Real Estate Investing Profits Master Series With Cory Boatright



Real Estate Investing Profits Masters Series | The Definitive Real estate Podcast for Real Estate Investing Freedom By Quitting your Job, Creating Landlord Wealth, Making Passive Income by Flipping Wholesaling House Deals and getting Bigger Pockets with Millionaire Investors.


  • Episode 59: Skip Tracing with Larry Higgins

    17/08/2017 Duración: 35min

    Today’s episode is a little bit different because I’m talking to Larry Higgins, a skip tracing genius. He’s got his own company – Skip Genie – where his team helps other real estate agents do all of their skip tracing. For those of you who don’t know, skip tracing is a way to find sellers. These sellers are usually hard to find because their properties are what Larry calls “distressed”. These are vacant properties, tax delinquent properties, or properties where owners are deceased and the estate is looking to sell. If you can skip trace correctly and connect with these unique sellers, you can catch some amazing deals. You’re going to be surprised at Larry’s investing profit strategy. He absolutely hates direct mailers (even though his company deals with a lot of mailers!), but his unique perspective really gives him up a leg-up in this industry. He can connect real estate agents like you with skip trace sellers looking to sell ASAP. His secret is automation. Your mailers combined with his searching techniques

  • Episode 58: Nathan Brooks KS Missouri Turnkey Excellence

    03/08/2017 Duración: 01h18min

    Today’s episode is huge. Nathan Brooks is like a celebrity for me. He’s the CEO of his own company Bridge Turnkey Investments, and he’s basically automated his excellent leadership into a successful investment strategy. He started out as a musician and wanted to be a rock star, but how he got into real estate investing is really inspiring. You’re going to hear how he transformed his company by focusing on the excellence of his team. Nathan calls it a “renaissance”, and in reality that’s exactly what it is. He overhauled his entire business model, all the way down to the specific tasks of his each of his employees. He learned what it truly means to manage and lead a team. Nathan breaks down all of the individual processes he put in place in order for his turnkey investment strategy to be as successful as it is.   Nathan has a trick for focusing on just one thing. I know that seems impossible when you have 45 to 50 things to do every day, but this meditative technique for being present in the moment is truly va

  • Episode 57: Joseph Taylor Portland Mega Investor

    20/07/2017 Duración: 59min

    Welcome to the Real Estate Investment Strategy Podcast! My guest for today’s episode is Joe Taylor, who is currently crushing the scene in Portland. His business – PDX Renovations – is 3 parts wholesale and 1 part fix-and-flip. But 100% of his investment strategy is a real game changer. I brought Joe on today because he sees things a little differently than the rest of us. We all know that real estate is always evolving, and Joe gives a fresh take on this business with his marketing and investment strategies. Joe’s business strategy is all about being humble. He doesn’t like negativity, and he works hard to make sure his team and his clients experience the best customer service. His entire reputation depends on it. He talks today about how building and maintaining a positive reputation for his business gives his numbers and his margins a huge, affirmative boost. There’s no point dwelling on the negative, and bringing Joe on the show today will definitely inspire you to focus on the forward momentum you’re gen

  • Episode 56: Lex Levinrad Florida Real Investing Estate Master

    25/05/2017 Duración: 01h04min

    Welcome to the newest episode of the Real Estate Investing Podcast! You know I am always on here talking about efficacy and helping others uncover and tap into their own potential. My guest today is a living example of that. I'm pumped to have Lex Levinrad on the show today because his success in real estate is not only due to his amazing skills as a marketer and a wholesaler, but a lot of it comes from his self-confidence and trust in himself and his own potential. Lex is making 20 deals a month and living it up on his yacht. But back in the early 2000s, the market crash chewed him up and spit him out just like it did with a bunch of us. It's hard to bounce back from a solid year of unemployment like that, but Lex did it! He stuck to his convictions and trusted himself to take the risk and it paid off HUGE! He hit the pavement and invested in some amazing mentors to help him get to where he is today. Today Lex is in a pretty amazing spot at the top of this business. He's got a buyers‘ list that looks like it

  • Episode 55: Jeff Garner St Louis Investor Mental Warrior

    11/05/2017 Duración: 53min

    Welcome to the Real Estate Investment Profit Masters! Today’s interview is an important one. I brought Jeff Garner on from St. Louis to break down his wholesaling investment strategy, but we end up talking about something way more meaningful. Jeff’s got about 100 properties and he’s making 12 deals a month, but that’s not where his satisfaction comes from. He’s got a knack for being happiest in this business because he focuses on more than just the money. When Jeff lost it all in the market crash of the 2000s, he had to reprioritize and reframe his approach to business. He honed his craft as a salesman by paying more attention to the people than the numbers.  Jeff talks about how his idea of being the most professional and offering the best service built his portfolio. Being able to evolve with his investment strategy so seamlessly is partly due to Jeff’s ability to turn obstacles into opportunities. Jeff talks about how his new sales techniques and professionalism helped him find investors when he didn’t hav

