Living Springs Q&a



The staff of Living Springs take questions from all across the board as we seek to understand God, His ways, His word and how He relates to the world we live in.


  • Inverted Orthodoxy #344- AER on Bears, Must Reads, and Maybe More!

    19/06/2024 Duración: 57min

    In this weeks episode, the pastors discuss the following:*Please note this episode deals with the topic of sexual assault and abuse. Please take care while listening**1. 1:45 into episode Further to your discussion on the man v. bear question, Kyle at one point said that when these discussions come out often the "good" guys end up shying away from the discussion for fear of being caught up in it. However, I would propose that is part of the issue. The "good" guys need to step into the discussion and prove that they're still out there. As the quote goes, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” The Bible itself says "Rescue the perishing; don’t hesitate to step in and help. If you say, “Hey, that’s none of my business,” will that get you off the hook? Someone is watching you closely, you know— Someone not impressed with weak excuses." (Proverbs 24: 11-12 MSG). I would question why "good" men are afraid of being caught up, though no one is perfect, if you're not part of

  • Inverted Orthodoxy #343- Do not associate, explain the name, man vs bear, and maybe more!

    12/06/2024 Duración: 55min

    4:10 minutes into episode April 27 - Hi there. I’ve learned recently about a situation whereby church members were told by their pastor not to associate with a previous member of the church. The rationale given was based on 1 Corinthians 5:11-13. Can you explain the context for the culture at the time that was this was written and the application in today’s culture20:22 minutes into episode Aprl 28 -Why are you guys called inverted orthodoxy? what does that mean?31:24 minutes into episodeMay 1 - I was thinking of the purity conversation when my news feed was populated with this “man vs bear” narrative. It was meant to be a hyperbolic conversation, but many people got fixated on the stats for the hypothetical scenario. It goes like this: would you rather as a woman or girl be in the woods alone with a bear? Or a man? I’m curious to hear your answers. Please note their is no additional info, just would you rather your daughter be in the woods alone with a bear or a man. I Believe the original intent was to star

  • Inverted Orthodoxy #342 - Continued defence of the Message and Eugene Peterson & Who was the naked g

    06/06/2024 Duración: 59min

    In this weeks episode, Pastors Kyle, Blake, and Doug discuss the following:1. You guys talk about and promote The Message ‘translation’ by Eugene Peterson a lot. I totally disagree that it is a reliable translation of the Bible. I wouldn’t consider it a translation at all, actually. Maybe a commentary. Please could you read this article that compares some passages in the Bible to what Peterson wrote? And please could you respond and tell me your thoughts? Thanks.2. A young man, wearing nothing but a linen garment, was following Jesus. When they seized him, he fled naked, leaving his garment behind.“Mark 14:51-52 This seems like an odd verse in the middle of Jesus’ arrest. Can you please add some clarity? Do we know who this young man is? Is it significant that he ran away naked? HELP!!!Visit us at for show backlog and to ask a question of your own. 

  • Inverted Orthodoxy #341- Star Wars Debate, The Message, and maybe more!

    29/05/2024 Duración: 58min

    In this weeks episode, Pastors Kyle, Blake, and Doug discuss the following:1. Apr 17 - Rank the three Star Wars trilogies from best to worst.2.April 26 - You guys talk about and promote The Message ‘translation’ by Eugene Peterson a lot. I totally disagree that it is a reliable translation of the Bible. I wouldn’t consider it a translation at all, actually. Maybe a commentary. Please could you read this article “” that compares some passages in the Bible to what Peterson wrote? And please could you respond and tell me your thoughts? Thanks.

  • Inverted Orthodoxy #340- God speaking in dreams, Modesty, Mythical Creatures, and more!

    22/05/2024 Duración: 51min

    We are back and debuting a brand new studio! Pastors Kyle and Blake discuss the following questions:1. 2 Minutes into episode Apr 14 - Do you think that God uses our dreams to speak to us? In the Bible there are several references to God speaking to people in a dream. Are our dreams something we should try to sit with God and try to interpret? It seems so foolish to make life decisions based on dreams. What are your thoughts? Even though it seems foolish I think that sometimes God has tried to warn me in dreams. Am I making this up?2. 14:21 minutes into episode Apr 17 - What are your views on modesty? Is it the responsibility of men and women within the church to dress in a manor that doesn't cause temptation? And to what extent should this be enforced within a congregation, particularly within youth groups4. 34:05 minutes into episode Apr 17 - Throughout the old testimony there are references to mythical creatures (Behemoth, Leviathan, Nephilim .etc) do you believe these to be real?

