Living Springs Q&a



The staff of Living Springs take questions from all across the board as we seek to understand God, His ways, His word and how He relates to the world we live in.


  • Inverted Orthodoxy #325 - AER, Jesus as the word, Anna and maybe more

    07/02/2024 Duración: 53min

    AER - on episode 322 you talk about how we should follow God‘s law in the service of others. If the laws set by the government are contradictory to God’s love for the defenseless. The provincial government announced that they want to make mandatory that schools and teachers out trans students if they want to use a name different from their birth, even if they’re just experimenting. Trans kids are already exponentially at higher risk for self harm, suicide and suicidal thoughts. It’s clear that most Christian parents would not support their kids decision in this way and that would cause harm. Should Christian teachers obey the law even though it harms some of the most vulnerable people in our society? I’m struggling hard with this, even though I’m working through what I believe in regards to trans people and the faith because kids deserve to be safe and sometimes their school is their only avenue to experiment with their identity.What does it mean that Jesus is the “Word”? What would be a synonym for “word” in

  • Inverted Orthodoxy #324- AER, T.U.L.I.P, Jesus as the word and maybe more

    31/01/2024 Duración: 58min

    1. Kyle mentioned the Protestant Reformers a few podcasts ago. Do you hold to the doctrines that came out of the reformation? The five solas? What about Calvanism? All five points?2. What does it mean that Jesus is the “Word”? What would be a synonym for “word” in this case? Is it “the ultimate truth”? And if so, how does the ultimate truth bring things into existence, including life? I’ve always just accepted that Jesus is the Word, without really thinking about what that means.

  • Inverted Orthodoxy 323 - AER, How Reformed are we? Word up Jesus and maybe more.

    24/01/2024 Duración: 56min

    in episode #323, Pastors Kyle, Doug, and Blake discuss the following: AER: the transgender question on episode 322. Could you clarify - is transgenderism right or wrong? Not talking about intersex or gender dysphoria, but trying to change from one gender to another or trying to be non-binary - is that wrong? Do you practice ‘pronoun hospitality’? If a professing Christian decides to be transgender and goes through with surgery - do you affirm this? What would you do if your teenager or younger child decides to take cross-sex hormones - do you let them? Is it hateful or loving to not affirm this? What do you think of SOGI in our public schools?Kyle mentioned the Protestant Reformers a few podcasts ago. Do you hold to the doctrines that came out of the reformation? The five solas? What about Calvanism? All five points?What does it mean that Jesus is the “Word”? What would be a synonym for “word” in this case? Is it “the ultimate truth”? And if so, how does the ultimate truth bring things into existence, includi

  • Inverted Orthodoxy #322- What happens after death, The fall and morality, Transgender Christians, an

    17/01/2024 Duración: 55min

    In this weeks episode, Pastors Doug, Blake, and Kyle discuss the following: 1. I’m a little confused what happens to you after death. I read a few different answers. I read that your soul leaves your body and goes into a dream like state, there is judgement right away, day of judgment, that judgement will happen in two stages - an initial personal judgement when people die, followed by the definitive judgement at the end of it as well as Second Coming (Parousia). I always believed that when you died your body is left on earth but your soul goes to heaven. The pain is left behind and that you live in eternal “bliss” (lack of a better word) but I’m so confused with this sleep like state. Same question about hell. Thanks!2.Would there be morality if there was no fall? When God created Adam and Eve they did not know Good from Evil until they ate from the tree, prior to that everything just was. Does that also mean God intended on us never knowing the difference between the two? 3.Do you believe that a person tran

  • Inverted Orthodoxy #321- Spiritual Laws, Unequal Yokes, Comic Strips, and maybe more!

    10/01/2024 Duración: 58min

    In this weeks episode, Pastors Kyle and Doug discuss the following:1.Similar to how there’s laws to the physical world like the laws of physics, are there laws to the spiritual world? What would they be or what would your hypotheses be?2. 2 Cor 6 talks about being unequally yoked together with unbelievers. In the past I have heard it said that it means we shouldn’t be overly friendly with unbelievers. I have  also heard that it is referring only to marriage. Can you please clarify this.3. What are your thoughts on this comic 

  • Inverted Orthodoxy #320- AER, Image of God, and maybe more!