  • Episode 54: Jimmy and Bob from Joint Ops Properties

    27/04/2017 Duración: 01h06min

    This episode contains strong language. I’ve got another fantastic interview lined up for you all today! The Joint Ops duo – Jimmy Vreeland and Bob Scott – are joining me on the Profit Masters Podcast. Joint Ops is their real estate brain child, and their experiences in the military not only inspired their company name, it also inspired their incredible work ethic. It may have also inspired their vulgar jokes, so be warned that there is some foul language in today’s episode around the 36 minute mark. These two dudes specialize in buying older, single-family homes with a lease option exit strategy, and they are slinging lease options all across St. Louis. We talk about what inspired them to start these leasing options instead of the traditional flip-and-sell model. There were a lot of “a-ha” moments that brought them to this point in their business, and I know a lot of you are familiar with that feeling. You know when everything seems to fall into place but you don’t know how or where it’s going? That’s how the

  • Episode 53: Joe McCall Lease Option Mastery

    13/04/2017 Duración: 44min

    Ever feel like you’re getting too caught up in this business sometimes? The market is always changing. There’s so much information coming at us all the time. We can barely keep up! We think we have to learn it all, do it all, when really all it takes is that one first step. Get your head on straight and follow your gut. Deciding on a path and seizing it is a surefire way to get yourself better organized! This is your business and it’s motivated by you and your faith in doing exactly what you need to do. My guest today is Joe McCall. He’s going to break down his strategy for wholesale leasing options deals, but he’s also going to discuss how to balance your time, your tenants, and your business. Joe does his research and finds the perfect neighborhoods for his investments. He calculates his most comfortable income and only creates deals that fit within that spectrum. His strategy also avoids the two major pitfalls real estate investors succumb to. Failing to pre-screen tenants is a major part of today’s podcas

  • Episode 52: Three Epic Real Estate Investing Strategies with Matt Theriaul

    30/03/2017 Duración: 52min

    Matt Theriault is here today to break down three of his epic real estate investment strategies. Matt is the founder of Epic Real Estate, and his strategies are as creative as they are epic. You’re going to want to start using them immediately after listening to today’s episode. Matt is from California, but he turnkeys most of his properties throughout the country, including Missouri and Minnesota. His approach to Epic Real Estate is to create as many offers as possible to give himself, his team, and his buyers the best bang for their buck. Matt’s business is divided into their tiers: education, turnkey, and funding. I ask him how the three work together to build his team and his portfolio, and he shares all the ways he leverages his resources and his skills to create these amazing investment strategies. We’re always talking about successful investments on this podcast, but there’s a time to address the challenges too. Without challenges, there is no way to measure our success. Matt’s challenges are no differe

  • Episode 51: Simple Wholesaling with Brett Snodgrass

    16/03/2017 Duración: 01h17min

    This episode of Real Estate Investing Profits is all about the good vibes. My guest is using his business as a way to inspire Christ’s teachings in everyone he meets. This is ministry through empowering real estate investors, and this kind of good energy is something I’m really excited to see happening firsthand! Brett Snodgrass is on the show today to talk about how he balances faith with profit. He’s sharing some serious wholesaling strategies that you can start using immediately in your business. Brett is the founder of Simple Wholesaling. He’s making deals, selling properties, and even hosting his own podcast. He’s got great advice for new investors because he uses his experiences to coach and mentor others through the challenges we all face in real estate and in life. The important thing we talk about in today’s podcast is how influential teaching can be. Beyond having Christ’s teachings in your life, teaching your own experience can be extremely influential. Mentors and mastermind groups mean having a t

  • Episode 50: Jack Bosch The Art of Wholesaling Land

    02/03/2017 Duración: 01h13min

    We are changing it up on a bit on today’s episode of Real Estate Investing Profit Masters. Usually we’re talking about flipping and wholesaling houses, apartments, even storage units. But today’s podcast is all about land. That’s right – just land. Wholesaling land is going to be a game changer for those of us looking for a new way to invest and sell. And it’s going to appeal to a lot of us because the profits are unbelievable! Jack Bosch is my guest today because he’s a land wholesaling wizard. He’s developed a winning real estate investment strategy that he’s going to discuss today. He’s an amazing teacher and mentor that helps investors all over the country learn how to make huge profits wholesaling land to other investors looking to build. Imagine getting lots for less than 20 cents on the dollar! That’s the beautiful knowledge that Jack is going to drop today. We know that the real estate scene is constantly evolving, and as real estate investors, we all want to keep up. Wholesaling land works just like

