Barber Shop Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 251:34:14
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A podcast from Canada's blast furnace of music. Hamilton Ontario has been known as a bread-and-butter music town, and this show will introduce you to the best from a rich pool of musical genius. As real as it gets.


  • Addicted To Music with Dave Pomfret, George Douglas and Frank Koren

    09/04/2016 Duración: 01h25min

    We need stories. Humans have made remarkable strides through our ability to record and learn from stories. Stories educate, entertain and impart wisdom from the thoughts, turned to words that then become books, movies... and songs. Everyone sings about love, perhaps the greatest personal/universal experience of them all, but if you listen, addiction is likely the subject behind almost as many great tunes over the years. Take one moment and consider the sheer number of musical greats we have lost over the past fifty years to overdose and substance abuse and it staggers the mind. Think about the great artists, writers and musicians who have wrung their hearts out, laid bare the perils and shared their stories of the bottle, the needle or the powder and you begin to realize that these ports are merely the canary in the coal mine. Some would argue there is a glorification of the party life within the trade, others that it is merely the trappings, but either way , at some point, the party is over. For some it i

  • Caroline Wiles

    01/04/2016 Duración: 01h06min

    Never heard of her. Now I can't get her out of my mind. It started raining this night the moment I started writing and the thunder crashed at the end of the first sentence. I tell you this only because we too often take for granted the simple majesties that make an average life spectacular. Being a bit of a snob, it takes something more than beauty and charm to turn our heads. No, it takes a mastery of the craft and something more...something ethereal and grounded at once. Musicality is like humour or sexiness, there are many different ways to convey it but you either have it or you don't. Caroline has the chops, the word-smithery and the painful and playful experiences that fuel the creative soul. Taking a vested interest in music early on, she did not follow any pre determined musical destiny, but instead found her own way through the stages that marked her journey. Taking her guitar and a few books, she ground out the covers and classics, honing and improving her tools on the way to the promised land. Wr

  • Michelle Titian

    23/03/2016 Duración: 01h06min

    Michelle Titian (rhymes with magician) is a name that's been familiar to music lovers for some time now, a musical family and an early start saw to that. Exactly what form her music would take is her junk drawer next to the stove, with the memories and turns-of-phrase mixed in a jumble with the riffs and melody lines. Some of these things are used immediately while others are bundled and stored for that time that's sure to come when she needs them. Blending the stylings of the 60's singer-songwriter era with the 90's resurgence in acoustic full band sensibilities and a very solid Steeltown vibe (read: fearless, varied) the people and places all added another layer, another texture to the picture - another meaning to the line. Diving in and going hard when able and kicking back to cement friendships and woodshed invariably leads to a new crop of songs for the fire - and like a fire they tend to draw people close and provide a feeling of community. We got to welcome her and the whole band on a special pre-tap

  • Bassist Show #1

    20/03/2016 Duración: 01h33min

    Low down and dirty is the only way to go if you ask any bass player. With great tone comes great responsibility and the bass players who have the job thrust upon them never last and impress the way honest-to-goodness bass players come to their instrument. Big, deep and heavy, the rumble and groove of the bass makes any kind of music better when it's got a nice, round bottom. It's no big surprise that those who handle the bottom end are responsible for far more than counting beats, they are the ones who make the girls dance. The bass is a sexy instrument not because of the way it looks, but because of the way it makes you feel. Bass masters Tiny Basstank, Joe Varga and Gerry Gregg tune up and plug in and drop the groove. I don't think I had a better time than I did tonight. Chances are neither have you.

  • Martin Verrall and Raven's Request

    17/03/2016 Duración: 01h14min

    Martin Verrall is an interesting dude, and what you see isn't necessarily what you get. Vested and feted as an artist and writer, the poetry he creates has been made into music here for the better part of three decades. Think equal parts Cohen, Dillon, Strummer and Aqualung - Verrall has worked with some of the best in the music business and some who have no business being musicians. His gravely raspy vocal slur and layered lyrical landscapes are at once sweet and brutal. The niceties of music completely lost on his singular fractured vision. Dark, haunting imagery interspersed with beautiful truths via the fractured mirror we view our experience mark the signature features of Martin Verrall's music regardless of who he is playing with and what stage of his career you might be listening too. Raven's Request is an ensemble of sound makers and shape shifters who's names might change here and there but whose mission is always loud and clear, a tour de' force of both rapiers and artillery. Comprising Mike Wil

