Diversity Stories



De podcast Diversity Stories biedt een caleidoscopische blik op het thema diversiteit vanuit studentenperspectief. Met heel persoonlijke verhalen over gender en identiteit, een heuse Menstruatieopera, waarin diverse perspectieven op vrouwelijkheid worden blootgelegd, een pittige kritiek op het modesysteem, übergeestige dialogen tussen twee expats die zich beklagen over de eetcultuur, taal en bureaucratie, en meer!


  • S03E09: New Initiatives | Tender Center (Equality in the Arts Pt. 5)

    25/05/2020 Duración: 12min

    This six part miniseries is based on the conference The Roadmap to Equality In The Arts that took place 18 January 2020 and dealt with the undeniable under- and misrepresentation of women artists, Women of Colour, non-binary and genderqueer artists in the Dutch art world. With performances, keynotes, presentations and panels the conference attempted to establish stepping-stones on the path to gender equality in the arts by raising awareness, gathering data and mobilising existing networks and collective knowledge.   The last episodes of this miniseries stresses the importance of new initiatives and platforms to enhance the visibility of artists often misrepresented and underrepresented in the ‘regular’ art world. Providing new models and giving access to experience and knowledge about new ways of acting, working, experiencing, learning and enjoying together. This fifth episode features Yin Yin Wong and Katherine MacBride of Tender Center and focusses on what an intersectional approach can possibly entail.  

  • S03E08: New Initiatives | Black Student Union (Equality in the Arts Pt. 4)

    24/05/2020 Duración: 12min

    This six part miniseries is based on the conference The Roadmap to Equality In The Arts that took place 18 January 2020 and dealt with the undeniable under- and misrepresentation of women artists, Women of Colour, non-binary and genderqueer artists in the Dutch art world. With performances, keynotes, presentations and panels the conference attempted to establish stepping-stones on the path to gender equality in the arts by raising awareness, gathering data and mobilising existing networks and collective knowledge.   The last episodes of this miniseries stresses the importance of new initiatives and platforms to enhance the visibility of artists often misrepresented and underrepresented in the ‘regular’ art world. Providing new models and giving access to experience and knowledge about new ways of acting, working, experiencing, learning and enjoying together. This fourth episode features a pioneer of change: Nagaré Willemsen who works as the coordinator of the Black Student Union at Rietveld/Sandberg and give

  • S03E07: Discrimination and Harrassment in Arts Education (Equality in the Arts Pt. 3)

    21/05/2020 Duración: 31min

    This six part miniseries is based on the conference The Roadmap to Equality In The Arts that took place 18 January 2020 and dealt with the undeniable under- and misrepresentation of women artists, Women of Colour, non-binary and genderqueer artists in the Dutch art world. With performances, keynotes, presentations and panels the conference attempted to establish stepping-stones on the path to gender equality in the arts by raising awareness, gathering data and mobilising existing networks and collective knowledge.   The third episode is dedicated to higher arts education. Although female students dominate the art schools in the Netherlands it is startling to realize that the art-world continues to be male dominated. And even though art schools should offer safe and challenging spaces, sexist and racist mechanisms are still at play today. It features Petra Van Brabandt who offers a passionate and razor-sharp argument about the challenges that art education faces and the pitfalls it comes across.   For informa

  • S03E06: On the Importance of Data (Equality in the Arts Pt. 2)

    20/05/2020 Duración: 29min

    This six part miniseries is based on the conference The Roadmap to Equality In The Arts that took place 18 January 2020 and dealt with the undeniable under- and misrepresentation of women artists, Women of Colour, non-binary and genderqueer artists in the Dutch art world. With performances, keynotes, presentations and panels the conference attempted to establish stepping-stones on the path to gender equality in the arts by raising awareness, gathering data and mobilising existing networks and collective knowledge.   The second episode deals with the lack of overview of the situation in the visual arts in the Netherlands in terms of data and the critical situation in Dutch museum spaces with regards to representation. It features Agnès Saal of the French Ministry of Culture on data monitoring and evaluation as the only way to influence policies, Galit Eilat on her pioneering research into the collection of the Van Abbemuseum and Pauline Salet on her research into the percentage of female artists in eight Du

  • S03E05: Intersectionality: Definition, Hindrances & Accelerators (Equality in the Arts Pt. 1)