  • Episode 49: Alex Joungblood Real Estate Investing Hacks

    02/02/2017 Duración: 56min

    Welcome to Real Estate Investing Profit Masters! I’ve got my twin on the podcast today! At least, people are always saying we look alike. But Alex Joungblood is really killing it on the scene today with his wholesaling and construction projects. The man can balance it all – work, family, and investing – and really just has an amazing and positive approach to life and everything that he does. A mistake landed him in the wholesaling business. Alex messed up his first deal, ended up going to court and lost money, but wholesaling got him out of the deal. He made a $12,000 profit, even after losing money initially, and it’s not just because he has good luck. Alex is an awesome business man with a positive attitude. He’s developed incredible hacks to break out of stagnant investing strategies. He and I actually worked together to bring a few of these hacks to you at These are very basic hacks you can do without having a whole bunch of robots or virtual assistants. Alex doesn’t eve

  • Episode 48: Paul Moore Wellingscapital Create Multifamily Investing Wealth

    26/01/2017 Duración: 01h15min

    I am amped about today’s episode of REIP. I haven’t been this excited for an interview in a really long time. My guest today is totally changing the scene through his investment strategies and his faith, and I couldn’t be more psyched to have him on today. Paul Moore is the real estate investor behind Smith Mountain Homes and Wellings Capital, and he’s got the perfect balance between earning and giving back. This interview is one of my favorites, so strap in and get ready to have your mind blown. And please watch us on the video because Paul’s got amazing charts and graphs that really illustrate how his multi-family investing strategy works. Paul started out flipping properties like the rest of us, but how he got into multi-family investing is really interesting. He shares today how he launched an entrepreneurial venture in Detroit, got bored, and started flipping houses before flipping was even a thing. He started with mobile homes and moved up into waterfront properties. Things got tough when the housing bu

  • Episode 47: Scott Meyers Self Storage Investin

    29/12/2016 Duración: 01h04min

    My guest today is not your traditional fix and flip guy. He’s not even a wholesaler. Scott Meyers applied his winning real estate investment strategy to self-storage! Which is amazing to think about because many of us have probably never even considered self-storage as an option. But for investing, self-storage is extremely lucrative. And in today’s episode Scott Meyers shares his strategies and how self-storage investment is practically recession proof. Scott did get his start with wholesales, short sales, and rentals, but with the dot-com crash in the late 90s and the housing crashing in the mid-2000s, Scott wanted to try something different. He was sick of taking the risks on the banks and the tenants and knew there had to be a safe way to do what he loved in real estate while minimizing the risk to his investments. He listened to his wife and decided to invest in storage units. He’s developed and purchased over 5000 units, out in the middle of nowhere, all across the country, and now he’s looking to devel

  • Episode 46: Wayne Sheaffer 100 closing 100 days Good Success Indiana

    10/11/2016 Duración: 01h03min

    My guest today has an amazing real estate investment strategy. Wayne Sheaffer is killing it with wholesales in Indiana because he works wide instead of going deep. He’s picking out homes in rural areas and less crowded suburban towns because there is little to no competition. Once he establishes his real estate foundation, then he starts working deeper to build his buyer list. He talks today about how exactly he uses bandit signs to build that buyer list and the ways you can apply his new perspectives on your own investment strategy.   When Wayne got sick of working for Corporate America and sleeping in his office, he took a shot at real estate. His trick is to focus on the risk rather than the money and to work toward something bigger than yourself. Today’s interview is all about not only how to turn your investments into a well-oiled wholesale machine but the ways in which you can apply your core principles to your big business plan.   MINUTE MARKERS 3:33 - Here’s Mr. Wayne Sheaffer from Highland, Indiana!

  • Episode 45: Cody Hofhine Crushing WholeTAILING in Utah

    13/10/2016 Duración: 47min

    A lot of people go in for the kill in this business, but my guest today is all about focusing on the bigger picture. Cody Hofhine’s expertise may be in wholesaling and whole-tailing (something he breaks down in this episode), but he devotes most of his energy and his time to building sales relationships that pay off. His motto is “ERT”, which stands for “establishing relationships of trust”. He knows he can’t close a deal if there’s no trust between him and the client, so he and his team focus on being the best friend they can be before ever drawing up a contract.   This real estate investing strategy is paying off too! Cody just got started last May, and his business is booming in Utah. He talks about how he pulled in a profit of $27K on one of his toughest sales just through trust and perseverance. Maintaining open lines of communication and an open mind are key to his success, and he’s here to talk about how the process of selling is actually a process of loving – loving yourself, loving your clients, lovi

  • Episode 44: Tom Olson Good Success 250 Properties a Yr.

