How To Health Podcast With Laurie Marbas, Md, Mba



Dr. Laurie Marbas brings you the most inspiring stories of individuals conquering chronic disease, overcoming incredible obstacles, and the experts to help you find health. Changing health by changing the food we eat.


  • Nurturing Healthy Kids

    30/01/2024 Duración: 41min

    In this episode, Dr. Laurie Marbas interviews Margot Freitag who shares her personal journey in the plant-based world. Margot discusses her struggles with asthma and other health issues, and how she discovered a potential link between her improved health and living in Australia for a year. Margot also discusses her new book, which emphasizes the importance of cooking with family in the kitchen. Tune in to hear their inspiring story and valuable insights. Looking to lose weight? Then join my free 21-day weight loss challenge today, visit: To work with me: To connect with Margot: A Big Thank You To Our Sponsors: To get the free e-book "Better Sleep Sets The Stage For Better Blood Sugar & Better Weight" visit: To work with the world's best plant-based coach, Maxime Sigou

  • Sleep Deep: New Approaches to Beating Sleep Apnea and Insomnia

    23/01/2024 Duración: 01h02min

    In this incredibly enlightening episode of our podcast, I had the absolute pleasure of hosting Dr. Audrey Wells, an exceptional expert in the field of sleep medicine. We dove deep into the complex world of sleep disorders, focusing particularly on insomnia and sleep apnea, and how profoundly they affect our overall health. Dr. Wells has a fascinating journey into medicine; it wasn't your typical straight path to medical school right after undergrad. Her choice to pursue medicine stemmed from a deep-seated desire to contribute significantly to society and challenge herself. Her experiences at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, followed by medical training at prestigious institutions like the University of Michigan Medical School and Washington University, have profoundly shaped her expertise in sleep medicine. During our conversation, we discussed the widespread nature of sleep disorders and the critical importance of understanding each patient's unique sleep experience. Dr. Wells emphasized how vital sleep q

  • Day 21 Of 21 Day Weight Loss Challenge

    21/01/2024 Duración: 05min

    In this final episode of the 21 Day Weight Loss Challenge, I encourage listeners to reflect on their journey and set goals for the future. I discuss the importance of SMART goals and provide examples related to diet, exercise, and mental health. I emphasize the need to plan for challenges and offer writing exercises for self-reflection. I remind listeners to prioritize self-care and fill their own cup before giving to others. The episode concludes by highlighting the progress made and the tools gained for long-term transformation and continued growth. To work with me: To join the weight loss challenge, join here:

  • Day 20 Of 21 Day Weight Loss Challenge

    21/01/2024 Duración: 06min

    In this episode of the 21 Day Weight Loss Challenge, I discuss the importance of overcoming obstacles on the weight loss journey. I emphasize the need to let go of expectations and limiting beliefs, and instead view obstacles as opportunities to learn and grow. I provide actionable steps for identifying and strategizing to overcome challenges, including seeking support and adjusting routines. I also encourage self-reflection and the implementation of long-term strategies for sustainable results. Listeners are reminded to prioritize self-love and to remember that they are worthy of investing in themselves. To work with me: To join the weight loss challenge, join here:

  • Day 19 Of 21 Day Weight Loss Challenge

    19/01/2024 Duración: 06min

    In this episode of the 21 Day Weight Loss Challenge, I focus on how sleep affects weight loss. I explain that poor sleep can lead to hormonal imbalances, increased appetite and cravings for high-calorie foods, reduced metabolic rate, increased insulin resistance, emotional eating, impaired judgment, and decreased physical activity. I then provide suggestions for improving the sleep environment, such as adjusting light, noise, and comfort in the bedroom, maintaining a comfortable room temperature, implementing a wind-down ritual before bed, and incorporating relaxation techniques like herbal teas and journaling. I also mention the importance of tracking sleep quality and considering hormone replacement therapy for menopause symptoms. Tune in tomorrow for day 20 of the challenge. To work with me: To join the weight loss challenge, join here:

