About Progress



Take back your life and dare to progress towards bettering yourself, honing your gifts, and using them for good in the world. Listen in to be inspired by others who are walking the same path of self improvement paired with self-love, and to be apart of a community who knows life is about progress, not perfection.


  • AP 528: Your Identity Must Stand OUTSIDE of Your Roles and Responsibilities || Growth Spurt

    14/09/2023 Duración: 10min

    Are you defined solely by your roles and responsibilities? In this eye-opening episode, we explore the profound impact of nurturing an identity beyond societal labels. Whether you're a devoted parent, a dedicated professional, or wear multiple hats, it's time to recognize that you are more than your titles. Based on my own personal experience, and what I've learned from coaching many women from this community, I have seen how prioritizing your authentic self can not only enhance your personal well-being but also empower you to excel in every role you undertake. For example, car ride sing-alongs, taught me how embracing my unique identity can lead to a more fulfilling, balanced life. This episode is packed with actionable insights to shift your perspective and bring your true self to the forefront of your responsibilities. Host a Tricks and Treats gathering! Finding Me Academy My FREE DSL Training My FREE habits class Full Show Notes Sticky Habit Method Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.

  • AP 527: Owning Your Own Path AND Going at Your Own Pace || with Crystalee Beck

    11/09/2023 Duración: 40min

    Today's episode is a deep dive into the topic of comparison and the struggles women face when measuring their progress against others. Crystalee Beck, of the Mama Ladder and High Five grant, shares her personal experiences and insights on how to break free from the comparison trap and embrace your own pace of progress. We discuss practical strategies, such as evaluating your resources, setting realistic timelines, and breaking down big goals into manageable steps. Crystalee encourages focusing on the highest and best use of your time and energy, emphasizing the importance of self-compassion and grace. Tune in for an inspiring conversation filled with actionable tips and heartfelt encouragement. If you've ever felt the weight of comparison, this episode will remind you that your journey is yours alone, and your progress is worth celebrating. Host a Tricks and Treats gathering! Finding Me Academy My FREE DSL Training My FREE habits class Full Show Notes Sticky Habit Method Today's episode is brought to y

  • AP 526: Family trip to California, back to school, a new podcast format, afternoon routine struggles, and the podcast, show, & book I’m loving || Messy Middle September 2023

    07/09/2023 Duración: 26min

    This monthly series features an episode sharing my recent highs and lows, how my habits are going, a Do Something List update, plus what I'm loving lately and my commitments for the upcoming month. I hope this glimpse into my life, my family, my work, and my own self development encourages you in your own journey. Around here the goal is never perfection, just to keep trying, even if in very simple ways. I think you'll see that with all of the big changes going on for me, taking the smallest of steps has helped to keep me afloat and feeling like myself. As always, I encourage you to get messy, too!  Host a Tricks and Treats gathering! Finding Me Academy My FREE DSL Training My FREE habits class Full Show Notes Sticky Habit Method Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • AP 525: How to Make Cleaning Easier: My Practical System for Better Managing your Home, No Perfection Required

    04/09/2023 Duración: 37min

    I have had my fair share of personal struggles with feeling inadequate in the face of unrealistic cleaning standards and the never-ending list of household chores. And while I know that a clean and organized environment impacts our well-being I also know that it doesn't have to be perfect. This episode includes my personal tips for living "cleanish," which is a more realistic approach to cleaning that can make things easier for all of us. I'll explain how to create a personal cleaning manifesto to help you define your cleaning priorities, plus, thought-provoking questions to assist in this process. I've also created a "Cleanish Game Plan" to help you take essential cleaning tasks and simplify, break down, and systemize them. As always, I encourage flexibility and that it's okay if things don't always go as planned. I hope my honest take on cleaning and homemaking helps you discover practical ways to love where you live. Episode References: Greg McKeown, Tracy McCubbin, Carly Adams Finding Me Academy My FREE

  • AP 524: BONUS EPISODE: Everything You Need to Gather with Friends to Swap Transformational Tricks and Tasty Treats

