Grace Community Church: Painted Post, Corning



Sermons from Pastor Allen Snapp and other guest speakers. (Sola scriptura)


  • A Beautiful Friendship Part One


    Jonathan and David develop a deep friendship based on character and faith in God. Their friendship withstands adversity, as Jonathan remains loyal to David when he is in danger. The importance of true, loyal friendships and loving one another as Jesus commanded is emphasized.

  • The Torment of Jealousy


    Saul's jealousy torments him as David succeeds. Saul plots to kill David, leading to his own downfall. The story underscores the destructive power of jealousy and the importance of God's favor.

  • We Have a Champion!


    The story of David and Goliath teaches us that Jesus is our champion who defeated sin and death. We can learn from David's example to face our own giants with faith, run towards them instead of away, and use the weapons God has already given us. The battle is the Lord's, and with Him, we are more than conquerors.

  • Open Windows, Open Doors


    "Open Windows, Open Doors" - a message about the importance of the church having open windows and doors to let in God's love and power, and to share it with the world. Pray, believe, and live with open hearts and minds.

  • Consult the Circles


    The passage discusses the importance of starting with the inner person and writing the commandments on the tablet of one's heart to find favor and success in the sight of God and man. It also emphasizes the importance of trusting in the Lord, acknowledging Him in all ways, and turning away from evil, as this will be healing to one's flesh and refreshment to one's bones. All of life fits into one of two circles, and the passage encourages readers to consult those circles to add health and refreshment to their lives.

  • Man Looks On the Outward, God Looks On the Heart


    The story of David being anointed as king by Samuel reminds us that while humans tend to judge by outward appearances, God sees the heart and knows the true character of a person.

  • Did Jesus Really Rise from The Dead?


    Jesus is the Risen Savior who walks with us in life and comes especially close as we walk through the dark valley of the shadow of death, promising that the light may be turned off for a time, but on the great resurrection day, that light will be turned back on, brighter than ever.

  • The Most Horrible, Wonderful, Holy Week of All


    Jesus' entry into Jerusalem was a time of great hope and promise, but it was also a time of great sorrow and pain. It was the beginning of the end, but it was also the beginning of a new beginning.

  • Succeeding Backwards – Tracking the Fall of King Saul Part Two


    "Succeeding Backwards" is a sermon on the story of King Saul, who failed because of his pride and disobedience. The sermon encourages listeners to avoid Saul's mistakes by putting their faith in Jesus and obeying God.

  • Succeeding Backwards: Tracking the Fall of King Saul (Part One)


    Man-driven success craves more and more and is never satisfied. When we’re driven to get more and more success (however we define it) we are seeking man-driven success. More money, a better job, a bigger home, a faster car, more respect and social status, more admiration, applause, people serving us.

  • Dealing with Despisers, Dividers, and Downright Toxic People


    There will always be despisers in our lives. People on the sidelines who judge and criticize anyone who attempts anything. There will always be critics who don’t enter the fray, don’t try to solve the problems, don’t have any productive contributions to make, but boy they sure know better than anyone else how it should be done.

  • The King Calls Us to Action


    Jesus died on the cross to cleanse us from our sin and restore us to deep, loving friendship with God, that we might be adopted as precious sons and daughters.

  • Trusting God in the Midst of Change


    What’s important is what God says about you and what He says goes to our head, heart, and to the depths of our soul. Hear that through the filter of the gospel and what Jesus our King came to do for us.

  • At the Corner of Ordinary and Ordained


    The more we lose ourselves in the infinite love of God that is in Christ Jesus, the more we find what life is.

  • Give Us A King!


    In The Days Of Uncertainty, We Must Turn To The King’s Word Rather Than Turn To The kings Of The World

  • Never Count God Out!


    Never count God out! He will glorify His name and He will deliver His people. Let’s draw near to God, turn from idols, and believe God for great things.

  • How to Keep Your Future from Becoming a Dead End


    We don’t want our future to only be bright in eternity, we want it to be bright here and now

  • Those Who Honor Me I Will Honor


    Sometimes honoring God means doing the right thing when it’s hard and there may be people who don’t like you for it, but in the end honoring God will help us have favor with both God and man.

  • Give That Burden to God!


    Often God will use burdens to move us out of a “bless me God” mindset to a “help me to be a blessing to others” mindset. He will use burdens to bring about the best. The jumble of our lives can make sense when we trust that God sees the end from the beginning.

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