Tete & Espresso

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 4:45:49
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TeTe & Espresso is a 2 minutes podcast, 3 days a week, that will get your day started the perfect way, with a positive jolt. With weekly themes, 1 minute is spent talking about the daily topic, and 1 minute is spent on energetic affirmations...The best way to start your day.Orphanage work inspired this podcast. I have a working plan in motion to install surround sound in orphanages, where I currently go to in Mexico, where I will be programing their brains for success and happiness. While building this dream, I decided to make a version for the general population, and use the proceeds to build my brain programing and mentorship program with the kids without families.. I currently visit 3 homes, with 60 kids in each home, ranging from 1 month to 22 years old...In this dream, your messages of hope and love are linked directly to them. Our success is their success. This Podcast was created realizing the precious time we have in our busy lives. A 1 hour podcast, and even a 20 minute podcast, can seem too long in our daily lives. That was the intention for having a 2 minute podcast. You could even listen to it back to back and not spend more then 5 minutes of your time. And that time is filled with the best brain programing humans can experience. After spending the last 15 years immersed in affirmations, psychology of success, coaching programs, spiritual books, courses, philanthropy, mastermind groups, psychology, philosophy, and wanting to live fully every day, I put that all together in a package that can help my brother and sister (you) to the maximum, knowing your busy life.All of the acoustic guitar is originally done in the booth, and is the back track for each podcast. Every week there is a new guitar progression. I write, record, and produce everything you hear. Keeping it fresh 52 throughout the year. Spread this with as many people as you love, it will help the ones who need and want our love the most... The children and young adults of this world, with no one there for them.


  • Affirmations Round 2 - Forgiveness - 092 - Friday

    11/01/2019 Duración: 02min

    We must train ourselves to repeat, many times a day..I forgive myself..Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. Let’s cap of this week of affirmations, backed by emotion, I doing the one thing that will propel your life the most. Forgiving yourself. I forgive myself. We must say it now, and 20,000 times more as a goal. I forgive myself. You will do things today, small mistakes, that you will say, I forgive myself for that. I forgive myself. You can even, forgive yourself, for the things in the future you know you will do, based on how it takes time for anyone to fully evolve into that ideal person. I forgive myself for my past. i forgive myself for today, I forgive myself for what I’ll do in the future, and now I am in the place to forgive you. I forgive myself, you forgive yourself, we forgive ourselves. Hey you!! want to swap? How about I forgive you, and you forgive me? Let’s give it a try. I forgive you! You forgive me? Thank you soooooo much! I feel released to forgive myself even mo

  • New Intro - Affirmations round 2 - Abundance - Wednesday

    09/01/2019 Duración: 01min

    Have abundance as your constant starting mindset.. and...Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. Le’t get on that round 2 of brain programming! Abundance. That is my mind-frame now.. When I feel abundant, every problem I have becomes a clear choice. Abundance. You are abundant. You have an abundant source of romantic options, money making opportunities, friends, and an abundant suplly of information in the palm of your hand, to give you exact details on what you want in life. This is practical, logical, abundance. Abundance is more than a woo woo word. There is proof of her all around us. I am abundant, money. You are abundant, wealth. I am abundant, peace of mind. You are abundant, peace of mind. I am abundant, blow out your stress. You are abundant, blow out your stress. I am abundant, laugh at every chance. You are abundant, laugh at every chance. I am abundant, I help others. You are abundant, you help others. I choose to..Adopt abundance ...from now on, as my first thought before fe

  • Affirmations Round 2 - Abundance - Wednesday - 091

    09/01/2019 Duración: 01min

    Have abundance as your constant starting mindset.. and...Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. Le’t get on that round 2 of brain programming! Abundance. That is my mind-frame now.. When I feel abundant, every problem I have becomes a clear choice. Abundance. You are abundant. You have an abundant source of romantic options, money making opportunities, friends, and an abundant suplly of information in the palm of your hand, to give you exact details on what you want in life. This is practical, logical, abundance. Abundance is more than a woo woo word. There is proof of her all around us. I am abundant, money. You are abundant, wealth. I am abundant, peace of mind. You are abundant, peace of mind. I am abundant, blow out your stress. You are abundant, blow out your stress. I am abundant, laugh at every chance. You are abundant, laugh at every chance. I am abundant, I help others. You are abundant, you help others. I choose to..Adopt abundance ...from now on, as my first thought before fe