    19/05/2020 Duración: 35min

    This six part miniseries is based on the conference The Roadmap to Equality In The Arts that took place 18 January 2020 and dealt with the undeniable under- and misrepresentation of women artists, Women of Colour, non-binary and genderqueer artists in the Dutch art world. With performances, keynotes, presentations and panels the conference attempted to establish stepping-stones on the path to gender equality in the arts by raising awareness, gathering data and mobilising existing networks and collective knowledge.   This first episode goes deeper into the core tenet of the symposium and how it came into being. What models of change are there? How can we act together, from an intersectional and inclusive perspective? It features the complete keynote by Nancy Jouwe who kicked off the conference by making a strong case for intersectional thinking and acting in the arts and articulated the hindrances and accelerators for this in the Dutch art world.   https://studiumgenerale.artez.nl/nl/agenda/the+roadmap+to+eq

  • No School Station Pt. 4: No School, Yes Learning

    21/04/2020 Duración: 22min

    These are exactly the times to rethink education because what is happening right now is showing us that just staying with the normal won’t do! Together with the Art education as Critical Tactics team of ArtEZ we bring you: No School Station, a four part miniseries on education outside of the educational institutions. In this fourth and final episode we focus on learning, because learning in all its forms has been at the center of every episode of our No School Station and we also want to end with it.  We want to say goodbye to you by exploring different ideas and spaces for learning, sometimes unconventional and sometimes de-institutionalized, keeping always in mind the connection and the relation to the main actor within the learning process, aka the learner.  Now it's up to you to think along with us. Please send your ideas to: F.Camuti@artez.nl; C.Onck@artez.nl  This episode features contributions by Fabiola Camuti, Nishant Shah, the VONK collective and Cassandra Onck. Literature: Chun, W.H.K., and Rho

  • No School Station Pt. 3: No School, No Home

    14/04/2020 Duración: 17min

    These are exactly the times to rethink education because what is happening right now is showing us that just staying with the normal won’t do! Together with the Art education as Critical Tactics team of ArtEZ we bring you: No School Station, a four part miniseries on education outside of the educational institutions. We have all lost our schools in this moment, our homes for learning. But No School pedagogy sometimes operates outside institutional frames, and sometimes outside buildings. No School can be home-based but it can also be nomadic. What does this mean for learning and creating in times of crisis? This episode features contributions by Fabiola Camuti, Cassandra Onck, Lin Wu Adams, and Tom Jansen.  Literature: Carlin and J. Wallin (eds.), Deleuze & Guattari, Politics and Education: For a People-Yet-to-Come, Bloomsbury, 2014. Semetsky, Deleuze, Education and Becoming, Sense Publishers, 2006. Gaber, Il teatro canzone (CD, 1992) Sams, Dancing the dream, HarperCollins, 1999.   Links: http://nosch

  • No School Station Pt. 2: No School & Magnetism

    07/04/2020 Duración: 27min

    These are exactly the times to rethink education because what is happening right now is showing us that just staying with the normal won’t do! Together with the Art education as Critical Tactics team of ArtEZ we bring you: No School Station, a four part miniseries on education outside of the educational institutions. In this second episode we focus on the theme of magnetism. Magnetism is about attraction, the combination of opposite forces. In the pedagogy of No School this is one of the key elements. Without attraction or to say it differently without binding elements, there is no education. This episode features contributions by Fabiola Camuti, Ezme Davis, Danny Jeroense and Christian Pabst.   Literature: Montessori, From Childhood to Adolescence, Clio Press, 1994. Montessori, The Absorbent Mind, Henry Holt and Company, 1995. Schwartz, The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less, HarperCollins, 2004. Stoll Lillard, The Science Behind the Genius, Oxford University Press, 2005. Davies et al., “Creative learning e

  • No School Station Pt. 1: No School & Urgency

    31/03/2020 Duración: 22min

    These are exactly the times to rethink education because what is happening right now is showing us that just staying with the normal won’t do! Together with the Art education as Critical Tactics team of ArtEZ we bring you: No School Station, a four part miniseries on education outside of the educational institutions. This episode features contributions by Fabiola Camuti, Jeroen Lutters,  Mirthe Dokter and Tim Hammer. Sit back, close your eyes and connect.   Works cited or mentioned:Antonio Gramsci, “On Education,” in Selections from the Prison Notebooks. Translated and Edited by Q. Hoare and G. N. Smith. New York: International Publishers, 1971, pp. 24-43. Ivan Illich, Deschooling Society (new edition). London: Maryon Boyers Publishers, 2000. Thomas Kuhn, The Strucure of Scientific Revolutions (50th anniversary editition). Chicago: The Chicago University Press, 2012. Meadow, D. e.a., The Limits to Growth; a report for the club of Rome’s project on the predicament of mankind. New York: Universe Books, 1972. Li

  • Open Call: Send us a voice message from the future!

