Living Springs Q&a



The staff of Living Springs take questions from all across the board as we seek to understand God, His ways, His word and how He relates to the world we live in.


  • Q&A #292- Radical political christianity, the translated Bible, possessed or oppressed, and more!

    12/04/2023 Duración: 58min

    1.Explanation? One of you said on the last Q&A, that we celebrate the Sabbath on Sunday because that’s when Jesus was risen, but the women went to put spices on Jesus’ body very early on Sunday morning, and he wasn’t there. Why do we assume he was not risen on Saturday? It seems to me that we would have been able to relate better to the Jewish people if we had kept the proper Sabbath.2.No question, just want to say I Enjoy this podcast ,you guys have a lot of fun,you are Knowledgable & non judgmental and always very carefully answer the questions and are honest about not knowing it all, in sometimes trying to decipher the questions.Thank -you!3.Do you think the more the states pushes such a radical Christian right wing ideal, the further it will push people away from Christianity?4.I can only assume the Bible was translated into English at some point. Is it possible that certain stories or teachings are miss translated? Or translated incorrectly? Would this change anything if things have been omitted or chang

  • Q&A #291- Ministry expansion, personal sacrifice and love languages, Old Testament to film

    05/04/2023 Duración: 56min

    In episode #291 pastors Doug, Kyle, and Blake discuss the following:1. If you were blessed with a large amount of resources how would you expand your ministry ?2. Would you consider personal sacrifice a love language? Is this healthy within a relationship even if it causes feelings of guilt and resentment?3. What Old Testament character would you like to see adapted into a film?If you have a question you'd like answered, send it to:

  • Q&A #290- Matthew 5:19, Christians celebrating Easter, Fasting, and maybe more!

    29/03/2023 Duración: 57min

    In episode #290 Pastors Doug, Kyle, and Blake discuss the following:1. Jesus says in Matthew 5:19 that whoever sets aside any command of Moses that seems unimportant (are wrong). I understand the concept of then and now (Scot McKnight—Blue Parakeet), etc., but how do we square this very direct statement? I can’t, but nor will I be stoning people any time soon. P. S. I do u deist and that Jesus has fulfilled the law, but what does that really mean in this context where He says to go on obeying Moses’ teachings and commands?2. Why should we as followers of Christ celebrate Christmas or Easter? Why those events and not Jewish feasts celebrated in the Bible? Does it make sense for Christians today to celebrate Jewish feasts "given by God" over Christmas and Easter3. Please expand on your beliefs and practices around fasting. How often should it be done and what is its purpose? Is it a regular part of your personal walk with Christ? Is it something you’d consider encourage as a church body or is it more of an indi

  • Q&A #289- The harm in purity culture, Leading a church and the lead pastor dynamic, and maybe more!

    22/03/2023 Duración: 58min

    In episode #289, Pastors Doug and Kyle discuss the following:1.Do you think the purity culture movement caused more 25-30 year olds to walk away from the church? Did it cause irreparable harm? Even as a married person I still feel guilty and the effects of it as a whole.2. In most churches, is the dynamic for one “senior pastor” always the case? And is the idea to have the other pastors replace the senior pastor eventually? Or is the goal to move pastors to churches independent of themselves for where there is the most need? Is it a disservice if someone is ready to lead a church, but they are unable to do so because of their roles? Thanks guys, we really appreciate how much we’ve learned and discussed with this podcast.

  • Q&A #288- God and the future, Bible- man, could God be non-binary, and more!

    15/03/2023 Duración: 57min

    1.Does God know the future?2.Who is the best superhero, and why is it Bible-man?3.In your opinion, does God have a gender? Or would God be non-binary?4.Do you think the purity culture movement caused more 25-30 year olds to walk away from the church? Did it cause irreparable harm? Even as a married person I still feel guilty and the effects of it as a whole.

  • Q&A # 287- Condoning abortion, about the pastors, end of time judgement, and more!

    08/03/2023 Duración: 58min

    In episode #287, Pastors Doug, Kyle, and Blake answer the following:1. Does Numbers 5:11-31 condone abortion?2. Would you ever consider doing an episode on each of your backstories and what led you to the church or an “About Doug, Kyle, Blake” episode for each of you speaking? Spotlight the voices on the podcast if you will3.I keep hearing contrasting notes on whether Christians will be judged in the end time. Now, I just read John 5:24, which reads, "Those who listen to what I say and believe in the one who sent me will have eternal life. They won't be judged because they have already passed from death to life."

  • Q&A #286- AER in Enneagram, Sins and the impact on society, The high priests ear, and maybe more!

