Living Springs Q&a



The staff of Living Springs take questions from all across the board as we seek to understand God, His ways, His word and how He relates to the world we live in.


  • Q&A #308- Blaspheme, is God programming our simulation, Nepotism in leadership, and maybe more!

    20/09/2023 Duración: 54min

    1. Mark 3:29 says, “but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; they are guilty of an eternal sin.” Please help me understand this statement from Jesus. What does it look like to blaspheme the Holy Spirit?2. Treat this question as fun or serious as you want:Could we be living in a simulation? Could God be the original programmer of that simulation? Jesus is his avatar to communicate with us? The Holy Spirit is the notes in the code?3.I was reading an article about the challenges some modern churches have faced and came across a conversation about nepotism in churches. “Nepotism in church leadership is not unhealthy until it is,” from Grady King. It has me thinking of the challenges that some state big name churches have done, And it had me wondering, how difficult it would be to manage a church like a family business? I can imagine it would be hard for both parties (the family members and the employees) particularly to keep the communication open and safe. Should hiring family be al

  • Q&A #307- Peleg and division, Babel and the flood, Abrahamic Family House, and maybe more!

    13/09/2023 Duración: 54min

    In episode #307 Pastors Doug, Kyle, and Blake discuss the following:1. Less than 200 years after the flood,, Peleg was born, and Genesis 10 says his name means Division because “in his day, the earth was divided”. My Bible uses earth when they men the physical earth. Is it possible this is talking about the division of the continents?2. Further to the question on earth division: do we know whether Babel occurred before or after the flood and could God have physically divided the earth to keep the populations scattered? How else could God have “scattered them all over the face of the earth”?3. What are your thoughts on the Abrahamic Family House, Pope Francis' involvement, one world religion and how it relates to scripture. The website mentions a "Higher Committee of Human Fraternity" and it consists of "a mosque, church, synagogue, and educational center" and it's goal is to support peace and unity. Revelation 17:1–18 references to several characteristics of the one-world religion and the term "harlot" used t

  • Q&A #306- Christians and Muslims, The Universe, and Demon travel

    06/09/2023 Duración: 57min

    On Q&A episode #306 Pastors Doug, Kyle and Blake discuss the following 1. Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God? Just considering the conflict over God’s promise to Abraham as being through Isaac or Ishmael.2. What if the universe is 6,000 years old but also billions of years old? When God created Adam and Eve the understanding is he created them mature, and assuming that he would also make trees mature would they have had rings? God has the ability to create whatever at whatever age/life stage so what if he did that with the universe3. How do demons travel? Angels often have wings and that allows them to fly around, that makes sense, but I’ve never heard of a demon depicted as having wings. Does that mean if a demon wants to go to another country it has to go on planes, trains or automobiles? Is there spiritual customs?

  • Q&A #305- Why do you believe, Christians and AI, Love and trinity , and maybe more!

    23/08/2023 Duración: 49min

    In episode #305, Pastors Doug and Blake discuss the following:1. For each of you individually, why do you believe that there is a God?2. What are your thoughts on Christian’s and AI? I’ve heard some pastors are integrating it into their sermons and having it write parts for them.. is this problematic?3. If God existed in perfect love within the trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Why did God decide to create? Specifically why did God create humans in His likeness?

  • Q&A #304- Married pastors, Quotable God, Hebrews and Jesus, and maybe more!

    09/08/2023 Duración: 54min

    Q&A episode #304 Marks Pastor Doug's return from sabbatical! Doug, Kyle, and Blake discuss the following:1. Do you need to be married to be a pastor?2. What lens do you use when reading the Old Testament to discern what is literally God’s word when he is attributed a quotation (I.e. “God said …”) vs. what is someone’s (the author’s) overextension to have an excuse to destroy another nation and/or take all their stuff? Should every quote attributed to God be assumed that He actually said it 3. The writer of Hebrews seems to indicate very clearly that he/she does not think Jesus is God, but is the son of God (firstborn). Is this to make Jesus seem not like the Messiah? I can’t figure this out. Thank you.

  • Q&A #303- God and time, Airdrie Pride, Nehemiah and the non- Jewish, and maybe more!

    26/07/2023 Duración: 58min

    In episode #303, Pastors Kyle and Blake discuss the following:1. What do you mean by God being outside of time? You say that a lot, I’ve said it before, but it doesn’t really make sense? How do we know that God exists outside of time, how do we know anything can even be outside of time? if God is outside of time, then that would be God knows all things past present and future, so that wouldn’t work with Kyle’s open theism. It also wouldn’t work with the concept of free will if God already knows the exact outcome of every situation. Would it not be more accurate to say that God exists as we exist, moving through time to reach his ends?2. Obviously it’s too late for this year, but is it worth having a tent for prayer at Airdrie Pride next year? 3. Do you think Nehemiah was right (amongst others) to keep the Jews from marrying non-Jewish? Is it true that they would pollute the bloodline? I know that my own extended family would not have known the Gospel if there was no intermingling of Christian and non-Christia

  • Q&A # 302-

    12/07/2023 Duración: 55min
  • Q&A #301- AER, God and rest, the death of the mainstream church, respectful disagreement, and more!