  • Rocket & the Invaders

    08/03/2016 Duración: 01h13min

    Music serves many purposes and has many forms in life, but for those in the fight it's a history book, a pirate map, and a rubber room to live and re-live life's best moments. Robin Magder Pierce was around in the exclusive days of vinyl and cassette, during the time Hamilton was souping up their bluesy roots with rock and roll and punk music, staking a claim to the sounds of the day with some truly memorable acts that still resonate today. Teenage Head kicked the door in and when The Shakers ran in after them, a guitar slinger named Gibbons was part of that faction that eventually spawned a few great offspring such as The Trouble Boys and Atomic Tim and the Sinz. These bands in turn drew in the players and the producers that made more than just music. Robin was a young, pretty little thing with talent and desire. The raw ability drawn out over the years, singing and writing with increasing confidence. Over time, life has a funny way of working out the kinks, holding onto the pawn tickets that are long overd

  • Hello Harvard

    25/02/2016 Duración: 01h07min

    It's truly inspiring when you get reminded that there will always be great lyrics, sweet harmonies and acoustic interplay in music. In the dog-eat-dog world of music there is always a hard row to hoe, and you'd better have your shit together if you're going to take a serious stab at it. No use having your shank break before you hit the vitals, no second chance at a first impressions around here. Hello Harvard is the pairing of Andrew Bontempo and Johnny Pomykacz, their youth, energy and millennial eyed views and personalities working well in and out of the band. They make the kind of music that has a rich tradition of modern, poppy guitar rock ditties with a wry, urbane outlook - a refreshing familiar tonic to the overly processed crop of new talented so feted in the paid content media today. This is something you can sink your teeth in, assuage your appetite and not feel bloated. Clean and neat, there's just enough stubble to make the difference between boys and men, between cynicism and wonderment. Shimm

  • Drummer Show #1

    23/02/2016 Duración: 01h32min

    The foundation of music is rhythm, and the drums have have been there since the cornerstone was laid at the dawn of mankind. For almost as long, drummers have had to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous stereotypes - the unkempt wild man, substance abuser, undependable, flakey, it's all there. Goodness knows we have been guilty as anyone here on Barber Shop Podcast for spending too little time fleshing out the individuals who provide the heartbeat to the music, often getting little more than their names before returning to the front man or chanteuse, banishing them to relative obscurity. Well, enough is enough. Drummers are real people - for the most part -and their contribution is very often paramount in any group, so crucial is their pace, feel, and toughness in the mix. It's often said that the right drummer can instantly make a bad band good and a good band great, and that's absolutely true. It's also true that they are also often some of the most interesting and wonderful people you will meet in m

  • Terrance Mouth Harp Morgan and Marcus Starr

    14/02/2016 Duración: 01h15min

    The Blues have a hold on so much popular music it's impossible to not acknowledge its place as the granddaddy of a lot of offspring the world over. At some point, if you are a musician, you WILL play the blues. Based on patterns and sequences much like folk-art needlework, the blues are stories, told by the author, shared for eternity. Like a whispered sentence buzzing in hushed tones through the room, every connotation and interpretation seamlessly embodying a piece of every crier. Field hollers and call/response cadence served this form of uniquely American music, the deltas and juke joints and speakeasies serving as the churches for these believers. For a century the blues have traveled and morphed. Any music town worth its salt will have a vibrant blues scene, and Hamilton is no exception. There are many great deciles of the blues, each with its own unique flavour - accentuating those southern roots in our own way. Terrance Harp Mouth Brown is a musician who went to school. Not Hard Knox, but Mohawk - wh

  • Matty Simpson

    05/02/2016 Duración: 01h11min

    We get all kinds here at Barber Shop Podcast, all kinds of beautiful, sustaining music and the real deal from our rich pool of real music and real musicians. Matty Simpson has seen and done quite a bit in his life as a musician, his natural curiosity and abilities on the guitar evident from very early on. Combined with the fact that his parents' business was in importing, there were many different types of musical instruments to experiment with, helping to form the quiet, fearless attitude required to be both empathetic and bold in accompaniment. A great lover of the golden era rock and roll, Matty knows all the licks and has a few of his own to raise tired eyebrows everywhere. Those eyes eventually belonged to none other than Fred Eaglesmith, the undisputed king of DIY indie musicians. Fred and the Fredheads who follow him everywhere, have had the opportunity to see and hear what a remarkable player and harmonized sideman he has become, as have the millions who saw him on network tv a few years ago on Th