    01/03/2023 Duración: 58min

    This week on episode 286, Pastors Doug, Blake and Kyle respond to some AER on the Enneagram and work through the following on our question log:1. okay, regardless of whether humans as we understand them today have been around for 6,000 years or 100,000 years, if humans did not fall into sin, do you think that our society globally would be as developed technologically as we are today, less developed, or more developed?2. When Jesus is being arrested one of the disciples cuts off the ear of a servant of the high priest. It’s recorded that Jesus then healed the ear. Do you think he picked up the old ear and it healed back together? Or was a brand new ear grown? Ask your question anonymously at:

  • Q&A # 285- Popular Psychology in preaching, Has sin always existed, and maybe more!

    22/02/2023 Duración: 55min

    In episode #285, Pastors Doug, Kyle, and Blake discuss the following:1.How do you feel about the increased used of popular psychology topics within modern preaching? Do you feel it is beginning to replace traditional Biblical teachings?2.Has sin always existed? Where Jesus rules and reigns In heaven there is no sin, but this sinless realm is out of our reach. On earth in the garden it was made out to be sinless until the fall which means we or humanity or whatever were in this sinless realm for a time unless we never actually were. It just seems like this people this earth and this universe are all controlled by “sin” and Jesus is this light, this way out. I say “sin” because that word is used so often but is there some cosmic evil that’s greater then what we see here on earth that is truly out to kill and devour like the lion?3. Okay, regardless of whether humans as we understand them today have been around for 6,000 years or 100,000 years, if humans did not fall into sin, do you think that our society globa

  • Q&A #284- House of the righteous, loving and serving others, and maybe more!

    15/02/2023 Duración: 59min

    In episode #284 Pastors Doug, Kyle, and Blake discuss the following:Live AER: wait, does Doug not believe in evolution then? Isn’t there much science to prove the theory of evolution at this point? Or are you arguing similar points down to semantics?1. Do you think modern day church has become a house for the righteous instead of a hospital for the broken? If God came to church, would he like what he was seeing?2.I just want to ask is loving and serving people enough to win people over to Jesus? Many people serve and love without having faith in God.I also know ultimately it is the Holy Spirits work.3.Wondering if you have suggestions for women inside the church at living springs, but don’t feel welcomed by women’s ministry?

  • Q&A # 283- Garden of Eden, Evolution, and more!

    08/02/2023 Duración: 58min

    in episode #283- Pastors Doug, Blake, and Kyle answer the following:1.Some Garden of Eden questions: 1. What do you think about the idea that God created other humans before the fall? Would this explain where Cain's wife came from? 2. Did 'carrion' animals (vultures, coyotes) or maggots exist in the beginning within the garden or did God create them after the fall?

  • Q&A #282- Moral Failings, Movie banter, 70x7 , and maybe more!

    01/02/2023 Duración: 01h03min

    In episode #282, Pastors Doug, Kyle, and Blake discuss the following:AER - I am offended. I can't believe 2 of you dont like soup! Seriously! Its like a warm hug in a bowl. On a different note - Can you expand what your beliefs around the 5 fold ministry are and how they look today?What would each of you consider to be a personal moral failing that would cause you to step down?What were the best and worst movies of 2022?

  • Q&A #281- Christ Centred Christmas, Israelites and the promise land

    25/01/2023 Duración: 52min

    if someone wanted to bring Christmas back to a Christ-centred celebration, what are some practices you would recommend? (I didn’t really mean a “movement” in the political sense, but rather a “moving toward”.) Thank youWhen the Israelites enter the Promised Land, it seems like there are already a lot of groups of people living there. This tends to lead to the Israelites attacking and defeating these groups in order to take the land that God promised. Did God promise it? Did the Israelites take a promise from God and extend it further than was meant to be extended? Should we believe - especially in the Old Testament - that every time God commands a group to be defeated, it is actually coming from God?In James, when it is said that "teachers shall be judged more harshly", who does that apply to? Just pastors? (Were there even "pastors" when James wrote this..?) Kids' ministry volunteers? Actual school teachers? Parents?

  • Q&A #280 - Are churches doomed? The tangibility of the spiritual realm and more

    18/01/2023 Duración: 56min

    Q&A #280 - Are churches doomed? The tangibility of the spiritual realm and more1. Are brick and mortar churches doomed to exist? I heard a rumour that younger church members are tithing less and less, and with older members not being around to do that forever, will church as we know it fall? And if so, what changes could churches make to remain “relevant” if you will 2. Why do you think that God created the spiritual realm to be not as consistently tangible as the physical world that we experience daily? Physical world as in our 5 senses To ask a question anonymously go to

  • Q&A # 279- Are Paul's writings superior to Jesus, The fall of brick and mortar churches, and more!

