Voices Of Courage



Ken D Fosters Voices of Courage Show is more than just another radio program! It will take you on a journey to find your courage, breakthrough your limits, and master your destiny. No kidding! Ken has brought together the most Courageous People on our Planet who will inspire greatness with you and change your life for the better. In fact, if you are a regular listener, you will soon see the unseeable, know the unknowable, and do the impossible. You Will: * Be Inspired * Be Courageous * Become Unstoppable * Create New Habits * Let Go of Disempowering Thinking * Live Fearlessly * Embrace Uncertainty * Be a Comeback Story


  • 039: The Courage to Explore the Power of Consciousness

    13/01/2019 Duración: 54min

    Today we discuss the power of consciousness.   Is human consciousness able to access information beyond the conventional bonds of time and space? Is thought capable of traveling outside of our heads and into others? If so, can we actually influence others and change their destinies by our thoughts? What happens if we get groups of people together and use the power of the mind to help others heal, grow, evolve, or generate a life of ongoing success? My first guest, Dave Edwards, is the founder of Primal Wear – a company that began as a t-shirt business before evolving into a cycling apparel company with $15 million in sales. He joins me today to talk about how he started this company and was able to grow it to a multi-million dollar organization with the power of thought, persistence, and the ability to fail forward. My second guest, Lynne McTaggart, is an international best-selling author that’s spent many years exploring the nature of human thought and intention along with their relationship to health and we

  • 038: The Courage to Manifest Your Greatest Dreams

    04/01/2019 Duración: 53min

    Today we discuss how to overcome life's greatest challenges, increase our energy, and manifest our dreams.   This is the time of year for hope and renewal. It's the time for new beginnings and the time to let go of the past along with any old habits or misfortunes of the past year. It's the time to clear anything out of our lives that doesn't align with our brilliance, joy, or presence and create whatever it is that we really want to create in this new year. Right now, many of us are in the "renewal zone." We're renewing our goals, commitments, determination, willpower, and passion. This renewal zone is the place where we get clear with the direction of our lives in the coming year. It's essential that we begin programming our subconscious mind to start looking for all that it needs to accomplish our greatest dreams. My guest, Susan Treadgold, is a holistic executive coach, founder of Treadgold Executive Development, a best-selling author, and an award-winning speaker and transformational trainer. She is pass

  • 037: The Courage to Take Care of Your Health

    22/12/2018 Duración: 53min

    Today we discuss having the courage to make impactful investments in our health and relationships.   Tomorrow is New Year's Eve which means that millions of people are going to make resolutions, only to break them shortly after. Making New Year's resolutions is a positive thing, but we need to have an actual strategy in place to keep us on track and in alignment for success. Otherwise, we inevitably set ourselves up for failure and disappointment. My first guest, Eva Vennari, is the founder of The Elevate Institute, a cutting-edge health coaching firm specializing in empowering individuals to take charge of their bodies and their health. She is on a mission to dismantle the status quo in the sickness industry by helping others understand exactly what's going on in their bodies. Eva shares what she's found to be a better investment than the stock market for great results as the fool-proof method for knowing what our bodies need to heal and feel rejuvenated. She provides insight and resources that can help each

  • 036: The Courage to Accelerate Love and Success

    22/12/2018 Duración: 54min

    Today we discuss how to have more love and success in our lives and amplify our true potential.   Whether you want to accelerate your metabolism, career, relationships, business, friendships, or financial success, it all starts with accelerating love and gratitude. And with the holiday season in full effect, what better time to discuss love?! My guest, Mike Koenigs, is a 13-time Best-selling author, Interactive Online TV producer, and winner of the “Marketer of the Year” award. He has built his whole life around the concept of love, and today he joins me to share how we all have the power to reinvent ourselves and completely transform our lives.   We Discuss: Achieving success in our lives from a place of love and gratitude Giving ourselves permission to shift priorities and take time for self-care Learning how to embrace change and step into a greater version of ourselves Breaking through our resistance and fears to overcome what's holding us back Setting focused intentions when working to manifest what we

  • 035: The Courage to Find Peace Amid the Chaos During the Holidays

    16/12/2018 Duración: 53min

    Today we discuss overcoming the stress, challenges, and chaos that often accompany us during the holiday season.   The majority of us are looking forward to having a really great holiday experience with our loved ones, but this time of year can get pretty stressful. We have so much on our minds and things start to seem rather chaotic. Will we be able to find a parking space at the mall? Will there be enough money to pay for all of these gifts? Will there be enough time to get everything done?  In order for us to enjoy our holiday festivities this year, we need to give up two things – our worries and fears. If we clutter our minds with the burden of these negative thoughts, we become engulfed in them and allow them to stack on top of one another. Are you ready to lighten your load this holiday season and find the courage to stay calm amid the chaos? My guest, Julie Potiker, is an author, attorney, and mindfulness expert who shares mindfulness techniques with the world and teaches people how to rewire their bra

