this episode of Radio ArtEZ, visual artist and master student Education in Arts Lobke Meekes and Mexican/Canadian researcher and curator Irene Urrutia explore our relationship to plants. How does a plant live and feel? What can we learn from plants? And how can experience, conversations, and art help us explore new ways of understanding and living in connection? Inspired, want to know more? Then check in at their online workshop on April 22, on worldwide Earth Day. Produced by Jozien Wijkhuijsfor Studium Generale ArtEZ. Studium Generale curator for this episode: Mirjam Zegers Tune: Daan van Haaren

  • S03E15: Unheard Voices with Elaine Mitchener

    10/11/2020 Duración: 30min

    In this episode of Radio ArtEZ, vocalist, movement artist and composer Elaine Mitchener offers background to her work and her ideas. She will focus on the unheard voices of statues, rooms, places. Who do monuments represent and who do they speak for? She will introduce some original voices in philosophy and music that deserve more attention and will guide us into ideas of philosophers Fred Moten and Walter Benjamin about resistance and memory. Central to her conversation will be Benjamin’s concept and practice of memory: Eingedenken, that takes remembrance as an act of responsibility. How do we choose to remember? History is written by the victors, said Benjamin, and the consequences resonate for ages. Links: https://www.elainemitchener.com/ Kitchen Table Conversation with Elaine Mitchener: https://studiumgenerale.artez.nl/nl/agenda/kitchen+table+conversation+with+elaine+mitchener/ Blog accompanying this episode:  https://studiumgenerale.artez.nl/nl/studies/podcast/unheard+voices+podcast+with+elaine+mit

  • Eventually I’d have to disappear - Chapter four with Peggy Bouva and Maartje Duin.

    20/10/2020 Duración: 33min

    Eventually I’d have to disappear Podcast on the traces we leave behind as artists, and how to work with them ethically, philosophically, artistically. Chapter four with Peggy Bouva and Maartje Duin. Dieuwke goes to Pakhuis de Zwijger to talk to Peggy Bouva and Maartje Duin, who collectively worked on the podcast ´The plantation of our forefathers´. Their conversation is about their working process and the difficulties with the archive, and rewriting your history by seeing all perspectives and all narratives. Also in this chapter: my own reveries on personal history and the gaps in it, and again, the amazing music of Warner Slump. Credits Music and sounds: Warner Slump; Keti Koti Memorial Day Zoetermeer: Pakhuis de Zwijger Made possible by ArtEZ Studium Generale Special thanks to Dennis Gaens and Joke Alkema http://www.dieuwkeslump.com/

  • Eventually I’d have to disappear - Chapter three with Fonge Frieling

    13/10/2020 Duración: 31min

    Eventually I’d have to disappear Podcast on the traces we leave behind as artists, and how to work with them ethically, philosophically, artistically. Chapter three with Fonge Frieling Dieuwke talks to ArtEZ Theatre in Education- student Fonge Frieling, who is now the artistic director of the non-profit foundation TG Signum, on opening the archive of knowledge on deaf culture; her thoughts on living horizontally with the human and non-human; and she asked me some questions in return on my own archiving practises. Also in this chapter: and as always, the amazing music of Warner Slump. Credits Music and sounds: Warner Slump; TG Signum (trailer for their play Asteria) Made possible by ArtEZ Studium Generale Special thanks to Dennis Gaens and Joke Alkema http://www.dieuwkeslump.com/

  • Eventually I’d have to disappear - Chapter two with Anna Schlooz

    06/10/2020 Duración: 29min

    Eventually I’d have to disappear Podcast on the traces we leave behind as artists, and how to work with them ethically, philosophically, artistically. Chapter two with Anna Schlooz Dieuwke talks to ArtEZ Theatre in Education- graduate Anna Schlooz who is now studying Autonomous Art- Performance in Ghent about real-life maps; the body of documentation; and a rhizome as political tool for documenting your work. Also in this chapter: skype lessons on documentation and the archive by Tina Madsen, and again, the amazing music of Warner Slump. Credits Music and sounds: Warner Slump; Anna Schlooz (trailer for her play Volg Mij) Made possible by ArtEZ Studium Generale Special thanks to Dennis Gaens and Joke Alkema http://www.dieuwkeslump.com/  

  • Eventually I'd have to disappear - Chapter one with Milo Rau

    29/09/2020 Duración: 38min

    Eventually I’d have to disappear Podcast on the traces we leave behind as artists, and how to work with them ethically, philosophically, artistically. The next four weeks we will be bringing you a new mini-series, by an ArtEZ Alumna. Starting from her thesis 'In search of a non coherent narrative. From an oppressive archive towards an anarchive open for all voices, all narratives, all perspectives' Dieuwke Slump created a podcast titled 'Eventually I'd have to disappear. Podcast on the traces we leave behind as artists and how to work with them ethically, philosophically, artistically'. In every chapter of this podcast, Dieuwke invites a guest to join her and talk about their archive, and how they work with or against it. Dieuwke sees the chapters as small works of art, which she completes with sounds and voice-overs. She believes that in this time, it is important to take a look at our history and at how we remember it: which stories are told and which are forgotten, because this shapes our present and our f