  • Let's do Affirmations together! - Round 2 - 090 - Monday

    07/01/2019 Duración: 01min

    Happy New Year! I am worthy!! ...Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. We always come back to what this podcast is about...Affirmation program your brain to do AAAANYTHING. I am worthy for everything I want, You are worthy for everything you want. You take action now, I take action now. I believe in me, I believe in what I think. You are one amazing person! You are! I am worthy. You are worthy. We all are worthy. Money flows to me effortlessly. I allow the great happenings to come my way. You allow. You allow. You allow all positives things to go your way... Programing is muscle memory. Let’s run it again. I am worthy for everything I want, You are worthy for everything you want. You take action now, I take action now. I believe in me, I believe in what I think. You are one amazing person! You are! I am worthy. You are worthy. We all are worthy. Money flows to me effortlessly. I allow the great happenings to come my way. You allow. You allow. You allow all positives things to go your w

  • Persistence - A long journey, enjoy the views - Wednesday - 087

    19/12/2018 Duración: 01min

    What are the directions to your success? ok ..Turn left, then another left, go right, then left, then a u turn, then left, then right...Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. You better enjoy the views on your road trip. Because our favorite definition of success is, “A constant progression towards a worthy ideal.” I freaking love that definition and I love it every time I hear it. It reminds me, to enjoy the proc ess and “views” along the way. There is such a low percentage of people who have a straight line of sight to their destination. Each variable in life adds to another turn along the way. Each time surrendering to a new truth, and figuring out the best way to reach our goal. Each block, each turn, each putting the car in reverse..Enjoy every moment, it is your success story. I am here. I am in the path of my success. When I take the drone up and look down, I see that I am actually on my own path towards my success and happiness, and I see that I can change my end destination

  • Persistence - Constant Progress - Monday - 086

    17/12/2018 Duración: 01min

    A friend from Chicago said I should stay consistent, that if I am persistent I’m bound to break resistance...Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. Keep going ...Go.... What if you realize you don’t want to pursue your goal anymore? Why is it worth it to stay persistent? What is there to be persistent about now? ... Stay persistent about knowing the life you want. The life you envisioned. The life you know will exist. That is the overlaying truth of life. You will find a way. That life we envisioned is soooo sweet, we must have it. Consistent persistence. Consistent persistence, I am ready to follow my dream this instant. Consistent persistence, You are ready, break the resistance. Consistent persistence, accept the joy life like Hanukkah or Christmas, and write your wish lists. Consistent persistence, see that vision in your mind, and hold it clear. Don’t care what others think when you stop one path for another. You see, they haven’t seen your mind. Stay consistently persistent

  • Your life's purpose - I'm in a funk - You have the answers - Wednesday

    12/12/2018 Duración: 01min

    Will you take me away (dun dun dun) from Funky town...Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. You have the answers I want to break my funk... Guys I live in Los Angeles right now, near the beach. And I am moving to the border of San Diego and Mexico in a few months to mentor the orphanage kids...I’m in a funk..A lot of times we like to see the drama of life from leaving a horrible situation to instantly be working with orphanages. It’s weird leaving one heaven on Earth, and leaving to another toootally different kind of heaven on Earth. Damn it’s hard..Having you helps me through.. We, We, We are the things that help. You, You, You, get me out of my funk. When I pick up the phone and call you, you bring me peace. When you call me to help you find peace, your answer will come. We both have all the answers we both need and want. And they are available to any of us, if we sit and think about the solution long enough.. Call me, I’m waiting to give you the answers...Can I call you? Co