    28/06/2023 Duración: 51min

    In episode #301, Pastors Kyle and Blake discuss the following:Hi Pastors, twice today you mentioned the name of a podcast! I didn't quite catch the name of it! What was it, please? Thank you, Lorraine I feel very conflicted as a regular WM attender about the upcoming bonfire. Is it in poor taste to be hosting one when most of the province is on fire? I’m not trying to be negative and I’ve come to all the wm events for years now… but, I wonder if others have the same thoughts. The BEMA podcast seems to keep coming back to this idea that God is a god of rest, and that he focuses a lot on having His people rest in Him. I’m wondering what it means to you to rest (like a sabbath) but also what it means to you to rest in him.Do you think mainstream church is dying? And if so, is it because some churches can’t adapt to a more modern outlook or times? Or is this a post Covid symptom we should see change inAre people generally quicker to jump into categorizing people? Example: if you don’t agree with an ideology, you’

  • Q&A #300- The milestone episode! feedback, commentary, reflection, and maybe even some new questions

    14/06/2023 Duración: 57min

    it's finally here! The long awaited, much anticipated, 300th episode!In this milestone episode, Pastors Doug, Kyle, and Blake reflect on the podcast, where we started, what the future looks like. We read listener feedback and responses, announce our gift card winners, and maybe even get to some new questions.We'd like to thank all of our listeners for their participation in the podcast. Without your contributions, this podcast would not exist in this format. Thank you for learning, growing, tackling tough questions, and expanding your knowledge with us. We'd like to think episode 300 is just the beginning, so please keep those questions coming.This episode mentions our sermon series on Revelation, you can view that series, and all other via our main webpage. You can ask a question here:

  • Q&A #298- Addiction and becoming an enabler, why read Leviticus, Jesus becoming sin, and maybe more!

    31/05/2023 Duración: 58min

    Pastors Doug, Kyle and Blake return for episode #298 discussing the following:And a reminder! Only two weeks left to share your thoughts, learnings, feedback, etc for episode #300! Submit your response to be entered to win a gift card 1.A good friend of mine is struggling badly with addiction. I'm stuck between keeping them in my life to try to help them out of this but also not enabling their behaviour. How as pastors, would you handle this? Is it not loving like Jesus to say I know you're struggling but I have to walk away?2.Why should I read Leviticus? After I’ve read it once, why should I ever come back to it?3. 2 Corinthians 5:21 says, “For your sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God”. My question is this, How does Jesus become sin when we know that he is sinless? Is it imputation? Jesus took on our sin and in exchange gave us is righteousness, or is there more going on in this sentence?

  • Q&A #297- The AER episode! Lots of leadership and board talk, LGBTQ concerns, and maybe more

    24/05/2023 Duración: 58min

    In episode #297, Pastors Doug and Blake discuss the following:Don't forget to send us your feedback, things you've learned, or things you want addressed for our. 300th episode to be entered to win a prize for your loyal listenership.1. Okay, I feel like you sometimes skirt questions with semantics... can I ask some follow up on the gay board question... let's say this: Scenario 1: someone serving the church currently is gay and is in a gay relationship. they've loyally attended the church, tithe, and are out. Could they serve on the board? If they were a member and were on the nominations for the board. Let's just say they are largely in favour to be elected to the board Scenario 2: the person is gay, isn't in a relationship (decides to never pursue one) and actively serves the church.Could they be on the board? They are a member and are nominated, and are largely in favour by all members to be elected to the board Also, can you please respectfully stop comparing LGBTQ issues with things like addiction? This

  • Q&A #296- Gay board members, Old Testament terminology, the land debate, and maybe more!

    17/05/2023 Duración: 57min

    In episode #296, Pastors Doug, Kyle, and Blake discuss the following:1. If someone currently going to the church and is gay, would they be allowed to be on the board?2. What’s the difference between the terms “Hebrew”, “Israelite”, “Jew”, and “Semite” when referring to the people group of the Old Testament? When should we use each of them and/or how do they differ from one another3. I’ve been thinking about the land the church has access to.. would it be possible to make a shelter for those struggling on the property and have social workers and a community pastor tied in? Obviously many other things would need to fall into place but would this be an avenue to serve an under served community?Don't forget to submit your feedback, things you love, things you've learned, etc for episode #300 to be entered to win a prize!

  • Q&A Encore Episode #247- Church, State and Roe v. Wade, are Christians against everything, and more!