  • Inverted Orthodoxy #339- Speaking in tongues, Prompts from the Spirit, and Slaying the Spirit

    15/05/2024 Duración: 56min

    in Episode #339, Pastors Kyle and Blake discuss the following:1 - 1:13 seconds into episodeWhat is happening when we pray in tongues? If I’m praying in tongues between God and myself do I need to receive an interpretation? Is praying in tongues a way to pray when we don’t know what to say? Or should it only be done to be interpreted to edify the church body? What role does praying in tongues have in the church body at Living Springs? Is this something that the church needs to be discipled in?342. 20:40 minutes into episode Apr 14 - I’ve struggled my whole life trying to obey the promptings from the Holy Spirit. Sometimes I think I miss the mark by miles on this. It baffles me how a group of people or couples can all loved the Lord passionately and have differing ideas of what it looks like to follow the leading of the Lord. What are your thoughts on this and how do you navigate through following the promptings of the Lord in your own lives and relationships?344. 47:40 minutes into episode Apr 14 - On April 13

  • Inverted Orthodoxy #338- Worshiping and non-Christian Media, Can I trust God? and maybe more!

    08/05/2024 Duración: 54min

    In episode 338, Pastors Doug, Kyle, and Blake discuss the following:1. 2:25 into episodeApril 10 - Can you worship to music that isn’t Christian? Is it possible to feel connected to god through music that isn’t targeted that way?2. 18:50 into episode Apr 10 - I think I’m struggling with my belief. I’m not sure how to believe in a god that would send so many bad things and grief my way. If god is truly all knowing and all loving, why would he make my life be so full of loss and heartache? In my mind, that is not a kind god

  • Inverted Orthodoxy #Bonus Episode: The Kingdom in Real Life- Discipled Finances

    03/05/2024 Duración: 01h06min

    Pastor Doug brings us his Long form teaching on discipling our finances. Please see the link below for resources.

  • Inverted Orthodoxy #337- Jesus and the Super Bowl, Bible Translations, Stillness, and maybe more!

    01/05/2024 Duración: 57min

    In this weeks episode, Pastors Kyle and Doug discuss the following:In relation to the purity topic/the way people dress, what steps can we take to teach teens how to to live with wisdom and self control without instilling the negatives that purity culture has brought aboutWhat are your thoughts on “He gets us” ad that ran on the Super Bowl; advertising Jesus approach. Apparently it shows several controversial groups: a priest washing an LGBTQ members feet, a police officer washing a criminal’s feet, etc.. millions of dollars were spent on this ad.. “ He gets us “ . Is it ok? I may be worth your looking at as a topic for your inverted theology questions.  Or is it too controversial to handle.  You decide.Apr 8 - Which translation of the bible do you prefer? Recently Doug read a verse and then gave a the same verse in English Standard version. Are some versions more accurate than others? Which version would you recommend to teens or new Christian’s, are some easier to understand than others?Apr 8 - On Sunday we

  • Inverted Orthodoxy #336- AER on Spiritual Warfare, Healing, and maybe more!

    24/04/2024 Duración: 56min

    In this weeks episode, Pastors Kyle, Blake and Doug discuss the following:AER from April 17, 2024 Spiritual warfare question This doesn’t have to be AER, it could be put into your list of questions if you don’t think it’s related enough. What do our prayers accomplish for others in their spiritual warfare (example praying for our kids who have decided following Jesus doesn’t interest them). What role do angels play in spiritual warfare? I’ve heard others pray that God would send His angles to fight or that they see angels coming to our aid. Is this real? What are your thoughts?Mar 26 -What are your thoughts on healing? Why are some people healed and not others? Is it because of unbelief? James 5:14-15 Thank-youApr 2 - Quite a while ago,a question was asked about your thoughts on asking Jesus into your life at the end of each service or sermon.Cannot find it, could you tell me which episode that was? Thank you