  • Day 18 Of 21 Day Weight Loss Challenge

    18/01/2024 Duración: 12min

    In this episode of the 21-Day Weight Loss Challenge, I discuss the importance of sustainability when incorporating healthy habits into your life. I emphasize that there is no one-size-fits-all approach and encourage listeners to take small steps in the right direction. I provide different strategies for transitioning to a whole food plant-based diet, such as adding fruits and vegetables to meals or gradually incorporating plant-based meals into your routine. I also highlight the importance of enjoying food and keeping it simple to avoid stress. I suggest making healthier versions of favorite foods, such as pizza, by using more vegetables or vegan cheese. I emphasize the need to be kind to yourself and listen to your own needs and values. The episode ends with a writing exercise focused on reflecting on the meal planning process and addressing challenges and adaptations. Overall, I encourage listeners to prioritize their health and well-being while finding a sustainable approach to their dietary choices. To w

  • Day 17 Of 21 Day Weight Loss Challenge

    17/01/2024 Duración: 15min

    In this episode of the 21 Day Weight Loss Challenge, I discuss the importance of your social network and how it can influence your health behaviors. Drawing from insights in "The Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg and "Social Contagion" by Dr. Nicholas Christakis, I explain how our social connections can impact our weight and overall health. The episode explores concepts such as behavioral contagion, emotional contagion, and the influence of modeling and norms within communities. I emphasize the need to invest in our social networks and highlight the role of community interventions and public health campaigns in promoting healthier behaviors. The episode concludes with a challenge to connect with like-minded individuals in your community and reflect on the impact of community interaction on your own well-being. To work with me: To join the weight loss challenge, join here:

  • Day 16 Of 21 Day Weight Loss Challenge

    16/01/2024 Duración: 18min

    In this episode of the 21 Day Weight Loss Challenge, I discuss the topic of stress and how it relates to weight loss. I start by explaining the true definition of stress and how it is a combination of physiological and psychological responses. I emphasize the importance of understanding both external and internal sources of stress, as well as the role of perception and interpretation in our stress responses. I share a personal story from my time in medical school to illustrate how different coping mechanisms can impact stress levels. I also discuss the role of habitual thought patterns and the negative impact of perfectionism and pessimism on stress levels. I encourage listeners to reframe their thoughts and adjust their expectations to better manage stress. The episode also explores the concept of control and choice, highlighting the importance of taking responsibility for our reactions to external events. I emphasize the value of self-reflection and journaling to gain clarity and perspective on stressful

  • Resilience and Renewal: Dr. Dawn Mussallem's Journey Through Cancer, Heart Failure, and Transplant

    16/01/2024 Duración: 51min

    In this inspiring episode, I had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Dawn Mussallem, a physician whose life story is a testament to resilience, love, and the power of a whole-person approach to health. Dr. Mussallem shared her incredible journey through multiple health challenges, including a stage four cancer diagnosis during medical school, heart failure, and eventually a heart transplant. From a young age, Dr. Mussallem was drawn to a life of health and vitality, influenced by her family's deep love and healthy lifestyle. Her early desire to become a doctor was intertwined with her wish to live to a hundred years old and help others achieve health. She pursued her passion through naturopathic and osteopathic training, always with a focus on holistic health. Dr. Mussallem's resilience was first tested when she was diagnosed with aggressive non-Hodgkin's lymphoma during medical school. Despite the severity of her condition and the intense treatments that followed, including chemotherapy and a bone marrow tra

  • Day 15 Of 21 Day Weight Loss Challenge

    15/01/2024 Duración: 09min

    In this episode of the 21-day weight loss challenge, I focus on finding joy in movement. I emphasize the importance of shifting our mindset from formal exercise to embracing movement as a source of pleasure, well-being, and self-expression. I provide practical tips for finding enjoyment in physical activities, such as exploring different activities, listening to your body, adapting and modifying movements, incorporating social interaction, and setting realistic goals. I also highlight the benefits of mindfulness during exercise, creating a positive environment with music and pleasant surroundings, reflecting on the mental and physical health benefits of movement, cultivating gratitude for being able to move your body, and being flexible and kind to yourself throughout your fitness journey. The episode ends with an invitation for listeners to share their experiences of finding joy in everyday movement. To work with me: To join the weight loss challenge, join here: https://www.drmar