    25/03/2020 Duración: 09min

    How do we look to the future in these uncertain times? Can you tell us? We are looking for voices from the future.This project is a collaboration between Radio Artez and artist duo K&A. It started with an artistic project from K&A, called 8102. At the end of 2018, the artists got their hands on dozens of diaries. Diaries that are normally used to organise, capture and control the time, where about to be thrown away. K&A proposed a mirror, a window: 8102. How to imagine a world in more than 6000 years? They invited people from different fields, ages & cultures to fill these agendas during a year. And now, in collaboration with Radio ArtEZ, there’s the satellite program you can join from home: we’re asking everybody to send us voice messages from the year 8102: where will we be, and what will it look like? You can record yourself on your phone and send your message from the future to dennis@denieuwes.com. We will create a kaleidoscopic audio diary as a special episode of Radio ArtEZ. For more

  • BONUS (NL): De zaak Shell - Monoloog voor een consument

    23/02/2020 Duración: 21min

    In deze bonusaflevering presenteren we een monoloog uit De zaak Shell, van Rebekka de Wit en Anouk Nuyens. In deze monoloog wordt de rol van de consument in de klimaatafbraak onderzocht. Want zonder dat de consument het wellicht weet, speelt hij al sinds het begin van de rechtszaak een hoofdrol. Shell heeft namelijk al meerdere keren laten weten dat er een fout is gemaakt in deze rechtszaak. Niet zij zouden verantwoordelijk zijn voor klimaatverandering, maar wij: de consumenten. De zaak Shell: https://dezaakshell.nl/ Milieudefensie: https://milieudefensie.nl/klimaatzaakshell Geproduceerd door Ondercast in opdracht van Studium Generale ArtEZ. Studium Generale redacteur voor deze editie: Rana Ghavami. Tune: Daan van Haaren

  • S03E04: Harriet Bergman on climate breakdown

    23/02/2020 Duración: 47min

    This episode features excerpts from a talk by Harriet Bergman and a conversation we had before the talk. The talk was part of the How on Earth programme by Studium Generale.  Harriet Bergman on medium:  https://medium.com/@henkjanmannberg Get involved: https://www.fossilfreeculture.nl/ https://extinctionrebellion.nl/ https://code-rood.org/nl/   Produced by Ondercast in conjunction with Studium Generale ArtEZ. Studium Generale editor for this episode: Rana Ghavami. Tune: Daan van Haaren

  • S03E03 (NL): Mounir Samuel en zijn bronnen

    01/12/2019 Duración: 28min

    In deze aflevering staat een editie van de programmareeks Kitchen Table Conversation centraal. Wat dat precies is, vertelt Lieneke Hulshof van Mister Motley je in de intro. In deze editie was Mounir Samuel te gast om in gesprek te gaan over zijn drie grootste (inspiratie)bronnen.  Meer over Mounir: https://www.mounirsamuel.nl/ Aan het eind van de aflevering tipt Lieneke een artikel van Mister Motley. Dat vind je hier: https://www.mistermotley.nl/art-everyday-life/het-westen-de-geschiedenis-stil-dood-vergeten-patricia-kaersenhout-de-appel Geproduceerd door Ondercast in opdracht van Studium Generale ArtEZ. Studium Generale redacteur voor deze editie: Joke Alkema.  Tune: Daan van Haaren

  • Fillip Studios Podcast EP02: Bio Orchestra

    26/11/2019 Duración: 22min

    Bio Orchestra is a collaboration project with Plant Physiologist Sander van der Krol, from the department Plant Physiology of Wageningen University.  Based on the knowledge and methods of Wageningen University, Tom Kortbeek is developing a plant orchestra by translating growth data into sound. This interdisciplinary project tested the applicability of art and science throughout the process. In this podcast we are going to listen to the process development in this Art -Science project. What kind of story do you want to tell as an artist? What are the potentials, and pitfalls of an interdisciplinary project like this? And of course Tom performs the actual plant music made with the Bio Orchestra. Link to Fillip Studios Bio Orchestra:  https://fillipstudios.com/projects/bio-orchestra/ www.fillipstudios.com   Credits: Intro and outro music: De Raad van Toezicht. (Song: Snake.)Website: https://www.deraadvantoezicht.nl/ Intermezzo’s by Lotte Bijl Composer plant music: Falk Hübner

  • S03E02: Student stories from the Honours Programme

    20/10/2019 Duración: 44min

    In this episode we joined forces with our great colleagues at the Honours Programme. Last semester, students from the programme were assigned to work in audio on the subject of the body (in art). Dennis is joined by one of the coördinators and teachers of the programme.  Produced by Ondercast in conjunction with Studium Generale ArtEZ. Honours Programme editor for this episode: Isis Germano Tune: Daan van Haaren