  • Inverted Orthodoxy #335- Purity Culture, and Spiritual Warfare

    17/04/2024 Duración: 53min

    In this weeks episode, Pastors Kyle, Blake, and Doug discuss the following:1. 3 minutes into episode Feb 27 - what are your thoughts on how to share God’s heart with our teenagers about their bodies/the way they dress? I grew up in the purity culture era and I’ve had to unlearn some of the things that I was taught. I want to train my kids up to know who they are in Christ and not get hung up on the legalist things that wrecked my ideas of how God sees me. Does it matter how females cover their bodies?2. 15 minutes into episode Mar 20 - Can you please define spiritual warfare and our roll vs God’s roll/power in it?

  • Inverted Orthodoxy #334- The Throne Room, Jesus advocating Violence, and maybe more!

    10/04/2024 Duración: 49min

    In this weeks episode, Pastors Blake and Doug discuss the following:325. 2 minutes into episode Mar 2 - I’ve heard people saying that while they pray or sing to the Lord that they sense they have entered the throne room of God. I know scripture tells us to boldly come into His throne room. What are they referring to? Is this a spiritual discipline we can pursue?326. 36 minutes into episode March 13 - I am troubled by Jesus, saying, in Luke 22:36 that, “the person who doesn’t have a sword should sell his coat and buy one.” Is Jesus advocating violence? Or self defense? Shortly after that, Peter tried to use a sword to cut off the soldiers ear and was rebuked. This is all very confusing to me.

  • Inverted Orthodoxy #332- AER, Matthew, Mark and maybe more!

    03/04/2024 Duración: 57min

    In episode 332, Pastors Doug and Blake discuss the following:320. 2min into episode AER: Last week you spoke about being yourselves at church. I believe most of us masquerade at church and project an image of what we believe the church wants us to look like. I have often thought what would it look like if church was the one place I could go each week and truly be myself, all my faults and successes. Thoughts on these thoughts?321. 13 minutes into episode AER from March 27 Podcast Not really A, E or R, however I wanted to say: Thank you very much for your wisdom and compassion in answering my question about fitting in at church. Your thoughts hit the core of my wonderings and pain. I appreciate the work each of you have let the Holy Spirit accomplish in your life’s. His tenderness, mercy, love and righteous ways shines through.323. 16 minutes into episode. Feb 27 Why does Jesus say in Matthew 23:36 that the people he was speaking to would be held accountable for the deaths of Abel to Zechariah? Does this s

  • Inverted Orthodoxy #331- Jonah and Nineveh, gender roles, Septuagint, and maybe more!

    20/03/2024 Duración: 56min

    In this weeks episode, Pastors Doug, Kyle, and Blake discuss the following:1. 2:00 minutes into episode. Hi, Last week Pastor Blake spoke on Jonah's anger and he mentioned the city of Nineveh. The Great North American Eclipse happening on April 8th where the 6 cities named Nineveh that are located throughout North America will have 3 intersecting paths called the ALEF-TAV triad of eclipses and it happens right above the constellation of Cetus, the whale. Now I'm not into astrology at all but in further reading I found some interesting things: apparently some believe that there was a total solar eclipse just before Jonah warned Nineveh to repent, ALEF is the first letter of the Hebrew Alphabet and TAV is the last, ALEF is the first letter of the Hebrew Alphabet and TAV is the last. The Hebrew pictograph for TAV is an “X,” there are three “X”s on the map of the ALEF-TAV Eclipses. Biblically, three means something is complete." I know this is a little out there and convoluted, but wondering if you have hear of i

  • Inverted Orthodoxy #330- AER, Relationships, Gender Roles, and maybe more!