    31/08/2023 Duración: 18min

    After seven years of podcasting, I want to feel like I'm celebrating right alongside you. And I don't want it to be about me, I want it to be about YOU! I envision women from our community, all over the world, hosting a night where they and their friends gather together for a “Tricks and Treats Night.” This night is simple, but transformative. Friends will come together, each bringing a simple treat/snack to share, sit together, and each share one simple tip that has made a big difference to them in their lives. In this episode I explain more about my inspiration behind this idea and why I think it will be really special, then right here I'm equipping you with everything you need to host this fun get together with your friends! Finding Me Academy My FREE DSL Training My FREE habits class Full Show Notes Sticky Habit Method Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • AP 523: Take Back Your Weekends! How to Intentionally Make Time for What YOU Love, Need, and Want to Feel || with Janssen Bradshaw

    28/08/2023 Duración: 41min

    It may seem obvious that weekends are for unwinding, even having fun. But when was the last time you intentionally escaped the grind of your week, and leaned into a truly restorative weekend? Janssen Bradshaw is on the show today to discuss the importance of reclaiming weekends and making them more fulfilling. She believes that treating weekends like vacations, even within one's constraints, is essential for recharging and maintaining overall well-being. The conversation dives into practical tips for transforming weekends into more joyful and relaxing experiences. Janssen discuss the challenges of screens and chores, offering strategies for setting boundaries and outsourcing tasks to free up precious weekend time. She also explains the idea of creating "weekend bookends" by starting and ending Fridays and Sundays in enjoyable ways, which can set a positive tone for the entire weekend.Tune in to reflect on what you want your weekends to look and feel like and to identify one small change you can make to start

  • AP 522: How Do You Document Your Life || with Karli Cleaver

    24/08/2023 Duración: 23min

    Is there something that has made you think other people can do that, but not me? This episode is part of a monthly series to convince you otherwise. These episodes feature real women who are answering the question “How do you…?” about their various passions and pursuits. Today we dive into the art of documenting your life with Karli Cleaver. Karli shares her journey from traditional scrapbooking to modern digital documentation, offering practical tips and prompts for beginners. Discover how recording your life's stories can lead to gratitude, awareness, and a deeper connection with your own experiences. Tune in to learn how to capture the essence of your life, one story at a time. Finding Me Academy My FREE DSL Training My FREE habits class Full Show Notes Sticky Habit Method Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • AP 521: How can I remain calm with my kids and their chaos? || Coaching Call with Liz

    21/08/2023 Duración: 41min

    Listen to a live coaching call that delves deep into the challenges and triumphs of modern motherhood as Monica and Liz explore the emotional rollercoaster that is parenthood. They tackle the common struggle of emotional regulation and how to stay calm amidst the chaos of raising toddlers. Liz opens up about the fear of failing as a parent and the desire to instill values like personal responsibility and respect in her children. Throughout the conversation, you will gain valuable insights into the real, unfiltered experiences of motherhood and gain practical strategies for embracing the highs and lows with grace, humor, and unwavering love. Learn how to apply this in your real life with my challenge to create a small moment where your parenting reflects your values. My FREE Values Exercise Finding Me Academy My FREE DSL Training My FREE habits class Full Show Notes Sticky Habit Method This episode is brought to you by Factor Meals and K12. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • AP 520: Consider a POWER HOUR || Growth Spurt

    17/08/2023 Duración: 11min

    Do you find yourself procrastinating mundane-but-necessary tasks? Or feeling overwhelmed by urgent to-do's? And what about that project you really want to do, but can't find the dedicated time? This short episode is all about implementing a POWER HOUR, including what it looks like for me currently. I'm breaking down a traditional power hour, the possibilities this can lead you to, and how to start with a baseline habit for this new practice. Finding Me Academy My FREE DSL Training My FREE habits class Full Show Notes Sticky Habit Method Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • AP 519: JOY is Something You Deserve to Claim: How to Experience Deep Joy, No Matter Your Painful Circumstances || with Dr. Tanmeet Sethi