  • You life's Purpose - Your End Comes First - Monday - 084

    10/12/2018 Duración: 01min

    Once I have ____ then I will do ____...Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. The end game, that big picture you see in your mind that you would accomplish by your old age..Do it now. We can be fooled soooo easily into a path we would find minor happiness, and success in life. Most of us are able to do many career choices if we choose. And some A minus careers are sooo tempting. They offer much of the comforts we are taught to love...Ring Ring..What is calling you then..Calling you for deep inside your being..calling you to be that person, and calling you to do what you know you can to... change the world. I see my end path, and I choose to “change” towards that person now. It will take growth and “change” and I am ready. Since we only live once in life, I want to take this path. It’s like a 2nd life within a life...Leaving the comforts and dream of your current life, to explore another exciting life. Once you “change” inside and then you “change” the world. So my brother and Siste

  • Tips for Productivity - Sprint & Nap - Friday - 082

    07/12/2018 Duración: 01min

    RRReady..Ssset...Ok take a nap....Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. This recent technique has rocked my world recently... Look at the body of an olympic sprinter vs an olympic long distance runner...That is the process we follow to our success. Especially because you could not go outside and run a marathon, which would represent your dreams, but you could go outside and complete 10 sprints with 30 second breaks..Shoot you could do 20..Even if you are waaay out of shape..You could speed walk 20 times...By sitting at out computer for 1 hour, then taking a 20 minute walk, our minds re-charge, and are primed for the next sprint. These things help re-boost you after a working sprint: Taking a 20-30 minute nap, listening to your favorite song and rocking out to it, going a quick drive, walk around the block, call a friend, meditate alllmmmmmm, pray, watch a scare prank video compilation on youtube, pace your place and daydream, pet your dog or cat intensely, respond to a text message

  • tips for Productivity - The One Thing - Wednesday - 081

    05/12/2018 Duración: 01min

    Try brushing your teeth and tying your shoes at the same time...Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe...It is impossible to do 2 things at one time as well as doing each one with full focus. 10 things can be done with focusing on one thing at a time. Not answering the text from that cutie who just texted me..Hey baby mmmmm!! It’s happening to me right now as I’m getting ready to record this podcast. Did you know if I broke my concentration, it could take up to 45 minutes for my mind to fully be engaged again. I refuse to look at that beautiful picture she just sent me with that purple smiling devil face emoji. Doing one thing at a time..I’ll respond after recording...Don’t tell her...But you are my priority right now. I focus on one task at a time, and once completed, I move to the next. Then focus fully on that one task until I complete it, then...take a 20-30 minute walk around the block..Then concentrate on the next task...All of our concentration goes to our one thing we are doi

  • Tips for Productivity - Batching - Monday - 080

    03/12/2018 Duración: 01min

    Did you just call me a bitch..oh you said “batch”...Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. Let’s make your life way more productive after this week...Here we go Batch... Batching is where we take our actions or to-do’s, and using 3 appointments for example, where you drive to meet people during the week. If you set a Monday, Wednesday, and Friday appointment for 1pm..Yes you would have 3 total hours of meeting time...How much time did it take to get ready for the appointment, showering and getting ready? Maybe 45 minutes we’ll call it...Now take off 1 hour and 30 minutes of total time spent because you only have to get ready once. And because it takes 10 minutes to go from one appointment to the next in the same day, instead of 25 minutes one way, 3 times a week...Cutting 2 & 1/2 driving hours down to 1 hour and 10 minutes..you saved a total time, with getting ready and driving, of 2 hours and 10 minutes..wow...Batch a few more things, and you can have an extra 4 - 10 hours throug