    29/09/2016 Duración: 01h04min

    I’m really excited about my guest today because his outlook on business is a little different than anybody else I’ve had on the show. Tom Olson has managed to incorporate giving back into his KPI, and his investment strategy focuses on giving back to people just as much as he turns profits for himself. This kind of perspective, and the advice he’s giving out for young people today, is extremely important to your and my continued success in this business. [youtube][/youtube] Tom’s real estate investment strategy is all about adding value. He uses wholesaling and leasing options to grow his turnover, but he also loves lending and manages to use that to his benefit as well. You might think this kind of success is hard to come by. How can you achieve so much and share so much at the same time? When you think outside of yourself, that process becomes much easier. Because achievement doesn’t happen overnight. Achievement is a process, a process that you share with others and work on with

  • Episode 43: Rod Khlief Lifetime Cashflow

    22/09/2016 Duración: 54min

    A lot of the guests I bring on my show are killing it in the real estate investment scene, but most of them focus on single-family properties. I’m changing it up a bit today to bring you guys something new. This new perspective comes from Rod Khleif, real estate investor extraordinaire and host of his own podcast, The Lifetime Cash Flow. Rod is blowing the rest of us out of the water because his trick is multifamily units. [youtube][/youtube] Multifamily units can sound kind of intimidating, but as Rod says on today’s episode, buying a duplex (or a triplex or a quadplex) is the same as buying a single-family home. You don’t have to go big with a 10 or 20-unit apartment or commercial property, but you can start small and still grow a nice nest egg to retire with. The point is to break out and away from your fear and try something new. Rod shares some his experiences and his real estate investment strategy to help you get started with your own multifamily investments. Beyond his expe

  • Episode 42: Craig Ballantyne Productivity and Success Transformation Coach

    08/09/2016 Duración: 48min

    Today I’m talking to Craig Ballantyne - a productivity and success transformation coach, and author of Perfect Day Formula: How to Own the Day and Control Your Life. He is also the owner and editor of Early to Rise, a daily online publication to increase productivity and success in all aspects of your life. [youtube][/youtube] Craig has a background in fitness and strength training, and coaches clients in Strength & Conditioning from his home in Toronto, Canada. He has overcome personal anxiety by using his 5 pillars of success: better planning and preparation, professional accountability, positive social support, a meaningful incentive, and the big deadline. Listen today to hear about his five pillar system to increase your productivity and improve your business. [Tweet "You can read all the books on sales but until you get out there, you never get good at it. - Craig"] MINUTE MARKERS 5:05 - Introducing Craig Ballantyne! 8:21 - Craig discusses how he got involved in the person

  • Episode 41: Dr. David Phelps Passive Income Freedom Fighter

    06/08/2016 Duración: 01h01min

    If you’re in the business of real estate investing, then I know why you’re listening to this podcast. But my guest today is here to talk about how you can balance your own business and use real estate as a sort of passive income that can build your wealth and, eventually, give you more free time to spend on the things that truly matter to you!  [youtube][/youtube] Dr. David Phelps is my guest today. You’d never guess it, but he transitioned from dentistry to real estate quite easily. Because that’s the thing about this business, isn’t it? You can bounce around until your find your niche. The business of real estate investment is very simple, but most of us complicate it by thinking too hard or trying too hard. I know I’m guilty of it, even David’s guilty of it, but he’s talking today about how you can balance the simple stuff with the hard stuff and still come out ahead. And you come out ahead when you focus on maintaining your entrepreneurial spirit. Consider this – instead of inv

  • Episode 40: Frank Cava Fix and Flip Master Teacher

    21/07/2016 Duración: 57min

    My guest today – Frank Cava – is easily one of my favorite people. We met awhile back as part of our mastermind group, and we’ve been swapping secrets ever since. I’m excited to have him on the show today because his particular real estate investment strategy is killing it in three different markets right now: rentals, fix-and-flips, and wholesale. How can one guy do so much? Not only is he one of the smartest guys I know (seriously, listen to him break down the numbers), he’s also one of the best guys to work with and for. [youtube][/youtube] Frank says he owes his success to the fact that he runs his business like a real business and not like a hobby. He’s got a real office and a real staff - a team of 9 that he’s hired, trained, and still manages, and he talks today about what it’s like to take the time to build a team like that. Firstly, you have to be honest about what you know and what you don’t know. Only then will you be able to find the right people to fill in the gaps of

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