    14/08/2023 Duración: 46min

    Happiness and joy are NOT the same. Dr. Tanmeet Sethi wants you to not only understand the differences, but to live them out by claiming JOY for yourself, no matter what your circumstances are, and no matter how unfair life has been for you—joy is your justice. Dr. Tanmeet Sethi, MD, is a board-certified Integrative Family Medicine physician who has spent the last 25 years on the frontlines locally and globally practicing primary care and trauma work with the most marginalized communities. Tune in to understand the brain-body connection behind joy, learn what it can mean for your personally, and identify touchstones in your own life. Referenced video of Dr. Sethi's son. Finding Me Academy My FREE DSL Training My FREE habits class Full Show Notes Sticky Habit Method Today's episode is brought to you by HelloFresh, use code '50ABOUTPROGRESS' for 50% off plus free shipping. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • AP 518: Progress Principle: FULFILLMENT || Growth Spurt

    10/08/2023 Duración: 12min

    What does it mean when you feel fulfilled? What if it was possible to feel that way most days, even when things aren't always going exactly to plan? Today's short episode will help you figure out what fulfillment means for you. I'm sharing things that I personally do, why it matters to me, and how you can make fulfillment a priority in your life, too. Finding Me Academy My FREE DSL Training My FREE habits class Full Show Notes Sticky Habit Method Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • AP 517: What is a “ME DAY,” How to Plan One + Why You Need Time to Yourself No Matter Your Season

    07/08/2023 Duración: 43min

    Ten years ago I was in the thick of young motherhood, my husband was working constantly, and I just wanted to go for an uninterrupted run. When my carefully laid plans for that run nearly fell apart, I stormed out of my house yelling "I never have time for myself!" Unfortunately, I don't think I'm alone in feeling that way. In this episode I'm sharing research backed reasons why women are feeling more stressed than ever, nearing burnout with their overwhelming list of responsibilities, and something they can realistically do about it. I want to encourage each of you to implement a "Me Day," something I've prioritized yearly for the past several years. In this episode I break down the specifics of how to plan a day for yourself (spoiler: it can also be just a couple hours!) and ways to combat your long list of excuses. American Psychology Association, Psychology Today, Burnout episode with Amelia Nagoski, Hobbies episode Finding Me Academy My FREE DSL Training My FREE habits class Full Show Notes Sticky H

  • AP 516: Local summer adventures, garden update, embroidery project, my early morning habit, the 3 purchases I'm loving the most || Messy Middle August 2023

    03/08/2023 Duración: 27min

    This monthly series features an episode sharing my recent highs and lows, how my habits are going, a Do Something List update, plus what I'm loving lately and my commitments for the upcoming month. I hope this glimpse into my life, my family, my work, and my own self development encourages you in your own journey. Around here the goal is never perfection, just to keep trying, even if in very simple ways. I think you'll see that with all of the big changes going on for me, taking the smallest of steps has helped to keep me afloat and feeling like myself. As always, I encourage you to get messy, too! Revisit your Do Something List, Stroller Fan, Small Vacuum Finding Me Academy My FREE DSL Training My FREE habits class Full Show Notes Sticky Habit Method Includes affiliate links. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • AP 515: Peaceful Productivity: the Antidote to Hustle Culture + How You Can Get the Right Stuff Done at the Right Time || with Jess Massey

    31/07/2023 Duración: 37min

    Do you ever get that feeling when your head hits your pillow, that you've been running around all day but still didn't do enough? That is hustle culture. It's a lie that tells you that your worth is based on the amount that you get done, even if it's not what's right for you. What if we shifted our mindsets to a different form of productivity? It's called peaceful productivity, where you stay sane and feel accomplished. Jess Massey teaches you what peaceful productivity is, how it’s different than “get all the things done” productivity, and ways you can move towards shifting both your mind and to your to-do’s to reflect this kind or productivity. She shares her five tips to hustling sanely, and how they can be done every day and during any season, to let go of the hustle and usher in peaceful productivity. Finding Me Academy My FREE DSL Training My FREE habits class Full Show Notes Sticky Habit Method Today's episode is brought to you by K12, visit K12.com/PROGRESS to learn more and find a tuition-free