    11/01/2023 Duración: 57min

    Q&A #279: In this episode Pastors Doug, Kyle, and Blake discuss the following: 1. Do you think Paul's writings have been amplified to become almost more important then Jesus' teachings? Do you see this as problematic and what could we do about it within in the church?2. Are brick and mortar churches doomed to exist? I heard a rumour that younger church members are tithing less and less, and with older members not being around to do that forever, will church as we know it fall? And if so, what changes could churches make to remain “relevant” if you will 

  • Q&A #278: Who would be an Apostle in modern times, Authoritarian Christian Governments, and more!

    04/01/2023 Duración: 58min

    In episode #278 Pastors Kyle, Blake, and Doug return from Christmas break to discuss the following: 1.If Jesus was on the earth today where do you believe he would go first? What kinds of people would he make apostles of? And who do you believe would oppose him the most?2.If your government were to become an Authoritarian Christian Theocracy, would it be your duty as a follower of Christ to oppose it? 

  • Q&A RE-RELEASE : Episode #225 Adam and Eve, Christmas Traditions, Leaving the church, and more!

    28/12/2022 Duración: 01h02min

    In our Re- release of episode Q&A #225 Pastors Doug, Kyle, and Blake discuss the following:Pastors discuss the following questions from our backlog.1. Were there human beings before Adam and Eve were created? When Cain was driven away by God into banishment because he murdered Abel, it says in Genesis that he took a wife and had children and then succeeding generations. Thank you2. Should Christians participate in the classic Christmas traditions (decorating a Christmas tree, putting up lights, trading gifts) or is there reason to give them up to focus better on celebrating Christ? Would we be better off to adopt more Jewish traditions around this time (e.g. Hanukkah) that would allow us to connect more directly to traditions that are relevant to first century Christians?3. I’ve been going to this church for 14 years and I’ve witnessed several times when it felt like a large part of the congregation left. This last year it feels there has been a lot of offence taken and hurt feelings and families leaving for

  • Q&A #277: Biblical Angels, Abstaining from other religion, and more!

    21/12/2022 Duración: 54min

    In our Q&A #277 Pastors Doug, Kyle, and Blake discuss the following:Can you explain what a Biblically accurate angel would look like? How does this impact the Christmas story? Should Christians abstain from practices based on other religions? Do you feel there is a benefit in experiencing other forms of spiritual connection, or would this be violating the first commandment? If Jesus was on the earth today where do you believe he would go first? What kinds of people would he make apostles of? And who do you believe would oppose him the most?

  • Q&A #276- AER and violence!

    15/12/2022 Duración: 01h02s

    In our Q&A #276, Pastors Doug, Blake and Kyle discuss the following:Hi there, it seems like the transgender question from a while back has morphed into something larger and broader with questions and comments that you say your team is filtering and deciding what should and what shouldn't make it on to the podcast. Rather than doing that, which could be seen as censorship, why not schedule and host a "Town Hall" meeting or series of meetings where anyone who wants to talk about this hot topic can come out and share their thoughts? No censorship, no agenda, just moderated conversation based on mutual respect, love and a desire to learn about each other and from each other and GROW regardless of "LEFT" or "RIGHT" happy horse s@#t...human beings...being and meeting the middle or at least trying! Imagine the what if's that could come from an event(s) like this. Nobody hiding behind the anonymity of a Q&A wall, an example for others to see what can happen when God's people come together as strands of a rope...just

  • Q&A #275- AER, Adoption, Jesus's community, kids making regrettable decisions and more

    07/12/2022 Duración: 57min

    In our Q&A #275, Pastors Doug, Blake and Kyle discuss the following:With the format of the podcast, do you think it’s easier to skirt issues or share half portions? I was thinking about this with the trans question. You gave the speaker a chance to speak their full truth and ask their full question but wouldn’t share the rebuttal opinions.. just wondering if it’s damaging in the long run or if you think it could be? Me and my husband are looking into adoption. But we’ve come across many recent videos and sources from a lot of past adoptees who say it is inherently trauma and some who are entirely anti adoption. I’d be curious to know your thoughts on this? I don’t want to cause more harm than good… or be selfish for wanting a child. If Jesus were alive today, what do you think his relationship with the Transgender community would be? Regarding our children who have made regrettable decisions or seem to be going the wrong way: I have often seen that this becomes a learning for the (adult) child who will return

  • Q&A #274- AA and the church, Divorce and re-marriage, Islam and Christianity, and more!

    30/11/2022 Duración: 59min

    In our Q&A #274, Pastors Doug, Blake and Kyle discuss the following:

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