  • Sarah Beatty

    05/02/2016 Duración: 36min

    We all remember the times in life where we experience growth, joy and the beautiful synergy of convergence. For us at Barber Shop Podcast, one that comes to mind occurred on October 9, 2013 when we met Sarah Beatty for the first time and saw and heard why she was so loved and respected amongst the Hamilton musical family. Honest and open, bright and articulate, the demure Beatty carries her fiercely defended sensibilities with silken gloves, delivering smart, catchy songs with a solid guitar hand and a voice at once both sweet and guileless, yet very much on point. Did we mention the girl is a scientist too? Seriously. Not only does she have the dedication and chops to hang with the best in this music hotbed, but she has the raw brain power and the work ethic to study and obtain a science degree, she's still building her dream to change the world for better, no matter what hemisphere of grey matter she is in. This show is short but sweet, kinda like her. A long overdue reunion and a genuine mutual admirati

  • Mo' Kauffey

    23/01/2016 Duración: 01h04min

    Making it in this business means playing the part. If you're a singer-songwriter, that part is equal parts history and geography. Hailing from Colorado and being an actual child of the 50's and 60's meant Mo' Kauffey was front and centre for all of the seminal moments in American music with a million dollar view. Prone to thought and concept, his connection to music grew with his writing prowess and the rough-neck stylings of a dungaree minstrel were worked like so much slurry as to reveal the gold nuggets within. Truth in music is an essential ingredient and that recipe proved to be a hit with the good people and bad actors that caught a whiff. Canada was a million miles away until a fair lady and a desire to explore the unknown brought him to our parts some years back and he settled into the rich tri-city music scene, making friends and good impressions pretty well wherever he went. On this chilly late January night he brings the band and message to Barber Shop Podcast with a few tales and a few songs for

  • Hachey The MouthPEACE

    15/01/2016 Duración: 01h26min

    Beat boxers are a dime a dozen, and no punk ass kid is going to invade these hallowed halls with conspicuous attitude and questionable talent. Good thing we never have to deal with that kind of shit here in Hamilton because we have one of the very best mouth masters around. Hachey The MouthPEACE was as conspicuous and as incorrigible as youd expect coming up with too much going on upstairs and not enough downstairs. Ahead of the curve and unafraid of the pitfalls, the attention seeking lad broke ground with the innovative and intoxicating ability to lay beats and mimic the world of music he heard in his head. Bringing forth the efforts and desire, the early forays in the world of live performance led to meetings and opportunities that continue to bear fruit for this sharp eyed bastard, a good lad in a shitty world speaking truths amidst the shit. Blessed with the ability, schooled by life and absolutely fearless, Hachey makes music on the fly, and on this January night we have one of the best meetings of

  • Headframe

    06/01/2016 Duración: 01h27min

    It takes all kinds to make music and make a difference in this world, the young and the old, the weak and the strong, the meek and the brave. Taking hold of an idea and an ideal, wrapping one's history and desires tightly in hand is the call of duty for every artist and Terry and Eva Graves are no different. These seminal members of the folk group Headframe were attracted to each others aura in their youth, the passions of the time rekindled some twenty-odd years later after life had their way with both of them. What once was there was again in spades, a pair of real adventurers who took up together and strove to make a difference in their new/old life together. Politics make strange bedfellows and there's nothing better to set the mood than music. Dylan, Young, Guthrie, are all names that hark to the message. Song and dance men in a suit of enlightenment, people like Terry and Eva shared their love of music and used the many hours of isolation to connect in tune. Writing and creating melodies that speak of l

  • Ruby's Revenge

    30/12/2015 Duración: 52min

    Brantford Rockers Ruby's Revenge have the formula of originality, character and moxy to actually make a legitimate stab at a life in music in this cold, hard world. Blessed with both natural and technological gifts, Jenna and Justin share a very real spark and ground while remaining humbly fierce in their intent and delivery. Full on lipstick winks and wry smiles make the groove of their sound both respective and respectful to the genres that gave birth to their sound. The Smiths, Pixies and old school rock provides some of the texture and strength while the shy and tender bits make the whole thing so very accessible. The release of their CD allowed Ruby's Revenge the opportunity to paint their own portrait with great precision and feel, making for a wonderful record that truly captures the feel and intent of the band with the mix of power, passion and playfulness. What you see isn't always what you get - sometimes it is. In the case of the little band that could, named for a wee dog's mission, the trials