  • Day 14 Of 21 Day Weight Loss Challenge

    14/01/2024 Duración: 14min

    In this episode, I discuss the power of positive self-talk and how it can impact weight loss and overall well-being. I share a story about a friend who lost 58 pounds by listening to positive affirmations every day. I also emphasize the importance of changing our inner dialogue and beliefs in order to achieve our goals. I provide writing prompts for listeners to reflect on their own self-talk and integrate positive affirmations into their daily routines. The episode ends with a preview of the next episode, which will focus on finding enjoyment in physical activity. To work with me: To join the weight loss challenge, join here:

  • Day 13 Of 21 Day Weight Loss Challenge

    13/01/2024 Duración: 10min

    In this episode of the 21 Day Weight Loss Challenge, I discuss the importance of hydration and its impact on overall health. I share a personal story about a patient whose headaches improved significantly after focusing on hydration. I explain how water maintains body fluid balance, facilitates cellular health and function, regulates body temperature, improves physical performance, enhances cognitive function, supports digestive health, and more. I also provide tips on how to stay hydrated throughout the day, including spreading out water intake, using water tracking apps, and making water easily accessible. I encourage listeners to observe any changes in appetite, energy levels, physical sensations, and mood as they prioritize hydration. To work with me: To join the weight loss challenge, join here:

  • Day 12 Of 21 Day Weight Loss Challenge

    12/01/2024 Duración: 10min

    In today's episode, I explore the concept of mindfulness and how it can be applied to eating. Mindful eating involves being present in the moment, fully aware of the flavors, textures, and sensations of your food. By practicing mindfulness, you can transform your relationship with food, understand true hunger, make healthier food choices, and prevent overeating. The episode includes a mindfulness exercise with an orange, where I engage your senses and eat slowly, appreciating the food and reflecting on the experience. I also discuss the benefits of mindfulness for weight loss and suggest a writing exercise to reflect on your mindful eating experience. Overall, incorporating mindfulness into your daily routine can be a valuable tool for creating a healthy relationship with food. To work with me: To join the weight loss challenge, join here:

  • Day 11 Of 21 Day Weight Loss Challenge

    11/01/2024 Duración: 16min

    Welcome back to day 11 of our 21-day weight loss challenge. Today, we tackled the complex issue of emotional eating, a common struggle for many, especially post-pandemic. Emotional eating is when we turn to food, typically ultra-processed and comfort foods, in response to feelings other than physical hunger, such as stress or loneliness. This habit can lead to temporary relief but doesn't solve the underlying emotional issues. We discussed the characteristics of emotional eating, which include being triggered by emotions, craving specific foods, and often eating mindlessly beyond the point of fullness, followed by feelings of guilt or shame. To combat emotional eating, we explored B.J. Fogg's behavior model, which states that behavior requires motivation, a prompt, and the ability to perform the action. We also looked at strategies to identify emotional triggers, differentiate between emotional and physical hunger, and develop awareness of eating habits through mindful eating practices. I suggested keeping

  • Day 10 Of 21 Day Weight Loss Challenge

    10/01/2024 Duración: 24min

    In this episode, I discuss how stress can affect our weight and provide strategies to manage stress and its impact on our weight. I explain the physiological effects of stress, including hormonal changes and increased appetite and cravings. I also talk about how stress can lead to emotional eating, irregular eating patterns, decreased physical activity, and other behavioral changes. Additionally, I explore the impact of stress on metabolic rate, sleep disturbances, and gut health. I recommend practices such as yoga, expressive writing, and positive self-talk as effective ways to deal with stress. The episode concludes with my reflections and prompts for listeners to assess their initial impressions, post-session reflections, and future plans for managing stress and weight. Overall, I emphasize the importance of recognizing and addressing the connection between the mind and body in weight management. To work with me: To join the weight loss challenge, join here: https://www.drmarbas