  • S03E14 (NL): Onpeilbaar - Fiep van Bodegom

    15/09/2020 Duración: 36min

    Het nieuwe academiejaar is voorzichtig begonnen en dat betekent dat wij ook weer terug zijn met een nieuwe aflevering van Radio ArtEZ voor ArtEZ studium generale. Dit najaar staat o.a. een nieuw samenwerkingsproject met online magazine Mister Motley op de agenda, getiteld Land. In dit project wordt de relatie tussen mens, land, eigendom en de consequenties voor klimaatafbraak onderzocht. Kunstenaars en denkers zijn uitgenodigd om hun perspectieven te delen op de klimaatafbraak, ideeën over eigendom, territorium, kolonialisme en Inheemse kennis. Geheel Covid-proof in online events, podcasts of door hun gedachten te verwoorden in essays of films. Het startschot wordt gegeven door schrijver en ArtEZ docent creative writing  Fiep van Bodegom, die zich in een essay met dit thema uiteenzet. Haar essay is te lezen op de website van Mister Motley en de website van ArtEZ Studium Generale. In deze aflevering van Radio ArtEZ gaat Dennis Gaens in gesprek met Van Bodegom.   Lees het essay hier: https://www.mistermotley.n

  • S03E13: Structures of Language

    14/07/2020 Duración: 37min

      In this episode of Radio ArtEZ, we return to Fillip Studios. As artists, these alumni of our academy focus on the cutting edge of art, science and society. You might remember them from the miniseries they did within our feed here. In those episodes, they showed us there outlook on these various disciplines. Now, interns Moritz Brill and Iris Beek, both students at Fine Art and Design in Education, turn the gaze on Fillip Studios itself. An exploration of how art can attach itself to social issues, how it can be a unique viewpoint in societal challenges. But you will hear all that in this episode. Without further ado, I’ll hand you over to Moritz and Iris. Fillip Studios: https://www.fillipstudios.com/ Produced by Ondercast for Studium Generale ArtEZ. Studium Generale editor for this episode: Joke Alkema. Tune: Daan van Haaren

  • S03E12: The Power of Moroccan Roots Music

    23/06/2020 Duración: 34min

    In this episode, Samira Dainan takes us on a personal and lyrical journey through Morocco and parts of the Sahara. It’s a biting and poetic exploration of what it means to find your own sound and voice. The Power of Moroccan Roots Music is a thrilling collection of memories and music told by a person in search of her history and her voice, with each account of every audio excerpt radiating love and care. Samira's website: http://www.dainan.nl/ Produced by Ondercast for Studium Generale ArtEZ. Studium Generale editor for this episode: Rana Ghavami. Tune: Daan van Haaren

  • S03E11: Voice Messages From 8102

    02/06/2020 Duración: 19min

    Back in march, we put out an open call to all of you to send us your voice messages, imagining the year 8102. That year was given to us by artist duo K&A through their project of the same name. In this episode, we present you wit that future. Featuring messages from: Alkis Barbas, Cecile Lassonde, Manolis Ladas, Christianne van Leest, Jibbe Willems, Lenn Cox, Loan Lobo de Miranda, Louise Knobil, Olívia Campelo, Simona Piras and Sophie Kern. K&A released a digital publication as a companion piece to this episode. Be sure to check that out here: https://www.k-and-a.co/8102futurevoice/ For more information on the project 8102, visit www.k-and-a.co/8102 This episode is edited by K&A, Dennis Gaens and Joke Alkema. 

  • S03E10: Models of Change | Towards a Roadmap (Equality in the Arts Pt. 6)

    26/05/2020 Duración: 50min

    This six part miniseries is based on the conference The Roadmap to Equality In The Arts that took place 18 January 2020 and dealt with the undeniable under- and misrepresentation of women artists, Women of Colour, non-binary and genderqueer artists in the Dutch art world. With performances, keynotes, presentations and panels the conference attempted to establish stepping-stones on the path to gender equality in the arts by raising awareness, gathering data and mobilising existing networks and collective knowledge.   This sixth episode contains the closing panel of the conference on models of change. About what is really needed to bring about this much needed change and how we can be solidary catalysts. Special attention is paid to emotional labour and only fighting if you have enough agency. And about escaping the pornographic rhythm that neoliberalism forces us into. It features Nancy Jouwe, Delphine Bedel, Nagaré Willemsen, Yin Ying Wong and Katherine MacBride, Galit Eilat, Petra van Brabandt and memb

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