  • 034: The Courage to Mind Shift on Demand

    08/12/2018 Duración: 54min

    Today we discuss how to instantly shift your mindset and live a happier and more empowered life.   Each and every one of us is a work in progress that faces countless challenges in life. Most of these challenges are very difficult to overcome without a real sense of who we really are at our core. It’s when we are able to face our fears with the mindset that we can overcome them that things will begin to change for the better. Unfortunately, a lot of us tend to run away from our challenges or remain victim to our circumstances. These choices only lead us to feel disappointed and powerless. When we set the intention to shift our thoughts and overall mindset, we can begin living an empowered and fulfilling life. My guest, Donna Blevins, PhD, is a MindShift coach, motivational speaker, and international professional poker player. She joins me today to share how she used her MindShift Exercises™ to accelerate her miraculous recovery from a life-threatening stroke. Donna provides insight into the powerful benefits

  • 033: The Courage to Find the Gift of Addiction

    02/12/2018 Duración: 55min

    Today we discuss getting to the root cause of addiction and exploring what it means to live a life of sobriety. What is really going on with addiction? Is it good versus evil, is it a lack of morals or willpower, an ignorance of how addiction works, or is it something else altogether? Addiction is a very complex disease, and most people don't understand why or how people actually become addicted to drugs or alcohol. The truth is, quitting takes a lot more than good intentions or goodwill. This is because alcohol and drugs actually change the way the brain works and they change who we are. Who do you know that's suffering from a problem with addiction? Think about it. Maybe it’s someone you don't really know all that well, or maybe it's someone that's very close to you. This show is all about understanding addiction and the solutions available to help those that are struggling get the help that they need. My first guest, Sherry Burditt, is an RN, Board Registered in Holistic Nursing and the Clinical Director f

  • 032: The Courage to Transform Your Mind and Body

    25/11/2018 Duración: 54min

    Today we discuss the myths and cutting-edge wisdom around holistic dentistry and the truth about root canals.   Dr. Carey O'Rielly joins me today to talk about how a health crisis brought him to the hospital with chest pains at age 33 and led him to begin his lifelong learning as a holistic dentist. He shares the four key elements of holistic dentistry that are important for health, the truth about root canals, and what we can do to prevent dental problems. Dr. O'Rielly's wife, Victoria O'Rielly, also joins us to share some of her extensive knowledge of holistic dentistry care and how this has given her a unique perspective on health and how they run their integrative dentistry practice.   We Discuss: What led Dr. Carey O'Rielly into transitioning into holistic dentistry Why holistic dentistry is so important and how it compares to traditional dentistry The four key elements of holistic dentistry that are important for our health Some of the most common myths surrounding holistic dentistry The truth about ro

  • 031: The Courage to Communicate Effectively

    17/11/2018 Duración: 53min

    Today we discuss how to have and maintain amazing communication in both your personal life and business.   We’re communicating all of the time, whether it’s with our selves, our family, friends, partners, community members, or co-workers. But if you think about it, we are not always being our real, authentic, and true selves. We’re run by fears, sometimes resentment or anger, and many other contributing factors within the subconscious mind. So I want to ask you a question because this is a really important subject. What has ineffective communication cost you? When I look back over my own life, I know that ineffective communication has cost me friends, business partners, and even relationships with family members at certain points in time. These painful experiences could have been avoided altogether if it were for the use of effective communication. My first guest, Jill Fishman, is a leading expert in communication and connection and is the founder and president of Integrative Corporate Solutions. She speciali

  • 030: The Courage to Change Your Mind

    11/11/2018 Duración: 56min

    Today we are honoring our Veterans in appreciation for all that they've done for us, and we'll also be discussing some of the detrimental challenges that they are faced with.   Today is Veterans Day, the anniversary of the signing of the armistice, which brought World War I to an end in 1918. We are dedicating this show to all of our Veterans for their gracious service to us all. Not only will we be reflecting on the incredible strength of our active duty military members and veterans, but we will also be discussing the challenges they face and what we can do to help. My first guest, Devorah Gottesman, has a robust music career that has spanned the globe, entertaining hundreds of thousands of music fans. She shares her story of the true American spirit of kindness, inclusiveness, and ingenuity that opens the heart to celebrate freedom and joy with the sole purpose of unification. Devorah also shares the song that she wrote and sang coast to coast during one of her bicycling fundraising events for non-profits