  • Day 9 Of 21 Day Weight Loss Challenge

    09/01/2024 Duración: 11min

    Welcome back to Day 9 of our 21-Day Weight Loss Challenge. Today's focus was on the importance of integrating non-exercise activity thermogenesis, or NEAT, into our daily lives. NEAT encompasses all the calories we burn through activities that aren't structured exercise, sleep, or eating. I discussed how simple actions like taking the stairs, walking during phone calls, and stretching during breaks can significantly impact our health and well-being. I shared insights from Dr. Ellen Langer's study on hotel maids, which highlighted how recognizing their work as a form of exercise led to improved health outcomes. This underscores the power of mindfulness and perception in our fitness journeys. I also touched on the benefits of fidgeting and using tools like standing desks or Swiss balls to stay active throughout the day. To encourage listeners to increase their NEAT, I proposed a step count challenge, suggesting the use of step counters or apps to set and track daily goals. For today's activity, I urged liste

  • Navigating Nutritional Science with Brenda Davis

    09/01/2024 Duración: 01h09min

    In this episode, I welcome Brenda Davis, a renowned plant-powered registered dietitian, to discuss the importance of a whole food plant-based diet. Brenda shares her journey of becoming a registered dietitian and how she developed a passion for plant-based diets. Tune in to gain practical knowledge and insights on the benefits of plant-based eating. To get access to my free 21-day weight loss challenge: To work with me: To connect with Brenda: A Big Thank You To Our Sponsors: To work with the world's best plant-based coach, Maxime Sigouin visit his website: To learn plant-based cooking and get your medical questions answered join The Healing Kitchen taught by Brittany Jaroudi and me! Click here to learn more: To be a part of a community of people living a plant-based lifestyle to improve their health and who support each other, join

  • Day 8 Of 21 Day Weight Loss Challenge

    08/01/2024 Duración: 11min

    Welcome back to our 21 Day Weight Loss Challenge. On day eight, we delve into the crucial relationship between sleep and weight management. Understanding the body's response to inadequate sleep is key to tackling weight loss effectively. The Science of Sleep and Weight Metabolic Impact: Insufficient sleep can disrupt glucose processing, increasing the risk of diabetes and obesity. Appetite Regulation: Sleep deprivation alters hunger hormones, ghrelin and leptin, leading to increased appetite and potential weight gain. Physical Activity: Lack of sleep results in fatigue, reducing motivation for exercise and increasing the risk of injury. Impulse Control: Tiredness impairs judgment, making us more likely to crave and consume high-calorie, processed foods. Action Plan for Better Sleep Monitor Sleep: Use devices like smartwatches or apps like Whoop to track sleep patterns and quality. Reflect on Data: Analyze sleep data in the context of daily activities and stressors to identify patterns. Journaling Pro

  • Day 7 Of 21 Day Weight Loss Challenge

    07/01/2024 Duración: 15min

    Welcome back to the 21-Day Weight Loss Challenge. On this seventh day, we're exploring the myriad benefits of a plant-based diet. Here's a rundown of what we covered: Heart Health: A plant-based diet can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease, thanks to low levels of saturated fats and sodium, and the absence of cholesterol found in animal products. High fiber also plays a key role in lowering cholesterol. Weight Management: Plant-based foods are generally lower in calories and higher in fiber, leading to greater satiety and fewer calories consumed, which aids in weight loss and maintenance without the need to meticulously count calories. Reduced Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: The lower glycemic index of plant-based foods helps stabilize blood sugar, while fiber assists in its regulation. I shared a personal anecdote about a patient who dramatically reduced their insulin intake after switching to a plant-based diet. Medication Monitoring: For those with diabetes or hypertension, it's crucial to moni

  • Day 6 Of 21 Day Weight Loss Challenge

    06/01/2024 Duración: 07min

    In today's episode of our 21-day weight loss challenge, we tackled the impact of alcohol and tobacco on weight loss and overall health. I highlighted the high calorie content of alcoholic beverages, which are often devoid of nutritional value and can stimulate appetite, leading to the consumption of less healthy foods. We discussed how alcohol affects metabolism, impairs nutrient absorption, disrupts sleep quality, and can lead to poor dietary choices due to reduced inhibition. We also touched on tobacco, noting that while nicotine may suppress appetite, it has a range of negative health effects, including the potential for weight gain when quitting due to the loss of its appetite-suppressing effect. I cautioned against vaping as an alternative to smoking, as it can lead to higher nicotine addiction and other health issues. I emphasized that despite some beliefs, no level of alcohol consumption is truly healthy, and complete abstinence is the best choice for our bodies. I also mentioned the potential for al

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