    10/05/2023 Duración: 58min

    ***Please note this episode discusses sensitive topics around women's rights, Please take care while listening***Pastors Blake, and Kyle return as a team to discuss the following: 1. In your opinion, do you think since the 2016 election in the US they've further blurred the lines between church and state? Looking at the evangelical push if you will to abolish laws that protect human rights, how problematic is this in the grand scheme of things? If an overturning of laws like Roe V. Wade in the states can happen, doesn't this also give the ok for other countries to do the same? 2. When looking at what's happening with Women's rights in the states right now, in light of abolishing Roe v. Wade, do you feel this is now blurring the lines between church and state? 3. I struggle with being associated (as a Christian) with a movement away from love. Why is it that Christians are at the forefront of the anti-abortion movement, the anti-masking/mandate movement, the pro-nationalism movements, etc. I think I know the a

  • Q&A #295- Adoption, Inter generational relationships, Gensis 1:31, and more!

    03/05/2023 Duración: 01h03min

    In episode #295, Pastors Doug, Blake, and Kyle discuss the following:1. Blake and Doug, what led you to adoption? We are starting to walk that path and I would love to hear how you and your wives got there2.Do you think that the inter generational relationships within churches are important? Why? Should churches be putting more of an emphasis on that in their congregations? 3.Genesis 1: 31 (NIV)“God saw all that He had made and it was very good”This may be less of a question and more a topic of interesting discussion but here goes. God saw that everything He created was good but a lot of that good creation, we see as bad or harmful. Taking examples from nature; earth let alone the universe was formed by colliding, collapsing, and exploding which I think we view in a negative connotation because if we were exposed it would mean immediate death…but God called that very good. I think of the ecosystems on earth where things are constantly starting life and loosing life but God says they are very good. Trees! Tree

  • Q&A #294- Possession or Oppression, Suffering and heaven, adoption, and maybe more!

    26/04/2023 Duración: 57min

     In episode #294, Pastors Doug, Kyle, and Blake discuss the following 1. What’s the difference between a demonic possession and oppression?2.Suffering is very much apart of this world. It seems like suffering causes us to grow and deepen our relationship with God. How is growth and deepening going to happen in heaven where there will be no suffering3.Blake and Doug, what led you to adoption? We are starting to walk that path and I would love to hear how you and your wives got thereIf you have a question you'd like answered, follow the link below to submit your question and be featured on an upcoming episode:

  • Q&A #293- Bible crushes, forgiveness and faith, Philips daughters and more!

    19/04/2023 Duración: 58min

    In episode 293, Pastors Doug and Kyle tackle the following questions and open the podcast with AER: AER - In episode #291 you mentioned the evangelism can often be covert-colonialism, how do you think we avoid that? How would you then disciple a new believer from a different culture? AER: Further explanation: Thank you for addressing the Sabbath question, but I have yet another question then. If, as Kyle says, Sunday is meant to represent the day of new creation, then why do we take it as a day of rest? God did not rest on the first day when he created. Should we not still be using the Sabbath for rest? 1. Who’s your bible crush 2. Regarding Luke 17:5-10, I don’t really understand the parable Jesus told of the servant coming in and then having to serve dinner, and how we’re to consider ourselves as worthless servants, only having done our duty. What does that have to do with the apostles asking Jesus to give them more faith in v.5? Is it because He just told them to forgive others continually and as servants,

  • Bonus Episode: The Bible you never knew long form teaching

    14/04/2023 Duración: 01h27min

    Join Pastor Kyle for a long form teaching of The Bible you never knew. If you have questions, comments, or concerns Kyle has asked you reach out directly via email to handout

  • Q&A #292- Radical political christianity, the translated Bible, possessed or oppressed, and more!

    12/04/2023 Duración: 58min

    1.Explanation? One of you said on the last Q&A, that we celebrate the Sabbath on Sunday because that’s when Jesus was risen, but the women went to put spices on Jesus’ body very early on Sunday morning, and he wasn’t there. Why do we assume he was not risen on Saturday? It seems to me that we would have been able to relate better to the Jewish people if we had kept the proper Sabbath.2.No question, just want to say I Enjoy this podcast ,you guys have a lot of fun,you are Knowledgable & non judgmental and always very carefully answer the questions and are honest about not knowing it all, in sometimes trying to decipher the questions.Thank -you!3.Do you think the more the states pushes such a radical Christian right wing ideal, the further it will push people away from Christianity?4.I can only assume the Bible was translated into English at some point. Is it possible that certain stories or teachings are miss translated? Or translated incorrectly? Would this change anything if things have been omitted or chang

  • Q&A #291- Ministry expansion, personal sacrifice and love languages, Old Testament to film

    05/04/2023 Duración: 56min

    In episode #291 pastors Doug, Kyle, and Blake discuss the following:1. If you were blessed with a large amount of resources how would you expand your ministry ?2. Would you consider personal sacrifice a love language? Is this healthy within a relationship even if it causes feelings of guilt and resentment?3. What Old Testament character would you like to see adapted into a film?If you have a question you'd like answered, send it to:

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