  • 029: The Courage to Make Your Business and Life Shine

    04/11/2018 Duración: 53min

    Today we discuss stepping into your greatness, increasing personal power, and making your business and life shine!   We are all faced with various obstacles and roadblocks that stand in our way, stopping us from moving forward and shining in different areas of our lives. By tapping into our personal power we can show up how we want in life, instead of claiming defeat and accepting a life of mediocracy when things seem too hard. Personal power is something that we all have, but many of us rarely ever tap into it. So what is this force and where does it come from? How do we learn how to tap into it successfully and create the life that we want? I’ll give you a hint… one of the key principles for tapping into our personal power is courage. When we have courage, we’re able to acknowledge and accept what is and isn’t working in our lives. We can speak our truth, try new things, admit defeat when necessary, and learn valuable lessons from our greatest failures. When we have courage, we have the power to become all

  • 028: The Courage to Connect with Your Higher Self

    28/10/2018 Duración: 55min

    Today we discuss the courage to connect with your higher self, increase consciousness, and expand inner wisdom.   In order for us to grow, we have to think outside of the box and take a step back from our small thinking. If you think about it, our “greatest” thinking has got us right where we are today, and it will keep us stuck unless we blow past our limitations. Part of this journey includes connecting with our higher self, which represents unlimited possibilities and helps us see reality clearly. So many of us are playing so small and really not mastering, or even attempting to master, the gifts that we’ve been given. We’re staying within our comfort zones. So much is out there for us, but we have to be able to open our minds and open our hearts if we want to change. Are you willing to change today? Are you willing to grow and take your life to a completely new level? My guest, Laurie Reyon Anderson, is an internationally known Animal Communicator and teacher. She joins me today to talk about a near-death

  • 027: The Courage to Fail Forward and Become Unstoppable

    21/10/2018 Duración: 54min

    Today we discuss facing fears and embracing failure to create the life that you want.   Every wealthy entrepreneur that I’ve interviewed over the last 20 years has told me that to be successful you must fail, time and time again. They also made it a point to let me know that if you don’t make courage your partner, you’re probably not going to succeed. It’s not about being brave and taking uncalculated risks. Instead, it’s about being thoughtful, understanding, and taking risks that are well thought out and considered. So, why do so many successful people embrace failure? They do so because failure teaches us our greatest lessons in life. My guest, Steve Rodgers, is a business and lifestyle consultant, an international speaker, and a number one best-selling author. He joins us today to share powerful advice for moving past any challenges in life and business. Steve provides strategies for overcoming fears and obstacles that anyone can apply to ignite their growth and unlock their full potential.   We Discuss:

  • 026: The Courage to Unlock Your Brain’s Hidden Power

    14/10/2018 Duración: 55min

    Today we discuss unlocking the hidden power and true potential of the brain.   I’ve been working in the field of personal development for over 22 years now, and I’ve seen a lot of success gurus come and go. There have been many fads and countless sure-fire methods of growth. Most of these short-lived methods have one thing in common - they’re offering a "quick fix" solution to a much deeper problem. If anyone is telling you that they have the solution to your business or life and it’s only going to take a few minutes or a few sessions, you may want to walk away. I’ve found that success doesn’t come from a quick fix, it comes from setting an intention, developing willpower, and having the right mentors and coaches to help guide you. But, even all of those things require the right mindset and positive self-talk. In order to be successful in your life and in your business, it's crucial that you break free from disempowering thoughts, beliefs, and habits that might be keeping you stuck. But, can you actually choo

  • 025: The Courage to Overcome Abuse in our Homes and in our Country

    07/10/2018 Duración: 54min

    Today we discuss the courage to overcome abuse.   In October 1981 the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence launched a "Day of Unity" for those combatting and advocating against violence against women and children. Soon after, the Day of Unity became a full week also devoted to mourning victims that had died at the hands of domestic violence as well as celebrating those that have survived. In 1989, October was designated as National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, which is exactly why I felt that our first show of the month should be dedicated to this very topic. There is a lot of abuse and violence taking place in our nation as we speak, whether it's happening in our communities, in politics, or within our very own homes. It's time for us all to take a stand and learn how to prevent and end domestic violence. My guest, Rosie Aiello, was trapped in an emotionally, mentally, and financially abusive relationship for nearly 25 years. She shares her powerful story of engineering an international escape

