Grace Community Church: Painted Post, Corning



Sermons from Pastor Allen Snapp and other guest speakers. (Sola scriptura)


  • The Death of a Dream


    "The Death of a Dream" explores the theme of enduring faith and trust in God's promises, illustrated through the story of Abraham, who faced long delays and seeming impossibilities before God's promises were fulfilled, emphasizing that God's timing often brings life from what appears to be dead.

  • What’s Law Got to Do With It?


    The message titled "What’s Law Got To Do With It?" delves into the interaction between faith and law in the gospel, using the stories of Abraham and David to illustrate how righteousness is attained through faith rather than works, emphasizing that while the law is not abolished by faith, it is upheld and fulfilled through the grace of God.

  • God’s Righteousness Received by Faith in Christ


    "God’s Righteousness Received by Faith in Christ" is that despite all humanity being guilty and unable to justify themselves through their actions, the righteousness of God is made available to all who believe in Jesus Christ, as God Himself becomes both the just Judge and the justifier of those who have faith in Him, emphasizing that salvation is not earned but received as a gift through faith in Christ.

  • God Judges The Secrets of Men


    In Romans 2:12-16, Paul underscores that both those who have the law and those who don't will be judged based on their actions and the secrets of their hearts, emphasizing that true righteousness is not merely about hearing the law but about doing it, as God judges the secrets of men through Christ Jesus.

  • Religion Can’t Save Us from God’s Wrath


    Paul's admonition in Romans 2 against hypocritical judgment; while faith in God's salvation through Christ doesn't negate the importance of good works, it ensures our safety from divine wrath, akin to standing on scorched earth where judgment has already fallen, thanks to Jesus' sacrifice.

  • The Wrath of God is Revealed


    In Romans 1:16-18, Paul emphasizes the revealing of God's wrath against ungodliness and unrighteousness, underscoring the desperate need for the gospel, which offers salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, showcasing God's righteousness and love in contrast to the consequences of sin.

  • The Resurrection Declares There Is More Beyond (message only)


    The Resurrection Declares There Is More Beyond asserts the transformative power of Christ's resurrection, challenging limitations imposed by doubt, fear, and death, and offering hope of a reality beyond the confines of this world.

  • Seeing Palm Sunday From Different Vantage Points


    Seeing Palm Sunday from multiple perspectives: Jesus as a king but not of this world, the fickle nature of crowd support, and Jesus as the sacrificial Lamb, emphasizing a deeper understanding of his mission and our relationship with him beyond traditional celebrations.

  • The Righteousness of God Revealed


    Paul's letter to the Romans reveals that the righteousness of God, unattainable through human effort, is gifted to believers through faith in Jesus Christ, transforming the impossible climb of moral perfection into a journey of grace and redemption.

  • The Obedience that Comes from Faith


    The obedience that comes from faith refers to a transformative adherence to God's commands that naturally flows from a heart transformed by trust in and acceptance of the grace and lordship of Jesus Christ, rather than a precondition for salvation.

  • Dare to Doubt


    Guest Speaker: Walt Bieser Series: "Guest Speakers" 3/3/24

  • This Is A Hard Saying


    Special Guest Speaker Joel Hudson

  • Finding Our Identity in the Love of Christ


    The message explores Paul's prayer in Ephesians 3 for believers to find their identity in the vast, unearned love of Christ, contrasting it with the performative, insecure identities shaped by contemporary culture, and highlights the transformative power of understanding and experiencing this love within the community of faith.

  • From the Sidelines to the Frontlines


    The transformative journey from passive observance to active participation in Christian ministry, emphasizing the use of individual gifts for communal service and spiritual growth.

  • Speaking the Truth in Love


    This message emphasizes the importance of growing in spiritual maturity within the church through speaking the truth in love, guided by sound doctrine and unified in Christ.

  • Come and See


    "Come and See" is a sermon exploring the challenge of practically living out the church's mission to share the gospel, emphasizing authentic, personal witness and inviting others to experience Jesus for themselves.

  • The Connection We Long For


    "The Connection We Long For" delves into the human condition without Christ, the restoration of relationships through Jesus, and the call for believers to invest in deep connections within the church community, emphasizing a two-way street of encouragement, love, and reaching others.

  • The Church Challenge


    Focusing on the foundational role of Jesus in building the church, the challenges it faces, and the need for believers to embrace challenges as opportunities for spiritual growth, emphasizing the importance of mutual support, love, service, and prayer within the church community.

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