  • Another Koren Christmas Preview

    23/12/2015 Duración: 01h27s

    Christmas can be the best of times or the worst of times, depending on your place in time. Comfort and joy are not guaranteed, the cold fingers of winters isolation often taking from those who need the most help in making it through the fray. God bless those who are able to give of themselves so completely during the holidays, providing not only the words and music to give sustenance to those in need but also the raw materials any band of brothers and sisters need to make a real difference. Frank Koren knows he is blessed. Blessed with a tight knit family that all poses the honed gift of music, and a wide array of top-flight associates and friends, he takes his music very seriously. For the second straight year, The Koren Family Christmas made its way to The Pearl Company in downtown Hamilton for a show that gets as good as it gives. Partnering with Hamilton Food Share, the now annual showcase of local talent is heavy on bright lights and warm hearts with more feel than you'll ever find on the tele at home.

  • Gillian Nicola

    20/12/2015 Duración: 01h13min

    Gillian Nicola is more than another up-and-coming singer/songwriter from Hamilton, Ontario. With a blend of folk, rock, and soul influences, Gillian creates a sound that honours her diverse taste honourably. With a voice that is often likened to Janis Joplin, Gillian brings authenticity and vulnerability to her music. With her band, Gillian Nicola & The Radio Interference, they combine the honesty of folk music with the power of rock and soul to create a sound both unique to them and one that offers something for everyone. Gillian started off 2015 with a bang, with a performance at the JUNO Concert Series: The Love Song Edition at Hamilton’s Mills’ Hardware alongside many legendary Hamilton musicians. Soon after, Gillian was declared a Regional Finalist in the CBC Searchlight Competition and was selected for the CIRAA Mentorship Program, where she received one-on-one mentorship with Livy Jeanne (Black Box Records, Universal Music) over the summer of 2015. These successes are timely as Gillian embarks on her

  • Bill Dillon

    11/12/2015 Duración: 02h22min

    The things that make the man are as big as they are small, for what makes the man is always a milieux of convergence in a much bigger plan. It's doubtful that there is anyone born in the dawn of the 50's who has experienced the tapestry of popular music in such a wonderful Forrest Gump kind of way as the unlikely savant of the guitar that is Bill Dillon. Lacking the bravado and cockiness associated with most guitar heroes, Dillon possesses the purest and most transparent of filters, gossamer nuances favoured by the likes of Ian Thomas, The Pretenders, Gordon Lightfoot, Dan Lanois, Ronnie Hawkins, Robbie Robertson, Paul Simon, Edie Brickell, Sarah McLachlan name a few. Born on the mean streets with a fierce angel to guide and protect and an ever present demon to torment him, his childhood begged for the comfort and escape music offered that stilted child. Bestowed with a natural gift and a burning desire, a tenuous connection to Grimsby and Hamilton's position between there and Toronto meant Dillon wa

  • Pretty Archie

    05/12/2015 Duración: 01h49min

    When we get old and experienced, it is often fun to look back to our 20's and remember those moments that shaped our future. Well, way back in episode 29 in March of 2013 we welcomed our first out-of-towners to the show; a clan from Cape Breton by the name of Pretty Archie to the show. Crammed in a corner of a cluttered basement with basic gear, the episode that ensued served to show the potential of this show - a glimpse of just how good it can be. Warm, friendly, sage, polite, funny, wicked and wise beyond their years, the boys played with loose precision, trading stories and sweet harmonies long into the night. Viewed over 1,600 times to date, that episode has been referenced time and time again to the boys by Canadians from coast to coast and heralded by the band as their favourite media experience to date. The boys were in Hamilton on this fine early December Wednesday with purpose and their new CD - North End Sky, and we were chucked to have them. Better than ever and full of the spirits that fuel this

  • Three Year Anniversary Show

    28/11/2015 Duración: 02h36min

    80% of podcasts do not survive 10 episodes before giving up and going away. In late November 2012 Kevin Barber and Ryan Cannon started something from scratch, drawing a line in the sand and moving forward week by week for 158 straight weeks. The show ostensively is about music, but is in fact so much more. What it manages to do every week is bring the magic of live, original music to the home theatre, providing the crucial answers to the questions "Who are you, and why do I care?" Giving a stage to the best and brightest, newbies and oldies, high and lonesome and dirty blue music from the storied steel city brings with it awesome responsibility and perhaps a little salvation. Your barber is an honest and trusted friend. It doesn't matter how often you drop in he remembers you and how you like it. It's his stage but it's all about you as stories, opinions and sage advice are offered. Painful truths, joyous news and real life events are embraced and discussed until all too soon your time is up and the next hea

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