  • You have value - Friday - Affirming Messages - Differences makes you Valuable

    30/11/2018 Duración: 01min

    You have value, I have value, we have value...Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. Remember, “Espresso” means affirmations in this Podcast. You have value, I have value, we have value. What makes you different, makes you valuable. You have value. What makes me original, gives us value. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes. Our value is unique to us, and shared by the whole. We have value. Yes. I realize, that when I own everything about me, everyone else is empowered around me. Yes. People chirping comments and me for my difference, means that they are longing to express their difference, and they are empowered by me! Those poor things torture themselves because they can not be as free as you! You have so much value to them!..I love who you are!..If we lived closer, we would be best friends, and laugh all day, because you would see how much I accept you fully, and that you can be yourself around me, and alllll of it is ok. You are enough, whole and complete. You have value yes yes yes yes yes....You

  • You have value - Fat or Depressed or from a Bad family - Value

    28/11/2018 Duración: 02min

    Fat, ugly, disproportionate, darker skin, thinning hair, bad family life..you have value....Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. Based on last episode, and that if you take these traits I’m about to list, that society thinks are “un-valuable,” they are exactly the reason you ARE valuable. Muffin top hanging out of the those jeans, and you have no butt, you give us the confidence to be in our own skin. Your family was verbally abusive to you, you give us strength knowing that you can still be happy after all of that, and so can we. Your sexual identity is not what society calls normal, you give me the strength to beat my drum to it’s own rhythm, because we only live once, and you have it hard in this society. If you are Latino in the United States, you give us a reminder of what makes this country great. If you are depressed and struggling to find any happiness in life, you represent how close we all are to being in the presence of happiness. Because we see from the outside in, and we

  • You have value - I feel your pain, this is my message to you - Monday

    26/11/2018 Duración: 01min

    Que vale te tienes..What value you have...Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. I’v been sparked inside hearing of so many being hurt, or hurting themselves, for being different..and that’s why I want to feel, and say to you.... You have sooooooooooooooooooooo much value to me, to the world. If you seriously made a list of 10 traits as to why you are un-valuable, you could scratch off the “un” in front of un-valuable, so it just says ‘Valuable!” ..Please listen to me ..please!..The fact that you are so “different” is why we need you in the world. You are the spice in the food of life. You are my life...You have so much value to me.......You have sooooo much value I could break down a list, maybe I will in the next podcast, of all the things that make you special, that society thinks is not...Well no one is special on Earth, in my opinion, and it’s not about building you “up” to societies value, or “Taking people down a peg or two, to bring them to normal...It’s that the people who own

  • Bad Attitude - Ghetto Bitch + Annoying Awe Meey'aaan Guy

    21/11/2018 Duración: 02min

    Awe Hell nah, awe mey’aaaan ...Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. Both of these examples of people are recognizable, and create stress for everyone. “Y’all know what she said to me?”..as the anxiety in our chest builds...”Awee meey’aaan this is so hard.” as you feel the weight he is putting on you, and you want to run away... Did you know that complaining is actually addictive to your brain. The neurons literally crave that stimulation and you start doing it more. That’s why you know these people who seem to always be like that. “Girl I’m gonna tell you how much that girl pissed me off.” interrupt her and say, “Baby stop, I want you to be happy, tell me something else.” ...or Awe Meey’aaan..say “Wait, before you say that, what the happiest thing in your life?” ...aaaand the walk away as fast as you can..peace i understand that my job is to interrupt the pattern people around me are doing, for their own happiness, and mine. Both the guy and the girl in these examples are not bad, o

  • Great Attitude - Zig Zigler Ultimate Positivity - 075

    19/11/2018 Duración: 01min

    Ohhhhh boy, today is a great day to get out there and get em! ...... Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. People love being around people with a good attitude. It makes life’s espresso shot taste sweet and good. I am not at a stop light, I am at a go light. I don’t have a cold, I have a warm...How ya doin? I am doing great, and I am always improving! ...I’m pretty sure Zig Zigler’s audio book “Power of Positivity,” I think it was called, was the first audio book I listed to. And I’m glad..It showed me the extreme of what an extreme good attitude could be, and that people actually live amazing lives because of it...People love being around positive happy people because it is intoxicating. Your “feel good chemicals” start to flow, and pass to person to person....You can not have, a “too good of an attitude.” I support the positive in me. I am able, and I want to, be that happy person at every opportunity. It is the most fun to be positive, when everyone around me is caught up in the