  • 024: The Courage to Untether Your Soul

    30/09/2018 Duración: 55min

    Today we discuss the courage to untether our souls and explore a more conscious and powerful way of living.   How many of us have forgotten who we really are? A lot of us live in a place where we have forgotten what we can actually accomplish in this world and how powerful we truly are. If there's anything that defines the 21st century, it's uncertainty. We're uncertain about who we are, what we can do, and how we can tap into the right mindset to achieve success and growth. Are you craving a more natural, spiritual, or balanced life? Maybe you’ve been exploring a more conscious way of living and bringing out your soul qualities of intuition, wisdom, power, and strength. This show is not just about us expanding our presence, it's also about deciding who we are in this world and how we can tune into the power within ourselves. My first guest, Kirsten Asher, is the founder of the FEMethod (Feminine Embodiment Method) and an expert on feminine presence and power. She shares insightful information about how we ca

  • 023: The Courage to Expand What is Possible

    23/09/2018 Duración: 57min

    Today we discuss how to reprogram our thinking, adjust our point of view, and generate a compelling future that's bigger and brighter than we've ever dreamed possible.   When it comes to expanding what's possible in our lives, the first and most important step in the right direction is changing our point of view. But, how do we actually do that? In my own life, I've learned that being of service to others will significantly shift our focus. Our lives become less about ourselves and more devoted towards how we can really contribute and make a difference in other people's lives. My first guest, Jim Justice, is someone that has really inspired me and helped change the way that I deliver my message in the world. Through his personal journey of entrepreneurship, he discovered a parallel path of pursuing his spiritual truth. This journey has led Jim to co-found an amazing app called The Vibe, which serves as a daily dose of mindfulness and guidance helping individuals live a balanced and fulfilled life. My next gue

  • 022: The Courage to Speak Out

    16/09/2018 Duración: 57min

    Today we discuss the courage it takes to overcome our greatest fears and speak out.   Statistically speaking, the number-one fear amongst American people is the fear of public speaking. What's especially unfortunate about this widespread fear is that we all have a message and story to share with the world, but many of us are too fearful to use our own voice. My guest, Tiamo De Vettori, has spoken to over 100,000 people on 250+ stages at conferences and seminars, and combines speaking with original live music to deliver "Keynote Concerts." He shares valuable advice for overcoming the fear of public speaking and tips on how to connect deeply with an audience while remaining true to yourself.   We Discuss: Acknowledging our greatest fears and the true inner dialogue that holds us back Why saying "no" to what doesn't serve us is more powerful than pleasing others Giving others permission to be their authentic selves by modeling it for them How to handle "negative press" from those that may not like you or your m

  • 021: The Courage to Revolutionize Leadership

    09/09/2018 Duración: 01h08min

    Today we discuss the courage to revolutionize leadership, lead change successfully in any organization, and take your business image to a completely new level.   My first guest, Jennifer Campbell, is a Senior Change & Transformation Manager, Leadership & Organization Development Professional, and Executive & Relationship Systems Coach. She shares the rules that every leader should follow to make change a success, and provides insight into how to develop managers and leaders for the next generation. My second guest, Ann Landstrom, is a professional photographer with over 20 years of experience and countless award-winning images that she’s captured through her lens. She shares her experience with helping people understand their brand, shine in photographs, and take their life and business to a whole new level.   We Discuss: How corporate America has changed over the years and where it stands today Why most companies that remain hierarchical-based versus flat-based won’t survive What we need to know

  • 020: Exploring the Courageous Mindsets of Successful Wealth Builders

    02/09/2018 Duración: 53min

    Today we discuss the principles of creating success, wealth, and the best version of ourselves.   It seems like we're always chasing after something in our lives, whether it's money, fame, success, or happiness. But, what's the essence behind that and what is this search really all about? What's actually going on inside of us? We're going 90 miles per hour when what we really need to do is slow down and tune into a deeper part of ourselves so that we can understand who we truly are at our core. My first guest, Chris Jaeb, co-founded AudioNet, an internet-based aggregator of digital media, which was sold to Yahoo just four years later for $5.4 billion. Throughout his time spent as an entrepreneur, he has learned the spirit of competition, how to lose gracefully, and most importantly, how to learn from his mistakes. Chris shares the greatest influences of his high-level success, from getting comfortable with rejection to shifting his mindset. My second guest, Ann Landstrom, is a professional photographer with o

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