  • AP 514: How Do You Plan a Conference || with Cheryl Cardall

    27/07/2023 Duración: 31min

    Is there something that has made you think other people can do that, but not me? This episode is part of a monthly series to convince you otherwise. These episodes feature real women who are answering the question “How do you…?” about their various passions and pursuits. Cheryl Cardall is a mom of five with a passion for strengthening moms and families, specifically families struggling with mental illness. With an online community and a podcast, she finally decided to pursue something she had always wanted to do by planning a mental health conference for parents and teens. If you have ever wondered how to pursue your passions in this way, whether it's related to mental health or not, Cheryl helps break down this potentially overwhelming task for you. Learn how to stop letting fears hold you back from sharing your voice, and how to connect with a broader community that deserves to hear from you. Finding Me Academy My FREE DSL Training My FREE habits class Full Show Notes Sticky Habit Method Learn more a

  • AP 513: How can I consistently exercise with my very unpredictable schedule? || Coaching Call with Laura

    24/07/2023 Duración: 38min

    Almost every time that I ask what habits the women in this community want help with, I get many of the same responses about developing a consistent exercise routine. In this episode you'll listen as I walk through the steps toward creating that habit with Laura, a community member, and mom of three young kids who works a demanding job with two very different schedules. My approach may seem different than what you're used to, and even Laura, who admitted to doing a lot of her own habit research, had some major a-ha moments. From the ideal image of her habit, and the feelings associated with it, to a baseline version that she can do on her worst-of-days, plus a mantra she can quickly incorporate, you'll witness the entire process. The difference is my emphasis on identity, an essential part of habit formation that you can learn about and implement in your own life and habits. Finding Me Academy My FREE DSL Training My FREE habits class Full Show Notes Sticky Habit Method This episode is brought to you by

  • AP 512: How to Shift Your Nighttime Routine with One Major Tweak || Growth Spurt

    20/07/2023 Duración: 10min

    A recent poll of the community showed that most of you want a better morning routine, so why am I starting with nighttime? Because successful mornings start the night before! Instead of a step-by-step prescription that I expect you to perfectly adopt (that wouldn't work anyway!) I'm sharing the big question you need to ask yourself. Plus, I'll give you some of my personal answers, and other ideas, that will help set you up for a solid night routine. Finding Me Academy My FREE DSL Training My FREE habits class Full Show Notes Sticky Habit Method Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • AP 511: How to Become Who You ARE, Not Who You’re “SUPPOSED” to Be || with Arielle Estoria

    17/07/2023 Duración: 43min

    Arielle Estoria is a guest on the podcast again, sharing some of her latest works from her book Unfolding, as well as personal insight into the journey that led her to those poems. She opens up about her awakening, where she describes shedding what doesn't serve us and become the fullest version of ourselves. In this episode we discuss the three types of fear that usually come up for women who are not used to prioritizing themselves, why it is vital that you start to acknowledge your inner knowings, and how change can be a very good thing. Plus, Arielle shares the thing you can do daily to get started right now on your own path to unfolding. Finding Me Academy My FREE DSL Training My FREE habits class Full Show Notes Sticky Habit Method Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • AP 510: Progress Principle: DO SOMETHING || Growth Spurt

    13/07/2023 Duración: 15min

    You've heard me talk often about being an all-or-nothing person, because I've been on both extremes of the spectrum. What I didn't realize at the time, was that either choice came at a great cost to the most important things in my life. The idea that finally pulled me out of this cycle was this principle: DO SOMETHING. In this episode I'm sharing three big reasons why this works, and how you can finally move the needle on your personal growth. Finding Me Academy My FREE DSL Training My FREE habits class Full Show Notes Sticky Habit Method Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • AP 509: What to Do When You Can’t Do What You Used to

    10/07/2023 Duración: 35min

    When a recent cycling class (a home set up I used to always use and love!) felt exceptionally difficult I was reminded of how we can unnecessarily judge ourselves when we are struggling to do something that we were able to do competently, or even easily, in our past. In this episode I'm sharing a lot about my own personal struggles with this, particularly with comparison and shame. Comparison doesn't always come from external sources, sometimes it can be us versus other versions of ourselves. I hope it's helpful for you to know that even with the growth I have done, I still always have room to grow some more. As this has come up for me, I've discovered certain thoughts that I can use to coach myself out of that trap, and away from feeling overwhelmed with discouragement. Tune in to hear my three thoughts, and understand how self compassion can help you move past comparison. Finding Me Academy My FREE DSL Training My FREE habits class Full Show Notes Sticky Habit Method This episode is brought to you by

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