    03/01/2024 Duración: 58min

    we’re back from Christmas break and can’t wait to answer your questions. In episode #320 Pastors Doug, Kyle, and Blake discuss the following: 1.AER for the Israel and Hamas question. Thank you for fleshing that out, I appreciate how you made it a conversation that was not black and white, that there is not just two sides there are multiple sides. That was the point that I was trying to make. We get so caught up in polarizing views then rather thinking about the multiple views and situations present. I also appreciated how you said it is more Hamas and political national Israel, there are Palestinians and Israelite's that are disagreeing with Hamas actions and the Israelite government. Thank you for bringing that clarity. I hope this helps people to think beyond what social media, news outlets and maybe even what our friendship circles say. Thank you for popping our bubbles when it comes to issues like this, I really enjoy how you guys challenge us all. 2. Regarding the question that came in about whether God

  • Inverted Orthodoxy #320- Sanctuary Time, God and suicide image of God and more

    20/12/2023 Duración: 56min

    Inverted Orthodoxy #320- Our Hearts on Sanctuary, God and suicide, What does God look like, and maybe more!In Episode #320, Pastors Kyle, Doug, and Blake discuss the following:1. What is your heart for the Living Springs community during Sanctuary? In a space where we all have different needs and traditions and desires how do we honor one another and create a space where we all feel free to worship openly?2.Does god love suicidal people3. What does it mean for humans to be made in the image of God? Is it more that we are made up of aspects of the trinity or is it that God looks like a human? Additionally what’s the image you see when you think of God?

  • Inverted Orthodoxy #318 - Throwing out Sundays, non sucky Christian movies, Corinthians 15 and more

    13/12/2023 Duración: 53min

    In this episode of Inverted Orthodoxy, Pastors Kyle and Doug discuss the following:1. If you could throw out the “Sunday morning service” playbook and totally reimagine what doing life for Christ in community looks like, what would you do?2. Pitch me a post-apocalyptic Christian novel/tv show that doesn't suck.3. In Corinthians 15: 24-28, it really doesn’t sound like Paul believes that Christ and God are the same. He says that when the end comes, Christ will hand everything over to God, that God is not under His authority but that He is under God’s authority, and that when He hands over the reins, “then God will be in control of everything”. Do we as Christians disagree with Paul? This is very confusing.4. What is your heart for the Living Springs community during Sanctuary? In a space where we all have different needs and traditions and desires how do we honor one another and create a space where we all feel free to worship openly?

  • Inverted Orthodoxy #317 - why Doug is weird, organ donations for Jesus, Israel and Hamas… Maybe more

    06/12/2023 Duración: 55min

     1.AER on weirdness. Doug likes the smell of coffee but doesn't like to drink coffee.2.I am trying to decide whether to sign my organ donor card, and then I read first Corinthians????? 6:13 to 15, and it seems to say that our bodies are not just physical entities like food and stomachs, and that God raised Jesus body, and that he will also raise our bodies. I don’t know what to make of all this.3. I have been listening to some new outlets and pod casts on the israel and hamas conflict. I do not condone the actions of hamas, but I have recently learned that the Israeli government has been oppressing Palestinians since about 1948, when Jews were presented the land as a symbol of reconciliation after the atrocities of Ww 2. However over time they have taken over the land and have pushed the Palestinians out of the land that they have had for centuries before. I have two questions: many Christian’s would say that israel has the right to fight because it is Gods land for the Jews, and even after these attacks, how

  • Inverted Orthodoxy #316 - AER, cultivating hope, endless money/time pastors are weird

    29/11/2023 Duración: 53min

    In this weeks episode, Pastors Doug, Kyle, and Blake discuss the following: AER Regarding the treatment of someone in the church doing something inappropriate: although it is true that Paul, in 1st Cor. told them how to treat such a person, he also told them to back off in 2 Cor 2: 6-8. I personally dont know how to take this in light of all the SBC shinanigans. " have imposed a severe enough forgive and comfort so that he is not overwhelmed...I urge you to assure him that he is loved "The New Testament writers spoke a lot about hope. What is this hope they speak of and how can we cultivate this hope in our lives today?Here's a fun question for you guys. If you had endless money and time, what would you spend your time doing?Being a pastor is probably a weird job. Like most jobs, weird people can get into it and cause some trouble, but pastoring seems to be potentially more destructive when misused by people. What kind of “checks” do you have in place to ensure that you don’t become des