  • Fillip Studios Podcast EP01 (EN): Wonderment

    07/10/2019 Duración: 18min

    As mentioned in the last episode we will be broadening our scope in this third season of the podcast. One of the ways in which we’ll be doing this is by guest curated and produced mini series alongside our own episodes. We’ll have students, alumni and professionals producing their own stories right here in this feed.This episode is exactly that: a series about arts and science produced by Fillip Studio’s, alumni of the academy. For more on Fillip Studios, check out https://fillipstudios.com/. The music is by De Raad van Toezicht. Find them at https://www.deraadvantoezicht.nl/. 

  • S03E01: Elizabeth Losh and the hashtag

    23/09/2019 Duración: 39min

    Yup, we've rebranded the podcast. In this new season, we will go beyond stories of diversity and bring you a podcast about agile thinking and the power of the arts. We will delve into relevant questions of today and broadcasts diverse voices from multiple identities, perspectives and experiences. The podcast will feature personal stories and urgent research by ArtEZ students and staff and recordings of studium generale events. And so from now on, this is Radio ArtEZ.  In this first episode of the third season we will take a look at the hashtag. In the closing weeks of the last semester, we were visited by Elizabeth Losh who talked about the subject at length. Produced by Ondercast in conjunction with Studium Generale ArtEZ. Studium Generale editor for this episode: Rana Ghavami Tune: Daan van Haaren

  • S02E05 (NL): Man made

    31/07/2019 Duración: 53min

    Heads up to our English listeners: this episode of Diversity Stories is entirely in Dutch. Feel free to skip it. ;)  In deze aflevering hebben we weer een reportage door Jozien Wijkhuijs die wederom een bijeenkomst feministische leesgroep, ‘De kunst van het feminisme’,  bezocht. De avond die ze bezocht vond plaats in het Focus Filmtheater in Arnhem. Dit omdat die avond een documentaire centraal stond, namelijk Man Made van Sunny Bergman. In Man Made onderzoekt Sunny Bergman wat de maatschappelijke ideeën over mannelijkheid zijn. Wat wordt nou gezien als typisch mannelijk en in welke stereotypen uit zich dat? En hebben mannen onder deze ideeën te lijden? De documentaire werd uiteraard vertoond en na afloop ging Mister Motley-hoofdredacteur Lieneke Hulshof in gesprek met Bergman.  De leesgroep ‘De Kunst van het Feminisme’ is een samenwerking tussen ArtEZ studium generale en Mister Motley.   Reportage: Jozien Wijkhuijs Tune: Daan van Haaren Geproduceerd door Ondercast voor Studium Generale ArtEZ. 

  • S02E04: Krzysztof Czyżewski & Quining Chen

    30/06/2019 Duración: 26min

    In this episode, Krzysztof Czyżewski talks about the borderlander, and the question where do you belong as a borderlander. He talks about the beautiful concept of the empty room, as a way - the only way - to meet the other. Also, Quining Chen, who studies Media Music in Enschede, presents a song based on the concept of 'home'.  Krzysztof Czyżewski: http://sejny.academia.edu/KrzysztofCzyzewski/CurriculumVitae International Students Circle: https://www.artez.nl/en/study-at-artez/international-student-circle-isc Tune: Daan van Haaren Produced by Ondercast for Studium Generale ArtEZ. 

  • S02E03 (NL): Guess who's coming to dinner too

    26/05/2019 Duración: 01h02min

    Heads up to our English listeners: this episode of Diversity Stories is entirely in Dutch. Feel free to skip it. ;)  De derde aflevering van Diversity Stories, seizoen 2, is geheel gewijd aan Guess who’s coming to dinner too?, een evenement van de leesgroep ‘De Kunst van het Feminisme’ van ArtEZ studium generale, Mister Motley en Museum Arnhem. Dit programma werd georganiseerd naar aanleiding van de tentoonstelling Your Voice Matters die tot 12 mei te zien was, met kunstwerken van twaalf kunstenaressen over de positie van vrouwen nu en in het verleden. Zij reageren in hun werk op vraagstukken zoals seksueel geweld, rollenpatronen, uitsluiting en migratie. Een van de deelnemende kunstenaressen is Patricia Kaersenhout wiens installatie Guess who’s coming to dinner too? centraal stond tijdens de gelijknamige bijeenkomst. Kaersenhout levert met dit community art project een artistieke kritiek op het werk The Dinner Party die beeldend kunstenares Judy Chicago in 1979 maakte, waarin sterke vrouwen worden gevierd

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