  • Music Week - The Best Life Lesson Through Music - 074 - Singing

    16/11/2018 Duración: 02min

    (sing with flat emotion) La la la la la la or (Sing with emotion) la la la la la la …Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. Music offers the best life lessons. Shoot back this espresso shot, and start your day. Practice does not make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect… When no one is around, and watching, what do you do? ..Singing each note the best you can, every time, “Laaaaaaaaa,” can be done with the same mentality of doing your best while cleaning the dishes. And it mostly applies to all areas of your life..Are you the person who either goes through the motions, giving the minimum required? Or are you the person who scrubs the dishes with hot soapy water, rinses well, wipes down the area around the sink, dries the dishes, puts them back, and leaves a note on the counter for either yourself, or someone else saying how proud you are of them?…AAannd…are you conscious of saving water? ..Be that person… Shot Shot shot shot shot time… Cleaning around the house laaaaaaa, your atti

  • Music - Sing With Me, 1 & 8, The Octave - New Win Chant!!! - 073

    14/11/2018 Duración: 02min

    (Sing) 1..8..Yes (1) Yes (8) ...Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. For our quick and easy espresso shot, and go, episode, let’s create a new “Win Chant” together..Yes (1) ..Yes (8)!!! An octave, in music theory, is the same note, or sound, just 8 notes higher. The octave in the intro is a prime example. (Sing) 1, 8..And anyone can do it..just to show you, and to give myself a little attention, listen how easy music is..1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8...That’s that music scale, we are just singing 1 through 8..Let’s use the 1 and 8 to create our new chant!! Yes (1) ...Yes (8) You are pumped because you just won at something in life 1 ...Yes...8..Yes!!! ... You feel good with the sun in your face..Yes (1) ..Yes (8)...You just noticed you changed something you would have done in the past..Yes (1)...Yes (8) ...Every time you win..Yes (1) Yes (2) Yes (1) Yes (2) Yes (1) Yes (2) Yes (1) Yes (2) your way to the share button, and send this to a friend. www.TeTeEspresso.com

  • Change - A Sound Layering Experience - Friday - Brain Programming Fun - 072

    09/11/2018 Duración: 01min

    Change, change, change, change, change...Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m, TeTe. Let’s use the power of technology through track layering, to give you a mind programming wow. Change is something we both can do together. Heaven is not entered to alone, and neither are we going to be fulfilled with our own change, unless we change with people. You are my happiness, and my happiness is your happiness. To admit we are not the ideal us that we want to be, change, is the only way to become that person. To have people around us, who we allow to remind us of who we really are, and who we really want to be, there is your communion choice. Because you love them so much that you also remind them of the best them that they can be. And there is the maintaining of energy ex-change for growth, and positive change.By allowing yourself to be the person you want to be, by declaring “change,” in your mind, you will see that it is your salvation, to help other people see the best in them, and to pass on

  • Change - Hot Dog Stand Joke LoL - Wednesday - 071

    07/11/2018 Duración: 01min

    The Buddhist Monk says to the hotdog maker, “make me one with everything, chuck chuck chuck...Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. Todays espresso shot will taste like change. Change the way you communicate, change your morning routine, change your job, change your dreams, change your hope, your room color, your outlook on life, your pessimistic thoughts into positive comments, the music you listen to, your friends, change towards peace of mind, towards forgiving yourself, your car, your work ethic, change your need to collect “things,” Change towards your desire for the truth, change into a person who wants more knowledge, change into a person who, takes action now. Rollin down the river of change, we barely even have to paddle because the current called momentum is carrying us faster towards our beautiful lakes of our dream lives. Change allows the flow, life is a constant flow. How much easier is it steer down stream than to paddle up it..Release your need to control, and.. chan

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