  • Inverted Orthodoxy #Encore Episode 292- Radical Political Christianity, The translated Bible, Posses

    22/11/2023 Duración: 57min

    1.Explanation? One of you said on the last Q&A, that we celebrate the Sabbath on Sunday because that’s when Jesus was risen, but the women went to put spices on Jesus’ body very early on Sunday morning, and he wasn’t there. Why do we assume he was not risen on Saturday? It seems to me that we would have been able to relate better to the Jewish people if we had kept the proper Sabbath.2.No question, just want to say I Enjoy this podcast ,you guys have a lot of fun,you are Knowledgable & non judgmental and always very carefully answer the questions and are honest about not knowing it all, in sometimes trying to decipher the http://questions.thank -you!3.Do you think the more the states pushes such a radical Christian right wing ideal, the further it will push people away from Christianity?4.I can only assume the Bible was translated into English at some point. Is it possible that certain stories or teachings are miss translated? Or translated incorrectly? Would this change anything if things have been omitted o

  • Special Episode: Powers and Principalities LFT

    17/11/2023 Duración: 01h33min

    Join us for this long form teaching about the powers and principalities of the spiritual realm through the eyes of the original audience of scripture. Pastor Kyle explores this subject throughout the Old Testament, New Testament and more. Find the companion handout with the link below. If you have questions you can email Kyle at kyle@livingspringsairdrie.comHandout:

  • Inverted Orthodoxy #315 - Hearing Gods voice, Immoral brother and cultivating hope

    15/11/2023 Duración: 54min

    1. How do each of you process the times you thought you heard God say something to you or lead you a certain way only to experience the opposite coming true?2.Please reword this question if you need to as I’ve struggled for weeks with how to ask it. In 1 Corinthians 5:11-13 it talks about expelling the immoral brother from the church. How do we follow this teaching in today’s culture? How is this becoming the love of Jesus to those in our church? What is our role in peoples lives when they claim to love Jesus but seem to have no problems not following his commands to keep sex within the bounds of marriage or many other teachings. Wouldn’t we all need to be expelled from the church for something in our lives?3.The New Testament writers spoke a lot about hope. What is this hope they speak of and how can we cultivate this hope in our lives today?

  • Special Episode: Hell LFT (Long Form Teaching Reupload)

    14/11/2023 Duración: 01h48min

    Tune into this Long form Teaching from Pastors Kyle and Doug about the three orthodox views on Hell. See the hand outs and files below.

  • Inverted Orthodoxy #314- AER, Forgiving evil, Hearing God, The immoral brother, and maybe more!

    08/11/2023 Duración: 58min

    On this weeks episode, Pastors Kyle, Doug, and Blake discuss the following:1.Does God ask us to forgive Evil? When the act is ongoing and so entirely demonic and evil and causes so much pain. I know the bible says "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do" but what if they know exactly what they're doing? Is this christian culture that requires us to forgive EVERYTHIG maybe toxic in its own way? Where's the line?2. How do each of you process the times you thought you heard God say something to you or lead you a certain way only to experience the opposite coming true?3.Please reword this question if you need to as I’ve struggled for weeks with how to ask it. In 1 Corinthians 5:11-13 it talks about expelling the immoral brother from the church. How do we follow this teaching in today’s culture? How is this becoming the love of Jesus to those in our church? What is our role in peoples lives when they claim to love Jesus but seem to have no problems not following his commands to keep sex within the bou

  • Inverted Orthodoxy #313 Truth and Recnciliation, Kyle’s preaching, too much weight on salvation pray

    01/11/2023 Duración: 56min

    In our first episode as Inverted Orthodoxy Pastors Kyle, Blake, and Doug discuss the following:1.Regarding Truth and Reconciliation day. Why is it that public schools close to recognize the holiday but Catholic schools stay open? Additionally, should Christian’s and Catholics be educating or educated more on residential schools and their abuse? 2. I attended the Long form teaching night on hell, and I will preface with I’m not sure I have a question or a statement. I absolutely adore when pastor Kyle preaches and it seems he’s so passionate and educated about most all he preaches on. I’ve noticed he’s not preaching as much, and it makes me wonder…why? Sometimes when at the gatherings I can’t help but feel some pastors aren’t as passionate with their messages and that might just not be where their hearts are specifically in preaching. obviously everyone should have the opportunity to preach and grow, not to be disparaging of other pastors but could it be that they just aren’t as passionate and have gifting els

  • Q&A #312- Word vs word, Spirit roommate, Truth and Reconciliation, and maybe more!

