Grace Community Church: Painted Post, Corning



Sermons from Pastor Allen Snapp and other guest speakers. (Sola scriptura)


  • Where Faith and Uncertainty Meet in 2024


    The message delves into the intersection of faith and uncertainty in 2024, urging a faith-filled response to life's unknowns, drawing inspiration from the Apostle Paul's readiness to embrace uncertainties, emphasizing the certainty of the gospel and individual life courses, and concluding with an encouragement to confidently face the unknowns of the coming year by putting trust in God.

  • And the Word Became Flesh


    The significance of Jesus as the Word, emphasizing his role in creation, incarnation, and communication of God's love, truth, and the promise of eternal life, inviting individuals to respond in faith and experience the transformative power of Jesus in their lives.

  • You Can’t Spell Gospel without Go


    The imperative to engage in mission and proclaim the gospel, emphasizing the inseparable connection between the concept of "Go" and the essence of the gospel message.

  • Honorable Vessel


    The message emphasizes that, despite their failures and shortcomings, individuals like Peter, Paul, and John Mark were used by God for honorable purposes, emphasizing the idea that one's past mistakes should not hinder them from being vessels for God's work. It encourages confession, repentance, and acceptance of God's forgiveness, highlighting the transformative power of faith and the ability to be set apart for good works.

  • Israel: God’s Prophetic Timepiece | Part Two


    Emphasizing the significance of Israel in biblical prophecies, the miracles surrounding its existence, and predictions about future events, including the return of Jesus Christ. It also encourages a deepening relationship with God, being prepared for the return of Christ, and engaging actively in life while following Jesus closely.

  • Israel - God's Prophetic Timepiece Part One


    Join us as we begin focusing on the significance of Israel in a prophetic context, the challenges it faces, and the belief in God's faithfulness to the people of Israel.

  • The Deadly Danger of Truth Untethered from Spirit


    This message emphasizes the dangers of disconnecting the understanding and experience of the Holy Spirit from the anchor of God's word and the need for a balanced approach that combines both Spirit and Truth in the Christian faith.

  • Three Warning Signs We’re Untethering the Spirit from the Truth


    The text warns about untethering the Holy Spirit from the truth and provides three signs of this: 1) Focusing more on the Spirit than on Jesus, 2) Making the Spirit's work about emotion rather than mission, and 3) Being preoccupied with constantly seeking "new" spiritual experiences, emphasizing the need for a balanced and grounded approach to the Holy Spirit's guidance in Christian faith.

  • The Wrath of God - Dale Ingram


    Dale Ingraham will be our guest speaker this Sunday. The title of his message is The Wrath of God and his passages will be Rom. 1:16-23 and 2:4-10.

  • Sowing to the Spirit


    Sowing to the Spirit involves recognizing the principle of reaping what you sow, where sowing to the Spirit through acts of goodness, love, and the use of spiritual gifts brings about a harvest of eternal life and positive impact on others, while sowing to the flesh results in corruption and decay in one's life.

  • Why We Need Spirit and Truth


    The sermon by Allen Snapp at Grace Community Church on October 8, 2023, emphasizes the importance of both the Holy Spirit and the Truth (the Bible) in the Christian faith, highlighting that we need both for spiritual life, salvation, fulfilling the church's mission, and discernment in our walk with God.

  • Declaring God's Faithfulness; Past, Present, and Future


    Grace Community Church's 20th anniversary message, delivered by Allen Snapp, celebrated God's enduring faithfulness and emphasized the church's commitment to deepening faith, community, and service in the years to come.

  • Going From Victim to Victor


    Using the story of David and Saul from 2 Samuel 1 to emphasize the importance of refusing to embrace permanent victimhood, honoring those who have wronged us, and putting others in the best light possible, ultimately highlighting the transformation from victim to victor through faith and grace.

  • Finding Good News in the Wreckage of a Doomed Life


    Discovering hope and salvation amidst a life headed for destruction.

  • Recovering What Was Lost


    The message centers on the story of David's resilience in the face of devastating loss, emphasizing his journey of mourning, finding strength in God, seeking divine guidance, and ultimately fighting to recover what was taken from him.

  • To Spear or to Spare: Dealing with an Abusive Leader Part Two


    When dealing with an abusive leader, don't retaliate, treat them with love, create distance, speak truth respectfully but firmly, distrust words without consistent actions, and trust God for justice.

  • God’s Work in the Wilderness Part One


    David's journey through the wilderness teaches him to trust God in loneliness, homelessness, and cruelty. It shapes him into a man after God's heart, emphasizing the importance of relying on Jesus as our refuge. The wilderness serves as a transformative experience to mold us into who God intends us to be.

  • A Beautiful Friendship Part Two


    Explore the loyal bond between Jonathan and David, their sacrificial friendship built on character, loyalty, and truthful communication.

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