    13/03/2024 Duración: 57min

    In this weeks episode, the pastors discuss the following:1. Blake is wrong in saying that it is fine if the women feel valued and “loved”, then complementarianism is fine. Blake, there is much value that is lost in what women can/could have done taking this position. I have seen many women be lazy in their spiritualism because they depend on men, especially their spouse.2.Feb 5 - What advice would you give individuals currently dating someone or pursuing a date and what should a Christ centred relationship look like? What’re some things you wish you had done differently in your own experiences? 3.Feb - 6 - This is my first time submitting a question and I’m excited to hear your answer! I will start by giving some back story. My question is about gender stereotypes in Christianity. My family was not raised with any sort of religious upbringing, but my fiancés family was very conservative Christian. In my family, the division of labor between my parents was very 50/50 amongst household duties and parenting (my

  • Inverted Orthodoxy #329- Yoga, restoration, Women in Ministry and maybe more!

    06/03/2024 Duración: 55min

    In episode #329, Pastors Kyle, Doug, and Blake discuss the following:1. Wondering what you think about yoga? Is this something Christians should practice? What about the different types (e.g. Bikram, Kundilini, etc.) - are there some Christians should or shouldn’t be involved in? I know many (or all?) of the poses are about spirituality and worshipping false gods, so wondering what you think about Christians and yoga. Thanks.2. Hi. My question is around the idea of restoration. So in genesis, thinking about the fall and Adam’s and Eves spiritual separation from God. With Jesus death of the cross, our relationship is restored. Did Jesus restore us to the level of relationship that Adam had with with God, who walked with God in the cool of the night. If so, what are the implications for our thinking around following Jesus, our traditional view of devotions of quiet time. Are we designed to walk this closely with God, and was this his original intention. Feel free to amend/develop this question into a better for

  • Inverted Orthodoxy #328- AER, Yoga, Restoration, and maybe more!

    28/02/2024 Duración: 53min

    In this weeks episode, Pastors Kyle, Doug, and Blake discuss the following questions: AER from February 21. Could you clarify your thoughts, are you saying that nothing is happening in the spiritual realm when we praise God on our own or corporately? Is praising God together just to connect with Him? The song this is,”how I fight my battles” means what in your opinion?Feb 1- Wondering what you think about yoga? Is this something Christians should practice? What about the different types (e.g. Bikram, Kundilini, etc.) - are there some Christians should or shouldn’t be involved in? I know many (or all?) of the poses are about spirituality and worshipping false gods, so wondering what you think about Christians and yoga. Thanks.Feb 4 - Hi. My question is around the idea of restoration. So in genesis, thinking about the fall and Adam’s and Eves spiritual separation from God. With Jesus death of the cross, our relationship is restored. Did Jesus restore us to the level of relationship that Adam had with with God,

  • Inverted Orthodoxy - BONUS EPISODE: Ephesians Long Form Teaching

    23/02/2024 Duración: 01h16min

    In this bonus episode Pastor Kyle takes a long form view on the book of Ephesians

  • Inverted Orthodoxy #327- Law and order, Self Defence, and maybe more!

    21/02/2024 Duración: 52min

    1- In Matthew 5:17-20 Jesus talks about the fulfillment of the law and how no Law will disappear until heaven and earth disappear. Yet as Christians we don’t follow the law as it may seem we are supposed to. Why is that? Is this just something Christianity has decided to skip over? What’s the difference between the law being abolished vs fulfilled? 32 - In Matthew 25:31-46 it talks about the people on the right getting eternal life and those on the left getting eternal punishment. How would this group of verses be reconciled into your current view of Hell and the afterlife?3 - If I’m a Christian, is it okay to defend myself, even from physical harm or death? I’m struggling through the idea that as Christians, we are told to follow Christ as our Head and example and yet He, when unjustly arrested, tortured and killed never lifted a finger to defend himself. How can we Christians ever condone or even consider using violence against someone else, even if they decide to attack or kill us? I’m struggling to find t

  • Inverted Orthodoxy #326 - Old Testament records, Mary the OG surrogate, iconography, and maybe more!

    14/02/2024 Duración: 47min

    Before Stephen is martyred, he gives the Israelite history, and he gives much more detail than is found in the Old Testament. Where is this other information recorded?Should the pope be condemning surrogacy? I mean.. wasn’t Mary the original surrogate…What role do you see symbolism and iconography playing in Christianity, as a whole or in individual lives of believers? Does it contradict the second commandment? Other traditions seem to rely more on these than evangelical streams.

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