    25/10/2023 Duración: 56min

    In episode #312, Pastors Doug, Kyle, and Blake discuss the following:1. I have a question about the word "Word" and "word" in the Bible. It appears that when the capital W is used, it is talking about Jesus. But the lower case "word" I'm struggling with. I would assume that the New Testament writers are not talking about their own accounts/letters. Like I don't see Paul talking about the word and him meaning the letter he wrote to the Ephesians or Philippians or even him talking about the accounts written by Matthew or John. First of all, without a printing press, those letters and accounts would not have been massed produced. Second of all, I would think the New Testament writers would hold the Holy Scriptures in such high esteem that they would never put their writings on the same level as those. So when I read the word "word" in the New Testament, is that talking about the Old Testament? Just the Torah? Or is it just talking about the things God says directly to us? What is the "word" in the New Testament

  • Q&A #311- AER Nepotism, Gender roles and identity, safe spaces, and maybe more!

    18/10/2023 Duración: 58min

    AER: I’m curious about Doug’s comments regarding the nepotism conversation on the board. If a couple serves as “one voice” on the board wouldn’t that be the same for a couple working in the church? And I’m wondering if the answer is no, does that mean Doug and Loralie have never spoken even of ideas for the church at home? I guess I just don’t understand the way it’s laid out with the board/ staff 1. Hello, I have just started listening to your podcast and have enjoyed your takes on certain questions both pastorally and personally. I have a question about transgender and people struggling with their gender. I am wondering what your thoughts are on the impact that gender roles have played on people becoming trans genders? And also how certain genders will assume something from that gender, this can be for both male and female. Been wrestling with my own views but don’t want to be in a bubble where my views are the only thing I hear.2. At Living Springs, do you feel it would be a safe space for a trans person t

  • Q&A #310- AER on Nepotism, Romans 11:30-33, Marching for children? and maybe more!

    11/10/2023 Duración: 58min

    In episode #310, Pastors Doug, Blake, and Kyle discuss the following:AER: I’m curious about Doug’s comments regarding the nepotism conversation on the board. If a couple serves as “one voice” on the board wouldn’t that be the same for a couple working in the church? And I’m wondering if the answer is no, does that mean Doug and Loralie have never spoken even of ideas for the church at home? I guess I just don’t understand the way it’s laid out with the board/ staff 1 .Could you please explain what Roman's 11:30-33 means to each of you?Thank you2. The 1MillionMarchForChildren protest makes me sick and scared for our country, especially our province. LGBTQ people and youth are being villianized and discriminated against. During BLM churches would stand and agree with black people. Who stands with the gay people? Are we too afraid to offend those in the church that we won’t stand up for those whom Jesus loves? LGBTQ kids are exponentially at higher risk for abuse in schools, self harm and suicide and yet the chu

  • Q&A #309- Becoming a Pastor, Catholic purgatory, Adopting catholic practice, Cliques, and maybe more

    04/10/2023 Duración: 55min

    In episode #309, Pastors Kyle and Blake discuss the following: 1. I am graduating this year and hoping to attend school to become a pastor. I’m curious if you can talk about what credentials you need to preach? Additionally, if there aren’t necessarily credentials, how do you go about preaching in a church? How does one go about becoming a leadership staff? 2.Is there a scriptural basis for the Catholic view of purgatory? Where does that come from?Have you ever participated in or observed an exorcism? Would you say that there are “too many” exorcisms done in our culture (I.e. people over exaggerating struggles as demon possession)? Or “too few” (I.e. underestimating the influence of evil spirits)?3.If you had to adopt any Catholic practice (that is not adopted by the church already), which one would it be? Is there any practice that you vehemently would not adopt?4.Are cliques a symptom of any public setting? We are relatively new to the church and can find it to be a bit cliquey, is this something you’ve hea

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